Final Fantasy VII Rebirth PC |OT| The Definitive Edition


You're trying to tell me that THIS is how they treated Corneo in the original? Yeah, they made him seem REAL dangerous... lol

Also, there was no "them" in the original. It's just Corneo and his nameless goons, all of whom were summarily taken care of within 10 minutes of screentime. As a reminder, Corneo is only in TWO scenes in the original and he's not played off as a goofball, he's portrayed as the spineless creep that he is... and he pays for it the second time you meet him in Wutai.
The honchos I was referencing are the hand massage woman, the cowboy with the monotone voice acting, and the gay dancing guy. All awful people that the writers want us to think are quirky people... if you ignore the sex trafficking. Like I said: tone-deaf.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: when the story sticks to script, it's excellent. But when they try new things, it often falls flat on its face.

But having said all that, I still love the game overall because the good outweighs the bad. Just because I'm not afraid to criticize the flaws doesn't mean I'm a hater or whatever nonsense that diehards think.
I don't think you are a hater, I just think you are wrong. Corneo in the original is acting like Pepe la pew, while in the remake he is respected and feared by many people, even giving us a dark story of loss with his top goon. He acts like a sleezebag who thinks that he's cool. As for the triad, Sam and M are not good people. Rodea is a better person, but that's because he's dealing with the top clientelle, while the other two deal with the gutter. He can turn a blind eye to Corneo's sex trafficking because he's treating his own sex workers as professionals, while Corneo has slave labor.
I don't think you are a hater, I just think you are wrong. Corneo in the original is acting like Pepe la pew, while in the remake he is respected and feared by many people, even giving us a dark story of loss with his top goon. He acts like a sleezebag who thinks that he's cool. As for the triad, Sam and M are not good people. Rodea is a better person, but that's because he's dealing with the top clientelle, while the other two deal with the gutter. He can turn a blind eye to Corneo's sex trafficking because he's treating his own sex workers as professionals, while Corneo has slave labor.
If you're eating up every new story beat and actually enjoying it, then I'm honestly happy for you. Enjoy the game.

I just couldn't help but laugh at the notion that DJing silly goofball Corneo is faithful to the spineless lecherous creep that he was in the original.


If you're eating up every new story beat and actually enjoying it, then I'm honestly happy for you. Enjoy the game.

I just couldn't help but laugh at the notion that DJing silly goofball Corneo is faithful to the spineless lecherous creep that he was in the original.
Heaven forbid if one-dimensional characters get some more depth.

You do remember that Corneo was doing 'happy dances' every now and then in the original, right? I mean, it's not like being a clown is something new to the character.

But anyways, thanks.
There seems to be a lot of humanising, humour moments for the villains. Like in Remake Rude ran past Cloud so he could press the button to drop the plate and kill thousands of people. But in Rebirth he's part of a funny baldy club that has secret handshakes in Junon. I'm not really invested in the dramatic, meaningful story with its meta mysteries, but I find myself really liking all the Turks and their funny little side scenes


There seems to be a lot of humanising, humour moments for the villains. Like in Remake Rude ran past Cloud so he could press the button to drop the plate and kill thousands of people. But in Rebirth he's part of a funny baldy club that has secret handshakes in Junon. I'm not really invested in the dramatic, meaningful story with its meta mysteries, but I find myself really liking all the Turks and their funny little side scenes
Honestly, I want more Rude / Tifa scenes. He's such an underdog in that department XD - I must admit,
watching him fight Tifa 1 on 1 on the temple was a bit out of character for him.



This mod allows you to eliminate your backline order of characters and have them all selectable during combat, amongst other things.

It does not use a third app (like cheat engine) and is being handled by an in-game menu.

You can also keep it lore-friendly and only have active the characters currently in your party (no Yuffie or Cait Sith in chapter 2, for example). Also, the mod can respect the story and take out characters in specific situations, like leaving you only with Cait Sith in Shinra manor.

But if you wanna go nuts and have Zack lead your party in the grasslands, you can do that too!
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I came to FF7: Rebirth right after finishing FF 16, it's clear to me that 16 was the B team. Kalm blows every location in 16 away in terms of design, complexity, easy of navigation. There are whole crowds of people moving around the city, and every corner is packed with little scenes. 16's best town was Martha's Rest, and it's a complete joke by comparison. I'm running 7:Rebirth on the same 3090 and cpu, and the performance and visuals are like a generational leap.

