Did you watch the video? Do you know all the friendly intel Ghaddafi gave to the US and it’s allies and how he ran quite a progressive country?
Because one of my best friends actually spent years working there...
What the administration did was hand the country to extremist, warring factions. Is that a success in your eyes?
The fact you dismiss the voices of the guys on the ground is reprehensible enough.
Do Make Say Think
they got one guy on money laundering and bank fraud charges.... hardly a smoking gun. Not even anything to do with the case, just leverage and that’s all he really has.
How did Clinton get away with using chemicals to destroy computers, phones and other evidence and not get convicted and they are going way beyond their remit to get this guy just for leverage.
All this based on an illegal FISA warrant that was based on a hit piece political document of unverified intel that the provider wasn’t even sure about.... funded by the DNC.
It’s actually disgusting.