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Watch_Dogs |OT| PS4 would probably melt trying to do this


I hate it when you're chasing someone and you hit that one little nudge of some unbreakable edge and it grinds you to a halt.

ON another random thought I think the core gameplay is much better then something like GTA. Less complicated controls and an actual traversing mechanic. Shooting feels great. IN fact, I think convoy missions might be my favorite deal so far since I set up a car blockade and light up the fools.

I'm real glad that any picked up gun stays in your inventory for life.


Game is good not great. Certian characters are used too little (jordi) and others are introduced and then removed within a few missions
. Also, the main character is a real bore.

Story overall is ok but not great. Some twists seem to be added just to pad the length, some cam be seen from a mile away
It was the mysterious mob boss lucky quinn all along!
and others make absolutely no sense.
Jordi betrays you all of a sudden in the very last cutscene and then disappears.

Also, a lot of the side activities are incredibly repetitive. But the game has potential. The world is great and if they just added more stuff (polish up the driving, wildlife, car customization, a good radio, quality over quantity when it comes to side activities, a better main character, ect.) then watch dogs 2 could be up there with gta.


Look who I found.

This hiding spots my favourite, never been profiled here. Helps there lots of them all over the city.


Junior Member
he's saying it actually shows your their location on the map. pretty lame.

I disagree. Being able to trace the hacker before he even knows you're onto him is awesome and fits very well with the theme - and sure, you can make their life difficult, but getting the initial hack is pretty damn easy anyway.


I didn't like the game at first. The intro was kind of boring and a bit confusing..

But as soon as you have more control of what is happening, it becomes much better. I haven't really been focusing on the story missions too much, and just enjoy strolling around and chasing after random fixer missions.

Some of the random conversations are funny, and I did my first
gang hideout mission
last night, which was a blast!

Graphics are a little disappointing until night falls or it rains, but it's what I expected for a cross-gen game. Can't wait to see the inevitable sequel.


Neo Member
Anyone just go into tailing mode for the purpose of completely ****ing with the other player, whether you die or not?

Like before I went into the player's game unannounced and started beeping the Imperial March on the car horn
Anyone just go into tailing mode for the purpose of completely ****ing with the other player, whether you die or not?

Like before I went into the player's game unannounced and started beeping the Imperial March on the car horn

The most fun ones are shooting at them or getting their attention just before you hit 100%. There's nothing they can do to stop you, and then you just vanish.


This hiding spots my favourite, never been profiled here. Helps there lots of them all over the city.

I am not quite sure what spot this is.
Hiding near the trains or places with vertical spaces helps.

I wouldn't really say the ball cup guy is cheating. Unless you would also call magic tricks cheating. It's all slight of hand and you can win the game every time if you have quick eyes and follow not just the cup, but the ball when he switches it to another cup.

Spam the pause button during your decision, you can see through the cups!
But I felt that ignoring the cups and just watching for a small move and then following after that almost always worked.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I disagree. Being able to trace the hacker before he even knows you're onto him is awesome and fits very well with the theme - and sure, you can make their life difficult, but getting the initial hack is pretty damn easy anyway.
I really haven't experienced this yet, but it seems like it just guarantees the invaded person the victory if they use it before the initial hack. Maybe I'm wrong.


Trophies unlocking randomly have been known to happen when you get the ability lock glitch. Not saying you've got it, but you might want to make sure you haven't lost some things you've upgraded or purchased.

And if you're safe, make a backup save just in case.

That actually already happened to me. I had to start over from a save that was backed up in the cloud and lost like 25% progress.
Am I going crazy or is there not a single side activity in Pawnee?

Fixer contracts don't all spawn at once. I'm pretty sure there's a limit to how many you can have on the map at any one time, in order to a) reduce map spam and b) give the impression that the world is dynamic and things are popping up when they happen.


I am not quite sure what spot this is.
Hiding near the trains or places with vertical spaces helps.

Yeah this spot and multi-storey carparks seems to work well. This is ontop of the stairs you go up to most train stations, jump over the fence at the end of the platform and you can ontop of the stairs.


About the Shell guy, random NPCs kept walking in the space between Aiden and the guy while he was doing the trick, making it impossible to see where the ball was.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I disagree. Being able to trace the hacker before he even knows you're onto him is awesome and fits very well with the theme - and sure, you can make their life difficult, but getting the initial hack is pretty damn easy anyway.
Yeah I don't know. I just hacked someone and paused, noticing somebody was in my game. I used this trick and found and shot him in under 15 seconds. Even know I knew I was immediately invaded, I'd have had no clue where to start looking except for this. Until they activate the download they're always dead center of the circle, and by definition have no idea you're onto them.

It makes sense to give the advantage of taking away the element of surprise if you go to try to start a mission, online contract, whatever and accidentally discover you're being invaded. This can be done on command and gives you basically their exact x,y position. It's almost as good as the hacker's own target icon on you. :p Just figured I'd try it before bed, but I don't like it.
I really wish you could shoot while driving. As it is, it feels like you have rather limited options during a car pursuit.

It gets really bad if you do contracts in Pawnee. There are very few hackable features that can stop cars, and an especially annoying bike contract. It became a case of racing south and either outrunning enemies or waiting until I got to the city.

Or, get out of the car, blow people up with the grenade launcher, and then get back in the car :)


Just did my first hacking a player mission. Hid in a car for the longest until he wised up and starting blasting every car. I got him though. :)


Game is good not great. Certian characters are used too little (jordi) and others are introduced and then removed within a few missions
. Also, the main character is a real bore.