I know the 14 team leader has a good reputation from righting the ship a decade ago, but 16 repeats all the annoyances and bad design choices of modern FF14. The dead towns, the empty maps with no reasons to explore, the wooden npcs.

Anyway, I'm blown away by FF7RE so far!


I came to FF7: Rebirth right after finishing FF 16, it's clear to me that 16 was the B team. Kalm blows every location in 16 away in terms of design, complexity, easy of navigation. There are whole crowds of people moving around the city, and every corner is packed with little scenes. 16's best town was Martha's Rest, and it's a complete joke by comparison. I'm running 7:Rebirth on the same 3090 and cpu, and the performance and visuals are like a generational leap.

I know the 14 team leader has a good reputation from righting the ship a decade ago, but 16 repeats all the annoyances and bad design choices of modern FF14. The dead towns, the empty maps with no reasons to explore, the wooden npcs.

Anyway, I'm blown away by FF7RE so far!

FFXVI has the same issues as FFXIV. But XIV is a fun MMO during instances and was rated as such, and FFXVI is a single player game. It doesn't work here. The pacing falls completely flat, we're not waiting for queues here.

FFVII RE has a lot of issues, but if you beeline the story its far better than XVI. And its combat is more engaging too.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Just saw a very interesting video which suggests that there's no 'actual' multiverse in those remakes.
Didn't watch but I assume it's just parallel dimensions within Dimension 7. The fact GILGAMESH is present in FFVIIR trilogy implies the fabric of reality is weak enough for him to enter and exit in places where there are weakened areas in the fabric of time and space.

I'm sure once we have Part 3 we will piece together a timepline split and when all the timelines that split reconverge on one central point.
Didn't watch but I assume it's just parallel dimensions within Dimension 7. The fact GILGAMESH is present in FFVIIR trilogy implies the fabric of reality is weak enough for him to enter and exit in places where there are weakened areas in the fabric of time and space.

I'm sure once we have Part 3 we will piece together a timepline split and when all the timelines that split reconverge on one central point.
he also traveled to our universe and watched power rangers which is why he says "it's morphin' time!"


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I assume Big G being in Rebirth is just because they thought it would be cool and isn't related to lore at all.
The Interdimensional Rift is part of FF lore. Seph's apparent meddling has caused spacetime boundaries to weaken feasibly allowing entities such as the Big G to enter. When it comes to FFVIIR GREG isn't that important but it's these little things that give the FF Universe a much grander scale.

It would be interesting if they brought him back for more fights in Part 3.

One has to remember that GILGAMESH himself is also a Warrior of Light and he has his own jounrey that spans multiple different worlds/dimensions.

Touch fuzZy. get BizZay Touch fuzZy. get BizZay But of course many dismiss the Benkei Warrior Monk story as pure myth but it's pretty clear it was THE GREAT GILGAMESH all along. Who else would guard a bridge and take everyone's weapon and swear fealty to Yoshitsune Minamoto who was an alt dimension Bartz Klauser and defeated him. FF lore runs deep.


Can’t Git Gud
The Interdimensional Rift is part of FF lore. Seph's apparent meddling has caused spacetime boundaries to weaken feasibly allowing entities such as the Big G to enter. When it comes to FFVIIR GREG isn't that important but it's these little things that give the FF Universe a much grander scale.

It would be interesting if they brought him back for more fights in Part 3.

One has to remember that GILGAMESH himself is also a Warrior of Light and he has his own jounrey that spans multiple different worlds/dimensions.

Touch fuzZy. get BizZay Touch fuzZy. get BizZay But of course many dismiss the Benkei Warrior Monk story as pure myth but it's pretty clear it was THE GREAT GILGAMESH all along. Who else would guard a bridge and take everyone's weapon and swear fealty to Yoshitsune Minamoto who was an alt dimension Bartz Klauser and defeated him. FF lore runs deep.
was any of this rifts/time/dimensions stuff in original or at least hinted?


