its on "Best". Sorry its bad
Not your fault then. It a cool. I'm learning some tricks here.
its on "Best". Sorry its bad
its on "Best". Sorry its bad
Criminal convoys is a great mission type. Love the freedom you have in taking care of business. It can feed off player creativity in some interesting ways.
I have a feeling he's watching it on like medium quality. I'm watching on desktop on "Source" quality and it's perfectly fine.
I'm unfamiliar with both of those things.Isn't he just a copy of Steven Heck from Alpha Protocol?
Hahaha! I killed one of them!
I'm watching on PS4. I don't have a choice in quality
Ah, I wonder if PS4 automatically adjusts to medium.
Maybe it's a bandwith issue--what's your download speed?
That just ruined the whole experience for me. :/
Really? The whole thing? I mean, I don't nessessaraly disbelieve you, but it's gotta suck to be that sensitive. Watch Dogs is far from a perfect game, but never once have I noticed the lip syncing.
Not going to sift through 200 pages, but has anyone found the 90 degree tracks yet?
50mbps, hardwired. I think it's just bad compression on PS4s end.
I just watched Gaz's stream on my PS4 and it seems like it is a little lower quality than watching it directly on, but it's watchable. I think the worse is that the frame rate appears to be lower on the PS4's Twitch client and smooth on itself, which I found weird.
Really wish you could shoot from your car/bike, especially since NPCs can do this.
Am I missing something or can you just not shoot from your car?
Also, the skill point distribution in the beginning of the game feels pretty awkward. Here's 5 points! Unlock things like safely bypassing door locks and alarm systems on cars when you're in the first hour of the game so you never have to take risks when stealing parked cars!
I've never had the cops called either, which is kind of weird. I've done some messed up shit too. I guess it only happens when you pull a gun out.
Other than these issues, I've been having a lot of fun. I played up to wave 21 of that NVSN game. Starts out really slow but then gets better as you unlock better weapons drops and such.
Sending a guy away on the train while you're hacking him is literally the greatest feeling.
Lol apparently I'm so good at online I'm in the top 0% now?? That doesn't even make sense hahaha
Completed my first online hack! It was awesome, nerve wracking and hilarious because I was hiding in plain sight and the guy walked past me and stood next to me so many times I was sure I was going to be busted. After it was over, pressed the share button and of course it didn't save the video. It just saved 10 random seconds from like an hour ago. Grrr.
Not going to sift through 200 pages, but has anyone found the 90 degree tracks yet?
So I'm just sitting here with proximity ieds placed around the only two entrances to this room, just waiting for someone to show up. Seems like people only hack you when you're being productive and doing missions
I've completed 15 CC missions now, and my problem with them is that the game is unbalanced. Generally they can be done by taking out the grenade launcher and 1-shotting all the cars. If there are armored enemies, grenade launcher also one shots them, taking away any potential challenge. If you have to incapacitate the target, jjust shoot the tires on the target car then take the grenade launcher and explode everything else.
Yeah. just seems like a place where trains turn around
By circumventing physics?
Also, no, I think that Jordi is a way better character. I kind of found Heck to be a little grating.
By the train director walking to the back and powering the train from that direction
lol, I misread that as switching tracks. Anyways, they wouldn't leave the end of tracks bare like that.
nice work gaz
So, does the gameplay offset the lousy story, terrible protagonist, and sexism and racism in terms of making this a worthwhile buy?
I don't like how everytime I die on a rooftop Cash Run, the game respawns me a block away. Not even at a hospital either, so wtf Ubisoft? Gimme a retry option.
So, does the gameplay offset the lousy story, terrible protagonist, and sexism and racism in terms of making this a worthwhile buy?
Fucking finally...
edit: Fuck it, going for top 2
Grenade launcher is all you really need for any encounter in the game, but I never find it enjoyable to just powergame my way through stuff. It's a lot more fun to make it a point to be creative and figure out different solutions to obstacles. Going for maximum effectiveness all the time is bound to become boring and repetitive in any game, because any game can be powergamed.
Oh someone (would link but on mobile) mentioned how the game portrays Christians as hypocrites through the profiler. Ie being listed as a fundamental Christian and making out with a hooker. Just pointing out that I guarantee that Ubi wouldn't allow that to happen with say, a fundamental Muslim. Anyway I would be happily proven wrong if someone could provide a screen shot.
GTA does the same stuff too. Lampoons conservatives all day and barely touches liberals. Not that I have a problem with this, it's their game and they have a right to do whatever they want.
What are you talking about? GTA is a gigantic lampooning of everything liberals stand for. There's even an entire radio show doing nothing but mocking the stupid shit hippies are into.