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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

JetBlackPanda said:
I should have been more clear.. I gained my weight back because of how I was eating after I lost the weight, Winter hit and I could not run as much started eating bad and it snowballed from there.


But also, :(

Actually I think you and I are more or less in the same weight and height category, although I was about 10-12lbs heavier at the beginning of March. I'm with you, guy. Lets do this!
fadetoblack said:

But also, :(

Actually I think you and I are more or less in the same weight and height category, although I was about 10-12lbs heavier at the beginning of March. I'm with you, guy. Lets do this!

Deal! its on!
I gained 50 lbs during last year. I hit 210 and finally got a job and started going back to school and sought treatment for depression. I'm now at 190 and starting to add more muscle mass. Feels good man.


Neo Member
I was listening to Tim Ferris on the Nerdist podcast. He made a point about artificial sweeteners slowing weight loss. Has anybody found this to be true in their experiences?

I tend to take the things Tim Ferris says with a grain of salt, but I've been drinking a good amount of Coke Zero on my cut, and while I've still been losing weight, I don't know if it's been hindering me or not.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
agentxricky said:
I was listening to Tim Ferris on the Nerdist podcast. He made a point about artificial sweeteners slowing weight loss. Has anybody found this to be true in their experiences?

I tend to take the things Tim Ferris says with a grain of salt, but I've been drinking a good amount of Coke Zero on my cut, and while I've still been losing weight, I don't know if it's been hindering me or not.

Tim Ferris tells people to take everything he says with a grain of salt. I've been following his 4 Hour Body book and have lost over 30 pounds in two months, so it's working out great for me.

In the book he says that artificial sweeteners slow weight loss, but he also admits to being a "Diet Coke whore". Then again, he doesn't have to worry about losing weight.
Teh Hamburglar said:
I gained 50 lbs during last year. I hit 210 and finally got a job and started going back to school and sought treatment for depression. I'm now at 190 and starting to add more muscle mass. Feels good man.

How tall you you? My target weight is 190 ];


...hate me...
Zefah said:
Tim Ferris tells people to take everything he says with a grain of salt. I've been following his 4 Hour Body book and have lost over 30 pounds in two months, so it's working out great for me.

In the book he says that artificial sweeteners slow weight loss, but he also admits to being a "Diet Coke whore". Then again, he doesn't have to worry about losing weight.
I'm reading it at the moment, what exactly are you following from the book? 15lbs/month over 2 months is impressive, congrats.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
jts said:
I'm reading it at the moment, what exactly are you following from the book? 15lbs/month over 2 months is impressive, congrats.

The "Slow Carb Diet" part, some of the exercises, and the "fun with thermogenics part".

Every morning, I wake up and immediately drink at least 500ml of very cold water, then I make sure to break my fast within an hour of waking. My breakfast usually consists of a couple of eggs mixed with egg whites, and some turkey/chicken sausage, as well as some veggies and/or beans some times.

Immediately before eating every meal, I do 40 wall presses and 40 air squats, and then another set of 40 each 90 minutes after finishing each meal.

In the evening I put in ice pack against my upper back for around 20 - 30 minutes. I also take warm showers (usually before bed), and finish them off by turning the water to its coldest temperature and standing under it for around three minutes.

That's about it. I assume the majority of my weight loss comes from the diet change. I no longer eat and bread, noodles, rice, or any other "white carb", and even though I didn't consume much before, I've all but completely cut sugar out of my diet.
Zefah said:
The "Slow Carb Diet" part, some of the exercises, and the "fun with thermogenics part".

Every morning, I wake up and immediately drink at least 500ml of very cold water, then I make sure to break my fast within an hour of waking. My breakfast usually consists of a couple of eggs mixed with egg whites, and some turkey/chicken sausage, as well as some veggies and/or beans some times.

Immediately before eating every meal, I do 40 wall presses and 40 air squats, and then another set of 40 each 90 minutes after finishing each meal.

In the evening I put in ice pack against my upper back for around 20 - 30 minutes. I also take warm showers (usually before bed), and finish them off by turning the water to its coldest temperature and standing under it for around three minutes.

That's about it. I assume the majority of my weight loss comes from the diet change. I no longer eat and bread, noodles, rice, or any other "white carb", and even though I didn't consume much before, I've all but completely cut sugar out of my diet.
What's the underlying theory behind this temperature stuff?