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
was any of this rifts/time/dimensions stuff in original or at least hinted?
In OG FF7? Nothing whatsoever. How the Rift and how the Lifestream works are completely different. I'd expect some lore drops in FFVIIR-3 to explain some things.

It wasn't until FF8 that the Dimensional Rift and traversal became a theory and then became reality.
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Didn't watch but I assume it's just parallel dimensions within Dimension 7.
Mmmmore or less.
Basically, the parallel 'realities' we see in FF7 remake are not 'real' worlds, they seem to be miniscule manifestations of the thoughts and souls of particular individuals. For example, the 'world' that Zack lives in is something like a small hole which travels alongside the lifestream and where it sometimes overlaps with the 'worlds' of other characters like Biggs. Think of Silent Hill 2, where James' nightmare occasionally overlaps with the nightmare of other characters like Angela and Eddie. Each of them have their own little dimension of anguish and the aura/magic of Silent Hill occasionally causes them to merge and the characters meet each other. In Rebirth the YouTuber makes a good point where he points out that Biggs comes from his own 'pocket universe' (the whispers probably 'created' that pocket universe when he died in the real world) and you can see that when the chips that he eats have a different Stamp logo than the real world's, as well as Zack's. As also are different Stamp logos when Aerith and Cloud have their 'date'. This explains perfectly why the timeframes in Zack appearing in a Midgar where the group of heroes is dead and Cloud isn't with them - it's purposefully an incoherent mess because it's not a 'real' world with rules, but something like a fever dream, like Sephiroth tells Cloud as they clash in the final battle. I think that Zack is dead, but the whisper battle in the end of Remake caused his consciousness to remain alive within the lifestream via that small pocket universe that was created for him to live there.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Mmmmore or less.
Basically, the parallel 'realities' we see in FF7 remake are not 'real' worlds, they seem to be miniscule manifestations of the thoughts and souls of particular individuals. For example, the 'world' that Zack lives in is something like a small hole which travels alongside the lifestream and where it sometimes overlaps with the 'worlds' of other characters like Biggs. Think of Silent Hill 2, where James' nightmare occasionally overlaps with the nightmare of other characters like Angela and Eddie. Each of them have their own little dimension of anguish and the aura/magic of Silent Hill occasionally causes them to merge and the characters meet each other. In Rebirth the YouTuber makes a good point where he points out that Biggs comes from his own 'pocket universe' (the whispers probably 'created' that pocket universe when he died in the real world) and you can see that when the chips that he eats have a different Stamp logo than the real world's, as well as Zack's. As also are different Stamp logos when Aerith and Cloud have their 'date'. This explains perfectly why the timeframes in Zack appearing in a Midgar where the group of heroes is dead and Cloud isn't with them - it's purposefully an incoherent mess because it's not a 'real' world with rules, but something like a fever dream, like Sephiroth tells Cloud as they clash in the final battle. I think that Zack is dead, but the whisper battle in the end of Remake caused his consciousness to remain alive within the lifestream via that small pocket universe that was created for him to live there.
Intriguing. Seems like the timestream gets distorted and creates alternate realities and it is struggling to correct itself.


Intriguing. Seems like the timestream gets distorted and creates alternate realities and it is struggling to correct itself.
So when Sephiroth talks about merging worlds, he *probably* means funneling all pocket universes into the 'real' world. Which, in my opinion, will bring Zack to the real world in the same way Tidus in FFX was a dream who got manifested into reality. If you think about it, Square was doing this dream whacko crap back THEN. All in all, I prefer this explanation to be true rather than a Marvel-esque multiverse. What I don't want to see is fifteen Clouds running around, or six Tifas. If they can avoid that, I'm good.


A few more notes, coming from FF16:

I'm hugely positive on how quickly the chocobo appears when summoned, and how you instantly snap into the mount.

The there's picking up items and interacting with objects without dismounting. I actually quit playing HZD because I have to pick everything up, but I can't stand the delay with the animation. It's so boring.

I think this is the fastest chocobos have ever been, even if they can't power slide.

Loading times in FF7RE are almost instant. I can't scratch my nose in the time it takes to fast travel. 16, I would get my phone out to read forums when I used the map to teleport.

