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Wasteland 2 Kickstarter project by inXile entertainment [Ended, $3 Million Funded]


He never said he'd put more of his own money into the project if they got more (not that you claimed he would, but the poster you quoted kind of did), quite on the contrary (if they got enough money, he wouldn't have to spend his own savings).

I suspect he's still effectively putting money in through the "not taking a salary" that was imposed on himself. After all, in real terms, it's salaries that are largely what we're donating towards
I suspect he's still effectively putting money in through the "not taking a salary" that was imposed on himself. After all, in real terms, it's salaries that are largely what we're donating towards

Are we donating to salary, really? Or for contract work?

I suppose it's salary because it's one project. But then again, what about Avellone and his crew?

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Dat 2.1 million.

Another kickstarter happy ending.

Indeed. A sequel to a retro game with the original designers for the community is happy ending for everyone.

Now, I just need this to be exactly the same for Shadowrun. :)


Just like a steam sale you won't be playing the games when you pay for them.

Actually, on that note: I do hope these large-budget kickstarters keep going (Jane Jensen's appears to be going for an annual thing, at least), because it's struck me that the Kicking it Forward initiative, while a noble idea, isn't actually going to reap any benefits until a *long* way down the line.


God damn, this Kickstarter stuff is just starting to sink in with me. So many going now. This is fucking awesome.

Yea. I'm hoping we can resurrect a few dead series if this turns successful. I'm tired of waiting for ADD publishers to buy up old IPs only to morph them into something that shames the original.

It's not a classic PC genre, but if there was a Skies of Arcadia 2 kickstarter right now I'm fairly sure I would empty my bank account for it.
RPS: I’ve seen an interesting trend in fan responses to the Wasteland-Obsidian probable partnership: “YES, IT’LL BE JUST LIKE FALLOUT 2.” Except that Wasteland and Fallout 2 are very different games — especially in terms of battle system, etc. How do you cater to Wasteland fans and Fallout fans while also making something that gamers who’ve never experienced either will dig?

Chris Avellone: I don’t think “modern gamers” want Wasteland 2. I think the people that remember and played these games want the Fallout 2/Wasteland experience which is a different target audience. Now, you could argue that they still don’t know that they want that and that they may have unconsciously become used to modern game mechanics or features like voice-acting.

Still, I have faith they don’t need the more expensive trappings that I often feel can hinder the experience as much as it potentially helps it. It may be the section of fans I interact with, but all of them are old-school turn-based RPG lovers, and they know what they’re getting into.

Lastly, this is my opinion: it’s Wasteland 2. It should be a Wasteland game. While there were differences between F2 and WL, there’s a lot of similarities as well: open world, open exploration, skill-based solutions, stat-based solutions, enemy types, coping with radiation, etc. I’ll be honest, we worked at playing around with Wasteland elements in Old World Blues, and people never felt the difference – they loved it all the more for those elements.
Yeah! Eat that you fucking Fallout kiddiez!1

Seriously, great little interview, but I want a video chat session now.


RPS: There’s this giant contingent of RPG fans who constantly pine for the “golden age” to return, and now they’re getting their wish. Is that a good thing, though? Or is there a risk of pushing the genre backward — looking back without moving forward?

Chris Avellone: It depends what you mean by “backwards.” I still consider a lot of innovations that occurred with Fallout 1 and Wasteland to be unmatched in today’s RPGs. I feel true innovation often gets lost beyond features that require new engine tech and the latest video card when we can achieve more interesting game mechanics in tighter constraints.

Avellone spittin' hot truth.

Also liked this bit:

RPS: Obsidian has kind of a dubious reputation for glitchiness in games, but Dungeon Siege III was pretty stable. Have you finally exterminated your bug problem? If so, what’s changed?

