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We have now gone from "No Collusion!" to "Even if there was collusion its not a big deal!"


To label approximately half your country “moronic” for voting for someone you don’t like is the equivalent of hate speech that you people always complain about. What do you do at the weekend, steal teenagers MAGA hats and spill drinks on them?

Grow the F up.
Except that's not what I just did. Can you not read?


Uh i dont get the confusion so basically to me this reeks of just another case of pretending to be outraged to get bad pr on republicans and get a couple of votes because as a matter of FACT both things are correct and have been correct from the beginning and have been !stated from the beginning! just not on msnbc and i presume thats where the confusion is coming from.. yeah but not being informed by leftwing media on the actual facts and laws is their fault lol.
Collusion is not a crime it depends on what you are colluding and there wasn't even a collusion to begin with as far as everyone right now knows.
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Not blaming you personally, but this is the problem with current "reality" TV and how it's screwing people up. You can't even do polished content anymore without people thinking it's too faked. The truth is people love this new Housewives of The White House feeling that we have now. They watch it on TV and they love it on Twitter.

Too bad people don't want the WestWorld Season 1 level polish in a President anymore.
You're not wrong. I think in order for someone to "land" better with the general public they need to communicate a little differently than their predecessors. Obama did a great job in general in being more direct with us, I guess I just felt like it was a bit too buttoned up and rehearsed and scripted. I guess maybe I am guilty of wanting to see the president as a regular person and not a well-oiled political machine. Perhaps Obama was just too damn good that it came off scripted.

...and no, this isn't what I want either:



Lil’ Gobbie
Well if Hillary can destroy Libya and be responsible for almost a hundred thousand deaths including 2 seals and an Ambassador. Along with mishandling confidential information and destroying evidence etc etc.

I don’t think talking to a few Russians means much, we have already heard from the inquiry that any meddling had no effect on the actual outcome.

If the dems met Russian officials it would be labeled ‘diplomacy’ and forgotten about.

Talk about brainwashed.. if you If you are so interested in benghazi why not spend a few hours on wiki to try and understand the subject a little more clearly?

Anyway, I think we are probably looking too much into this. I don't even think Trump talks to Rudy and he is just left scrambling looking like a complete idiot.

But we all know where this is headed. The trumpets will still blame Hillary, the deep state, etc but at the end of the day The American people got duped by a con man because you watch garbage news, are uninformed, and uneducated. It's time to start coping. You can only move the goal posts for so long
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You're overestimating Rudy G. He could honestly not know what collusion is legally or semantically.
Its actually you that has not clue collusion has literally no meaning in law at all it always depends on what you collude, if that is criminal.. it is kinda mind blowing to me cause that distinction was basically always pointed out
for years now and just now i realize people who only follow far left and even some pretend center news dont even know this cause they have never been informed at all on the actual fact of the matter. To me this is wild.
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Your sentence is a little hard to parse, but if the gist is that collusion is a vague enough term to mean many things then I'd agree.


What i am saying and what has been stated multiple times over the last 2 years is that Collusion is not a federal crime (except in the unique case of antitrust law).
Fact is again collusion is not a crime it depends on what you are colluding and there is not even prove for collusion in the first place.
Both things are correct and i really dont get how holding these two thoughts in your head is apparently soo difficult for some ...if they try to understand... which is doubtful.
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collusion or no collusion, trump needs to go to prison
Assuming you mean this and aren't just spouting vitriol...

This is a terrible stance to take. The Democrats never seem to learn that the methods they use can also be used against them. Impeach Trump? Scrutinize every past word and action? Block anything he attempts to push through? Condemn anything he accomplishes whether good or bad?

You can bet the next major Democratic President will receive the same treatment, if for no other reason than tit for tat.

Both parties are crusty and in need of an overhaul. Trump is -- in everything but name -- already representing a third "party" in the sense that he isn't necessarily acting like a Democrat or a Republican. The outcry against him from both parties is evidence of that. People obviously hate the man but he is doing a marvelous job of getting us out of this two-party pit. Democrats didn't get the memo that party loyalty over the will of their constituents gets more scrutiny with each passing day. At least Republicans -- as chickenshit as many of them are -- got a clue and will either stand with or stand against Trump publicly regardless of what "the Party" says.

Super Mario

Oh a country hacking a political party is not a threat to democracy , have you read what your typing because that makes no sense . Crime is crime regardless of how passive you want it to be .

But look of your in full support of the Russian Governments tactics that's on you , but just know that is going against everything democracy stands for .

