So I'm about 40 hours into the game, well past the honey moon period. Still love the game. I've done a shit ton of side missions, investigations, and online stuff and it still feels like I've just started to scratch the surface. When I saw the Spider Tank previews, I thought it was a tacked on gimmick, but man is it fun and satisfying. Played that mode for at least an hour, the sound of the Spider Tank machine gun is so satisfying on a loud stereo system.
I played for a good 5-6 hours yesterday and I didn't get invaded at all, or tailed for all I know (I check every few mins with focus). I did a lot of driving across town, there was plenty of time where I wasn't in a mission. Not complaining, just kind of weird considering the day before I was getting invaded constantly. I wonder if its because I didn't try hacking/tailing anyone at all.