You think 900p/30fps is a "true next-gen" experience?
Playstation network speeds always seems to suck. Bought it on Steam and was downloading 8.2MB/s. Took only ~25 min.Ugh. Bought last night right after midnight, left my PS4 on all night to download and install....sitting at 14GB w/ 2 Gigs to go.
Might be the last game I go digital with for a while.
Got out of work early to pick it up. So far, I'm LOVING the fuck out of it. Driving feels really good. Feels like the cars have weight to them. Shooting is such a perfection. I can see how most people think the action sequence is comparable to Splinter Cell now. Story got me hooked as well.
You pretty much asked the question I was asking, but in a better way. Very curious so I know to pick up one or two copies after work.
Playstation network speeds always seems to suck. Bought it on Steam and was downloading 8.2MB/s. Took only ~25 min.
Spoiler tags, what are they????
According to that image I would assume that it does have an online mode if that is in fact the main menu of the game.
I believe AC4 was similar with story, and then the MP being the "online" tab. Go there and all the customizing matchmaking is found.
Anyone able to confirm my previous post of being able to buddy up with a friend on PSN/Live to play the online MP team game types with ?
According to that image I would assume that it does have an online mode if that is in fact the main menu of the game.
I believe AC4 was similar with story, and then the MP being the "online" tab. Go there and all the customizing matchmaking is found.
Anyone able to confirm my previous post of being able to buddy up with a friend on PSN/Live to play the online MP team game types with ?
There's no separate .exe that launches for multiplayer. Everything is integrated into the single player. Say you wanna go into a capture match or simply queue up for it while in your single player, when they find a match the gametype loads and you are in instantly.
I have some questions:
1. Does the PC version play well on a KB/M? Or should I use the DS4?
2. Or should I just get the PS4 version?
3. How much "freedom" do you have compared to GTA5?
4. Can you commit crimes at-will? Are their "GTA SUPER-COPS" that magically track you down on land-sea-air?
5. Can you own property/get a job/mod vehicles/etc....?
I'm thinking of getting this game, but I want more freedom/options/opportunities than Infamous:SS. I have a decent PC and a PS4, so the platform is also a question.
I am almost tearing up here. This is why I play games. I don't think I have ever seen any game look better.
I am almost tearing up here. This is why I play games. I don't think I have ever seen any game look better.
Got out of work early to pick it up. So far, I'm LOVING the fuck out of it. Driving feels really good. Feels like the cars have weight to them. Shooting is such a perfection. I can see how most people think the action sequence is comparable to Splinter Cell now. Story got me hooked as well.
Was cruising around the area and found an abandoned train track tunnel. Went inside there and I found a neatly wrapped up victim along with a cryptic message from a serial killer. Little things like this really pull me in.
Great job Ubisoft Montreal
Beat his ass with your baton.
It'd be great if you can find things like that in the world and then follow up on them. Like, you find the victim and then essentially become a detective using ctOS to hunt down a creepy serial killer. Would make a great DLC. Constantly rainy Chicago, a lone vigilante prowling the streets, hunting down a deranged murderer who is always one step ahead.
Got out of work early to pick it up. So far, I'm LOVING the fuck out of it. Driving feels really good. Feels like the cars have weight to them. Shooting is such a perfection. I can see how most people think the action sequence is comparable to Splinter Cell now. Story got me hooked as well.
Was cruising around the area and found an abandoned train track tunnel. Went inside there and I found a neatly wrapped up victim along with a cryptic message from a serial killer. Little things like this really pull me in.
Great job Ubisoft Montreal
It'd be great if you can find things like that in the world and then follow up on them. Like, you find the victim and then essentially become a detective using ctOS to hunt down a creepy serial killer. Would make a great DLC. Constantly rainy Chicago, a lone vigilante prowling the streets, hunting down a deranged murderer who is always one step ahead.
Perhaps you can answer my question above:
The other MP components that are team oriented; are they available to do together with a friend online from your friend's list or is it always just randoms?
I think I just did, actually. A guy invaded my world. We had an epic car chase, went to on foot, then I got back in a vehicle and ran his ass over. Take that 2xtap.Have you gotten to the story mission that unlocks multiplayer?
WD also is the first open world game where I prefer walking over driving. So cool.
I am almost tearing up here. This is why I play games. I don't think I have ever seen any game look better.
Doubt I'll be driving much in this game. Feels like bumper cars.
I am almost tearing up here. This is why I play games. I don't think I have ever seen any game look better.
1. i tried out kb/m and wasnt a fan (i suppose its alright) i use a 360 controller
2. PC Specs?
3. About the same, go where you want, when you want.
4. You can commit crimes and the cops will be called. can stop the caller. the cops dont immediately show up.
5. not that ive come across for any of that
GTX-770 4GB, i7-920, 6GB DDR3 RAM
I think I just did, actually. A guy invaded my world. We had an epic car chase, went to on foot, then I got back in a vehicle and ran his ass over. Take that 2xtap.
I am almost tearing up here. This is why I play games. I don't think I have ever seen any game look better.
yeah go for pc, a 4gb 770 should do well. probably play on high. i assume your playing at 1080p
You pretty much asked the question I was asking, but in a better way. Very curious so I know to pick up one or two copies after work.
Heh, I can't ignore the car that pops in at the end there =)
Can you fly planes/choppers?
Which Version is this?
Can you fly planes/choppers?
I am almost tearing up here. This is why I play games. I don't think I have ever seen any game look better.