I'm convinced by now that you're just a troll. Here is the definition of Democracy from Merriam-Webster

a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority
b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
2: a political unit that has a democratic government
3capitalized : the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the U.S.
  • from emancipation Republicanism to New Deal Democracy
  • —C. M. Roberts
4: the common people especially when constituting the source of political authority
5: the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges

You may not like that Russia interfered, and that is an acceptable opinion to have. However, if you read this, and are reminded of Russia telling us what really went on vs Hillary rigging everything, please take your blinders off, if even for a little.
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I'm convinced by now that you're just a troll. Here is the definition of Democracy from Merriam-Webster

You may not like that Russia interfered, and that is an acceptable opinion to have. However, if you read this, and are reminded of Russia telling us what really went on vs Hillary rigging everything, please take your blinders off, if even for a little.

Amazing you call me a troll when your defending a foreign state hacking a political party , your speaking like those Russian bots we hear of . An attack on democracy is an attack on all. It's not that hard to comprehend
The vile congressman Adam Schiff, who I believe is the ranking minority member of the intelligence committee, was pranked on a phone call saying he is interested in meeting a "Russian" to discuss dirt on politicians. He looks stupid, but that's not a crime.

That's not what this investigation was orginally targeting. When it was launched, the media and democrats implied Trump directly cooperated with Russia in "fixing" the election. Nothing like that has come close to light. By the same definition of collusion, Steele colluded when he wrote his dossier. Many of his sources were foreign agents with mixed motives. Mueller has turned over so many rocks that have nothing to do with Russia. They are trying to put Manafort in prison for life so that he will sing and compose on Trump. But Manafort's shady dealings involved Ukraine, and had been going for years before the election. So as the trial judge put it,, they're just going after Manafort to put pressure on Trump. They don't have anything to suggest Manafort was backroom dealing with Russians during 2016.

This witch hunt has been an example of Stalin's saying "Show me the man, and I'll find you the crime.". And I have strong suspicion the Don Jr. meeting was a set up, entrapment by deep state interests. The Russian lawyer who wanted to talk about adoptions was not legally supposed to be in the country. Someone high up pulled strings. And she didn't have any dirt to give up. By all accounts, she promised something big to get the meeting arranged, and then stalled and wasted everyone's time.
The vile congressman Adam Schiff, who I believe is the ranking minority member of the intelligence committee, was pranked on a phone call saying he is interested in meeting a "Russian" to discuss dirt on politicians. He looks stupid, but that's not a crime.

On April 10, 2017, an assistant to Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, which is investigating Donald Trump’s campaign for possible collusion with the Kremlin, patched in a long-planned call from Andriy Parubiy, the speaker of the Rada, the Ukrainian parliament. Parubiy said he had some potentially explosive information about Trump’s visit to Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant in 2013.

“I would just caution that our Russian friends may be listening to the conversation, so I wouldn’t share anything over the phone that you don’t want them to hear,” Schiff warned.

But Parubiy persisted. “In November 2013, Mr. Trump visited Moscow, he visited competition Miss Universe, and there he met with Russian journalist and celebrity Ksenia Sobchak,” he said in his heavily accented, awkward English. He explained that in addition to having ties to Putin, Sobchak is “also known as a person who provides girls for escort for oligarchs. And she met with Trump and she brought him one Russian girl, celebrity Olga Buzova.” Schiff soberly asked for clarification, and Parubiy answered directly: Sobchak, he said, is a “special agent of Russian secret service.”

Buzova “got compromising materials on Trump after their short relations,” Parubiy said. “There were pictures of naked Trump.”

Schiff betrayed no emotion. “And so Putin was made aware of the availability of the compromising material?” he asked.

“Yes, of course,” Parubiy said. Putin wanted it communicated to Trump that “all those compromising materials will never be released if Trump will cancel all Russian sanctions.” The biggest bombshell: He had obtained a recording of Buzova and Sobchak talking about the kompromat while the two were visiting Ukraine. He told Schiff, “We are ready to provide [those materials] to FBI.”

Parubiy had more to say. He told Schiff about meetings that Trump’s former national-security adviser, Michael Flynn, had had with a Russian pop singer who served as an intermediary for the Kremlin. They’d met at a café in Brighton Beach, a Russian-immigrant enclave in Brooklyn, where, Parubiy said, “they used a special password before their meetings.” One would say, “Weather is good on Deribasovskaya.” The right response was “It rains again on Brighton Beach.”

