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Watch_Dogs |OT| PS4 would probably melt trying to do this

I find the driving a bit too sensitive... Its really difficult to drive with any degree of precision in this game. You never feel fully in control of the car, even at low speeds.

Acceleration was the only real issue I found, it's too touchy. I mean the driving isn't great, it's about as good as GTAIV's


Really? And you don't have to escape from alerted guards or use distraction items?

If so then I feel stupid, but also happy to be corrected because there's more there, there.

I actually feel pretty good when I can complete an objective without being seen. Took out a couple of gang hideouts without anybody seeing me. Generally just use cameras to scope out as much area as possible, note where some of the hackable traps are, and take out what I can. I make a lot of use out of those sound maker distraction devices you can throw too. Then bust caps in heads with the silencer. Use focus mode if I have to. Then tackle the people I'm not allowed to kill. All without being seen. lol

Doing stuff like this is funny, though.


formerly "chigiri"
Really? And you don't have to escape from alerted guards or use distraction items?

If so then I feel stupid, but also happy to be corrected because there's more there, there.

The ctOS scans after the fact happens but to less extent and since you're not near the building it was at least for me no issue whatsoever to get enough distance to escape fully without using any items at all.

All missions are generally designed with the "choose your way" stealth or mayhem type of approaches in mind.
There is always another way
I knew there was a stealth way, but I didn't know
I'd be able to hack the laptop itself by way of the camera. I knew I could use cameras to get the code but I figured I had to do the laptop hack itself physically, because thats what I had to do with the first ctOS tower mission.

I figured that since you were caught by way of a cut-scene, that there was no way around that final escape from the building and the police, regardless of the method chosen.
Are you playing on PC? Driving was awful until I switched to controller. I can drive REALLY well now.

Nah, I'm on XB1. I'm used to the pressure-sensitive acceleration and braking. THOSE are nice touches.

It's just the handling that pisses me off. I turned the look sensitivity to 20 and I'm still having problems.
When you're doing an online tailing mission does the person know you're tailing them? It seems like whenever I tail someone they don't really try to find me.


formerly "chigiri"
I knew there was a stealth way, but I didn't know
I'd be able to hack the laptop itself by way of the camera. I knew I could use cameras to get the code but I figured I had to do the laptop hack itself physically, because thats what I had to do with the first ctOS tower mission.

I figured that since you were caught by way of a cut-scene, that there was no way around that final escape from the building and the police, regardless of the method chosen.

Generally anything you can interact with in person you can interact with via a camera. There are some exceptions like the mentioned ctOS towers and City Hotspots but everything else I can think of incl. ctOS control centers can be done remotely while sitting in a car or whatever off-site. :)
Played another couple of hours today. More impressions:

- The original soundtrack by Brian Reitzell is truly fantastic. Ubi always nails their soundtracks for sure. He also does the music for Hannibal, so I was expecting it to be great, and he doesn't disappoint. Love the dark synth.

- Tried one of the Digital Trips, 'Alone'. That was surprisingly creepy! Good stuff. I actually really liked it. Didn't finish it yet, but yeah, that's cool. Great addition by Ubi. Plus, Aiden's clothes in the 'Alone' trip is actually really cool. I guess if I finish all of 'Alone', I can have Aiden wear that permanently?

- Okay, so what free stuff am I not getting with the Season Pass? Cause I got nothing.

- Motorbikes continue to be the best vehicle in this game.

- I like Aiden. Seriously.

- I LOVE THAT THIS IS AN OPEN WORLD VIGILANTE SIMULATOR. Hunting down criminals is awesome, and so is delivering a baton full of justice to their face. I'm honestly trying to avoid shooting as much as possible, to the extent that when I am caught during missions, I just reset to the checkpoint so I don't have to accidentally kill someone. But the gunfighting, when you get stuck into it, is quite good.

- Shooting people in the knees feels awesome.

- I really dig how smooth the game is.

- I don't care much for the online invasion stuff.
But can you start online contracts? (ie can you iniate hacking against someone else?)

I was searching and it said 2mins wait, but it didn't find anyone after that.

Here's a capture from the previous page.



I find the driving a bit too sensitive... Its really difficult to drive with any degree of precision in this game. You never feel fully in control of the car, even at low speeds.

I'm loving everything else about the game though. Really fun gameworld they have created.
maybe its the Xbox one controller's excellent sensitivity but driving to me is a dream.. The triggers and sticks are made to be feathered. Like it much better than gta or almost any open world game

This game is amazing. My favorite in almost every way for entertainment. Bored of GTAs story lines and shooting aspects quickly... But WD... having all of these tools and stealth truly available to me in an open world game. Bravo ubisoft, bravo .