So i went to workout today, while i was there i weighed myself, 207, i'm down 3 pounds from my original weigh-in, i don't know where i got 190, but it really hit me that i'm close to how i used to be, and i hated how i used to look.

Today really put me in perspective on what i need to do for my life. I've set a goal.

Weight as of 4/9/11: 207 lb

Goal date is 5/13/11: 190 lb

I'm cutting pretty much everything shitty from my diet, fried food, french fries, everything, i really don't know what I'm going to be eating, probably salads etc, but I'm going to workout everyday until then. Along with exercise i'm going to continue practising yoga 3 times a day.

Any tips from GAF? What exercise i should be doing, what food i should eat, shouldn't eat, etc etc?


My friends who workout told me to take vitamins everyday, is this really something that works? I know the logistics of taking vitamins seems healthy enough, but i'm just trying to understand everything here.
Plasmid said:
So i went to workout today, while i was there i weighed myself, 207, i'm down 3 pounds from my original weigh-in, i don't know where i got 190, but it really hit me that i'm close to how i used to be, and i hated how i used to look.

Today really put me in perspective on what i need to do for my life. I've set a goal.

Weight as of 4/9/11: 207 lb

Goal date is 5/13/11: 190 lb

I'm cutting pretty much everything shitty from my diet, fried food, french fries, everything, i really don't know what I'm going to be eating, probably salads etc, but I'm going to workout everyday until then. Along with exercise i'm going to continue practising yoga 3 times a day.

Any tips from GAF? What i should eat, shouldn't eat, etc etc?
eat a sustainable diet. Cutting calories won't help you long term. First to go should be sugar (including HFCS) and white flour. Eliminate that and you've improved your diet by 1000.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Less focus on working out and more focus on the food you eat. Trying cutting out sugar and carbs completely. Just by doing that for a week you'll see noticeable weight loss.


elrechazao said:
eat a sustainable diet. Cutting calories won't help you long term. First to go should be sugar (including HFCS) and white flour. Eliminate that and you've improved your diet by 1000.

Zefah said:
Less focus on working out and more focus on the food you eat. Trying cutting out sugar and carbs completely. Just by doing that for a week you'll see noticeable weight loss.

Other than junk food, what kind of food are we talking here? I'm pretty ignorant on food other than it's delicious and not good for me.
Plasmid said:
Other than junk food, what kind of food are we talking here? I'm pretty ignorant on food other than it's delicious and not good for me.
The basic idea is that insulin in your system is what causes fat storage. Insulin is largely caused by carbohydrates in the diet, particularly sugar and grains. So ceasing to eat those things (trying to stay below say, 100 grams of carbs a day, and limiting the ones you do eat to those found in vegetables rather than grains) regulates your body's hormones to stop storing fat.


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Plasmid said:
Other than junk food, what kind of food are we talking here? I'm pretty ignorant on food other than it's delicious and not good for me.

Eggs, chicken, pork, steak, fish, gluten-free sausages and the sort, etc... Just make an effort to bring the food home and cook it yourself. Avoid any kind of pre-packaged or processed foods. Don't use any sauces or seasoning that has lots of sugar in it.


MWS Natural said:
I need to find an alcoholic beverage, preferably liquor not beer, that won't pack the pounds on. I believe red wine isn't so bad but I mean more of a mixed drink or something of that nature. Any suggestions?
I second tequila. Just avoid any added sugar cocktails. And obviously this should be in moderation. Too much alcohol of any kind will blunt weight loss.

Got this from Robb Wolf-he's one of the guys behind the paleo movement.

The fitness geeks at CrossFit have been turning me into something of a nutrition geek of late. Along those lines, Robb Wolf’s blog and Paleolithic Solution podcast have been hugely informative. Rather than attempt to summarize the paleo diet here, I encourage you to check out Robb’s blog and podcast if you are at all into exercise and nutrition. Good stuff.

One particular gem of a discovery is the NorCal Margarita. It’s a tasty adult beverage that the nutrition geek can enjoy, thanks to science!

2–3 shots of 100% agave tequila.
Juice and pulp from one lime.
Shake it all up with some ice.
Add soda water to taste.
Also, I’ve found that it can help to make a few of them at a time, to average out the different sizes of limes.

