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Watch_Dogs |OT| PS4 would probably melt trying to do this

I love the online aspect of this game. Was doing the ball in a cup minigame, pausing so I could see the ball. About halfway through level 4, I noticed that everything was still moving when I paused.

I decided to give this invader a challenge, so I instantly turn around and start running to my car. What I didn't know is that my invader had decided to get close enough to breathe in my ear. My sudden turning around and running had caused them to freak out, and they proceeded to run around in a circle trying to figure out what to do.

Shooting someone had never been so satisfying before.

Also, one of my favorite things to do is go into a Online Decryption match, grab a heavy truck, preferably a firetruck or dumptruck, and just start barreling down the road once they eventually bunch up.


ok this is what I think of this game after quite some time with it and of course beating the story;

+ The city actually has a very good atmosphere, I think this is the closest anyone has reached to Rockstar level, same for pedestrians, it feels pretty good. GTAV is still quite a bit better but I was surprised to see how the game is after looking at some of the reviews and saying the game is lifeless etc. Sure it can get better and firetrucks and ambulances as mentioned don't behave as well as GTA games did 10 years ago but it's still pretty good. Way better than games like Sleeping Dogs for example.

+Hacking and camera hopping are very simple and probably obvious but there is a really nifty cool thing to them, it manages to be fun yet simple. That's a good thing, maybe the novelty wears off for a sequel if it was the same but for this game it was good enough.

+I feel the open world actually helps this game feel like it is. I saw the thread the other d ay claiming open world is wasted here, couldn't disagree more. Actually many of the mission can be approached from all directions unlike what you see in GTA. Open world element actually helps the hacking part not look as obvious as otherwise it would be. You have to look around a bit and find things. This is specially notable in privacy invasions. Those happen to be not very obvious. QR codes are somewhat similar too.

+Some of the weapons like ACR sound really good, sound effect overall are pretty good. The city sounds great. There is a good amount of pedestrians chatter and cell phone calls you can hack into.

+Aiden Pearce attire really doesn't get old to look at.

+Actually liked the collectibles here because they involved a little bit of puzzle solving as simple as it can be at times. It's not like there are 100s investigations to do. It was alright. The actually get a little bit creative. Audio logs here and there are decent enough as reward to actually do these.

+Clever use of main game mechanic in the story
like the pacemaker.

+I liked The B
unker location, having this isolated area in the center of the city was pretty cool as the main hideout to come back to right next to all the noisy city going around.

+Steam pipes and blackouts don't get old. Really cool audio/visual effect and are actually very useful.

+Fixer Contracts aren't bad for side activities because I enjoy the core mechanics enough to find enjoyment in clearing some hideouts or stopping convoys.

+Online interactions ended up way better than I imagined, possibly the best part of the game. The simple mechanics work really well when you're dealing with other players, nifty stuff.

+ctOS towers and servers were fun to clear, ubisoft has this clear vantage point to reveal map mechanic in all of the openworlds now... but this one was actually a lot better than climbing towers in Far Cry 3 or AC. Towers are simple but they don't open the same way. For one of them I actually had to use a vehicle. Again it's easy but 'cool'. So is much of this game, 'cool factor'.

-Considering the premise of the game I was hoping the story wasn't just yet another gang and mob wars like all gta and gta clones end up being eventually. It ended up just like that but now they deal with information instead of some other merchandise. This was really disappointing. You could do so much more with a story around surveillance. I guess for a start of a franchise they just played it safe, maybe too safe here. Gang wars seem to work for every other game might as well do the same...

The story also suffered from a lot of running in circles, doing things that don't matter in the end.
like the whole thing with BedBug
it felt they were just there to extend this mediocre story which happens to be pretty short for this genre.

-Character all suck, terrible. Some really bland dialog. It was going into 'you and I are the same' cliche at many parts. Aiden Pearce doesn't have anything going for him other than his attire... Really odd and weird at times. He's almost like some indecisive anime protags.... Support cast all suck too. Didn't care for anybody, Jordi
felt like an attempt to emulate weird GTA characters, he didn't have enough screentime to matter anyway and the ending QTE was just stupid.

Defalt look like pretty mysterious because he didn't talk whatsoever and was just there with what he did, but even that was wasted probably should've let him go for future use...

-Mission design relied too much on chases, there is always some fixer team following you after the act. Maybe mixing things up with convoys a bit more. Those are more fun at least.

- radio and news broadcasts are really dry. It feels like not much is happening in this world other than Aiden. I think fake internet and stock market are some other things they can borrow from gta, those actually fit like a glove here considering the main premise of the game...

Overall for first entry in a new franchise it was solid enough to lay the foundation but it can be much more, they have to do much more in the sequel because I don't think the novelty and the mentioned cool factor can hold up more if it's more or less the same. There are many more things you can add to hacking mechanic and more things to manipulate. The sequel is probably not going to have anything to do with this game's story and that's a good thing, this isn't going to end up like AC. I can see ubisoft not sticking with US cities too unlike R* which is also another bonus. All in all this is the most enjoyable gta 'clone' for me and that's because of the parts that are not gta at all. It actually stands on its own ideas rather than the gta part.