How's the online mulitplayer performance with 8 players on the varies systems? I had a match 8 way decryption match and it was a slug fest with FPS dropping. It was fun yet sad at the same time since crashing into a pile of vehicles made things go low.


maybe its the Xbox one controller's excellent sensitivity but driving to me is a dream.. The triggers and sticks are made to be feathered. Like it much better than gta or almost any open world game

This game is amazing. My favorite in almost every way for entertainment. Bored of GTAs story lines and shooting aspects quickly... But WD... having all of these tools and stealth truly available to me in an open world game. Bravo ubisoft, bravo .

Yeah, I am not having much issues with driving as well on the Xbox One. I also have the PC version and using the Xbox 360 controller and it just feels a bit better with the Xbox One. Driving still can be improved, it does feel a little like you are driving on ice at times, but the more I play, the more I get even more comfortable with it. Loving the game so far! Just did one of those checkpoint things where you can leave gifts for friends and I just so happen to get some money from one of my friends, so I paid it forward and left some money as well. :)


Played about an hour of the PS4 version. The game looks and plays like a semi polished focuses tested turd so far. Hopefully it opens up in a bit and newer abilities unlocks the fun.


Speaking of there being multiple ways, I really enjoyed the first ctos mission.
I came up to the entrance and began hacking around the cameras marking guards and just getting a layout of the place. I decided to see what would happen if I started exploding guards/environments, and like the entire building came to investigate near the front. I ran around the building, opened a backgate, and climbed up the side of the roof. After the cutscenes by the server room, the guards were alerted and began rushing to where I was upstairs. I killed two and before anymore could run upstairs, I shot out one of the windows of the building and jumped out and escaped on foot. They continued to search the building until eventually giving up, police never even got involved.

It was all pretty fun, but the most impressive thing to me for some reason was being able to shoot out the window and jump out into the street. Often times windows you see in games are like impenetrable walls, and unless marked differently you can't really get through. But there was none of that here, it was just a normal window. It wasn't part of some dedicated design escape route either, like oh hey guys here's a vent to escape, it felt like a real impromptu decision that I made myself rather than just choosing one of three options the developers created for me.

I'm still in the first act, been messing around online and some of the side content, but if there are even a handful of moments that felt like that later in the game this was well worth the purchase.


I asked this before but got no answer:

Is there any difference between starting digital trips on the phone and starting them with a dealer?


- Tried one of the Digital Trips, 'Alone'. That was surprisingly creepy! Good stuff. I actually really liked it. Didn't finish it yet, but yeah, that's cool. Great addition by Ubi. Plus, Aiden's clothes in the 'Alone' trip is actually really cool. I guess if I finish all of 'Alone', I can have Aiden wear that permanently?

Yeah I was surprised by that one. I remember someone saying it was sort of like Silent Hill a bit and was like "that's cool". Then I played it today. It's crazy. It almost feels like a whole other game in a way. The enemies are creepy. Even when they don't know you're there, you're like "ehhh nooo don't see me please" and then when you're spotted they're fast and you're trying to disable them before the other ones find you. And you gotta be careful because they spawn ahead of you as you move towards a generator. That's another thing, going from sunlight, into the watery wall, and into sudden darkness is crazy.

Would be cool if they kept adding digital trips. The cash run games are kinda difficult though. Maybe I haven't played enough but Aiden doesn't control smooth enough to dodge the red skulls very easily. I mean he controls more than well enough to be stealthy and take on guys, but weaving through tight spots is somewhat difficult.


Is it true that if you scan three guys and then go back to the first the system just generates a brand new name and description?

Because... yeah. The sandbox must be that deep. At least I thought the game kept some kind of index, it's not exactly rocket science...

(you could build a very simple database, and maybe just generate a new one for every new game started)


- Tried one of the Digital Trips, 'Alone'. That was surprisingly creepy! Good stuff. I actually really liked it. Didn't finish it yet, but yeah, that's cool. Great addition by Ubi. Plus, Aiden's clothes in the 'Alone' trip is actually really cool. I guess if I finish all of 'Alone', I can have Aiden wear that permanently?

Yup you get that costume as a prize finishing it~


Definitely glad to see that I'm not alone. All these gripes about the driving have been making me feel like I'm playing a different game.

It definitely takes some getting used to. I hated it at first and was terrible, but after driving around to all the city spots and just driving around in general, I think I have it under control.

Completed the 10 online race requirements with a record of 8-2. One loss from getting crashing early on by a steam pipe and the other from skill. Most of the races were won by a mile, with the second place guy barely finishing before the countdown.

Some cars are still a wild ride, but nowhere near what I experienced at first.

I think I finally have a hang of the hacking. For one, I learned the circle moves a little with your spot. I always thought when you set the circle, when it got smaller if you were on the edges, it would mean you'd have to move. That got me my last 100% by setting it then swimming across some water and hiding just in the circle. Took the guy at least 10% of the timer just to swim across.


Wow, people in Chicago will pee on anything. There was a guy peeing on the giant bean.