This drink is wonderful, for a few reasons:

Tequila is delicous.
Tequila is fermented agave juice, which makes it gluten- or and starch-free. Gluten, as nutrition geeks know, is a gut irritant and just generally bad stuff, and starches are way too dense with unnecessary carbs. Rum could likewise work well here.
Lime juice blunts the insulin response of the alcohol, maintaining your precious and hard-earned insulin sensitivity.
The lime juice also provides a net alkaline load when it gets to the blood stream, which is a good thing. Most other foods provide a net acid load, and it’s nice to balance that out.
The carbon dioxide bubbles in the soda water help get the ethanol into your blood more quickly. This has the practical effect of allowing you to drink a bit less for the same effect.


elrechazao said:
The basic idea is that insulin in your system is what causes fat storage. Insulin is largely caused by carbohydrates in the diet, particularly sugar and grains. So ceasing to eat those things (trying to stay below say, 100 grams of carbs a day, and limiting the ones you do eat to those found in vegetables rather than grains) regulates your body's hormones to stop storing fat.


This is a pretty good read, i'm understanding more, Gonna lower a lot of intake on stuff i'm doing now (no greasy foods, water to drink only etc).

Zefah said:
Eggs, chicken, pork, steak, fish, gluten-free sausages and the sort, etc... Just make an effort to bring the food home and cook it yourself. Avoid any kind of pre-packaged or processed foods. Don't use any sauces or seasoning that has lots of sugar in it.

What sucks is im a college student living on campus, food here is limited, mainly food that is available is HORRIBLE food, i have no kitchen until next year. So i'm going to be eating a lotttttt of salads.
Plasmid said:
What sucks is im a college student living on campus, food here is limited, mainly food that is available is HORRIBLE food, i have no kitchen until next year. So i'm going to be eating a lotttttt of salads.

Salads/greens are important, but don't skimp on protein and fats.

Get any kind of meat you have available (least processed is preferable) and load it on the salad.

Eggs for breakfast or on your salads too.


Black Canada Mafia
I've been slacking. I have no problem with my current weight (160lb, at exactly 6'), but my physique isn't really... tight or anything anymore. To be fair I recently started college, and I work to support myself, so I generally have had very little free time in the last little few months - but summer is coming up and I am hoping to... tighten up, I guess.

I think part of my problem is, I don't gain weight. At most, I'll fluctuate 5 pounds, but it'll level almost immediately. My diet has been extremely unhealthy (fast food and pop, have it at least once a week, during exam weeks, make that 3 or 4 times) - but no visible negative side effects accompany this diet, so it hasn't pushed me into changing it.

I'm hoping to not only improve my physique, but to eat a bit more healthy this summer. I've tried in the past, but I think one of the biggest problems is I've tried to go from 0 to 60 immediately, and I just couldn't keep up with my expectations. So I'm hoping for a gradual shift into slightly more healthy foods, the occasional salad (sans ridiculous dressing), grilling more chicken and fish and trying a weekly vegetarian dish - while still partaking on the occasional bucket of friend chicken.

But mostly, I would like to look good. I'm thin, but not skinny - I would like to maybe bulk up the tiniest bit, but if I could just remove the half inch of fat that is inbetween my gut and my abs, and get my pecs into some reasonable form, I would be happy. So... any tips? I have some friends who want to go running this summer, and I can run like nobodies business, so that's not going to be difficult for me - and I figure it'll help get my stamina back up, but for my particular interests, what should I be doing? Swimming? Weight lifting (yeah obviously) - but anything in particular?
Zefah said:
Eggs, chicken, pork, steak, fish, gluten-free sausages and the sort, etc... Just make an effort to bring the food home and cook it yourself. Avoid any kind of pre-packaged or processed foods. Don't use any sauces or seasoning that has lots of sugar in it.

How would one go about preparing things like chicken, pork, steak if they don't have a barbecue grill? Seems like it never really goes right if you don't have a grill.
MiDNiGHTS said:
How would one go about preparing things like chicken, pork, steak if they don't have a barbecue grill? Seems like it never really goes right if you don't have a grill.
crock pot, broiler, even a toaster oven. Pan seared steak is the best.


MiDNiGHTS said:
How would one go about preparing things like chicken, pork, steak if they don't have a barbecue grill? Seems like it never really goes right if you don't have a grill.

Searing your food is delicious. But i would advise getting some sort of grill.


even a foreman grill.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
MiDNiGHTS said:
How would one go about preparing things like chicken, pork, steak if they don't have a barbecue grill? Seems like it never really goes right if you don't have a grill.

I don't have a grill.

I cook everything on my stove top using a frying pan.


