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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Very cool thread.

I've been working on a diet myself I started since Monday with the help of the LoseIt iPhone app to help me count my calories.

I haven't been able to implement an excersise routine yet, but I'm trying to figure something out.

I'm a carbaholic so that's the hardest part for me. I've been as high as 205 (5'10). I'm currently at 186 from about 191-195 where I was bouncing around on. Ideal weight should be around 150's from what I'm reading... havent been there in about 5 years.

Advice? I'm consuming about 1500 calories a day. Eating breakfast as well which I never did.

Limiting carbs severely to those 100 calorie english muffins and those Arnold 100 calorie sandwhich thins.


About plateaus, I have never been really overweight in my life. I'm 34, 5'7 and the most I went to was about 165-170 pounds. I have been hovering at about 155 pounds size 32 the last 3 years but started exercising again last april. Since then I'm at about 140 pounds and a size 30-29. I reached some kind of plateau at 148 were I stayed for 2 or 3 weeks then I started losing weight again. I have a scale that measures body fat (I know this is not too precise but..., when I started I was at about 21%, now it says i'm about at 15%)
My goal is about 135 pounds (and my wife do not want to see me lower than that) but at the same time I'm trying to get some muscle mass by doing weights. What is the best way once you reach what you consider you ideal weight to gain muscle mass without moving too much from it.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
p2535748 said:
I've never been thin, but last year I went through a rough patch and gained a bunch of extra weight. By August, I was at 285. This is an old pic, but it's pretty much what I looked like:


I started seriously dieting and working out (mainly running). A year later, I'm down to 180:


I'm up to running 1/2 marathons (don't think I'll try for full ones). Also, in my experience, Thaedolus is right about plateauing. It just happens (at least to me it did). After a few weeks, the weight loss continues.

Grats dude, you got a Randy Couture thing goin on now :)

I need to do this but i have no motivation :(
Porkepik said:
About plateaus, I have never been really overweight in my life. I'm 34, 5'7 and the most I went to was about 165-170 pounds. I have been hovering at about 155 pounds size 32 the last 3 years but started exercising again last april. Since then I'm at about 140 pounds and a size 30-29. I reached some kind of plateau at 148 were I stayed for 2 or 3 weeks then I started losing weight again. I have a scale that measures body fat (I know this is not too precise but..., when I started I was at about 21%, now it says i'm about at 15%)
My goal is about 135 pounds (and my wife do not want to see me lower than that) but at the same time I'm trying to get some muscle mass by doing weights. What is the best way once you reach what you consider you ideal weight to gain muscle mass without moving too much from it.

To eat more while lifting but eating healthy with enough protein.

My tip would be to take photos before you start to bulk. Focus on the changes in the mirror and not on your weight. Take body measurements as well. Your weight is really just a number. Don't get caught up by it. Your scale that measures body fat can be a good tool however if you measure in the same conditions and focus on changes and not so much what the actual value is. By same conditions I mean same time of day(and preferably same weekday), same time and not drinking a lot of fluids say at least tree hours before.

You have to eat though if you want to gain muscle mass. Yes you will gain some fat but if you keep doing weights it's much more easier to lose the fat and keep the muscle later on by eating less.
I was supposed to restart my workout beginning of this month and haven't done it :( I injured myself and gave myself time to heal and just been a lazy bum since then. Im at 215 lbs or so (biggest of my life) but today I think I'm going to get back to my workout.

Thanks for the inspiration gaf!


p2535748 said:
I've never been thin, but last year I went through a rough patch and gained a bunch of extra weight. By August, I was at 285. This is an old pic, but it's pretty much what I looked like:

I started seriously dieting and working out (mainly running). A year later, I'm down to 180:

I'm up to running 1/2 marathons (don't think I'll try for full ones). Also, in my experience, Thaedolus is right about plateauing. It just happens (at least to me it did). After a few weeks, the weight loss continues.

holy shit dude, nice! You don't even look like the same person anymore.

