I am about 30 minutes in so huge grain of salt.
-I was cold on ACIV, and Far Cry 3 to some extent.
-Watch Dogs has immersion and atmosphere in spades and not in the way you might think. There's nothing outrageous about the city itself. In contrast to GTAV, it feels like an actual city. Like really well crafted to the point where i've only ran on missions. I mostly walk around and take it in their. There's a weird palpable mundane nature to the city and that is comforting to me personally. It controls better than damn near all open world games of this style. The licensed soundtrack is a missed opportunity. The skill tree isn't as tacked on as I might have been (or how ubisoft often makes it feel) because of the glitchy, near future hacker cyberpunk aesthetic in everything. It doesn't stick out.
I agree with this.
Disclaimer: I am 20 hours into the game screenshot-wise but 20 minutes in gameplay-wise.