Kinitari said:
I've been slacking. I have no problem with my current weight (160lb, at exactly 6'), but my physique isn't really... tight or anything anymore. To be fair I recently started college, and I work to support myself, so I generally have had very little free time in the last little few months - but summer is coming up and I am hoping to... tighten up, I guess.

I think part of my problem is, I don't gain weight. At most, I'll fluctuate 5 pounds, but it'll level almost immediately. My diet has been extremely unhealthy (fast food and pop, have it at least once a week, during exam weeks, make that 3 or 4 times) - but no visible negative side effects accompany this diet, so it hasn't pushed me into changing it.

I'm hoping to not only improve my physique, but to eat a bit more healthy this summer. I've tried in the past, but I think one of the biggest problems is I've tried to go from 0 to 60 immediately, and I just couldn't keep up with my expectations. So I'm hoping for a gradual shift into slightly more healthy foods, the occasional salad (sans ridiculous dressing), grilling more chicken and fish and trying a weekly vegetarian dish - while still partaking on the occasional bucket of friend chicken.

But mostly, I would like to look good. I'm thin, but not skinny - I would like to maybe bulk up the tiniest bit, but if I could just remove the half inch of fat that is inbetween my gut and my abs, and get my pecs into some reasonable form, I would be happy. So... any tips? I have some friends who want to go running this summer, and I can run like nobodies business, so that's not going to be difficult for me - and I figure it'll help get my stamina back up, but for my particular interests, what should I be doing? Swimming? Weight lifting (yeah obviously) - but anything in particular?
Sounds like you want to improve your body composition. I would not do any running or swimming in long sessions. Sprinting is fine. Do an image search on sprinters versus long distance athletes and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Eat 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily. Plus clean up your diet--remove refined carbs and sugars.
Lift heavy.
Get 7-9 hours of sleep daily.

Go to this thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=328670&page=1
Third week (First week of P90x) 182lbs.

feel good so far. but still have to do other stuff to fix my spine
Hrm... lots of protein in there, obviously, from all the chicken. It's pretty calorie rich for something that I don't think would keep me satiated for a long while. And I imagine KFC uses a refined vegetable or seed oil, so I'm not even sure if the fat you are getting will help your overall health no matter what side of the fence you are on re: saturated fat debate.

But hey, I'd eat it, call it my cheat meal for the week and move on with my life.


When doing the slow carb diet, be careful about keeping your calorie levels high. A few years back when I was following the diet, I made the mistake of undereating and my metabolism started to shut down. My overall weight was dropping off, but I started to experience some incredibly unpleasant side effects.

Follow the advice of the experts and stick to losing 1-2 lbs/week. If you're losing more than that, you're asking for trouble.

Dropping 30lbs in two months might sound great, but it's not healthy.

The easiest way to monitor your metabolism is to buy a thermometer and start taking your temperature a few hours after waking. If your temperature is around 96/97, then it's on the low side and you should definitely start eating more.


twofold said:
The easiest way to monitor your metabolism is to buy a thermometer and start taking your temperature a few hours after waking. If your temperature is around 86/87, then it's on the low side and you should definitely start eating more.

Surely you mean 96/97.


343i Lead Esports Producer
I don't know if any of you remember when I posted about the jeans I ordered being too big (for the first time ever in my life lol) Anyway, after returning them and getting the size that I wanted today (2 sizes smaller) they fit like a fuckin glove. It's crazy, as I was looking down sticking my legs in, they looked so small. I was thinking, "there's no way these are fitting". I put them on and they fit awesome. I'm pretty damn happy.

Feels good man.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Tashi0106 said:
I don't know if any of you remember when I posted about the jeans I ordered being too big (for the first time ever in my life lol) Anyway, after returning them and getting the size that I wanted today (2 sizes smaller) they fit like a fuckin glove. It's crazy, as I was looking down sticking my legs in, they looked so small. I was thinking, "there's no way these are fitting". I put them on and they fit awesome. I'm pretty damn happy.

Feels good man.

Same brand as before? Some brands add nearly 4 inches. Like a 32 shorts from Levi is the same size as a 36 polo (the polo is much more accurate).

But yeah, I know the feeling. Like when the only reason your belt isn't going down a notch is because of all of the folded cloth.


343i Lead Esports Producer
teh_pwn said:
Same brand as before? Some brands add nearly 4 inches. Like a 32 shorts from Levi is the same size as a 36 polo (the polo is much more accurate).