Disappointed there's no jumping and gliding. Which brings me to some annoyance. The terrain is much more open and vertical, and on the whole more varied, interesting, and navigable. But the kinematics are unpleasant. Cloud and the others move up and down small ledges and drops so jankily, it clashes with the visuals. Some transition animations and IK would have been nice. It hurts that Cloud cant move as smoothly as Link, or Genshin, but it feels weird, like a core part of open world at this point.
What is the general consensus about the story for the big fans of FF7? I liked the story in general in Remake, here I find it a bit tiresome, especially at the end.
What I find so tiresome is the concept of multiple, parallel dimensions or worlds, it's also a lazy way of making up as much stuff as you want and not explaining it. I wonder if this has any meaning or impact for the story as a whole in part 3, because if it's gonna end the same as OG, then this whole stuff was for nothing.
Imo awful changes.


What is the general consensus about the story for the big fans of FF7? I liked the story in general in Remake, here I find it a bit tiresome, especially at the end.
What I find so tiresome is the concept of multiple, parallel dimensions or worlds, it's also a lazy way of making up as much stuff as you want and not explaining it. I wonder if this has any meaning or impact for the story as a whole in part 3, because if it's gonna end the same as OG, then this whole stuff was for nothing.
My personal opinion is that this is done for two reasons: A) To have Zack and Aerith get together at last and B) to give you a sense of changing history by giving you a more wholesome ending.

To add to this, the devs have said they are changing things in order to not have veterans know how every story beat will unfold. And judging by the ending and the conversations that have appeared, I think they succeeded.

I still think the biggest reason of all these changes is Zack, though.
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I came to FF7: Rebirth right after finishing FF 16, it's clear to me that 16 was the B team. Kalm blows every location in 16 away in terms of design, complexity, easy of navigation. There are whole crowds of people moving around the city, and every corner is packed with little scenes. 16's best town was Martha's Rest, and it's a complete joke by comparison. I'm running 7:Rebirth on the same 3090 and cpu, and the performance and visuals are like a generational leap.

I know the 14 team leader has a good reputation from righting the ship a decade ago, but 16 repeats all the annoyances and bad design choices of modern FF14. The dead towns, the empty maps with no reasons to explore, the wooden npcs.

Anyway, I'm blown away by FF7RE so far!

FFXVI has the same issues as FFXIV. But XIV is a fun MMO during instances and was rated as such, and FFXVI is a single player game. It doesn't work here. The pacing falls completely flat, we're not waiting for queues here.

FFVII RE has a lot of issues, but if you beeline the story its far better than XVI. And its combat is more engaging too.

This basically the summary of what went wrong with FF16.

rather than take what make FF14 great, like big towns, big zones, dungeons, mount traversal, character customization etc, the devs put NONE of it and take the weak aspect of 14 then put it on 16 instead. yes, some of stuff are working with 14 because it is a MMO at first place (like less customization for meta balance) but this is a single player game at first place. there should be less restriction in term of gameplay balancing, technology and server side. so the devs should be free to go all out instead.

despite they has experience as MMO devs for years, honestly at beginning i thought they will be the first devs in Square Enix that would be able to nail the first proper open world FF game due to their background but got beaten by CS1's FFVII remake team instead LOL.

CS3 actually has all the ingredients. heck they even got the lead gameplay designer of Dragons Dogma on the team. but what CS1 team has that CS3 didnt? CS1 willing to take a risk and not scare to innovate. it is understandable that making game like open world has huge risk but CS3 has habit of playing too safe and it start to bite them back. not just for FF16 but it also happening with 14. they really need to be brave to take a bit risk in future IMO or it would held them back forever.
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My personal opinion is that this is done for two reasons: A) To have Zack and Aerith get together at last and B) to give you a sense of changing history by giving you a more wholesome ending.

To add to this, the devs have said they are changing things in order to not have veterans know how every story beat will unfold. And judging by the ending and the conversations that have appeared, I think they succeeded.

