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Watch_Dogs |OT| PS4 would probably melt trying to do this

I'm glad some of you are enjoying this game, but the more videos and webm's I watch the less I want to play it. Of course, outside of the 4 or 5 heist missions, I also got supremely bored with GTA V too.


When it works that ctOS mobile app is actually pretty fun. It's cool thinking about all the mayhem you are causing the player while on your phone.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Can anyone give me some tips on gang hideouts? I was having trouble with the one I tried yesterday. I'm not too far in the game so I might just not have the right cocktail of skills unlocked yet, but I tried stealth and shooting my way in, but i eventually died either way.
Sure just one approach, but I sort of "stirred up the hornets' nest" to get one done. I guess this isn't really a spoiler, but just in case people want to discover that it's doable on their own:
I snuck in with stealth and found the target by hacking into cameras, then knocked out a couple of guards so there wouldn't be anyone around me. Then blew a couple boxes to get the attention of the remaining ones, including the target, and let them get a good look at me. I then hid back behind cover and they started to spread out and sweep looking for me. I just stayed hidden looking to get a good spot with the target alone. Eventually, he actually went outside to the front of the building. Jumped over a railing down to the ground, ran up to him and beat him down.

I will say, the resulting chase with 4 of the gang vehicles coming after me was the toughest bit of gameplay so far. I eventually lost them by finding a sort of rural straight-away and getting some distance between us, then pulling into the parking lot of some diner and cutting the engine. We must have been 10 miles from the hideout by then


Yeah I realize that there is no multi when uplay is down. But the no player found searches have been going on constantly, not just isolated to when uplay is down.

Hope that doesn't mean the majority of players are turning off online - it's a lot of fun. As of now, on PC at least it feels like an extremely small player base due to how long it takes to find a match (if it does find one).
I was suggesting it was down now. At the very least, it's under such intense load, that nothing is working correctly. I can't log into the uplay app on PC at all, gives me an error. If other people are getting the same, then it's no wonder.


I feel like we should have an OT for the multiplayer. I've read some super stories and have some of my own.

I was tailing a guy who was up on the metro just as it threw me in. I was on the ground so hopped in a car and pegged it up to the next platform. I waited with the NPCs and hopped in the back carriage as the doors opened (he was all the way in the front). I made my way to the middle carriage and through the doors there I could see him stood at the front of the train. He must have been clueless as to how I was managing it, nonchalantly stood next to a group of passengers.


I know exactly how you feel. I really don't see this being spelled out much in reviews, it's just kind of a throwaway ("you can accomplish most objectives purely by hacking") and just like you said it usually accompanies a line about it not feeling very different from other open world games...

But like, while I was doing that mission- which I realized was possible just from physically scoping out the location in my car before driving to a safe spot to park- I barely even playing as Aiden at all. I was the exploding fuse boxes and disturbing text messages sent to an increasingly freaked-out group of guards. My gameplay was really taking place as a disembodied force of bit-driven entropy, a digital poltergeist, with nothing for the
heavily-armed military contractors/ex-criminals
I was warned about to shoot their many bullets at in the first place. As I "snuck" closer and closer to the objective, having been "in" for a few minutes already, I screwed up by "missing a jump"- I went into a hidden camera that had no view of another to jump to. At this point I had to hit B to exit out and try again, which takes you out of the hacking completely... and I realized I had forgotten where I (Aiden) actually physically was in the "real world" while doing all that.

I'm sorry, but... stepping outside of the circuitous "next-gen or not" arguments for a minute, I just don't know any other open world games with gameplay like that. I don't think I can name any other game where you can do that. I guess I heard there is a kind of similar mechanic in Beyond: Two Souls?

And it's sad that this kind of freedom and creativity has been getting so widely undermined especially in reviews no less.

The shitty thing is that so many people complain about the whole "go here, shoot people" blandness that comes with most open world games that it's disheartening to see so many people suggest that Watch dogs doesn't rise above that when the game gives you so much player agency in regards to how things get done.

And like you said, once your start camera jumping and messing with the environment, it does bring about this omnipotent feeling of like "this is my playground" rather than necessarily being bound by the idea that you're controlling someone who's in fact doing all this and that's really empowering all the while without feeling like your actually getting your hands dirty.

Beyond Two Souls probably is the closest comparison but even then that mechanic is far more contrived. The fact that watchdogs lets you endlessly (as far as i can tell) jump around cameras and manipulate the environment is nothing short of amazing. A lesser game would have made it so that after you string 2 camera jumps together that "all your hacking power is depleted and you need to let it recharge" or some BS like that.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Your post did a better job of making me want to actually buy Watch Dogs than any review or comments I've read. Thanks for that.
NP, glad to hear it. When I've played a bit more I'll type up more of an "actual review" and focus primarily on the things I don't think have had attention.

