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Watch_Dogs |OT| PS4 would probably melt trying to do this

This may be a dumb question, but the game doesn't seem to have answered it. Do you get EXP bonuses for how you complete the missions, i.e. no kills, never seen, etc?

In general, what kind of exp bonuses can you get on missions for using certain playstyles, if any?
That's the one track I like too.
That plus Gemini Club - Sparklers is alright. Vampire Weekend and Weezer are at least acceptable, even if neither of them really fit in my opinion. But yeah, those with assorted jazz/downtempo stuff are the only songs I like, which is just sad.
Edit; Oh and Nas, but it's kind of shocking how much, just, bad rap there is in the game.

Meanwhile Rockstar has introduced me to countless artists I've grown to love in each GTA game.


I'm loving the little touches. Like, walking into a bar or pawn shop, hearing a song and using the shazam equivalent on your phone to get thw name of the track playing.
Is there a way to abandon a mission in progress or whatever? Like a criminal stop mission?

They are damn hard haha.

Hit the options button/pause button and I believe you can cancel and restart a mission.

The animations, not just the main characters, but NPC are amazing. They way they walk,the creases and folds in their clothes, jackets fluttering in the wind are damn impressive.

I felt like I was in the game when I took a train ride.
So if you play evil/bad in the game, you're more likely to get invaded?
DANG, I've been sitting around exploring and going form hotspot to another for 13 hours trying to get invaded and NO INVASIONS. (as full good guy)

that is cool if true, I'll test it. I'll start killing civilians until I'm full bad guy, lose the cops... and just wait around to get invaded. Will report back with findings tomorrow.

PROTIP: one way to tell if you're bring TAILED or invaded , try to pause the game, if the game keeps going while paused, INITIATE FULL TIN-FOIL HAT MODE. If game pauses while paused, you're alone. Kinda wish teh game never truly paused though, because now I can check if I'm alone, kinda wish I COULDNT CHECK, *AHEM* Ubisoft.

That's why bikes are best.

Ubisoftr needs to patch in Civilians that drive bikes/choppers because I cant ride one online without being instantly spotted.

I also found a TV Truck with an antennae on top, tried to keep it as long as possible to start a Tailing mission with it, turns out you are warped to the Tailing mission and sometimes given a vehicle. BAH.
Favourite guns? There are so many that the guns you unlock quickly make the early ones redundant, which is a shame, I would have loved going the low-tech street thug route of using revolvers and sawn-off shotguns before graduating to the high tech military hardware.

I got a silenced SMG for doing 5 tailing missions, it's OP as hell compared to the other stuff I've bought. Super accurate with low recoil.


Favourite guns? There are so many that the guns you unlock quickly make the early ones redundant, which is a shame, I would have loved going the low-tech street thug route of using revolvers and sawn-off shotguns before graduating to the high tech military hardware.

I got a silenced SMG for doing 5 tailing missions, it's OP as hell compared to the other stuff I've bought. Super accurate with low recoil.

Silenced pistol for mid- to short-range stealth. Most expensive sniper rifle for long-range stealth. Most expensive automatic for man-to-man combat. Grenade launcher for vehicular/group combat.


Just read a post from one of the regular trophy guide creators on another forum and I think they figured out why some people get invaded a lot while others don't at all.

High level vigilante will reduce the amount of invades, if any. The lower the level, the higher the risk of someone coming in and hacking you.

The reason why I think this is true is because they mentioned that when they tailed someone and watched them with a camera, it said they did bad things. Also, yesterday when my karma level was slightly positive I was getting invaded quite a bit, but since then I've been maxed out and haven't had anyone invade.

There are undercover agents in the game that you have to identify before they call in to report you. If they call in a bounty alert, they you'll be more likely to get invaded as a bounty now exists for you.
GAF thanks for convincing me to give Person of Interest a second chance. I'm enjoying the hell out of it and I now know how I'm going to play Aiden.
So I just jumped into a private free roam and the only activities I see on the map are Cash Runs (sprint and climb to collect gold coins) and AR Phone Game (shoot AR floaty aliens for score). That's it. No convoys and no gang hideouts.