“All righty. Good, this is very helpful. I appreciate it,” Schiff said. He told Parubiy that the U.S. would welcome the chance to review the evidence he had described. “We will try to work with the FBI to figure out, along with your staff, how we can obtain copies.”

Schiff was right to be concerned about “our Russian friends” listening in, though not in the way he imagined. It wasn’t Parubiy who’d called. It was Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexey Stolyarov, two Russian pranksters known as Vovan and Lexus. There was no kompromat, no meetings between Flynn and a Russian pop star in Brighton Beach. The call made the Americans look gullible, which suited the callers. Kuznetsov and Stolyarov immediately sent the recording to Kremlin-friendly media, which gleefully made hay of it: another dumb American, ready to believe the most-ludicrous stories about a Russia run by sneaky, evil spies. Any Russian listening to the tape would have instantly recognized how silly the conversation was. There were the B-list Russian celebrities, plus other cultural signals, like the code phrase Flynn allegedly used, which is actually the title of a classic Russian comedy.


Nice try though.
Jesus fucking Christ the websites you people read are goddamn insane.
Is there any standard you hold, or is it just “I’ll believe it if it’s a conspiracy”.

I don't know. I really appreciate how the source underlined key phrases and bolded words so I could understand what was really important.


There are tons of points in US History where attacking the status quo and going against what the law wanted ended up being better for us.

Would I be in support of Russia interfering? Not my first choice. However, look at the facts. They helped expose a candidate who is part of the deep state, had rigged the system, pay for play, etc. .

...you do understand that none of this is actually true right? I mean....fucking hell. This is what the Russian propaganda campaign was all about. Just a deluge of fake news stories.

If you guys are so sure that Russians didn’t interfere in the elections why do you keep posting the lies they made up?


It still makes me laugh when I see Trump onstage trying to act all Presidential. What an embarrasment he is to America.


To label approximately half your country “moronic” for voting for someone you don’t like is the equivalent of hate speech that you people always complain about. What do you do at the weekend, steal teenagers MAGA hats and spill drinks on them?

Grow the F up.

Trump grew his political career in the racist filth of birther conspiracies. And endorsed a pedophile for Senate. And said he could murder somebody in a public street and lose no voters. Exactly who needs to grow up? There is clearly a great number of morons in his voter base. But, obligatory, #notalltrumpvoters
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"He is believed to have "colluded" with agents of a foreign government"..? ..THAT is the technical description..? And the factual evidence is that someone believe that he did something that happened somewhere that no one can explain..? I...Yeah.. I'm not sure if that helped.

In March 2017 the Washing Post claimed that Jeff Sessions, the Attorney General of the United States of America (the guy in charge of the laws if you will), met with the Russian ambassador twice in late 2016 and that he did not disclose that those meetings took place when in fact he was directly asked if he had met with Russian officials in 2016 when he was sworn in. Sessions eventually admitted that he did in fact meet with the Russian ambassador while he was a Senator at which point Sessions recused himself from any investigations related to the Presidential election, this means that he admitted he couldn't be impartial and that he wouldn't oversee anything related to any investigation on the 2016 Presidential Election.

Not long after, the FBI officially declared they were investigating possible Russian interference with the 2016 Presidential election. This had been building up as during the election the Government released several statements indicating that they believed Russia was actively meddling with the election. Then in May Trump fires the Director of the FBI, James Comey, and says on TV that "the Russia thing had something to do about it". A week later the Department of Justice announces the creation of a special investigation to get to the bottom of this "Russia thing".

This investigation has gotten 7 people to plead guilty (all of them with direct ties to Trump who lied to the FBI about meeting Russian officials) and accused almost 30 others (most of them Russians, some of them who operated within the USA and even infiltrated the NRA) of directly interfering with the election. The trial of Paul Manafort, the guy who ran Trump's campaign up to August 2016 and surrendered himself to the FBI in late 2017 after being accused of multiple felonies, just kicked off today. Everything seems to indicate Trump is in big, big trouble. Even Trump's old lawyer, Michael Cohen, has turned on him: we just found out he recorded a lot of his meetings with Trump and he never told Donald that he was recording them. The FBI has those tapes.

Things are about to get crazier!
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In March 2017 the Washing Post claimed that Jeff Sessions, the Attorney General of the United States of America (the guy in charge of the laws if you will), met with the Russian ambassador twice in late 2016 and that he did not disclose that those meetings took place when in fact he was directly asked if he had met with Russian officials in 2016 when he was sworn in. Sessions eventually admitted that he did in fact meet with the Russian ambassador while he was a Senator at which point Sessions recused himself from any investigations related to the Presidential election, this means that he admitted he couldn't be impartial and that he wouldn't oversee anything related to any investigation on the 2016 Presidential Election.

