Relevant Excerpts from "Child Molesters: A Behavior Analysis"
Child Molesters: A Behavior Analysis
Characteristics of preferential sex offenders, a.k.a. "true" pedophiles:
Some other relevant quotes:
Found this on reddit today.
To summarize, the argument becomes: "Sure, Michael Jackson behaved like a textbook pedophile, but only up until he had boys alone in his bedroom."
Child Molesters: A Behavior Analysis
Characteristics of preferential sex offenders, a.k.a. "true" pedophiles:
Excessive Interest in Children: How much interest is excessive? This is a difficult question. The old adage, “If it sounds too good to be true, maybe it is” may apply here. If someone’s interest in children seems too good to be true, maybe it is. This is not proof that someone is a pedophile, but it is a reason to be suspicious [...] Parents/guardians should beware of anyone who wants to be with their children more than they do.
Associates and Circle of Friends are Young: In addition to sexual activity, pedophiles frequently socialize with children and get involved in youth activities.
Limited Peer Relationships: Because they cannot share the most important part of their life, their sexual interest in children, with most adults, pedophiles may have a limited number of close adult friends.
Age and Gender Preference: Most pedophiles prefer children of a certain gender in a certain age range. In contrast to situational-type child molesters, “true” pedophiles seem to more often prefer boys.
Identifies With Children (Better Than With Adults): Pedophiles usually have the ability to identify with children better than they do with adults – a trait that makes most pedophiles master seducers of children. They especially know how to listen to children. Many pedophiles are described as “pied pipers” who attract children.
Access to Children: This is one of the most important indicators of a pedophile. The pedophile will almost always have a method of gaining access to children.
Seduces With Attention, Affection, and Gifts: As repeatedly discussed this is the most common technique used by pedophiles. They literally seduce the children by befriending, talking to, listening to, paying attention to, spending time with, and buying gifts for them. If you understand this courtship process, it should not be difficult to understand why some child victims develop positive feelings for the offender. Many people can understand why an incest victim might not report his or her father, but they cannot understand why a victim not related to the offender does not immediately report molestation. There are many reasons for a victim not immediately reporting molestation but the results of the seduction process are often ignored or not understood at all.
Skilled at Manipulating Children: In order to be involved in simultaneous sexual relations with multiple victims, a pedophile must know how to manipulate and control children. The pedophile uses seduction techniques, competition, peer pressure, child and group psychology, motivation techniques, threats, and blackmail. The pedophile must continuously recruit children into and move children out of the ring without his activity being disclosed. Part of the manipulation process is lowering the inhibitions of the children. A skilled pedophile who can get children into a situation where they must change clothing or stay with him overnight will almost always succeed in seducing them.
Hobbies and Interests Appealing to Children: This is another indicator that must be considered for evaluation only in connection with other indicators. Pedophiles might collect toys or dolls, build model planes or boats, or perform as clowns or magicians to attract children. A pedophile interested in older children might have a “hobby” involving the Internet, computers, alcohol, drugs, or pornography.
Shows Sexually Explicit Material to Children: Any adult who shows sexually explicit material (e.g., “accidentally” leaves pornography in full view of the child when they visit) or tells “dirty jokes” to children of any age should be viewed with suspicion. This is generally part of the seduction process in order to lower inhibitions.
Youth-Oriented Decorations in House: Pedophiles attracted to teenage boys might have their homes decorated the way a teenage boy would. This might include items such as toys, games, stereos, and posters of “rock stars.” The homes of some pedophiles have been described as shrines to children or as miniature amusement parks.
Some other relevant quotes:
"Offender-Victim Bond: Because victims of acquaintance exploitation usually have been carefully seduced and often do not realize or believe they are victims, they repeatedly and voluntarily return to the offender. Society and the criminal-justice system have a difficult time understanding this. If a boy is molested by his neighbor, teacher, or clergy member, why does he “allow” it to continue? Most likely he may not initially realize or believe he is a victim. Some victims are simply willing to trade sex for attention, affection, and gifts and do not believe they are victims. The sex itself might even be enjoyable. The offender may be treating them better than anyone has ever treated them. They may come to realize they are victims when the offender pushes them out. Then they recognize all the attention, affection, and gifts were just part of the master plan to use and exploit them. This may be the final blow for a troubled child who has had a difficult life. Most of these victims never disclose their victimization. As previously stated younger children may believe they did something “wrong” or “bad” and are afraid of getting into trouble. Older children may be more ashamed and embarrassed. Many victims not only do not disclose, but they strongly deny it happened when confronted. In one case several boys took the stand and testified concerning the high moral character of the accused molester. When the accused molester changed his plea to guilty, he admitted the boys who testified for him were also victims."
..."Many pedophiles spend their entire lives attempting to convince themselves and others they are not sexual perverts, but good guys who love and nurture children."
..."Such nice-guy offenders usually have strong needs to rationalize and validate their sexual behavior. This seems to be especially true of more intelligent, better educated individuals who molest children. Most of them seem to have an overwhelming need to convince, primarily themselves, the behavior they engaged in is not really sex, the child doesn’t understand or remember the activity and is therefore not harmed, this is an expression of love and caring, and/or they are entitled to this because of all the good they do. Their need to rationalize their sexual interests and behavior often leads them to be involved in “good works” that help troubled, needy children."
..."Many individuals do not prevent, recognize, or accept the sexual victimization of a child by a respected member of society because they cannot believe a man who is good and spiritual and who seems to truly care for children could be a child molester. Such offenders can be the Big Brother of the Year, most popular teacher, or best soccer coach. It is not uncommon for these offenders to be viewed as “child magnets” or “pied pipers” who have an extraordinary ability to relate to children and to whom many children are drawn.[...] Parents/guardians who desperately want their children to get good grades, become star athletes, get into modeling or show business, have an adult male role model, or have a good babysitter, may actually push their children toward such offenders."
Found this on reddit today.
To summarize, the argument becomes: "Sure, Michael Jackson behaved like a textbook pedophile, but only up until he had boys alone in his bedroom."
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