It works really well, even has a custom control scheme made by Ubi. The lag is barely noticeable and doesn't effect the gameplay for me. But I'm not really good at shooting with the Vita sticks.
All you guys playing Watch Dogs, I decided to start playing a classic
There are reports that under certain conditions if you get killed while hacking someone else's game, you get kicked back to your game and all of your unlocks are locked and completely un-unlockable, you lose all your outfits and are stuck with the default, and are unable to do a bunch of things meaning that it is impossible to progress in the game. Reloading to a past save doesn't work since it autosaves, so you have to start the game again.
Edit: sources:
All you guys playing Watch Dogs, I decided to start playing a classic
Hacking is hard.Any good shit I need to know? I've been trying to blend in in parked cars and as a regular NPC standing/walking around but the search area narrowing thing is incredibly overpowered. Should I use blackouts or something to try and even things out? I did the tailing mode and that was a lot easier to succeed at.
I'd rather not, Chicago seems like a fucked up place. People get shanked for no reason on every other corner.
The last time I hid in a dumpster. It was awesome. He had no clue while he was looking for me.
I don't know if it can be avoided other than not playing those modes, though.
According to redeeming rewards from uplay is the cause of the problem.
Definitely a classic. I still love San Andreas, the game just got almost everything right. I should replay it sometime soon.
And that bug, wow...
It's a good thing I don't go into other people's games anymore because I am the worst gamer ever and get killed every time.
I'd rather not, Chicago seems like a fucked up place. People get shanked for no reason on every other corner.
I'd rather not, Chicago seems like a fucked up place. People get shanked for no reason on every other corner.
So, I'm getting disconected every 5 minutes from Ubi servers, is this my ISP fucking up or is on Ubisoft's end?
Haven't been able to play one online match.
I'm only about an hour into it but I'm shocked at how lively the city feels. That was one thing about the E3 2012 demo that impressed and, for once, Ubi delivered. Outside of the graphics, Ubi seems to have fulfilled the promises of that trailer. That's one area where I thought there'd be no way in hell they'd be able to deliver.How does the open world elements compare to, say, inFamous: second son, a game that I found, personally, to be completely void of life and fun. Is this more immersive (sp?)?
Does this game require multiple playthroughs to plat?
Anyone else think car engines are too quiet? I can barely hear them. Ruins immersion
Did you press a button to get in or something? I had no idea you could do that.
Is there really not an in game timer or have I completely missed it?
Don't fucking......
Come on!!!
Uplay needs to be taken out back and shot.
Hopefully this garbage is dead and buried by the time The Division comes out.
Pretty sure there isn't one. I recall one of the reviews saying as much
Bought a used copy at Gamestop today. Was very happily surprised they had one.
yea uplay sucks. I couldn't even play Far Cry 3 cause of UPLAY!! Had to go offline in order to play the game
Uplay needs to be taken out back and shot.
Hopefully this garbage is dead and buried by the time The Division comes out.
What did you save, $5?
Hacking is hard.Any good shit I need to know? I've been trying to blend in in parked cars and as a regular NPC standing/walking around but the search area narrowing thing is incredibly overpowered. Should I use blackouts or something to try and even things out? I did the tailing mode and that was a lot easier to succeed at.
Hacking is hard.Any good shit I need to know? I've been trying to blend in in parked cars and as a regular NPC standing/walking around but the search area narrowing thing is incredibly overpowered. Should I use blackouts or something to try and even things out? I did the tailing mode and that was a lot easier to succeed at.
LOL @ 0:56 seconds!
This is the best motorcycle game ever.
Holy shit, that's a bad bug.