Not long after, the FBI officially declared they were investigating possible Russian interference with the 2016 Presidential election. This had been building up as during the election the Government released several statements indicating that they believed Russia was actively meddling with the election. Then in May Trump fires the Director of the FBI, James Comey, and says on TV that "the Russia thing had something to do about it". A week later the Department of Justice announces the creation of a special investigation to get to the bottom of this "Russia thing".

This investigation has gotten 7 people to plead guilty (all of them with direct ties to Trump who lied to the FBI about meeting Russian officials) and accused almost 30 others (most of them Russians, some of them who operated within the USA and even infiltrated the NRA) of directly interfering with the election. The trial of Paul Manafort, the guy who ran Trump's campaign up to August 2016 and surrendered himself to the FBI in late 2017 after being accused of multiple felonies, just kicked off today. Everything seems to indicate Trump is in big, big trouble. Even Trump's old lawyer, Michael Cohen, has turned on him: we just found out he recorded a lot of his meetings with Trump and he never told Donald that he was recording them. The FBI has those tapes.

Things are about to get crazier!

You are leaving a lot of facts on the cutting room floor. All I read is "please please please be guilty"
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Everything seems to indicate Trump is in big, big trouble. Even Trump's old lawyer, Michael Cohen, has turned on him: we just found out he recorded a lot of his meetings with Trump and he never told Donald that he was recording them. The FBI has those tapes.

Things are about to get crazier!

What do you mean by big, big trouble?

Do you think the POTUS is going to be arrested? Do you think he's going to be impeached and convicted by Congress?

Pres. Trump is loosely connected to this because he wanted officials to say he's not a target/subject of the investigation. And they wouldn't do it even though they could have. It's easy to not be a target one min and become a target the next. Saying it publicly is no guarantee. So, I'm not sure why people who are under his jurisdiction wouldn't give him the courtesy of innocent until proven guilty.
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For all the talk no one not mueller not rosenstein and not strozk have said they found anyhting, again ANYTHING on trump russia collusion.
Its literally "guilty until proven innocent" for democrats ever since he was elected lol absolutely mentally damaged

way more

For all the talk no one not mueller not rosenstein and not strozk have said they found anyhting, again ANYTHING on trump russia collusion.
Its literally "guilty until proven innocent" for democrats ever since he was elected lol absolutely mentally damaged

You don't say what evidence you have before the investigation is concluded. Why would Mueller blab about what he's found so far when it can lead to deeper, more troublesome holes? Imagine the FBI saying "we now have evidence collected by Big Pussy in the case against Tony Soprano and have audio of Mr. Sopranos calls to Pauly because of our phone taps."


To be perfectly honest I don't even care if he is impeached at this point. So long as his reputation is so damaged and disgraced that he can get nothing done for the rest of his term thanks to the Dems continuing to be obstructionists I would be 100% fine with that.

Especially considering that the Dems have a tremendous about of momentum going into the Mid-Terms. Even if they can't impeach him they can get back the numbers they need to blockade anything and everything Trump and the GOP try to pass. They can make sure their agenda dies on the block. Thats the next best thing in my opinion.

If you can't get rid of him just make it so that he can get nothing done.

You’re in for a shock in the midterms, mark my words.


I'm convinced by now that you're just a troll. Here is the definition of Democracy from Merriam-Webster

You may not like that Russia interfered, and that is an acceptable opinion to have. However, if you read this, and are reminded of Russia telling us what really went on vs Hillary rigging everything, please take your blinders off, if even for a little.

He’s not a troll. He’s entitled to his opinion but that doesn’t mean that all opinions are necessarily equal.
You are leaving a lot of facts on the cutting room floor. All I read is "please please please be guilty"

The guy wanted a quick summary of why there is talk of collusion.

7 guilty pleas and the guy who ran Trump's campaign is now on trial.

I just went over why we have a special investigation. No fluff.

What do you mean by big, big trouble?

Do you think the POTUS is going to be arrested? Do you think he's going to be impeached and convicted by Congress?

Pres. Trump is loosely connected to this because he wanted officials to say he's not a target/subject of the investigation. And they wouldn't do it even though they could have. It's easy to not be a target one min and become a target the next. Saying it publicly is no guarantee. So, I'm not sure why people who are under his jurisdiction wouldn't give him the courtesy of innocent until proven guilty.

