Is it just me or are the cops incredibly hard to shake
Its the same for me too mate lol.
I think you've just got to make the most of the environment and the hacking. I typically hack the helicopters since I have that unlocked, and then just go through as many obstacles as I can. Opening doors, closing them behind me, blockers, steam pipes, gates, spikes and the like are all fantastic ways to lose them.
It's the ctOS scanning part that I hate. I always fuck up and then the % meter rises way too fast and it just has to start all over again ._.
but yeah, I think the cops in this game are much more dynamic and much more fun to outrun or play around with than in games like GTA or any other generic standard open world game.
I always forget to use slowmo mode!
I always forget about Focus. That being said, the game does a pretty good job of prompting you when to hack something to "neutralise" a pursuer, does it not? Or is this disabled in higher difficulty modes? I'm playing on Normal.