I still think the biggest reason of all these changes is Zack, though.
for A) I thought of that as well, but I don't think they have the balls to define relationships in this game, I think this is just a fakeout and the game will end with Cloud -- the player -- deciding between Tifa and Aerith. I would love that this wasn't the case and end this whatever love triangle wannabe that from my perspective it's a bit tiresome and done a bit poorly. B) The same as A, all of these changes are just some fake paths and changes and the story as a whole will end pretty much the same.


for A) I thought of that as well, but I don't think they have the balls to define relationships in this game, I think this is just a fakeout and the game will end with Cloud -- the player -- deciding between Tifa and Aerith. I would love that this wasn't the case and end this whatever love triangle wannabe that from my perspective it's a bit tiresome and done a bit poorly. B) The same as A, all of these changes are just some fake paths and changes and the story as a whole will end pretty much the same.
Honestly, I think that they are going to go for it this time. If this whole bruhaha is about bringing Zack back, it's being done so that they can give a good ending to all four main characters. If Cloud picks Aerith, Zack and Tifa are eternally cucked. If Cloud picks Tifa, Zack will claim Aerith ala Jack and Rose in the end of Titanic - two lovers finally reuniting in the lifestream, and two lovers on Gaia's surface. Two couples, everyone's happy. The result of Cloud picking Aerith('s corpse) over Tifa is basically what we saw in Advent Children: Everyone is miserable. I think that Square this time will give proper closure to those four, and that is why they need to uplift Zack even further in part three so that Aerith fans won't feel like she's getting 'sloppy seconds'. And while I agree that they try to be vague about it, Cloud and Tifa got a lot of good moments in Rebirth and Remake while in the OG, Tifa shines only after Aerith's death. Here, they fucking kiss for the first time! Which I think is huge, even if it's not 100% canon - depending on the player's choices.


Honestly, I think that they are going to go for it this time. If this whole bruhaha is about bringing Zack back, it's being done so that they can give a good ending to all four main characters. If Cloud picks Aerith, Zack and Tifa are eternally cucked. If Cloud picks Tifa, Zack will claim Aerith ala Jack and Rose in the end of Titanic - two lovers finally reuniting in the lifestream, and two lovers on Gaia's surface. Two couples, everyone's happy. The result of Cloud picking Aerith('s corpse) over Tifa is basically what we saw in Advent Children: Everyone is miserable. I think that Square this time will give proper closure to those four, and that is why they need to uplift Zack even further in part three so that Aerith fans won't feel like she's getting 'sloppy seconds'. And while I agree that they try to be vague about it, Cloud and Tifa got a lot of good moments in Rebirth and Remake while in the OG, Tifa shines only after Aerith's death. Here, they fucking kiss for the first time! Which I think is huge, even if it's not 100% canon - depending on the player's choices.
I would like nothing than you to be right, not because I want these particular couples -- Aerith/Zack, Cloud/Tifa -- to be endgame, but because I would be something final, closure as you said it, something other than whatever everyone imagines, for fuck's sake, it's Square's story, have them tell it through all its aspects. I'm neutral in this whole romance thing, I like Tifa, but throughout Rebirth I started to like Aerith as well, but Cloud I don't like, I like Zack, so I don't have a preference. That being said, yeah, Cloud/Tifa got some nice moments, but don't know why, for me as a neutral party, the Cloud/Aerith moments seemed more romantic, more heavy, maybe because Cloud is not himself, but this Zack persona mixed with other stuff and once he's himself they will make his emotions and personalty more clearer than the OG, I don't know.

One other thing I hope they will do in part 3, expand the ending, for a big ass game that it was, the ending felt a bit cut short with that hundreds of years later. And this being an even longer game, I hope I'll have a big ass ending, showing me my main characters after all that stuff.


I would like nothing than you to be right, not because I want these particular couples -- Aerith/Zack, Cloud/Tifa -- to be endgame, but because I would be something final, closure as you said it, something other than whatever everyone imagines, for fuck's sake, it's Square's story, have them tell it through all its aspects. I'm neutral in this whole romance thing, I like Tifa, but throughout Rebirth I started to like Aerith as well, but Cloud I don't like, I like Zack, so I don't have a preference. That being said, yeah, Cloud/Tifa got some nice moments, but don't know why, for me as a neutral party, the Cloud/Aerith moments seemed more romantic, more heavy, maybe because Cloud is not himself, but this Zack persona mixed with other stuff and once he's himself they will make his emotions and personalty more clearer than the OG, I don't know.