I hope they go back to that Splinter Conviciton demo from 2007 and lift ideas from that, this game I imagine is spawned from that already. In that demo Sam could pick up many items like chairs and more, use them in brawls or blocking doors. It was pretty cool how seamlessly items were picked up with proper animation. There is still nothing like it to this day.


You'd see the normal end-of match result screen, if you mean if you could see how many times you've been tailed......

That's what I thought. A guy I tailed never had a clue I was there and added me on PSN afterwards. I never got any result screens out of the blue, so it looks like I've never been tailed :(


Got my Traced achievement. Basically play that mode and eventually people trail you back.

Done with Act 1 and level 41/50.
Second or third time it let me quit to main menu.

Should sleep.

Is there a way to check how many times you've been tailed ?

Xbox One tells you the progression. Native tracking.


While I'm on the subject, is the "last 15 minutes" thing on PS4 still not working properly? Would make life a lot easier.

I've been having the same problem with Watch_Dogs, no other game seems to be affected.. Every time I see an invader I double tap share just incase something awesome happens.
I really like the Tailing and Hacking missions, but has anyone been able to play a Decryption mission that isn't 1. a total clusterfuck and 2. running at like 15fps? Every match I've been in so far tanks the framerate hard on PS4.
for those of you who have played GTAV, how do you think the civilian NPCs compare in terms of AI?

GTAV has Euphoria, which is unrivaled. Plus, I love all of the things NPCs do in that game - take pictures when you're driving a nice car, that kind of thing - that aren't quite as apparent in Watch Dogs. A lot of stuff repeats, too. I'm surprised they didn't record more raps/beatboxes, for example.

That being said, there are a few great interactions I've seen. I'm sure it repeats all over the place, but there's a really long conversation between two identical twins hitting on an unimpressed woman that I saw outside of a clothing store. There's also a conversation I sat and listened to with a guy detailing his night in prison to a friend for nearly ten minutes. There are even a few meta-jokes about being an NPC that you can overhear if you listen all the way through some of the longer conversations, which is cute.


Companion App for this game is awesome. Ubi is really pushing interaction between mobile and console/PC market. You really should try it it is free.


GTAV has Euphoria, which is unrivaled. Plus, I love all of the things NPCs do in that game - take pictures when you're driving a nice car, that kind of thing - that aren't quite as apparent in Watch Dogs. A lot of stuff repeats, too. I'm surprised they didn't record more raps/beatboxes, for example.

I've seen some pretty cool, subtle interactions in WD.

I caused a pileup at an intersection, a guy got out his phone and started filming it. As I walked by he said "man, did you see that?", then he noticed who I was and said something like "hey, aren't you that guy", and turned his camera toward me.

A couple of suits were standing on a corner and bigging each other up about their work, a women walks past and they start cooing at her, she tells them to get lost, and as she turns the corner they continue a conversation about her.

Little moments like this make the world feel incredibly alive.

Has anyone got examples of GTAV's NPC interactions like this? How does Euphoria make it better?


Gold Member
I hope Ubi releases an extended OST for this game, because the soundtrack is fucking AWESOME. I had never heard of Brian Reitzell up until this point, but he did an incredible job. Fascinating mix between low-key ambient soundscapes and cool synth beats for action scenes. I also love that almost every mission has its own "theme", you don't hear the same track every single chase for example.

Really cool.
A couple of suits were standing on a corner and bigging each other up about their work, a women walks past and they start cooing at her, she tells them to get lost, and as she turns the corner they continue a conversation about her.

Little moments like this make the world feel incredibly alive.

That's the exact interaction I mentioned in my post, funnily enough.

Watch Dogs seems to have a few really well thought out interactions that work one time, and then become kind of grating when they continue to happen. For example, I've noticed that every time I cause a crash at a stop light, two people always get out to yell at each other, and one guy runs away yelling "I don't want to die!" in the same order.

Euphoria is more of a physical interaction with the world kind of thing, but it's much better than Watch Dogs' goofy ragdoll. GTAV also has great stuff like being able to anger NPCs by flipping them off while driving, or being able to chat/provoke them with the D-pad.

GTAV is much more spontaneous and unpredictable (well, other than NPCs wanting to call the cops on you for breathing) and Watch Dogs has some really detailed scripted interactions that add color to the world once. Different styles of world-building, really.


Finished the game (story missions), removed my save file and started all over again :D Such an amazing game. Too bad there is no mission replay feature.
The first time I only played story missions and was surprised that story and characters get so much criticism. Seems pretty much on the same level as most games to me, at least not noticeable worse.
The second time I mix story and side activities. Still so much content that is completely new to me. So far the gang hideouts are my favourites :)


Does anyone go in guns blazing during missions? Just feels wrong to me. You have so much guns though and they look great. But I'd much rather be the invisible l33t haxx0rz badass no ever knew was at the scene.
Finished the game (story missions), removed my save file and started all over again :D Such an amazing game. Too bad there is no mission replay feature.
The first time I only played story missions and was surprised that story and characters get so much criticism. Seems pretty much on the same level as most games to me, at least not noticeable worse.
The second time I mix story and side activities. Still so much content that is completely new to me. So far the gang hideouts are my favourites :)

How the hell did this even happen, considering that's been a staple of the Assassin's Creed franchise for several games now?

