it's depressing how little these people have in their bank accounts.
You sir, have never seen GTA iv on PC.After playing this game a while I can honestly say that it shouldn't even be considered next gen. Even with all settings maxed on PC at 1080p it doesn't look much better than GTA4 did, definitely not much better than sleeping dogs.
it's depressing how little these people have in their bank accounts.
it's depressing how little these people have in their bank accounts.
I played for 5 hours last night, I don't think I did anything story related.
Lucky... I've been trying Races, Decryption, Free Roam... none of them work. Just searches for minutes then says "No Match Found". I managed to get into ONE race last night with 3 people, including myself. The rest of my online experiences have been in a private match with my friend.
I've been avoiding hacking/tailing atm because of the supposed game-breaking bug, so maybe they work.
Do you get an error connecting to Uplay when you launch the game?
well jesus thats pretty damn grim, wasnt expecting that
Anyone have the consensus if I should buy the Season Pass now for PS4 or wait for a bit?
Kind of feel bad but the dude is a damned criminal.
What bug is this and how can I avoid it (while playing hacking/trailing)?
Why is it nearly impossible to find information on this game's free roam and co-op?
Nothing in the OP, nothing on the official site, can't find anything on their official forums, and Google gives me single paragraph articles saying that it exists and a few preview videos that don't show much of anything.
Has anybody tried it out?
I can't seem to connect to any online hacking at all. Is there an issue with ubi servers?
What difficulty level are most of you playing on?
What difficulty level are most of you playing on?
These peeping tom side quests are pretty fucked up and twisted. I just listened to a baby being breast fed and the mom seemed to be enjoying it immensely.
I don't know if it can be avoided other than not playing those modes, though.
Seeing a fair amount of critisim towards the driving , what is it that some of you aren't liking?
I'm finding the driving to be really enjoyable the cars seem to have a nice weight to them different handling on each type of car. I'm having no trouble weaving in and out of traffic at high speed during some of the most movie like car chases ive experienced in a game.
overall this game sucks pretty much
good stuffWhat an awful game
Seeing a fair amount of critisim towards the driving , what is it that some of you aren't liking?
I'm finding the driving to be really enjoyable the cars seem to have a nice weight to them different handling on each type of car. I'm having no trouble weaving in and out of traffic at high speed during some of the most movie like car chases ive experienced in a game.
I don't even know how to start it ;pHaven't tried free roam out yet but also curious to learn what is available for co op activities.
These peeping tom side quests are pretty fucked up and twisted. I just listened to a baby being breast fed and the mom seemed to be enjoying it immensely.