I think one of the greatest feelings is when people don't even recognize you. Like, lifelong friends that you haven't seen in a year or so...it's pretty cool


Neo Member
thought i'd update, this thread needs a bump anyway


my sister and i about a yearish ago


my sister and i about two weeksih ago


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
You look like a whole new person from the earlier pics! Much more attractive, way to go man.


Down to a size 31 waist (5'8" tall). Was 180lbs at the start of summer. I cut out all sodas, desserts, cleaned up diet, reduced portion sizes and I walk a minimum of 5 miles a day. Sitting at a steady 150 lbs right now. I never ate fast/frozen/shit food so I've found it really easy. Have some self control and move your body and the weight will slide off you.

I had a beautiful suede jacket that I bought when I was fat that now looks like a tent on me. Kinda bummed about that.


Jew Gamer
Glad to see it bumped :)

I've been continuing to lose weight, my arms are getting definition (as much as they can get considering my crippled shoulder) and I am 2 belt notches tighter.

This is all in the last month and a half!

To those of you still going, its fantastic! And some of you are showing great signs! To those still on the road (trust me, I am on the road still, it never ends!) keep going, every day you feel better.
i should update too.
Current Stats

180lbs (from 160)
Size 34" Waist (From 32)

Though it sounds normal i have at least 15 lbs of jelly moving around near my stomach and thighs.

haha.I have like 5 bags of Doritos and Kettle Chips in the closet and I could eat a whole bag in one sitting (which is bad of course LOL)

Anyway. i'll post a picture of what i look currently later. hopefully i can manage to lose some fat and gain muscles before my birthday in may.

EDIT: had to change current weight to the right weight :lol.


Hey fellas.
Been a fan of this thread even before I was a member, and now I need a little help/motivation

Last year I went from about 250 to 170 (don't ask how I got the willpower, I dont even know) but over this last summer I gained about forty pounds. It wasn't the best couple months - some relationship problems, job stuff, all that, but it took its toll. I've lost about 10 since, but I really want to get back down to size. I eat really healthy (mostly vegetables and apples, only water, and some deli meat/chicken), and go hard at the gym maybe 4 or 5 times a week, but binge pretty heavy for one day in the week. I pretty much eat everything in sight, and it's been pretty discouraging having that working against my new weight loss goals. It's hard now, a lot harder than it was before, to get the mindset back to stop the binging. And even when I think im there, a week goes by and I'm still sittin at over 200. Anyone else have this problem? Any tips to help keep on truckin?

Thanks guys. Every one of you is lookin damn swell, btw


Since September 28 I've lost 30.2lbs. So far, visually, the difference doesn't seem to be very significant, but I've still got a lot to lose.

As far as photos are concerned, I've actually gone back to looking through old stuff to see how I looked 4-8 years back just to determine where the change lies. Some of the stuff at the right angle is striking on just how fat I could look back then. Again, it's all relative - I'm massive in all of the pics, and I've got a long way to go before I'm at a remotely healthy weight.
Here I am a little less than two years ago:


Several months ago in Monterey:


A couple weeks ago on a hike here in LA:


I topped out at 235, 6' tall, though I don't think I was quite that heavy in the first shot.

Went on a high fat, low carb, moderate protein (about 65/10/25% breakdown) paleolithic diet, avoiding grains, sugar, starch, and focusing on meat, eggs, veggies, berries, and lots of saturated/monounsaturated fat (butter, lard, coconut oil, all organic/free range), with a bit of fish oil. It all came off pretty effortlessly, plus it cleared up some mild depression/aimlessness/nowhere man syndrome and improved my chronic knee pain to the point where I can now run, jump, and lift weights. All in all, it was pretty successful.

It's more of a lifestyle change, rather than a temporary diet. A lifelong thing.

