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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


...hate me...
TheGoldenGunman said:
Congratulations! Epic weight loss complete! That is a truly fantastic achievement, so well done. I highly reccomend you take at least one day to treat yourself for managing to pull that off, you definitely deserve it!

I had a similar situation to you in terms of weight loss, and I too had a little bit of flab left, which is of course remenants of when I was much bigger. My reccomendation to you would be to take up swimming, maybe 3 times a week. Swimming is really good because it will tone your whole body. So even though you've reached an ideal weight, it will help trim up everything for you.
Thanks dude. It's not complete though, but it's almost there and damn a lot of simple things like wearing a t-shirt feel good again :)

Thanks for the recommendation too. Actually I've been thinking lately about engaging a regular physical activity (joining a gym, getting a kettlebell, joining a kettlebell club, etc), and there's a nice semi-olympic pool near where I live and cheap too, so I think you probably tipped the scale in favour of that.
fadetoblack said:
Take it for what it's worth as I'm only just starting out on my journey here, but that doesn't sound like it would be too healthy for you in the long run. No veggies? No fruits of any sort?

That is a very valid observation. It looks like I'm getting all the nutrients (far more, actually) that I'd get from regular greens, but I'm lacking in dietary fiber. I'll have to keep an eye on that. Granted, my mother started eating fruit about fifteen years ago after doing, it seems, about an apple a year, so I may yet survive this. :)
jts said:
Thanks dude. It's not complete though, but it's almost there and damn a lot of simple things like wearing a t-shirt feel good again :)

Thanks for the recommendation too. Actually I've been thinking lately about engaging a regular physical activity (joining a gym, getting a kettlebell, joining a kettlebell club, etc), and there's a nice semi-olympic pool near where I live and cheap too, so I think you probably tipped the scale in favour of that.

Are you saying that you lost that amount of weight without doing any regular excercise? Because if so, how is that even possible!!?! Serious kudos to you if you managed that through diet alone, that must take some serious mental strength.

Anyway, another great thing about swimming is that there are plenty of nice ladies wearing not much ;). Good way to put your new looks to the test right!?!
TheGoldenGunman said:
Are you saying that you lost that amount of weight without doing any regular excercise? Because if so, how is that even possible!!?!

Why not? Diet is way more important than exercise if you're looking to lose weight.
JetBlackPanda said:
ok Its time to get serious:

5'10 - 251 -28 year old male

hopefully I can check back on this post and laugh, about 2 years ago I dropped about 50 pounds by cutting calories and running, since then I have gained it back.

my goal weight is around 170

wish me luck guys!

Its been about a week and I am happy to Report:

April 14th 2011 - 246

woot the battle continues
infiniteloop said:
Why not? Diet is way more important than exercise if you're looking to lose weight.

You are completely correct sir. However, I would say that the best way to get results is to combine the two together. Sort out your diet first and then add excercise to the formula and you are working with dynamite.

Also by not doing any excercise, I would assume that in order to lose that amount of weight, you would have to diet heavily for long periods of time, which is pretty hard to do. Not saying it's impossible, but definitely hard, because the body does generally require approximately 2500 calories a day for a reason.

I actually managed to lose a lot of weight myself over an 18-month period and that was through a combination of totally changing my diet and taking on an intensive excercise routine. However, i was not crash-course dieting, rather I changed the foods that I ate, cutting out as much junk as possible and replacing it with good food.

At the end of the day though, go with whatever works for you. I have seen with many people that they try one approach and it does not seem to yield any results, but that when they try a different approach, it has a massive positive effect for them.