He's in big trouble because in a little over a year Mueller has gotten 7 guilty pleas of people who all worked for Trump who all admitted to meeting Russians and lying about it.

Did Trump know? That's a tough one to prove for sure but it isn't looking good, it seems unlikely that all these people who work for him kept him the dark. Possible, but unlikely.
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Based on what?

Let’s call it a hunch. The blue wave that Nobody_Important is pinning his hopes on will not eventuate. I believe he has misread the state of play and places too much trust in legacy media. There’s nothing I can say to prove this so feel free to quote me after midterms, right or wrong.
Let’s call it a hunch. The blue wave that Nobody_Important is pinning his hopes on will not eventuate. I believe he has misread the state of play and places too much trust in legacy media. There’s nothing I can say to prove this so feel free to quote me after midterms, right or wrong.
But aren't usually the leading party lose in midterms? I mean if GOP -> then DP wins midterms, if dems -> GOP wins midterms.


Let’s call it a hunch. The blue wave that Nobody_Important is pinning his hopes on will not eventuate. I believe he has misread the state of play and places too much trust in legacy media. There’s nothing I can say to prove this so feel free to quote me after midterms, right or wrong.
Is there a specific(ish) point at which you do and don't consider it a blue wave? I feel like the election results since 2016 certainly point toward Democrats making significant gains.


Trump misunderstands there doesn't have to be collusion for him to go to prison. If he gets found guilty of conspiracy charges which is basically the same thing and is listed under the law as a crime he is going to jail. He can song and dance all he wants about collusion but if he conspired to defraud our gov't he is done.
But aren't usually the leading party lose in midterms? I mean if GOP -> then DP wins midterms, if dems -> GOP wins midterms.

Turn out for mid terms is usually very low which favours the Republicans.

The best example of this was when young people overwhelmingly voted for Obama and then quickly turned their back on him as soon as they realized it wasn't "my guy won so everything is gonna start getting better". They wanted him to win the election but didn't support the Dems in 2010 which led to Obama having to deal with insane intransigence from Republicans (which is their job as the opposition, they just took it too far). People often blame boomers but the young are not innocent either.

We shall see how the Mueller investigation and Cohen selling out Trump will affect things but it seems unlikely any of it will stick in the general populace.
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Turn out for mid terms is usually very low which favours the Republicans.

The best example of this was when young people overwhelmingly voted for Obama and then quickly turned their back on him as soon as they realized it wasn't "my guy won so everything is gonna start getting better".

We shall see how the Mueller investigation and Cohen selling out Trump will affect things but it seems unlikely any of it will stick in the general populace.
The Russia stuff isn't going to have a significant impact on the mid-terms. Maybe if you include it in the general... vibe of the White House I suppose.
I do feel like Trump so openly shitting on everyone that isn't his base only motivates his opponents more to vote.
The Russia stuff isn't going to have a significant impact on the mid-terms. Maybe if you include it in the general... vibe of the White House I suppose.
I do feel like Trump so openly shitting on everyone that isn't his base only motivates his opponents more to vote.


However there are always more moderates than extremists. The moderates tend to stay quiet and on the side lines which makes it hard to get them going.

I was pretty "meh" on Trump up to this year: yeah he's an ass but whatever, whoever the President is doesn't change my day-to-day life, not everything is political, even politics!

But once Mueller started nabbing people I started paying attention. Honestly I always wanted to be a lawyer so the main reason I care about it is because I love procedural porn (a video game pun that involves politics and law! Pretty proud of that one hahaha)
He's in big trouble because in a little over a year Mueller has gotten 7 guilty pleas of people who all worked for Trump who all admitted to meeting Russians and lying about it.

Did Trump know? That's a tough one to prove for sure but it isn't looking good, it seems unlikely that all these people who work for him kept him the dark. Possible, but unlikely.

I don't see how he's in big trouble because it seems unlikely that Trump will be impeached by Congress, convicted by Congress, or arrested by law enforcement.

However, I'm interested like many other people in seeing how this ultimately plays out.

If Trump's subordinates won't say publicly he's not a target of the Russia investigation then there's a reason they're letting the conspiracy theories and hyperbole hang out there.

So, I'm eagerly waiting to see if prosecutors have the goods and have a narrative that will stand up in court. Very dangerous to suggest the POTUS is a puppet or colluded to get elected without anyone stopping him.

lil puff

I don't see how he's in big trouble because it seems unlikely that Trump will be impeached by Congress, convicted by Congress, or arrested by law enforcement.

