Was thinking last night of locations for the sequel. What city do you guys think would be a good setting? My choice would be Washington DC. Hack the government.
Was thinking last night of locations for the sequel. What city do you guys think would be a good setting? My choice would be Washington DC. Hack the government.
Was thinking last night of locations for the sequel. What city do you guys think would be a good setting? My choice would be Washington DC. Hack the government.
Take it to Europe. London would be appropriate, there are cameras all over there already. Paris would be cool too.
Yes you are. Tap L1 to holster/unholster weapon. Hold L1 to bring up the weapon wheel.That's to select a weapon? Maybe I'm holding it down too long...
I like the current set up since you can create a play list of only the songs you like
with the random news update every now and then
Wait...what??? offended by what exactly?
Ha..shameless, I also love how they have just used an Adidas Cap and his dad's 1 for me for sure![]()
Unfortunately, that only works if you like the tracks available. At least GTA realizes that most people are not going to want hiphop in their classic rock or indie rock in their rap. The game eeally needs radio stations.
My game (PS4) seems to be stuck on the loading screen, I deleted the game data and reinstalled and it's still happening, anybody else had this issue?
Watch Dogs, like so many other open world games, shits me with how limited the otherwise awesome looking first person driving camera is. I don't always use it, but I like to. It's nice for immersion, and the perspective gives me an sense of control that third person does not. I don't need super fancy details or animations, even though Watch Dogs goes the extra mile to make it look great. What I do need is the ability to look around.
I assume it's limited due to interior car modelling issues, but goddam: open world games, please take note. If I can enable first person driving, please give me free camera control that lets me look around just as a person can do in real life. It's infuriating to be locked to a forward perspective.
Why do you want to get to a childrens play area so bad?
Yeah that was a nice feature but a bit too many conversations recycle too quick.Getting kind of tired of hearing the same argument/conversation with the couple near the starting hideout. The NPC skins will change, but the dialogue doesn't. Always about throwing him out because he has a doll collection.
Tried the game out at a friends last night from the start and got about 5 missions into the story. Is there like a big story hook in the first act as nothing interesting has happened so far and the game is playing it very seriously whilst being pretty uninteresting. The game seems very by the numbers so far, typical Ubisoft open world affair, go here, activate this, you've got access to the map now, collect loads of pointless collectibles. I get a feeling the game would have been much better off starting you out with hardly any hacking abilities and letting you unlock them as you progress, quite an overload of abilities from the start. Also does the reputation system affect Aiden or the story at all?
Yeah that was a nice feature but a bit too many conversations recycle too quick.
Cop chases are great from the start, imo.
Ever seen the film Drive? Remember the way the driver eludes police at the start? If you don't have th upgrades to make a burn out easier, then stealthing down ally ways and hiding while patrols pass is the way to go.
Really? And you don't have to escape from alerted guards or use distraction items?
If so then I feel stupid, but also happy to be corrected because there's more there, there.
Tried the game out at a friends last night from the start and got about 5 missions into the story. Is there like a big story hook in the first act as nothing interesting has happened so far and the game is playing it very seriously whilst being pretty uninteresting. The game seems very by the numbers so far, typical Ubisoft open world affair, go here, activate this, you've got access to the map now, collect loads of pointless collectibles. I get a feeling the game would have been much better off starting you out with hardly any hacking abilities and letting you unlock them as you progress, quite an overload of abilities from the start. Also does the reputation system affect Aiden or the story at all?
holy shit, criminal convoys with IED's and the .50 cal sniper are so much fun. Love setting up makeshift roadblock traps.
reputation effects just how much the civilians decide to call the cops on your when you do something
Max Anarchist constant stream of phone calls when walking down the street
Max vigilante people commenting about how they got your back and telling you to be safe
Ah right, did think we might still be in the tutorial but it's not really teaching us much any more, just did the first run away from fixers mission. Hoping for some story revelations to get me interested.Most of Act 1 is tutorial stuff to get you accustomed to the different facets of the game. I'm happy that they didn't gate off a bunch of skills and upgrades behind story progression. I personally don't like games that force you to progress in the story before you can start to feel like a badass especially when there's so much side content to engage that only gets better with each new upgrade and skill you acquire. I'm not even done with Act 1 and im pretty close to having my hacking skill tree maxed out and i love it.
I don't think the reputation does much other then determine how civilians look at you. The more positive rep you have the less likely they are to call the cops when they see you doing bad things
holy shit, criminal convoys with IED's and the .50 cal sniper are so much fun. Love setting up makeshift roadblock traps.
So even if we get to max anarchist the story will still have Aiden acting like he's fighting the good fight and acting like he's a good guy? Lame.
Ah right, did think we might still be in the tutorial but it's not really teaching us much any more, just did the first run away from fixers mission. Hoping for some story revelations to get me interested.
Why does it matter? Looking to to start a downgrade conversation AGAIN?
Story touches on it a few times
holy shit, criminal convoys with IED's and the .50 cal sniper are so much fun. Love setting up makeshift roadblock traps.
So how far in the story do I need to get to unlock cool stuff like slowing down time and Multiplayer. I havent done anything past the second main mission because I keep getting distracted.
So just keep restarting? How long did you wait before trying again?Had it yesterday on Xbox One, it is probably something to do with Uplay. I had to restart a couple of times to get in
I need to get more creative with these granted i've only done two. I bought a grenade launcher pretty early on and just let loose. I know at some point they tell you to neutralize the target rather than kill him so will need to get the creative juices flowing at some point i suppose
The driving itself can be hit or miss depending on the vehicle you have but i really enjoy the chases in this compared to other open world games where it's all about ramming them/shooting the car. You just can't help but feel like a bad ass in a police chase when you switch the traffic light behind you and take out one cop, take a few turns and pull up some blockers to take out another and then dip off into an alley and cut the engine and chill like a bossI'm really enjoying this game until I have to participate in a high speed chase, then I loathe it. The driving is absolutely atrocious in this game. I was hoping a driving perk would enhance the steering on the cars... but it doesn't.
The driving may be the sole reason why I do not finish the game.
I assume they dont but most of these attempted crimes happen in alleys and sometimes the criminal will look around before he engages with the victim so i just take it as them just being cautious/aware of another person being thereGood stuff, we found it funny mowing down civilians shouting "we're preventing crime, outta the way!"
Also failed so many crimes in progress just by running into the area and getting seen by the criminal straight away lol. (how do they know Aiden is going to prevent the crime?)
So how far in the story do I need to get to unlock cool stuff like slowing down time and Multiplayer. I havent done anything past the second main mission because I keep getting distracted.
Nope, I'm waiting for them to fix their servers, could be the heart of the problem.Has anyone figured out how to get the season pass unlockables yet?
The driving itself can be hit or miss depending on the vehicle you have but i really enjoy the chases in this compared to other open world games where it's all about ramming them/shooting the car. You just can't help but feel like a bad ass in a police chase when you switch the traffic light behind you and take out one cop, take a few turns and pull up some blockers to take out another and then dip off into an alley and cut the engine and chill like a boss![]()
Was thinking last night of locations for the sequel. What city do you guys think would be a good setting? My choice would be Washington DC. Hack the government.
Finally had my first online invader kill. I've been invaded probably 3 times in 12 hours of game play. He was at 94% when I ran up to a car and saw him slouched over and just unloaded on his head with the chrome burst fire revolver. Felt good. Dude was probably pissed since he was so close to hacking me. I love the tension of the invasion aspect, so much fun.
So just keep restarting? How long did you wait before trying again?
Ubisoft seriously need to mod in mp3 playlist support. As of now, I've turned the music off.
Not a single track I can tolerate.