Chris Avellone: That’s a good question, and Dungeon Siege III is a good answer to it. Dungeon Siege III was developed internally. We had the tools team a few doors down, our tools guys understand why we ask for functionality in the editors, and Onyx was set up to do what Dungeon Siege III’s mechanics required. From a narrative standpoint, scripting a conversation in “Obsidian style” for DS3 took far less effort than any other game we’ve worked on, including our own Black Isle titles. Also, I feel Square was encouraging with Quality Assurance, and we had time and support to address issues as they came up. I feel Treasures of the Sun, the DLC, also makes the core game even better. All of these factored into development, and it shows if you found the game a stable, fun experience – that’s every developer’s goal and no developer I know of sets out to ever do anything less.




New Image of Desert Rangers and new update too. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inxile/wasteland-2/posts

'Lastly, I am very excited to release the first official piece of Wasteland 2 concept art. We asked the very talented Andree Wallin to help us establish the look and feel of the Desert Rangers. I think this image speaks for itself…'
I hope the final game has more of the throwback bright 80's punk fashion and color of the original, if the game ends up just being brownscale it'll be a missed opportunity.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Now thats some concept art! :)

And with that we are going to break 2,2M today. 10 days left for 800k funding.
If you saw this outside of any context what you you think it was.

Grungy post-apocalyptic Sci Fi.

Listen to yourself. Have you ever even seen Call of Duty? Do those games have characters with completely nonstandard gear including Native American tassels, biker helmets, rat skulls, cowboy hats and trench coats? Hell, do they even have women?

I haven't heard something this absurd since that guy who said that he would have mistaken MGS4 for a PS2 game without context.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
*reads the discussion*

wtf guys. Why everything needs to be a fucking throwback to something. 80s ended 30 years ago. This game don't need to be goofy or something. I'm all up for badass realistic style.
it will be what it needs to be!!

A game that slavers it self in Fallout iconography and visual design to piggy back on brand awareness?

*reads the discussion*

wtf guys. Why everything needs to be a fucking throwback to something. 80s ended 30 years ago. This game don't need to be goofy or something. I'm all up for badass realistic style.

...Go look at everything this project has been about.

Also before any hole to deep is dug, this is a single piece of concept art and I'm sure the visual style will be nowhere near as dull as this makes it out to be.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...

Where is my popcorn? And my comfy chair? :p

I admit that glancing quickly over the picture might fall into a similar category to CoD advertisement pictures, but as soon as you look at it longer than 1 second, you should notice that its a vastly different setting.

A game that slavers it self in Fallout iconography and visual design to piggy back on brand awareness?

They said its not going to be Fallout, multiple times now. And where in that picture do you see anything related to Fallout? I dont get a fallout vibe from that picture at all.
They said its not going to be Fallout, multiple times now. And where in that picture do you see anything related to Fallout? I dont get a fallout vibe from that picture at all.

I don't think he's ever played Call of Duty, Fallout, or anything post-apocalyptic for that matter.
Where is my popcorn? And my comfy chair? :p

I admit that glancing quickly over the picture might fall into a similar category to CoD advertisement pictures, but as soon as you look at it longer than 1 second, you should notice that its a vastly different setting.

They said its not going to be Fallout, multiple times now. And where in that picture do you see anything related to Fallout? I dont get a fallout vibe from that picture at all.

Mainly the colour pallet of nothing but hues of brown.


Hail to the KING baby
I'm kind of on the hater train for the MW feel they seem to be going for. You'd think with all his complaining about sameness and lack of creativity/vision at the big publishers Fargo would go with a direction that wouldn't be right at home in Dudebro.

But w/e still have confidence in the team and I guess since all the kids today like this shit it means more money for inxile which is probably good as long as the actual game is good.
Mainly the colour pallet of nothing but hues of brown.

So according to you it looks just like Call of Duty but somehow also manages to look just like Fallout at the same time.

No one around here is going to fall for an AstroLad, but are you a troll? I honestly can't tell. If you are, you should consider that a compliment.
To be fair, military iconography and look.. well, it hasn't been invented by Modern Warfare! :p

I'm mostly kinda disappointed by the excessively restricted palette and the lack of more distinctive/wacky elements, although I guess they are showing the desert rangers first and foremost after all.
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