BUT I am still in the very early going of the game (I just opened up to invasions) so for all I know I haven't unlocked anything else. So am going to jump back into the campaign and progress things more.
So I just jumped into a private free roam and the only activities I see on the map are Cash Runs (sprint and climb to collect gold coins) and AR Phone Game (shoot AR floaty aliens for score). That's it. No convoys and no gang hideouts.

BUT I am still in the very early going of the game (I just opened up to invasions) so for all I know I haven't unlocked anything else. So am going to jump back into the campaign and progress things more.
That would really suck if that's true for the rest of the game.


So I just jumped into a private free roam and the only activities I see on the map are Cash Runs (sprint and climb to collect gold coins) and AR Phone Game (shoot AR floaty aliens for score). That's it. No convoys and no gang hideouts.

BUT I am still in the very early going of the game (I just opened up to invasions) so for all I know I haven't unlocked anything else. So am going to jump back into the campaign and progress things more.



Is there a special marker on the map for Ctrl,Alt, Delete (the bonus quest line that awards an outfit when completed)? I can't seem to find it.

Hip Hop

So how do hacking into a persons world work?

From what I've seen, when you hack into AI bank accounts, you will sometimes get someone that puts a bounty on your head after getting their bank account.

This puts you on the spot for being hacked by other online players, correct?

I've been shutting down these people that put bounty's on your head and other players have stopped coming into my world.

I'm assuming this is how it works, no? or can anyone just randomly try to hack you?


Just did a cTOS tower that I think was WAY out of my level, haha, just ended up being a huge gunfight where I was holed up in a corner the entire time.

Loving the game. Just now noticing the wind!!
The driving music fails on pretty much every level - none of it really represents contemporary Chicago on more than a surface level, and the classic jazz/Chicago indie acts they chose are the most obvious "look we wiki'd Chicago music" references. It also fails to be an entertaining mix, because even with the songs fully unlocked the selection is pretty sparse.

Finally, if this is the music the game expects me to believe Aiden Pierce, middle-aged white guy vigilante listens to, I really don't know what to think. The music doesn't make sense for the world or the character, it really is too bad.

At least the score can be really good, I love some of the chase music and ambience.

Hip Hop

Just did a cTOS tower that I think was WAY out of my level, haha, just ended up being a huge gunfight where I was holed up in a corner the entire time.

Loving the game. Just now noticing the wind!!

I took over those spots too. You could actually take over them without having to set foot inside the compound. Just working your way through the camera works.
So if you play evil/bad in the game, you're more likely to get invaded?

I think so, I can't confirm yet but I'm working on getting my rep down.

There are undercover agents in the game that you have to identify before they call in to report you. If they call in a bounty alert, they you'll be more likely to get invaded as a bounty now exists for you.

I think that just sweetens the deal when someone successfully hacks you, they just get more money. I've had about 6 of those today and yet no invasions.


I took over those spots too. You could actually take over them without having to set foot inside the compound. Just working your way through the camera works.

I tried that, but this particular location had very few overhead cameras... I imagine the only way to get inside was to distract a guard looking the right direction and get into his helmet cam, but I didn't think that far through haha.
So, uh... Once you get a police chase where you're in a boat in the sea and there's just one helicopter hovering behind you, is there anything you can do to shake the helicopter? We seem to be at an impasse where he's not shooting me but I can't get rid of him either.
So, uh... Once you get a police chase where you're in a boat in the sea and there's just one helicopter hovering behind you, is there anything you can do to shake the helicopter? We seem to be at an impasse where he's not shooting me but I can't get rid of him either.

One of the hacking skills allows you to disable helicopters.


Well I just murder an entire block of people in the city district during the day for like 5 minutes and not one cop showed up.. is that a glitch ?