Out of all the dumb things Ubisoft is cramming into all of their games, you'd think that would be one of them.
Care to elaborate?

Obviously hiding spoilers.

Strengths/weaknesses, etc?

It's an average techno-thriller. It's the videogame equivalent of some action TV-show but in terms of emotion and memorable characters there's not much to be found... as in most other big-budget Ubisoft games. Hell, even GTA V is better in that respect and I'm not even a fan of it. I didn't care about Aiden or his family and all the villains were one-dimensional evil archetypes so I couldn't even hate them.

Also, the questioning of privacy and personal data is superficial. It's only there as a plot device, nothing thought-provoking.


Does anyone go in guns blazing during missions? Just feels wrong to me. You have so much guns though and they look great. But I'd much rather be the invisible l33t haxx0rz badass no ever knew was at the scene.
I always used mix of stealth and shooting with silencer, Blacklist style.


Does anyone go in guns blazing during missions? Just feels wrong to me. You have so much guns though and they look great. But I'd much rather be the invisible l33t haxx0rz badass no ever knew was at the scene.

Yep, I only use weapons when there are just way too many enemies and nothing I can hack my way through. Otherwise it just feels wrong.


I have been trying to win the poker game for 2 days now to unlock Sayonara LE ..... i always get busted when its one on one.... :/ ... I have been trying to do everything right.. but my cards are never that good.

This is frustrating. Fun but frustrating at the moment.


The drinking trophy is solo boring...

I just finished with the first guy, lost just two rounds but I probably took around 1 hour to get him to lvl. 10...


That's the exact interaction I mentioned in my post, funnily enough.

Watch Dogs seems to have a few really well thought out interactions that work one time, and then become kind of grating when they continue to happen. For example, I've noticed that every time I cause a crash at a stop light, two people always get out to yell at each other, and one guy runs away yelling "I don't want to die!" in the same order.

Euphoria is more of a physical interaction with the world kind of thing, but it's much better than Watch Dogs' goofy ragdoll. GTAV also has great stuff like being able to anger NPCs by flipping them off while driving, or being able to chat/provoke them with the D-pad.

GTAV is much more spontaneous and unpredictable (well, other than NPCs wanting to call the cops on you for breathing) and Watch Dogs has some really detailed scripted interactions that add color to the world once. Different styles of world-building, really.

Ah. Thanks.

The interaction with NPCs in GTAV sounds like the kind of thing the next WD could really benefit from.

One thing I really love about WD is the way NPCs react when you pull out a gun. They have quite a lot of dialogue before it repeats. Also, being able to stop police calls is amazing.

I'm incredibly excited to see how the next game builds upon this.


Does anyone go in guns blazing during missions? Just feels wrong to me. You have so much guns though and they look great. But I'd much rather be the invisible l33t haxx0rz badass no ever knew was at the scene.
Guns are a last resort for me. I prefer whittling down enemies using elements in the environment, then sneaking past the ones who are left.

Any chance where I can hack my way around, I'll take it.


These digital trips are pretty cool. Alone would make for a great survival type multiplayer mode, sneaking around together, fighting a robot invasion by stealth or brute force with friends. And the Spider Tank one takes me back to playing the Ghost in the Shell PS1 demo over and over.

The story part is rather meh so far, there's some cool missions, I always love being able to stealth through a mission, and I have spent far too long doing anything but main missions. Like others have said, the game as a whole feels a lot like AC1 did, it is a great foundation for what could be an awesome series of games that Ubisoft no doubt wants to make it. And if they can make that jump they did from AC1 to AC2 in quality and really evolve the ideas they have in this first game then Watch Dogs 2 will no doubt be awesome.

Digital Trips are some pretty sweet mini games, it is a shame we only got 4 out of the box. Alone itself would make for a great co-op multiplayer mode. Sneaking around together, either avoiding bad guys in this "robot invasion" with stealth or just going all out with brute force, it would be sweet with friends. The Spider Tank one also takes me back to playing the PS1 demo of Ghost in the Shell over and over and over again, jump around in this mech climbing up walls, good stuff.


Plz Ubisoft don't run this into the ground like you've done with AC.

I expect the next Watch_Dogs in about 2 years and a half or so. This one released in May, next one probably in the September - November time frame. Hopefully by then it will look stunning on PS4!
By the way, my final appreciation doesn't take into account the multiplayer part but that's because I haven't been able to start more than a couple multiplayer games, despite my multiple attempts. Not my problem, though. Ubisoft should have made sure that feature worked from the start.

I wish I didn't pay the game full-price.

How long is the campaign?

I've finished the game in 25 hours but I did some side missions and stayed idle from time to time.


By the way, my final appreciation doesn't take into account the multiplayer part but that's because I haven't been able to start more than a couple multiplayer games, despite my multiple attempts. Not my problem, though. Ubisoft should have made sure that feature worked from the start.
The multiplayer works perfectly on PS4, maybe there is a problem on PC.
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