Oh, I'm around 180, 185 these days.


i just made a weightloss thread on another board i frequent.

i'm 6'7" and weighed in yesterday at 286lbs. my goal weight is 230lbs, any thinner and i'll look anorexic, seriously. i played D1 volleyball in college, and my peak weight was 200lbs...i felt hot as shit back then, but 200 is waaaay too small.

i have the next 25 days off from work. my goal is to lose at least 10 pounds during this time off. i'm going to do this by running 2 miles, twice a day, a minimum 3 times a week (though i'm going to really try for monday-friday and take the weekend off).

i started my run today, i ran 5 miles total. i'm going to tear this shit up.

a couple years ago i was in a similar situation, then i moved and started running 2 miles a day. i lost 50 pounds in 4 months. i'm going to try and do it again.

i took a before picture, in a month i'll take a second picture and hope for some changes. good luck to anyone trying to do the same thing!


I'm only 185 @ 6' but look/feel fat and flabby as hell.

I gained nearly 20 lbs of muscle back in 07 - from 160 (a skinny 160) to 180. The scale has barely moved since then but my physique looks substantially worse.

I've decided to cut out all fast food and completely stop buying chips, candy, and soda. Thankfully, I'm pretty happy eating bland, boring food everyday. My biggest obstacle really is just eating and drinking socially.

Anyway, my goal is an in-shape 170 lbs by March (Spring Break). Unfortunately, I'm not feeling very confident about it :(


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I'll see if I can rustle together a few pictures later to show how my cutting phase is going.


I'm at about 170-180lbs at 5'11", so I wouldn't call myself overweight, but there's room for improvement for sure. I'm gonna start working out soon, gotta get in shape for BMT.


Price Dalton, I have to say that I actually think you looked better chubby. Either way, I'm glad you're getting a whole bunch of other benefits from your new lifestyle.
Sorry i dont have pics but i am now 4 months into my diet. I started my diet weighing in officially at 369 lbs. As of 4 months into the diet i have now lost 110lbs, go me!

Edited to say that i am glad that really hefty guys like me can lose the weight we all probably thought at one point we could never lose, go all of us!


Damn, this thread is really convincing me to finally get back in shape. Fuck it here goes, in high school, I was always the tall lanky kid (5'11"), ran every day thanks to track & cross country. Once I got to college, the "freshman 15" slowly turned into the "freshman 30/45".

I'm 22 & am about 220 lbs & my goal is to get sub-200 lbs again. Need to start running again (used to be really good. was in the top group in my high school before spraining my ankle junior year :lol). I want to do run at least 30 minutes a day. It's just starting that up again that's the hard part. Thanks for the inspiration GAF! :D Will post pics once I make some progess :lol


dustin said:
thought i'd update, this thread needs a bump anyway


my sister and i about a yearish ago


my sister and i about two weeksih ago

This is great stuff. I wouldn't ever grow a fro again, you look too great with shorter hair.
EvilDick34 said:
Sorry i dont have pics but i am now 4 months into my diet. I started my diet weighing in officially at 369 lbs. As of 4 months into the diet i have now lost 110lbs, go me!

Edited to say that i am glad that really hefty guys like me can lose the weight we all probably thought at one point we could never lose, go all of us!

Damn - nicely done!

Price Dalton, I have to say that I actually think you looked better chubby. Either way, I'm glad you're getting a whole bunch of other benefits from your new lifestyle.

Huh, weird. Thanks though!


...hate me...
I'm not posting pictures, but I'm going the completely opposite way.

A couple of years ago, I weighted around 155lbs. Now I'm at 200. Yay tittays!

The sad thing is that I know what needs to be done. I know how to make an effective cardio, an effective diet.

But I have no motivation whatsoever. Hell, I just ate a leftover piece of chocolate cake for breakfast :lol

But good going on you guys! :D


Fuck, you guys are inspiring. I've desperately needed to lose weight recently. I'm the heaviest I've been in a while.

Why does Christmas time have to bring such good food dammit?
I've lost from 265lb to 209lb, which is great because I'm really tall. Gained some muscle, but nothing too serious.