The driving music fails on pretty much every level - none of it really represents contemporary Chicago on more than a surface level, and the classic jazz/Chicago indie acts they chose are the most obvious "look we wiki'd Chicago music" references. It also fails to be an entertaining mix, because even with the songs fully unlocked the selection is pretty sparse.

Finally, if this is the music the game expects me to believe Aiden Pierce, middle-aged white guy vigilante listens to, I really don't know what to think. The music doesn't make sense for the world or the character, it really is too bad.

At least the score can be really good, I love some of the chase music and ambience.

It's based in Chicago, but I've yet to hear a single Chicago accent. It's mostly just Canadians.
Finally got paid so I picked up my copy at Walmart. So excited! Installing now.

(Also, FUCK YOU UBISOFT for the "Walmart Edition" bullshit at the top of my case.)


I'm sure I'm not the first, but I ran into Aisha Tyler. She's shorter than in real life.


May have been covered already but I got a party of four that would like to play with others in modes like decryption . anyone know how that can be done . We can't figure out a way to join a match other than private which is just the 4 of us in free for all .


Really wanted to make my first post more helpful than this, but whatever:

I've played for about 12 hours so far, and all of them have been with positive rep. I hadn't been invaded at all, however I had tailed and hacked many people. I decided to test the theory that being invaded is tied to your rep, and as soon as I got my rep down into neutral, I was invaded by a hacker.

Currently parked and waiting to confirm that it wasn't just a freak encounter.


Hacking definitely gets easier the more you do it. I haven't gotten caught in a while.

Oh can you get hacked without even knowing you were hacked?

And is there even a reason to queue online? When I do it I can't seem to do any missions while in the long queue?
So I know Aiden will throw his hands in the air when the cops come and he does nothing, but what happens if I'm running and shooting and then decide to fake surrender. They just keep on shooting me when I get out and stay still.


Any of you who are really struggling with hacking, I've just tested out SHAREfactory for the first time with some clips from my last couple, you might find something useful:


Just a little confused about the online? Do you unlock something from filling out the purple bar? On PC it doesn't seem like many people are doing it. I presume that's because you can't be invaded while on a mission? I tied it once, failed and never tried again. Invaded once and picked the guy out ezpz.
Man, some of these formulaic open world missions are starting to grate on me.

In an early story mission where
you have to drive a guy past cop blockades undetected was just the beginning. So until I meet up with him I can drive through his neighborhood in relative ease, but the very moment I pick him up everything is locked down with helicopters everywhere and I have to thread a needle.

No setup. No transition. No explanations. Just instamatic lockdown with instafail detections. Great.

But I make it past that missions and take a walk and start hacking phones. I then stumble upon a crime about to happen through these hacks. So I hoof it to the area where its supposed to go down and I'm too late, shots are fired, the victim is down, people are calling the cops and the perp is running. I start running after him, though he's pretty far ahead. I end up running after him into the street only to see that he's running directly into a blockade of cop cars, so I slow down and start walking the other way when the cops all open fire with their weapons, ON ME. What the hell?

Now I'm running down the street away from three cops cars full of peace officers who descend upon me and shoot me to death.

I might be getting too old for this shit, but it is 2014 right? These games are supposed to evolve these open world formulas right? Not just repeat the mistakes of other, better games?

And damnit, can the game remember when I want the radio off in my car? Or that I like to drive in first person? I had to redo that last mission a few times and each time it kept turning the radio back on and bouncing me to the rear camera, all while playing the exact same dialogue. Again, solved problems by other games in the genre.

This game is kindof driving me nuts. I'm trying to like it, but it keeps poking holes in itself.
Really wanted to make my first post more helpful than this, but whatever:

I've played for about 12 hours so far, and all of them have been with positive rep. I hadn't been invaded at all, however I had tailed and hacked many people. I decided to test the theory that being invaded is tied to your rep, and as soon as I got my rep down into neutral, I was invaded by a hacker.

Currently parked and waiting to confirm that it wasn't just a freak encounter.

There we go, I mentioned this earlier and I'm currently running around getting my rep down to test it out. Thanks for confirming!
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