This thread is cringe worthy with all those conspiracy theories, or FUD about consoles.
But what remains? Watch Dogs is a game lacking polish and it's a result of the development hell it passed through.
It overblown his original budget by a rather important order of magnitude (even Ubi doesn't really want to acknowledge his budget) and Ubi rushed the project to the market by outsourcing (130 to 600 people working on it) a ton of things in the last months (i really think they even gave up on the franchise as a series at some point prior to the release). What you have now is the result of those events. You feel it's a downgrade, you are right in a way but it would imply that the game was running like E3 2012 at a time, although it clearly wasn't.
Then, about consoles, those effects introduced by the mod aren't undoable on X1 and even less so on PS4. If you dont believe this you obviously are blind/have an agenda. There is nothing fantastic about it that forbid those features to exist on consoles, even more when you take into account the reduced resolution on consoles (a result of the development hell too) and the fact that their CPUs have less and less API overhead (not even taking into account the massive GPU compute advantage they could have in theory right now).
This game has just been rushed to the market, without any polish. The ship has sailed long ago for Ubi. Everything showed in this thread is the result of that, not consoles or conspiracy theories.