One other thing I hope they will do in part 3, expand the ending, for a big ass game that it was, the ending felt a bit cut short with that hundreds of years later. And this being an even longer game, I hope I'll have a big ass ending, showing me my main characters after all that stuff.
Oh dude - YES. I want like, a 40 minute epilogue, I don't want that vague, abrupt wtf just happened ending of the original.



One year...

Goty or not?

It is hard for me to call it a GOTY, because ... Final Fantasy Remake/Rebirth is like watching Dragon Ball or The Walking Dead. Some episodes are amazing, others are meh, a few suck donkey dick. For me, the good far outweigh the bad, but I cannot call it a GOTY or a masterpiece. It has its flaws.

I love the first two remakes of the classic, but I fully acknowledge their flaws.
It is hard for me to call it a GOTY, because ... Final Fantasy Remake/Rebirth is like watching Dragon Ball or The Walking Dead. Some episodes are amazing, others are meh, a few suck donkey dick. For me, the good far outweigh the bad, but I cannot call it a GOTY or a masterpiece. It has its flaws.

I love the first two remakes of the classic, but I fully acknowledge their flaws.
this flawed masterpiece is GotY 2024 lfg


this flawed masterpiece is GotY 2024 lfg

Were you going for "let's fucking go"?
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So the game has sold around 1 million on PC according to vginsights.

Not sure which tracker is right, but it's between 500k to 1.1m according to this.

Perhaps another 100k or something on on EGS?

Overall I think that probably exceeded there expectations on PC within 2 months of launch.

These games will keep selling in the run up to the final game and after.


The result of Cloud picking Aerith('s corpse) over Tifa is basically what we saw in Advent Children: Everyone is miserable.
But Cloud chooses Tifa in the original game. They even have sex.

Cloud is depressed during Advent Children for 2 reasons: one is that his failure resulting in Aerith's death still haunts him and second the guy is literally dying of Geostigma. When things get resolved by the end of AC, Cloud and Tifa essentially adopt a young boy to raise together.

I agree that they made changes in order to be able to show Zack and Aerith pairing up though, even if only in the Lifestream like it was just previously hinted at.
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But Cloud chooses Tifa in the original game. They even have sex.

Cloud is depressed during Advent Children for 2 reasons: one is that his failure resulting in Aerith's death still haunts him and second the guy is literally dying of Geostigma. When things get resolved by the end of AC, Cloud and Tifa essentially adopt a young boy to raise together.

I agree that they made changes in order to be able to show Zack and Aerith pairing up though, even if only in the Lifestream like it was just previously hinted at.
One can argue that Cloud settles for Tifa in the original. Up until the latter half in the OG, there is little to insinuate that Cloud is interested in Tifa after meeting Aerith, while in the Remake, Cloud's interest in Tifa is obvious since the beginning. In Advent Children, it almost feels like Cloud just can't get over Aerith's death, to the detriment of his relationship with Tifa. At some point in AC, Tifa asks him point blank - "What's it going to be? A memory, or us?"Which is why I was happy to see how much more important Tifa is to Cloud in the Remake, compared to the original and AC. In the old story, despite how much I was simping for Tifa, she always felt like the rebound girl to me, objectively. In Remake, she's just as important as Aerith in terms of plot In her own way), and characterization-wise I could argue that she gets even more screentime than the Cetra halfbreed. Honestly, in Rebirth, up until the Cosmo Canyon festitivities, Aerith almost feels like an afterthought while Tifa literally hogs the spotlight. Aerith gets a faux date in Kalm and that's it - Tifa dominates after that, she gets into arguments with Cloud, they make up in Junon, they flirt, they get the Gongaga murder attempt, Tifa gets a fucking solo Lifestream sequence (this is huge), and she and Cloud have an amazing heart-to-heart moment afterwards, and they have an actual (non-canon) kiss scene in Golden Saucer. Cloud and Aerith in Rebirth get like, a hug. Seriously, if I was a CloRith shipper, I would be depressed after Rebirth.


Almost two months after its release on Steam, FF7 Rebirth is on a 10K concurrent player number, is #30 in the top sellers and is estimated to have sold 500K - 1 Million copies.

Not bad at all, if you consider the IP's roots, if you consider the year-old port ... if, if, if. Lots of ifs.