I like how if you're on a mission and you fail, it restarts you over at the same starting point with the very same situations going on around you but the people and their races change. For example in the one scenario I kept failing there was a couple making out in front of a musician near the respawn point. Each time the look of the couple changed, but not only that, each time I died and came back the instrument the musician was playing changed as well.

I'm really enjoying this game a lot. I don't know which orifice Gerstmann pulled that 3 out of 5 from, but it just reaffirms what I've always known - he and I have completely different taste in games.
Hacked a guy in the suburbs.

The maze of homes and fences made it really easy.

Left to take a piss without pausing. Came back to some guy hacking me at 60%.

The maze of homes and fences made it really annoying.



It's basically Distractions: The Video Game. So much to do

If nothing else, the NPC AI in the open world is probably head and shoulders above any other open world game

Wait, what? The same ai that is ovblivious to a sniper 25 meters away? Also, I really like the stalker mode.


This game is fun. It's going to take weeks to clear the platinum, but I'm going to have a blast doing it. I've only briefly done online stuff, but that and like it could add tons of replayability.

Oh yeah. I was being hacked in a public square and couldn't find the guy. So I fired warning shots to scare the crowd, and the hacker was the odd man out. LOL. Two shots, one in the head. PEACE.
I really like how the driving feels, I've had no problems with getting vehicles to do what I want.

I completely agree! I've never had so much control over driving and maneuvering in an open world game before. I love when I find those big jumps too and go flying through the air.
bah... I give up I've taken every step I can to get multi-player working on PC. It even sends me multiplayer contracts then just searches indefinitely.


Just played hacking. Got to 99% and she discovered me. Made a run for it. Got away clean.

She messaged me "good game, you almost got me. :]"

Its fun at some parts, but mostly I'm already bored. I think I'm going to trade it in.


I completely agree! I've never had so much control over driving and maneuvering in an open world game before. I love when I find those big jumps too and go flying through the air.
Indeed. The controls are sold once you get the hang of them. You can really whip it. Focus makes it even better for threading the needle during chases. PEACE.


Just beat the game. Without going into spoilers I just couldn't relate to Aiden for most of the game. Still enjoyed it WAY more than I thought I would. I normally pace games out but this one I couldn't put down.


You can do that entire mission without actually entering the building itself. Hacking cameras is your friend...

I was about to say this. People are playing this game like gta. Youre not gonna have fun... or get very far (in realistic mode) unless you use the toolset they gave you.

That mission practically tells you to never enter the building. You basically hack into one of the cameras on the security guards uniforms and let them walk you to the control panel.



This game is fun.

Oh yeah. I was being hacked in a public square and couldn't find the guy. So I fired warning shots to scare the crowd, and the hacker was the odd man out. LOL. Two shots, one in the head. PEACE.

That is brilliant. Thanks. I'll be using that.


12ish hours in, and I've done a little bit of the story.

I like being a voyeur/vigilante the most. The privacy invasions can be creepy, funny and even really sad- it's a strange look into someone's life when they think no one is watching. The devs really had fun with writing some of those I bet! Also, tracing the Utility boxes to be hacked can be a fun wandering game in itself.

I've spent a lot of time walking in Chicago- no music, no hurry. Just observing some of the really neat NPC behaviors- juggling a soccer ball, taking tourist pictures, couples fighting, listening in on funny phone calls- the works. I've been pretty immersed in the lives of some these NPCs in ways that are unique inherently to this game. Taking care of criminals with a silent uzi and a baton beatdown still hasn't gotten old (I think I've done this at least 50 times already).

I can't get used to the cars- I really, really dislike the driving. I've just been cruising on a Chopper when absolutely necessary because the cars feel like an afterthought. The handling is pretty shit, the brake seems a bit unresponsive and it's almost like it's caught between pure arcade and something with more weight. It just doesn't feel right to me. And taking out contracts with an inability to shoot leads to hopeful street hacking, and car ramming a lot- it's compelled me to come up with some great assassination strategies, but it's challenging for the wrong reasons.

But the hacks are rad. Chasing down criminals and hacking explosive bits of the environment can be endlessly entertaining. Also, navigating some of the "Collectible" rooftops in time feels like a hide and seek flag race from Assassin's Creed. I haven't really taken part in much of the online- I kind of like my open world games spent in isolation. Rustic coat, Aiden strolling about with my edited playlist medley of Nas, and MGK. The soundtrack just leaves me feeling like it could've been so much more- but they've done a decent job of highlighting some of Chicago's music scene.

I'm having fun. I didn't get the same feel I had from playing Saints Row 2, or GTA4+5 for the first time, but it's been really relaxing. I think the aiming/gun mechanics are great and some of the interiors look absolutely unique and beautiful. I wish the hideouts were individualized, but they are also serviceable. I think some of the digital trip mission structure play like poor SR4 minigames, but they're a welcome addition and nice change of pace.
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