But yeah, I know the feeling. Like when the only reason your belt isn't going down a notch is because of all of the folded cloth.
Yea same brand, Banana Republic. And you're right a lot of different brands' pants fit very differently.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
chicko1983 said:
had one of these today and then got into an argument with a co-worker about whether it is healthy or not. what do you think?



Aside from the cooking oil they use, it is healthy. The more fat you eat, the higher your HDL and the lower your LDL. And it comes with a nice amount of protein.

I want to make a home-made Double Down one day using Olive or Coconut Oil. Saturated fat om nom nom!


...hate me...

So this day has finally arrived. The day I dropped under 80kg (176lbs). It's not my final goal but it's a remarkable feat. I haven't had this weight in 2 years or more.

And it all began when I, for the first time in my life, reached 100kg (220lbs) on the last holidays.

Here's my weight evolution (sorry for the moon language but you'll get it):


I started off as clinically obese (I'm 5'9" btw), now 2 more kgs (4,5lbs) and I'm no longer even overweight.

I'm still a little flabby though. Smallish moobs, belly and handles. So now, more than losing weight, I want to shred fat.

And I can't stress this enough: this thread has been an incredible help. Thank you all. I will post pics of myself when I finally get my body in a more favorable shape, which, I hope, isn't gonna take that long.



jts said:

So this day has finally arrived. The day I dropped under 80kg (176lbs). It's not my final goal but it's a remarkable feat. I haven't had this weight in 2 years or more.

And it all began when I, for the first time in my life, reached 100kg (220lbs) on the last holidays.

Here's my weight evolution (sorry for the moon language but you'll get it):


I started off as clinically obese (I'm 5'9" btw), now 2 more kgs (4,5lbs) and I'm no longer even overweight.

I'm still a little flabby though. Smallish moobs, belly and handles. So now, more than losing weight, I want to shred fat.

And I can't stress this enough: this thread has been an incredible help. Thank you all. I will post pics of myself when I finally get my body in a more favorable shape, which, I hope, isn't gonna take that long.


What have you been doing?

I'm on day 3 of diet + exercise and i've already lost 2 pounds <3. My plan is 17 pounds in 34 days, which isn't bad, cardio for me is going great, everyday i go about 5-10 minutes more. I do muscles everyday, even though i'm getting sore i'm taking protein whenever i'm extremely sore, i really want to lose my handles and a litte on the moobs.

Basically, am i doing what's right?

This thread is really helpful though.
Plasmid said:
What have you been doing?

I'm on day 3 of diet + exercise and i've already lost 2 pounds <3. My plan is 17 pounds in 34 days, which isn't bad, cardio for me is going great, everyday i go about 5-10 minutes more. I do muscles everyday, even though i'm getting sore i'm taking protein whenever i'm extremely sore, i really want to lose my handles and a litte on the moobs.

Basically, am i doing what's right?

This thread is really helpful though.

It has been proven that average weight loss of about 2 pounds a week is more sustainable in the long term. If you can maintain an average like that I think you'll do fine.

As for a workout routine, what is probably most important is you do a mixture of cardio and weights so that you build muscle as you burn fat. Most important thing for me when I first got started was not to over do it, make sure your body has plenty of rest before attacking it again, as injuring yourself means you'll be out of commission for a lot longer than you would have been if you had rested your body properly.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
If you have a significant amount of fat, the initial loss can be rapid if you know what you're doing. In order to have that much body fat, you have to have a chronic, high level of insulin and insulin resistant lean tissue. Doing weights, sleeping right, reducing insulin inducing foods can drastically pull the support for that excess fat. It floods into the blood stream as free fatty acids and gets burned. As you transition from obese to mildly overweight you'll slow down. Leptin resistance (or independently determined satiety), quality of food will start to be more important.

Also keep in mind that there's a ton of variables going on here that differ between many of us.


...hate me...
Plasmid said:
What have you been doing?

I'm on day 3 of diet + exercise and i've already lost 2 pounds <3. My plan is 17 pounds in 34 days, which isn't bad, cardio for me is going great, everyday i go about 5-10 minutes more. I do muscles everyday, even though i'm getting sore i'm taking protein whenever i'm extremely sore, i really want to lose my handles and a litte on the moobs.

Basically, am i doing what's right?

This thread is really helpful though.
Well I'm still more of a advice seeker than giver but your plan seems awesome.