For comparison, Veilguard is on a 4K concurrent player number, but that is 4 months after its release. 2 months after its release Veilguard had a 10K concurrent player number as well, though we need to take into account that Rebirth is a year old port, while Veilguard was a day one on Steam release. It's about #68 in the top sellers and it is estimated to have sold 600K - 2.2 Million copies on Steam.

More or less, Rebirth on Steam seems to be doing as good as Veilguard, which isn't a good thing. But we need to take into account that Dragon Age is a PC-based IP, while FF is a PS-based IP.

All in all, Rebirth could have used 2 million copies more. We'll see how the last part of the trilogy will fare.
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Hector Hall

Neo Member
As for the love interest
I think OG had a real love triangle were the lifelong love interest Tifa took a back seat because of Aerith but the doomed fate of the flower girl put her back in frontline specially after Cloud mental breakdown and reappearing in Mideel. He had sex with Tifa just before the final fight and eventually settled with her, adopted children et., but by AC the sense of failure and disease of geognosis had him distanced somewhat from here.... something that would be apparently solved by the end of AC.

But in Remake /Rebirth the love triangle is greatly diminished. Crisis Core was released, AC was released, everyone knows that willingly or not Cloud ends with Tifa, and Square themselves have reintroduced Zack or a version of himself. I would be shocked and a bit horrified if by the end Zack and Aerith doesn't meet and end up together somewhere, and if Cloud rejects somehow Tifa after Mideel to keep the illusion there's a love triangle still going. Tifa and Cloud relationship has been built way better this time, the lifelong love interest of Cloud for her is more apparent, they have had 2 kiss or nearly kiss scenes, and Aerith and Cloud relationship has been toned down somewhat, the only two times that she speaks anything remotely romantic to him not being Remake /Rebirth Aerith but lifestream (OG game) Aerith. So I am pretty sure the happier end they have for us is Cloud and Tifa, and the doomed lovers, Zack and Aerith, finally together.

As for the multiverse /worlds

I don't think there's anything solid to deny what Sephiroth is telling us in Rebirth. Arbiter of Fate demise created new worlds, ever unfolding. Most of those, and the ones we have seen, are actually ones with little to no lifeforce left so doomed to end fast. Most spring from Zacks world somehow. But some have a good lifeforce left, as the one Zack is sent at the end, and Rebirth own world (although the breach in the Sky has appeared already). Zacks survival, Omni Aerith (Aerith of lifestream) role in him surviving,guiding him at times, I think he is pivotal for how this will end, and many things will be revealed about Remakes end and the 4D chess game Sephiroth and Aerith are playing, in wich Zack is like a wild card.


One can argue that Cloud settles for Tifa in the original. Up until the latter half in the OG, there is little to insinuate that Cloud is interested in Tifa after meeting Aerith, while in the Remake, Cloud's interest in Tifa is obvious since the beginning. In Advent Children, it almost feels like Cloud just can't get over Aerith's death, to the detriment of his relationship with Tifa. At some point in AC, Tifa asks him point blank - "What's it going to be? A memory, or us?"Which is why I was happy to see how much more important Tifa is to Cloud in the Remake, compared to the original and AC. In the old story, despite how much I was simping for Tifa, she always felt like the rebound girl to me, objectively. In Remake, she's just as important as Aerith in terms of plot In her own way), and characterization-wise I could argue that she gets even more screentime than the Cetra halfbreed. Honestly, in Rebirth, up until the Cosmo Canyon festitivities, Aerith almost feels like an afterthought while Tifa literally hogs the spotlight. Aerith gets a faux date in Kalm and that's it - Tifa dominates after that, she gets into arguments with Cloud, they make up in Junon, they flirt, they get the Gongaga murder attempt, Tifa gets a fucking solo Lifestream sequence (this is huge), and she and Cloud have an amazing heart-to-heart moment afterwards, and they have an actual (non-canon) kiss scene in Golden Saucer. Cloud and Aerith in Rebirth get like, a hug. Seriously, if I was a CloRith shipper, I would be depressed after Rebirth.

I disagree with the sentiment that Cloud "settled" for Tifa in the OG. For most of that game, we're seeing Cloud acting like someone he is not, and all that through text, losing a lot of nuances that we can now get because of technology advancements (and that goes for all characters, Tifa included). Not being able to see the characters faces emoting is a big loss.