Story overall is ok but not great. Some twists seem to be added just to pad the length, some cam be seen from a mile away
It was the mysterious mob boss lucky quinn all along!
and others make absolutely no sense.
Jordi betrays you all of a sudden in the very last cutscene and then disappears.

Also, a lot of the side activities are incredibly repetitive. But the game has potential. The world is great and if they just added more stuff (polish up the driving, wildlife, car customization, a good radio, quality over quantity when it comes to side activities, a better main character, ect.) then watch dogs 2 could be up there with gta.
Mostly agree.

What I want for the sequel
is a much deeper focus on the things already in game rather than just more stuff to do. I feel this is the point at which AC2 failed where it could have gone on to greatness without all the collectables. Take the Crime Detections and add a huge amount of variety for example. Refine and explore the elements already on display, rely less on scripting and more on (somewhat controlled) emergent gameplay and push this to next next gen.

I think without the unique multiplayer modes this game is a little above average.
Ubisoft credits are always so long... GREAT fucking game though.

Favorite scene: (SPOILERS obvi)

After Clara dies. When you look down and see her body, turn and start to walk away. You hear her voice, apologizing for the things she's done, hoping that we can talk after this is all over. Either that, or at least she'd be able to disappear. "I'm good at that." And you knew, no matter what she was saying it didn't matter, because she was gone. It felt very surreal, since you knew it was the voice of a ghost, but it was almost unbelievable what she was saying. It reminded me of Red Dead Redemption's ending in a lot of ways. Standing above your parent's graves, knowing that you'd never hear their voices again.

Then you drive away and it is just silent. Nothing but soft piano in the background. I also loved when you drive out to the lighthouse and it is silent, dark, raining. This game has incredible atmosphere, and a city that felt much more alive to me than any other open world game.

Overall: Great singleplayer. Tired multiplayer. Amazing soundtrack. Incredible atmosphere. Horrible radio.

Kudos, Ubi. Ya didn't fuck up this time. Not quite what I expected after the infamous E3 demo, but amazing nonetheless.


Lol guy tried to hack me as I was starting a mission, I turn around, and he pulled up in a car RIGHT behind me. Maybe a few inches away. Blew him away in 2 seconds.

Also its a shame that the drinking game trophy is a bronze, yet there are so many easy silver trophies to get. A damn shame.


Man, it is so bad ass just playing my game roaming the city and a Blum associate that I hacked calls in a bounty on me.... I then go about my business doing my thing unlocking shit and sure enough along comes a hacker... so organic even though I know it's coming eventually. Beats the hell out of signing into multiplayer and looking for a match.

Catches me in all kinds of places in the middle of all minds of things. Love this game


I suck balls at hacking other players. Are they notified as soon as I enter their game? Or only when I start the initial scan?

Because pretty much as soon as I enter someone's game they run into the woods or another open unpopulated area. Sucks man.


What a disappointing story. I was waiting for it to take off the entire time and it never did. The tone is completely different from all the stuff we saw before the release and I hate how the family drama was such a huge part of the story. I feel like T-Bone and Clara barely got any character development as well. They were introduced, did some stuff and then the story ends.

edit: Totally forgot about Jordi. He was probably one of the best characters and got the least amount of screen time.
Why the fuck didn't I think of doing missions like tailing and intercepting by camera only? Shit, GAF, I've fucked up. But I'm fixing that tonight!


I suck balls at hacking other players. Are they notified as soon as I enter their game? Or only when I start the initial scan?

Because pretty much as soon as I enter someone's game they run into the woods or another open unpopulated area. Sucks man.

There are a few ways of telling when someone has invaded your game. Attempting to use focus will keep it in real-time instead of slow-mo. Going to the pause menu will keep the background moving instead of paused. And if you attempt to start your own online game through the online contracts menu, it won't let you and instead highlight the zone that the invader is in.


Mostly agree.

What I want for the sequel
is a much deeper focus on the things already in game rather than just more stuff to do. I feel this is the point at which AC2 failed where it could have gone on to greatness without all the collectables. Take the Crime Detections and add a huge amount of variety for example. Refine and explore the elements already on display, rely less on scripting and more on (somewhat controlled) emergent gameplay and push this to next next gen.

I think without the unique multiplayer modes this game is a little above average.

I agree, there should be more variety in the Crime Detection mechanic. It appears to be the same old thing over and over again. Crimes already in progress are a little more interesting, noticed an NPC trying to rob a coffee shop by holding up the cashier at gun point.


There are a few ways of telling when someone has invaded your game. Attempting to use focus will keep it in real-time instead of slow-mo. Going to the pause menu will keep the background moving instead of paused. And if you attempt to start your own online game through the online contracts menu, it won't let you and instead highlight the zone that the invader is in.

Also, if you try to start a mission or hack a ctOS tower.


Holy shit. ALONE is my new favourite part of the game. I was fucking engrossed in that shit for over 1.5 hours. Got the
bonus outfit
from finishing it.

I realllllllllly wish you could play it with friends and compete for generators in the city. The freedom afforded in that mode was crazy. For one of the generators, I dodged a bunch of the robots by climbing onto the L-train tracks and used it to bypass several of them on my way to the generator.

Wow. Wow. Wow. I loved that. The stealth was really rudimentary, but the separate skill tree, the music, the sense of isolation, etc. all added up for a really nice experience.
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