These are the general guidelines of what I've been doing:

-Have a more active life. Used to stay home just being lazy on every occasion possible; not anymore. I stopped feeling bad about having to walk a longer path and started being grateful about it; actually I started to choose to walk the longest way, stairs instead of escalators, etc. Daily exercice by just going to point A to B.

-Diet: low carb, high protein, high discipline. Bye bye my beloved bread. Except on cheat days - cheat days are very important.
I do alternate day fasting but I do not recommend it. It's not easy, it's not sociable, and sometimes it will make you feel weak. But there are less harsh intermittent fasting varieties.

-Measure, weigh, track your progress. It's the only way of knowing if you're doing it right or wrong, and the more you track it the faster you'll fix mistakes, and the more you'll be motivated to see better and better values. There's a downside though, don't let a bad measurement demotivate you.

-Perseverance. Losing weight is NEVER a lost battle. Nor it's over until it's over. If you reach an intermediate goal and feel happy about it it's no reason to splurge on food. But/and if you splurged on a pizza and cake it's more of a reason to get back on track as soon as possible, rather than the opposite, which a lot of people do - including myself in the past.

And that's it.


For you Aussie low-carb lazy-arses, these are delicious and really filling. Work out to be about $3.50 per fish but taste amazing and weigh in at about 4g carbs. Low fat so you'll need to supplement it with energy from other sources as well (I snack on cheese slices).


fadetoblack said:
It has been proven that average weight loss of about 2 pounds a week is more sustainable in the long term. If you can maintain an average like that I think you'll do fine.

As for a workout routine, what is probably most important is you do a mixture of cardio and weights so that you build muscle as you burn fat. Most important thing for me when I first got started was not to over do it, make sure your body has plenty of rest before attacking it again, as injuring yourself means you'll be out of commission for a lot longer than you would have been if you had rested your body properly.

yeah, today was a cheat day only due to some really shitty family news, that was the first coke in 5 days, i basically ate mcdonalds. :/. But i am doing well, i'm eating fruits a lot, veggies too, tomorrow i'm going to reduce my "big breakfast" to some cereal and milk.

jts said:
Well I'm still more of a advice seeker than giver but your plan seems awesome.

These are the general guidelines of what I've been doing:

-Have a more active life. Used to stay home just being lazy on every occasion possible; not anymore. I stopped feeling bad about having to walk a longer path and started being grateful about it; actually I started to choose to walk the longest way, stairs instead of escalators, etc. Daily exercice by just going to point A to B.

-Diet: low carb, high protein, high discipline. Bye bye my beloved bread. Except on cheat days - cheat days are very important.
I do alternate day fasting but I do not recommend it. It's not easy, it's not sociable, and sometimes it will make you feel weak. But there are less harsh intermittent fasting varieties.

-Measure, weigh, track your progress. It's the only way of knowing if you're doing it right or wrong, and the more you track it the faster you'll fix mistakes, and the more you'll be motivated to see better and better values. There's a downside though, don't let a bad measurement demotivate you.

-Perseverance. Losing weight is NEVER a lost battle. Nor it's over until it's over. If you reach an intermediate goal and feel happy about it it's no reason to splurge on food. But/and if you splurged on a pizza and cake it's more of a reason to get back on track as soon as possible, rather than the opposite, which a lot of people do - including myself in the past.

And that's it.

I measure everything, calories intake and exercise to see everything i do right on my iphone, it's really helping. I'm hoping i'm down 4 pounds this week, so i think right now i'm okay, i mainly due around 25-30 minutes of cardio and around 10-15 of weights, which i don't think is too good, but it's helping.
Plasmid said:
I measure everything, calories intake and exercise to see everything i do right on my iphone, it's really helping. I'm hoping i'm down 4 pounds this week, so i think right now i'm okay, i mainly due around 25-30 minutes of cardio and around 10-15 of weights, which i don't think is too good, but it's helping.

That's the best way, imo, and every minute of any sort of exercise helps. You're also doing it much more responsibly than I did when I dropped myself down from 210 many years ago. There was way too much fasting involved. So I salute you!

For what it's worth, after attending a pair of hot tub parties on March 4th and considering the meat-waning effects of my torn rotator cuff, I decided to drop down a bit in overall weight (because, argh, too many of the dudes at that party were ridiculously flat-bellied!). I'm about ten pounds down now (~143.5lbs) and plan to plateau at 140. I find very quaint things incredibly tasty and don't need much in the way of variety, so I've been living off of nutrition bars, turkey and cheese sandwiches (coincidentally, about the same carb/protein/fat mix as the bars and about the caloric value of two of them, so it's easy to math everything out), and those 1080kcal macaroni and cheese boxes with the creamy sauce.