However, I'm interested like many other people in seeing how this ultimately plays out.

If Trump's subordinates won't say publicly he's not a target of the Russia investigation then there's a reason they're letting the conspiracy theories and hyperbole hang out there.

So, I'm eagerly waiting to see if prosecutors have the goods and have a narrative that will stand up in court. Very dangerous to suggest the POTUS is a puppet or colluded to get elected without anyone stopping him.
I agree with this, and I also think that the people who talk about impeachment seem to forget about his would be successor. A much sneakier less transparent person with similar ideals. The best endgame they could hope for is that Pence does not have the charisma to maintain Trump's base. OR would it fire up the base even more?


The best part of all this is Trump got Republicans to side with the Russians and North Koreans. Making members of a political party look this incredibly stupid is the ultimate prank.
I don't see how he's in big trouble because it seems unlikely that Trump will be impeached by Congress, convicted by Congress, or arrested by law enforcement.

However, I'm interested like many other people in seeing how this ultimately plays out.

If Trump's subordinates won't say publicly he's not a target of the Russia investigation then there's a reason they're letting the conspiracy theories and hyperbole hang out there.

So, I'm eagerly waiting to see if prosecutors have the goods and have a narrative that will stand up in court. Very dangerous to suggest the POTUS is a puppet or colluded to get elected without anyone stopping him.

The noose is getting tighter and tighter.
I agree with this, and I also think that the people who talk about impeachment seem to forget about his would be successor. A much sneakier less transparent person with similar ideals. The best endgame they could hope for is that Pence does not have the charisma to maintain Trump's base. OR would it fire up the base even more?

I actually believe there is a case to be made about not impeaching Trump even if it is determined he participated in the collusion (at this point collusion in some form is undeniable, it's just a matter of how far up it goes).

Not only does Pence become President but there are way too many Trumpkins to ignore. It might be self defeating to impeach Trump.


Jesus fucking Christ the websites you people read are goddamn insane.
Is there any standard you hold, or is it just “I’ll believe it if it’s a conspiracy”.

They are photographs of the same places before and after her illegal war, it is undeniable that she ruined a prosperous country..... simple fact is you people are disgusting hypocrites who don’t actually care if children are torn limb from limb as long as your candidate is in power

12Goblins 12Goblins

Here is the New York Times video on it....


Clinton is a terrible, disgusting barely human cancerous lump. Treacherous and untrustworthy. A cold blooded murderer who doesn’t value anyone’s lives... even an Ambassador or a SEAL.

Arkage Arkage Youre really going to talk about paedophiles, when a large portion of democrats are pushing to include it under the LGBTQ banner?
His real mistake was running as a republican, that’s more of a democrats trait.
Also, yes he said he could kill someone... but he didn’t. It was bravado, a boast.... are those criminal now?

Simple fact is Obama had a nice singing voice and a healthy dash of charm.... you’d rather listen to him sing while his administration murdered, destroyed lives, made illegal deals and broke rules than put up with Trump and his charmless ways. Even though he is doing great things for your fellow countrymen.
They are photographs of the same places before and after her illegal war, it is undeniable that she ruined a prosperous country..... simple fact is you people are disgusting hypocrites who don’t actually care if children are torn limb from limb as long as your candidate is in power

12Goblins 12Goblins

Here is the New York Times video on it....


Clinton is a terrible, disgusting barely human cancerous lump. Treacherous and untrustworthy. A cold blooded murderer who doesn’t value anyone’s lives... even an Ambassador or a SEAL.

Arkage Arkage Youre really going to talk about paedophiles, when a large portion of democrats are pushing to include it under the LGBTQ banner?
His real mistake was running as a republican, that’s more of a democrats trait.
Also, yes he said he could kill someone... but he didn’t. It was bravado, a boast.... are those criminal now?

Simple fact is Obama had a nice singing voice and a healthy dash of charm.... you’d rather listen to him sing while his administration murdered, destroyed lives, made illegal deals and broke rules than put up with Trump and his charmless ways. Even though he is doing great things for your fellow countrymen.

And you ignore that all the investigations into Clinton have come up empty handed despite years spent on Benghazi and her emails.

Compare that Mueller's investigation that has had strong support from both Republicans and Democrats. Sure not all Republicans support it but Rosenstein and Mueller are Republicans.

You prefer to discount actual evidence in favour of some narrative that was crafted by Russian intelligence.
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