Still a lot of work in progress though x|


2004 (right after high school):


October 2009 shopping for halloween stuff:


Started P90X but fizzled out because I started night classes after work and couldn't get the motivation. New Year's resolution is at least one complete round of P90X :D

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Ugh, I need to take a pic of me asap.

In July 09, I was 295. I took dieting seriously and have been on my new eating lifestyle ever since and as of yesterday, I'm 269. Any good tips for those who lost mass amounts of weight? I feel like I've hit a plateu as of late. My doctor recommended "Master Your Metabolism" by Julian Michels, but aside from that, anything else that could aid me?

(For those wondering about exercising; I did for the first two months, but once my Fall College quarter started at the very end of September, I've stopped).


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
industrian said:
I'll see if I can rustle together a few pictures later to show how my cutting phase is going.

As posted in the Fitness thread:

Here's me in May when I first got to Korea. I had spent the few weeks eating Scottish/British-exclusive junk food that I'd miss whilst I was away. By my estimate I think I must have weighed 108-110Kg (238-243lbs).


Here's me a week or so before starting my current workout routine in late August. I weighed around 104-106Kg (229-234lbs).


Here's me now. I weigh roughly 94-96Kg (207-212lbs).


I should reach my objective within a month or so. I've still got to work about 5-6Kg (10-12lbs) off.

I'm about 6'7" (200cm) tall.


Hey guys! Sorry, I don't have any pics, but i'll join in since i've been working on weight loss myself. So far i've gone from 245 to 198 since I started.

Here's the thing, do you guys think I lost it too fast? I started my regimen mid to late august so that's about 47 pounds in what, 3 1/2 to 4 months?


MoxManiac said:
Hey guys! Sorry, I don't have any pics, but i'll join in since i've been working on weight loss myself. So far i've gone from 245 to 198 since I started.

Here's the thing, do you guys think I lost it too fast? I started my regimen mid to late august so that's about 47 pounds in what, 3 1/2 to 4 months?

A lot of the beginning weight comes off fast since its mostly water. You should see it slow down and you'll probably hit a plateau, but don't get discouraged :p


When I do plateau, do I have to intensify things further or keep doing what i'm doing and the weight loss will resume eventually?

I don't think i've plateau'd yet..

Mr. B

MoxManiac said:
When I do plateau, do I have to intensify things further or keep doing what i'm doing and the weight loss will resume eventually?

I don't think i've plateau'd yet..
You should always be trying to outdo what you did your last workout or at least switch the workouts up. If you do the same routine everytime your body is going to adapt and stay at that weight.
I've lost about 75 lbs. Was 260 and now I'm around 185. It sounds like I still weigh a lot since I'm only 5'6 but I think I look quite good considering my body type. I'll post some pics when I get down to 180.


Jew Gamer
Seriously, all of you... this is fantastic. It really is.

People who are naturally less in weight don't understand it as well, but I feel amazed every time I enter this thread and see more and more pictures.

I let myself go for a little bit but I am back harder than ever, really pushing myself to live the life I should be living. I am even back into music now that I am working out again (I actually quit my music and my healthy living due to a shitty string of relationships, I am single and the happiest I have ever been now)

Every time I look in this thread I am amazed, to have been overweight and lost it like so many in this thread, its just fucking beautiful.

There will always be assholes and everything else in the world but this thread shows me the true strength of character you can find in people. Its a real accomplishment guys, and I hope each and every one of you feels as great as you should.

This thread truly makes me feel a sense of brotherhood with my fellow GAF members, and is probably the best thing for me as I return to my healthy life that I wish to lead.

The best thing, every day, is looking in the mirror and smiling knowing what was there before no longer exists. To those of you just starting this path, keep on it, you will NEVER imagine anything as spectacular as the feeling of knowing you look good.