Since early March, I've been using the ab machine at my dinky community center gym. I can max it out pretty easily, but I've found that setting it to a low weight like 117.5lbs enabled me to use it as a cardio exercise, and I can go at it for as long as forty minutes. At a party this past weekend, I was convinced by a possibly insane runner (she does hundred milers, multiple times a year) to try running again. I used to have a ton of plantar fascia issues, but it turns out that all I needed was to get a pair of running shoes and not run with crappy sneakers, which is what did me in previously. So I jogged 1.5mi Monday and 2.5mi Tuesday. Wednesday will be rest (on account of Mum's birthday and my school), but I'll see if I can up the ante on Thursday. :)

I should hit my target weight by Easter, wherein I'm throwing a 2am party for some shadowcasters and then probably having a feast with my family, so I'll have to re-hit it the next week. This weekend is an SF convention, but fortunately it is not the kind that gives out tons of free food, so my progress is safe. ^_^
GameplayWhore said:
I find very quaint things incredibly tasty and don't need much in the way of variety, so I've been living off of nutrition bars, turkey and cheese sandwiches (coincidentally, about the same carb/protein/fat mix as the bars and about the caloric value of two of them, so it's easy to math everything out), and those 1080kcal macaroni and cheese boxes with the creamy sauce.

Take it for what it's worth as I'm only just starting out on my journey here, but that doesn't sound like it would be too healthy for you in the long run. No veggies? No fruits of any sort?
GameplayWhore said:
That's the best way, imo, and every minute of any sort of exercise helps. You're also doing it much more responsibly than I did when I dropped myself down from 210 many years ago. There was way too much fasting involved. So I salute you!

For what it's worth, after attending a pair of hot tub parties on March 4th and considering the meat-waning effects of my torn rotator cuff, I decided to drop down a bit in overall weight (because, argh, too many of the dudes at that party were ridiculously flat-bellied!). I'm about ten pounds down now (~143.5lbs) and plan to plateau at 140. I find very quaint things incredibly tasty and don't need much in the way of variety, so I've been living off of nutrition bars, turkey and cheese sandwiches (coincidentally, about the same carb/protein/fat mix as the bars and about the caloric value of two of them, so it's easy to math everything out), and those 1080kcal macaroni and cheese boxes with the creamy sauce.

Since early March, I've been using the ab machine at my dinky community center gym. I can max it out pretty easily, but I've found that setting it to a low weight like 117.5lbs enabled me to use it as a cardio exercise, and I can go at it for as long as forty minutes. At a party this past weekend, I was convinced by a possibly insane runner (she does hundred milers, multiple times a year) to try running again. I used to have a ton of plantar fascia issues, but it turns out that all I needed was to get a pair of running shoes and not run with crappy sneakers, which is what did me in previously. So I jogged 1.5mi Monday and 2.5mi Tuesday. Wednesday will be rest (on account of Mum's birthday and my school), but I'll see if I can up the ante on Thursday. :)

I should hit my target weight by Easter, wherein I'm throwing a 2am party for some shadowcasters and then probably having a feast with my family, so I'll have to re-hit it the next week. This weekend is an SF convention, but fortunately it is not the kind that gives out tons of free food, so my progress is safe. ^_^

Sounds like you might want to correct your running form instead of just relying on the trainers to prevent injury.
jts said:
So this day has finally arrived. The day I dropped under 80kg (176lbs). It's not my final goal but it's a remarkable feat. I haven't had this weight in 2 years or more.

And it all began when I, for the first time in my life, reached 100kg (220lbs) on the last holidays.

Here's my weight evolution (sorry for the moon language but you'll get it):

I'm still a little flabby though. Smallish moobs, belly and handles. So now, more than losing weight, I want to shred fat.


Congratulations! Epic weight loss complete! That is a truly fantastic achievement, so well done. I highly reccomend you take at least one day to treat yourself for managing to pull that off, you definitely deserve it!

I had a similar situation to you in terms of weight loss, and I too had a little bit of flab left, which is of course remenants of when I was much bigger. My reccomendation to you would be to take up swimming, maybe 3 times a week. Swimming is really good because it will tone your whole body. So even though you've reached an ideal weight, it will help trim up everything for you.
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