The OG FF7 is also much shorter, so they HAD to put the spotlight on Aerith until her eventual demise. Her death is a pivotal moment in the game and they had to make sure both the players and the party felt it deeply. That event becomes the catalyst, the motivation to go after Sephiroth in a much more personal scale. When you play through the whole game though, it becomes much clearer that Tifa's and Cloud's arcs are interlaced and are integral to everything that happens in the game. Tifa is the reason Cloud decided to join SOLDIER, Sephiroth hurting Tifa drives Cloud to attack him in the reactor setting the whole game in motion, Tifa is the reason Cloud sticks with Avalanche and Tifa is the one to put him back together in the Lifestream. She's his driving force for a lot.

The problem in FF7 is that you only really see "real Cloud" interacting with Tifa for a very short while, but it's undeniable how important she is to him. I agree though, that the Remake is doing a MUCH BETTER job at showing the nuances of everyone's relationships, specially Cloud/Tifa's and Tifa's/Aerith's.
Oh dude - YES. I want like, a 40 minute epilogue, I don't want that vague, abrupt wtf just happened ending of the original.
Calling FF7's ending vague is insane. You've gotta be joking. The ending to the original game is beautifully succinct. It's only vague if weren't paying attention to the story at all.

But yeah, the current writers don't even know what the word succinct means so we'll probably get a horrible drawn-out ending with an epilogue that explains everything for the dummies and shippers

Also why are you guys using spoiler tags? It's a 25+ year old story embellished with modern tropes.


Calling FF7's ending vague is insane.
I don't get to see what happened to any of the characters besides Nanaki. I literally have no idea what they did in their lives after killing Sephiroth. I wanted to see that. That's what I mean by abrupt. What happens in FF7 the OG is the equivalent of Darth Vader throwing Palpatine in the reactor of the Death Star, Luke runs towards him and then you get end credits.

I don't want that.

Also why are you guys using spoiler tags? It's a 25+ year old story embellished with modern tropes.
Because fuck you, that's why.



Not sure which tracker is right, but it's between 500k to 1.1m according to this.

Perhaps another 100k or something on on EGS?

Overall I think that probably exceeded there expectations on PC within 2 months of launch.

These games will keep selling in the run up to the final game and after.

The 3 trackers on Remake's sales estimation track 1.4 mil - 1.5 mil sales, upped around 500k I think after Rebirth PC release. So probably the Vginsight tracker takes into account the twin pack sales too for the Rebirth sales? Either way it's pretty good sales or it wouldn't be at no 3 on Mat's Circana list. The pc version sales pushed Rebirth's overall dollar sales up from no 56 to no.3 and the twin pack at no.16. too on the circana list.
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The 3 trackers on Remake's sales estimation track 1.4 mil - 1.5 mil sales, upped around 500k I think after Rebirth PC release. So probably the Vginsight tracker takes into account the twin pack sales too for the Rebirth sales? Either way it's pretty good sales or it wouldn't be at no 3 on Mat's Circana list. The pc version sales pushed Rebirth's overall dollar sales up from no 56 to no.3 and the twin pack at no.16. too on the circana list.
Good news after all the 'lul no one buys FF games on pc' bullshit coming from a particular crowd ...


It’s a shame this trilogy is coming to an end soon, as fans we’ve wanted a remake for years and we finally got it but the chapter is almost coming to an end after part 3. I wonder if square will ever visit this game/universe again in FF7.
they still other lot potential spin off can be done in the universe. even among Final Fantasy, FFVII has most biggest interest with big universe of its own. its like FF own Star Wars IMO.

im not suprise if they decide to do a proper Advent Children game adaptation sequel. there plenty of other side of story and characters can be told too.

however whatever it maybe, i hope other team will handle it next time since after completed part 3, this devs team deserve a shot of their own new mainline FF. it is a waste to not carry the knowledge and experience gained from the trilogy into new Final Fantasy game. i dont want to see them stuck to FFVII forever.
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There are people playing the Remake now that haven't played the original, so I'm just trying to preserve possible twists/surprises.
yeah i already seen a youtuber who didnt play the original tried to decode the other soldier identity during Nibelheim flashback. it is cool to see despite some of the comments end up spoiled things instead.
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