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We will never see TV as good as Game of Thrones season 1-4 ever again

I beg to differ. There are some incredible moments before the final season. One is the ending of season 7

Also, there already are better shows and always were before, compared to GoT. Just because they're not as high-budget/popular does not mean they are worse. Perhaps you need to expand your search area.
Ironically, the series was at its best back when it had a low-ish budget. The more the budget exploded, the shittier the series has become. Which means money shouldn't be a problem in replicating that quality. If someone has the talent, they can do it.


Gold Member
Well final season of Better Call Saul is coming up.

Succession currently half way through its run.

Those 2 right there up there with, if not better. Or are you talking fantasy only? If so forget what i just said.

GOT absolutely shits the bed at the end, makes it hard to rewatch for me, just like Lost back in the day.

But yeah during the original run, shit was 🔥
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No we won’t. Such a shame what happened to this series. Those 2 fuckers that directed it should never work again in the industry.


THE Prey 2 fanatic
There are a few other shows I wanna point to, but man, the sheer emotional intensity, the music... if Game of Thrones had kept that up, I really do think it would've been the very best show I've seen. I say seasons 1-5 are the best (and I find season 6 to be the very worst), but I can take that other people stop at 4 (or even actually like Battle of the Bastards) :lollipop_smirking:


I enjoyed every season, while the final ending wasnt the best, it was still worth the journey.

We will see something that good again though, Dark on netflix is up there as one of the GOATS, someone will make something better i guarantee it.


Seasons 1-4 is cannon, loyal to GRRM’s scripture. Anything after is the fantastical work of a pair of lunatics.
How many years did you hold this in? Most people left and started new generations.

There is barely anything after then a whisper of a promise, that rich old dude said ... FU. Who was the guy that said 'FU he can write as slow as he wants'. remember that? Same season GRR Martin said 'no thanks bye'.

He's been giving his finger to to the fans for a decade at least. I have a hint, cut out your feasts and their descriptions.

I ended up just passing them then, it was like a menu of what he'd want to eat at night. 'Roast oysters when trotters severed out of a whores arse.' Paragraphs of that shit, nobody wanted to know his vile breakfast.

His prose is great though when on form, unfortunately it was simply a few books, the forth dived the fifth was rising with busted wings. A Dance of Dragons alright.


I mean yeah that was good stuff, but it's over and done, look to the future OP, don't get hung up on the past, there will always be great stuff.


Met Jack Gleeson a few times (pubs, home etc) , a true gent. He hated being famous at the time which is why he decided to go back to stage work rather than TV. You could see his weariness at being asking the same questions over and over. Dude was very young when the show started.

Ask him about the show, he'd just answer but with an automated response, ask him if he was sick of it. The answer was "yeah pretty much".

Have a few pics with him and no won't share. He was always polite when asked but would doxx locations. Both for him me, my missus and friends.


If it wasn't for the final season, Game of Thrones would be my top show of all time. While seasons 1-4 are amazing, the slide downward for the remaining seasons was tolerable until season 8. I still can't believe how bad it was :-(

I do wonder if we will ever see something as good as the first 4 seasons. Given the woke bullshit we currently find ourselves in, it will probably be a while.
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The highs of game of thrones has no equal.

Red wedding, Hold the door, Jon Stark Targaryen, Sean Bean sudden death.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
It was so good because they were using material from the books. The series took a huge nosedive in quality when they ran out of book material and started to make it up as they went along.

It may not have the same insane special effects, but I would highly recommend The Last Kingdom. That's up there with some of the best TV shows I've ever seen.


Hmm I tend to agree. GRRM wrote 3 near perfect books IMO that were also perfect for adapting to the screen due to the quality of his dialogues

They just nailed casting, adapting and writing of the first 4 seasons. Even where they had to make some changes or cuts it still worked

I still rate Sopranos and the Wire higher, but I also never got to experience Game of Thrones without already knowing the plot details that were coming. Some of those moments must have been mind blowing for TV only viewers


Fell into the repeated TV series trap of soap opera in playing the audience and losing focus on completing the trail of the story.


For fantasy, it was definitely one of the best but that field is pretty barren when it comes to high budget, tightly plotted tv shows. GoT's stood above anything else that has been attempted in that genre for tv.

As for overall television, there are numerous better shows. Personally, I loved Justified. The humor and overall storyline just appealed to me more.


How many years did you hold this in? Most people left and started new generations.

There is barely anything after then a whisper of a promise, that rich old dude said ... FU. Who was the guy that said 'FU he can write as slow as he wants'. remember that? Same season GRR Martin said 'no thanks bye'.

He's been giving his finger to to the fans for a decade at least. I have a hint, cut out your feasts and their descriptions.

I ended up just passing them then, it was like a menu of what he'd want to eat at night. 'Roast oysters when trotters severed out of a whores arse.' Paragraphs of that shit, nobody wanted to know his vile breakfast.

His prose is great though when on form, unfortunately it was simply a few books, the forth dived the fifth was rising with busted wings. A Dance of Dragons alright.
It’s all opinion, but I found his writing so laborious and boring, I not only quit the books after book three but quit the show as well. Dude takes 100 works when 10 will do.

Happy I did both.


It's all subjective.

And while I did binge-watch it (only bothered watching it in 2019), for me, there are many far greater and better TV shows.

  • Monty Python.
  • Faulty Towers.
  • Blackadder.
  • Fry and Laurie.
  • The Office (UK version).
  • Black Mirror (before it went to Netflix).
  • Scrubs.
  • Utopia (the original run on Channel 4).
  • Skins (series 1 & 2).
  • Breaking Bad.
  • Sherlock Holmes (BBC - Cumberbunch and Freeman version).
  • The Thick of It.
  • Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister.
  • Good Omens
  • Etc. etc.
And frankly, Hawaii Five-O (2010 version) is more entertaining. I've binged that too.


Black Sails told in 4 seasons a great and complete story. The Wire is perfect in it's seasons 1-4. The Shield is great. There are a ton of shows on the same level of quality. Op, GoT is not end all be all, never to be seen tv again.

Better Call Saul, BB...


It was pretty damn good I binged it when I had HBO Max for a few months. Saw the whole thing over the course of like 2 months or less I think. Very good for sure.


Gay porn is where it's at.
people shit on later seasons(rightfully so) but damn if Season 6 didn't have the most epic moments in the entire show


It's all subjective.

And while I did binge-watch it (only bothered watching it in 2019), for me, there are many far greater and better TV shows.

  • Monty Python.
  • Faulty Towers.
  • Blackadder.
  • Fry and Laurie.
  • The Office (UK version).
  • Black Mirror (before it went to Netflix).
  • Scrubs.
  • Utopia (the original run on Channel 4).
  • Skins (series 1 & 2).
  • Breaking Bad.
  • Sherlock Holmes (BBC - Cumberbunch and Freeman version).
  • The Thick of It.
  • Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister.
  • Good Omens
  • Etc. etc.
And frankly, Hawaii Five-O (2010 version) is more entertaining. I've binged that too.
How did you type all that and still manage to leave Lost off the list?


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
GoT 1-4 is incredible but due to the later seasons the show as a whole just doesn't quite make it into that upper echelon of TV for me. Even The Wire's final weaker season is better than 99% of everything else.

Better Call Saul has shaped up to be arguably just as good as Breaking Bad, which is kind of astounding.


advanced basic bitch
It was always to grim dark for me. I like a little more escapism in my fantasy. I do admit it has many objectively good qualities.

BSG remake and Vikings seasons 1-4 are my favorites.
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