Confused Cheeseburger
Can you turn off the HUD on PS4?
How do you look in the rearview mirror while driving.
How do you look in the rearview mirror while driving.
Played for a few hours. It's okay, I guess.
I hope Rockstar announces a GTA V Remaster at E3.
There's no 'round the corner and continue forward' manoeuvre.
This has been a staple action in basically every game with a cover mechanic since Gears of War. It's awkward and unnecessary to have to manually exit cover and round the corner. It hinders forward propulsion, which is something that the game seems to thrive on, in my opinion
Is it me or during the flashbacks it's full of visual artifacts?(PS4) Or did they make them that way? It's like playing on an old CRT TV, it's damn annoying
This is all blatantly wrong. Your controller is broken.After a few hours of Washing the Doge, I think my main and considerable gripe is with the inelegance of the cover system. Here's why:
There's no 'round the corner and continue forward' manoeuvre.
This has been a staple action in basically every game with a cover mechanic since Gears of War. It's awkward and unnecessary to have to manually exit cover and round the corner. It hinders forward propulsion, which is something that the game seems to thrive on, in my opinion.
It's needlessly difficult to both make the game relinquish automated control and know when it has done so.
This is just shoddy design in my eyes. Basically, if anyone is familiar and experienced with Ghost Recon: Future Soldier's cover system, then you'll know that Ubi should have just ripped the mechanics directly from here. To those who aren't familiar, it follows the same point-and-click method, but instead of a one-time press, you hold X/A until the manoeuvre is complete; if you depress before then, control is given back to the player instantly and seamlessly. It's superb, simple and nuanced.
There have been countless times in WD that I've wanted to snake my way through areas by lining up my trajectory with the next point of cover and cancelling out somewhere along the way. Instead, the game fails to cancel and I'm stuck watching Aiden complete his journey to a wall that I didn't want him anywhere near. Any form of cancelling just seems inconsistent to me.
Aside from all of that, I'm enjoying myself, but I'm finding myself taken out of that enjoyment a bit too often. And yeah, it is decidedly cross-gen looking on PS4.
Anyone having issues when finding matches on PS4? Tried online Hacking, Online racing, everything. It says that average waiting time is 2 to 3 minutes. Waited 10 and still nothing. Maybe it is uplay related? I have a NAT 2 connection on my PS4
How do you access the 4v4 one? I've only seen and played the FFA version.
Played for a few hours. It's okay, I guess.
I hope Rockstar announces a GTA V Remaster at E3.
I can't connect on xbox one..Has anyone had any luck trying to connect to a game manually (on ps4)
i havent been able to connect to any game the whole day![]()
This is all blatantly wrong. Your controller is broken.
Pesonally I'm hypd for GTA V PS4 just for the chance to play it on Vita with remote play.I don't really understand this sentiment. If it's literally the same game, I've already played that and got what I wanted from it? You could apply that to TLOU Remastered and WindWaker Remastered, but there is a lot of people who didn't get to play those games because they were exclusives. As for GTAV, i think that argument is significantly lessened. A GTAVI is a different story.
Looking mighty great there!
Man this game is difficult as fuck on realistic difficulty. Something I am not used to in Ubisoft open world games.
They are supposed to look that way lol.
Is anyone else having problems with the Xbox One 'record that' and DVR functions on this? It has been hit and miss for me and rather frustrating.
Overall I really like the game. Disappointed there's no jump button and you can't just hit someone for being an arse (dude smacked his girl and I couldn't smack him)but generally I'm really enjoying it.
I guess the DOF if from pulling out your phone? You removed all the clutter on screen with PS?
There is really no clutter except for a small square that I remove.
I know exactly how you feel.I like it but it's not wowing me or anything, I don't have that urge or feel to play it when I'm away from the console. Felt this way about the majority of releases I've bought so far this new generation, I'm waiting for that outstanding game.
So anyone figured out how you can hack a firend from your firendlist? (PS4)
You can set difficulty? Where! Game just dropped me in. Didn't see an option.
This is all blatantly wrong. Your controller is broken.
Aim at the corner you are standing next to, you get a prompt that says "corner" , then simply press X/A
You can't thank me later
I was like what you can't go around corners? Yeah you can. Just press A or X when at the corner.
Really? When I press the button to scan the area that causes the effect, lots of white lines are appearing onscreen.
Totally different platform, but my PS4 has record zero gameplay videos. I wanted to post a hilarious video of some such thing and I go to Share... zilch. Nothing. I wish Sony would frickin fix video share.
When do I unlock my season pass untouchables gear? It's not in my wardrobe
Have you disabled all the HUD elements?
My screen is completely clear except for the small square when you pull up your phone.
Played for about three hours now.
And I think it's quite boring and I hate the main character's design.
I'm not a fan of open world games and this game reminded me why. The world is huge but it feels so empty.
The hacking gimmick is just dumb and I feel so little has changed since GTA 3.
So I guess it's just not for me
Yeahhhhh, no it isn't. Sounds like you've not experienced a well-thought out cover system.
I believe you two are thinking of something different. 'Round the corner and continue on' is what I'm after. I'm fully aware that you can swap to another side of say, a square piece of cover, but if I'm at a corner in a corridor, there's no single action for turning into that corridor and moving forward; it's all manual.
Tiny complaint, but I can't help but be annoyed each time it happens. When you're in a car and you press Circle to hide which turns the engine off. Then, when you move again, the car starts up, and you hear the chime chime chime from the dashboard. This chiming noise the is same noise in each and every fucking car.
Ridiculous complaint, I know.
So, pass or grab? (Ps4)
I know exactly how you feel.