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WEDNESDAYTON PT 3 or: How sony fans stopped worrying and learned to love the bomba

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Show us the "unbelievable computing power" in some new games please. I'm sick of hearing them talk about it. And not games that are coming out next spring, how about games that come out soon.


which king of rumble is it going to be? the standard rumble or the new touchsense technology from inmersion?

Anyway, time to import a DualShock 3 from Japan :D


sonycowboy said:
2007 has been over for Sony.

Seems they've completely given up and will instead release everything March 25, 2008.

Killzone 3, MGS, DualShock 3, HOME, Infamous, DMC 4, FFXIII, GTA 4.

One DAY. ONE DAY TO RULE THEM ALL. 2007 is so played out.

And on that day, I will own a PS3. 2007 is quite clearly spelled out, isn't it?


He's telling us it'll be worth going to Sony's booth at the show. And I think he's wrapping up.

"Evacuate? In our moment of triumph?"


Just so you know, I have the best avatars ever.

Hey guys, did I miss anything?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I stayed up for this? I could have been getting laid... now I gotta hope the missus isn't too deep asleep. <runs upstairs>
ParticleReality said:
Yeah it is. Seriously, who the fuck cares about "Dress" and wow you can use the PSN on the computer. I feel betrayed, then again its really the hype from GAF that killed it for me. Forget This, I'm going to go cut all my hair off and buy an Elite.
Well... it looks like buying a PS3 next March is probably the right thing to do. If Sony can get me a price cut and all the things they just talked about; I'll be content.


It's not a let-down it's a keynote.

Now on to KH announcements and FFVII:EC!!!
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