You don't do it for a girl, you don't do it for a guy, you don't do it for anyone but yourself. When you lose weight for yourself, THAT is when it is a truly wonderful experience!
Really weird thread for gaf... :lol I lost a lot of weight too so I guess I'll post my pics too when I get a chance. I don't really think that this thread will encourage anyone to loose weight though since the reasons are different for every person. I think that the most important thing is to never feel bad about yourself no matter what.


Jew Gamer
roman2003h said:
Really weird thread for gaf... :lol I lost a lot of weight too so I guess I'll post my pics too when I get a chance. I don't really think that this thread will encourage anyone to loose weight though since the reasons are different for every person. I think that the most important thing is to never feel bad about yourself no matter what.

Actually, this thread will do MORE to encourage weight loss because it shows that no matter the motivation, the background, the initial weight, the goal, etc. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE can achieve weight loss and feel better about themselves.

This thread is a shared experience between people who only have this forum as a common ground and all of us have our accomplishments.

On top of that seeing that we can do it, and the fact that we will support the people who do it, can really help others on their road to weight loss.

You should always love yourself, but if you lose weight you will feel better and be a lot healthier. Plus more clothes fit, which is badass because fat people clothing really relies a lot on WalMart (seriously... I shopped there so much when I was obese... I just have to say this... they REALLY cater to that market :/ )


cosmicblizzard said:
I've lost about 75 lbs. Was 260 and now I'm around 185. It sounds like I still weigh a lot since I'm only 5'6 but I think I look quite good considering my body type. I'll post some pics when I get down to 180.
How long have you been working on it? I'm in the same boat. I started at 260-270 and I'm 5'6". I'd gotten down to 215 but I'm up to 230 again and working my way back down.
lsslave said:
Actually, this thread will do MORE to encourage weight loss because it shows that no matter the motivation, the background, the initial weight, the goal, etc. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE can achieve weight loss and feel better about themselves.

This thread is a shared experience between people who only have this forum as a common ground and all of us have our accomplishments.

On top of that seeing that we can do it, and the fact that we will support the people who do it, can really help others on their road to weight loss.

You should always love yourself, but if you lose weight you will feel better and be a lot healthier. Plus more clothes fit, which is badass because fat people clothing really relies a lot on WalMart (seriously... I shopped there so much when I was obese... I just have to say this... they REALLY cater to that market :/ )
I actually disagree. I suppose it is different for different people, but there has to be a lot more than examples of success for somebody to succeed. Before I started to loose weight I saw examples of people loosing weight but I never saw myself doing it. I simply did not care enough. The best way to tackle weight loss in my opinion is setting it up as a challenge for yourself (sort of like RPG gaming.) Plus it is important to tell other people. And the most important thing to realize is that it is actually not as difficult as it is going to feel the first two weeks or so.
p2535748 said:
I've never been thin, but last year I went through a rough patch and gained a bunch of extra weight. By August, I was at 285. This is an old pic, but it's pretty much what I looked like:


I started seriously dieting and working out (mainly running). A year later, I'm down to 180:


I'm up to running 1/2 marathons (don't think I'll try for full ones). Also, in my experience, Thaedolus is right about plateauing. It just happens (at least to me it did). After a few weeks, the weight loss continues.

grats. Look like a completely different guy!


What a fantastic thread, even though im in no need to lose weight, the positivity emanating from here is un-gaf like. A welcome change. Well done all of you, keep it up!
ckohler said:
How long have you been working on it? I'm in the same boat. I started at 260-270 and I'm 5'6". I'd gotten down to 215 but I'm up to 230 again and working my way back down.

Congratulations. Even if you gained some back, you're still less than when you started. It happens to me too (damn holidays).

Started last June. I was apparently so out of shape that I ended up losing about 10 lbs a month until I hit a plateau at 210 around November. The weight loss seriously slowed down at that point and I didn't get below 200 until February. I kept at it and even increased my workout time a bit. I was going up and down for a while, but I eventually got to 185 which is where I am now. The thing is I only do cardio so I don't think I'm the norm in this situation.
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