Not really that happy. For $60. Wolfenstein was a better experience. I should have waited till it was $30.
Watch Dogs seem to have a great idea but not really well fleshed out. Half the side missions are copy and paste from other Ubisoft titles with minor changes, they're repetitive and boring. Characters are flat and the story, well I just ended up skipping half the cut scenes. Watching Aiden talking is even worst than Connor from AC3.
The only fun things in the game are online mode, Convoy, and the Digital trips games. Everything else felt like a chore to do.
And to answer the last question. It failed to live up to the hype. Severely.
7.8/10 at best.
Agree and disagree.
Is it undercooked? Yes.
Does it live up to the hype? No.
However, for some reason I played this to completion, and spent about 20 hours in between the story stuff messing around playing MP, side missions, larking about in the open world. I almost never do this optional stuff, especially in Ubi games. For some reason it just felt compelling in WD, I think it has something to do with the way everything seems so linked together, and chaining sidemissions and main missions and random encoutners just flows so well.
The story has its moments. There are some really great parts, especially the build up to the stuff with Default, but the pay off of many of the story arcs feels anti-climatic. One particularly effective sequence that has a really intense build and pacing, ends with a generic chase and take down sequence with no no climatic interaction with the antagonist after you take them down.
Also, some of the more emotional moments feel really, flat, whereas some are quite effective. It's really inconsistent in that way.
The latter part of the game feels really uninspired too, in the campaign, as it just starts repeating mission types and throwing them at you with increasing intensity. It builds tedium, rather than effective tension.
I would have loved to have seen more character interaction in the side quests too, as it stands even the investigation stuff has very little story attached, and each feels like a collect-a-thon instead of a well thought out side-quest.
The game also looks gorgeous at times on PC, but performance isn't exactly optimal.
Mutiplayer is good. 1v1 hacking and tailing is neat, different, and the (almost) seamless integration works well. The rest of the MP package is, imo, tacked on and very underdeveloped. The mobile stuff is good, but there are a lot of connectivity issues. Free roam is fun for a while, but lack of actual engaging content aside from just roaming with a friend makes it dull, and Decryption is really basic and peopel often just quit when they're losing. Takes forever to find a match sometimes, too.
Despite all of this, from moment to moment, the game kept me engaged. There are some really good campaign missions, and some really great gameplay sections, and the open world (while it does start to repeat on you) feels alive and dense.
I'd say it's worth playing, but for me, it's not worth $60, I'd wait for a sale and nab a copy.