I think this game is going to be what you make of it in large part, it gives you a bunch of tools and you could seemingly make it through the whole thing using every single one, or using only one, without the game saying one approach is better than the other.
2. Use "Lure" to get an enemy's attention and then use "Focus" to kill them
I'm sure they deserve it but thus far I haven't killed anybody and didn't need to in completing my first hideout.
4 Take your time.
This on the other hand was crucial. :)
I had this really weird bug on ps4, I was in the middle of a fight with police, 5 stars. I hit the share button by mistake, went right back to the game and all the cops are gone, 5 stars still but then they went away too.


Nork unification denier
I love leaving gifts of 1k at hotspots for everyone

Not like you really need the money, but its still cool

Think I picked up some of your gifts last night if you're playing the PC version.
Has anyone been made a "mayor" yet? Not really sure how that works.
Is there a list anywhere of the co-op stuff you can do in free roam?

I know of races and the AR phone game - is there anything else?

Am thinking of picking this up for a buddy I used to co-op with the GTA games, but I won't if its only races and that mini-game. Any missions? Anything with some objectives?
After participating in a majority of the WatchDog Threads here in NeoGAF, I was basically scared away from watchdogs. The constant downgrade talk, the typical "Ubi-missions", the graphics overanalysis.

I kept my preorder, and after about an hour last night, I am enjoying the game on PS4. It looks better than I thought, and is pretty fun. Again, only an hour in, but the game lived up to my expectations, even if many of the discussions on this very forum actually LOWERED my expectations a bit.


So is it worth it to get this on the 360?

Don't really want to jump into the new systems until there are more games. Plus my backlog is insane...


Junior Member
Can anyone tell me how "caught in the loop" works? They want me to "knock out" the drivers of two vehicles, only they have fucking guns and can call a whole back up team and I'm not allowed to kill them? This is a no-win scenario.
So is it worth it to get this on the 360?

Don't really want to jump into the new systems until there are more games. Plus my backlog is insane...

No. Just play the backlog. I'm sure by the time you wanna get a new system it will be at a discounted price or even Watchdogs 2 will be announced.


I just had a 'Dark Knight Joker hospital bomb' moment after shooting a petrol station. It blew a bit then I stood there thinking 'is that it?'. Then it happened just as I got in a car and all the windows were blown out. Fucking love it.

Several hours in and I still hardly touched the story. So much to do!
Why is it nearly impossible to find information on this game's free roam and co-op?

Nothing in the OP, nothing on the official site, can't find anything on their official forums, and Google gives me single paragraph articles saying that it exists and a few preview videos that don't show much of anything.

Has anybody tried it out?


How does the open world elements compare to, say, inFamous: second son, a game that I found, personally, to be completely void of life and fun. Is this more immersive (sp?)?


The fact you can peek into every single pedestrians life makes you feel a lot more connected to the world and what's around you


This game is so fucking....I just can't describe it. I've only been doing a load of side missions after the opening mission but this is one of the weirdest games I've experienced in some time.

Like, it's half phenomenal, half awkward and a whole lot of entertaining.

The hacking stuff is fucking glorious though. Addictive as hell.

I also appreciate so much how mobile Aiden can be.

the driving tho

ubisoft pls


And it's sad that this kind of freedom and creativity has been getting so widely undermined especially in reviews no less.

The shitty thing is that so many people complain about the whole "go here, shoot people" blandness that comes with most open world games that it's disheartening to see so many people suggest that Watch dogs doesn't rise above that when the game gives you so much player agency in regards to how things get done.

And like you said, once your start camera jumping and messing with the environment, it does bring about this omnipotent feeling of like "this is my playground" rather than necessarily being bound by the idea that you're controlling someone who's in fact doing all this and that's really empowering all the while without feeling like your actually getting your hands dirty.

Beyond Two Souls probably is the closest comparison but even then that mechanic is far more contrived. The fact that watchdogs lets you endlessly (as far as i can tell) jump around cameras and manipulate the environment is nothing short of amazing. A lesser game would have made it so that after you string 2 camera jumps together that "all your hacking power is depleted and you need to let it recharge" or some BS like that.

I've been loitering in this thread and this is exactly the gameplay I think I hoped for. Unfortunately I don't yet have a PS4, as I cancelled my launch pre-order due to the delay in drive club and this game.

Won't be able to pick a PS4 up until August, but this will now be my first purchase. Glad it's got something really original and unique that's so enjoyable to play.


I'm glad some of you are enjoying this game, but the more videos and webm's I watch the less I want to play it. Of course, outside of the 4 or 5 heist missions, I also got supremely bored with GTA V too.
Yeah, I've been considering getting this, but I usually get bored of open world games. i always get hyped about GTA just to be let down and become quickly bored by it.
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