However, I would say that some of the approaches that are talked about in this thread (Atkins, Ketosis, etc) are kind of dangerous. I have seen for myself through other people that these approaches can work, but in my opinion, one should steer clear from these methods of weight loss. For example, one of my friends managed to lose 2-3 stone using the atkins diet in something like 3 months, which is absolutely insane. However, as soon as she came off the diet (and for health reasons you need to), she put the weight back on almost straight away.
TheGoldenGunman said:
However, I would say that some of the approaches that are talked about in this thread (Atkins, Ketosis, etc) are kind of dangerous. I have seen for myself through other people that these approaches can work, but in my opinion, one should steer clear from these methods of weight loss. For example, one of my friends managed to lose 2-3 stone using the atkins diet in something like 3 months, which is absolutely insane. However, as soon as she came off the diet (and for health reasons you need to), she put the weight back on almost straight away.

What health reasons? Did this friend get blood tests before and after starting this ketogenic diet?

Of course someone will gain weight once they start eating crap again, like any diet. Key is to make a life change that is long term and sustainable.

If you have any doubts, try eating strict Paleo for a month and see how you feel/perform.
betweenthewheels said:
What health reasons? Did this friend get blood tests before and after starting this ketogenic diet?

Of course someone will gain weight once they start eating crap again, like any diet. Key is to make a life change that is long term and sustainable.

If you have any doubts, try eating strict Paleo for a month and see how you feel/perform.

I've no idea about blood tests or anything like that. It's just something I observed as a friend.

Anyway, the point you made which I've highlighted in bold is the truth. I guess the point I was trying to make is that by taking on these hardcore diets / eating patterns, there is a natural urge to binge eat at the end of it and undo all your hard work.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
TheGoldenGunman said:
I've no idea about blood tests or anything like that. It's just something I observed as a friend.

Anyway, the point you made which I've highlighted in bold is the truth. I guess the point I was trying to make is that by taking on these hardcore diets / eating patterns, there is a natural urge to binge eat at the end of it and undo all your hard work.

If it's perceived as hard work, any diet is doomed to fail.

To make it sustainable, it has to be a lifestyle change. Something permanent.


Ok guys, I finally realized cheating isn't worth it.

I probably ate 8k calories yesterday. It was dumb. I am dumb. Fuck.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Akim said:
Ok guys, I finally realized cheating isn't worth it.

I probably ate 8k calories yesterday. It was dumb. I am dumb. Fuck.

Cheating is fine, and some even argue that infrequent spikes in caloric intake can actually accelerate weight loss.

It just has to be extremely limited. Go wild one day a week, but make sure you don't eat anything awful for the rest of the week.
Akim said:
Ok guys, I finally realized cheating isn't worth it.

I probably ate 8k calories yesterday. It was dumb. I am dumb. Fuck.

It's no biggie, just remember after a cheat meal you're only 1 meal away from being back on track, try to damage control and not blow the entire day.
TheGoldenGunman said:
Are you saying that you lost that amount of weight without doing any regular excercise? Because if so, how is that even possible!!?! Serious kudos to you if you managed that through diet alone, that must take some serious mental strength.

Anyway, another great thing about swimming is that there are plenty of nice ladies wearing not much ;). Good way to put your new looks to the test right!?!
infiniteloop said:
Why not? Diet is way more important than exercise if you're looking to lose weight.
This is far too understated.

I went from ~200lbs to roughly 162lbs (5'10") over the course of about a year without any regular exercise. To be fair, over the last 6 months I dropped about 24 of those pounds through irregular "exercise" - as in just walking around because I moved to NYC and fuck if I'm going to drive around Manhattan.

I lost all the weight simply through calorie reduction. Originally, the only conscious change I made was cutting out all non-diet soda. After a couple of dozen pounds were shed off I enjoyed the results and started kind of avoiding the worst fast food. Now-a-days I still go to McDonalds and shit but I intentionally try to stick to under 1,000 calories a meal - generally they end up around 500-600 or so on average... less for my breakfast.

Honestly I don't eat healthy at all, I take in way too few calories and too few of the nutrients I need. I really want to start working out so I can build some muscle but I'm genuinely afraid to because I know don't intake enough protein and such as it is. The point is though, I think everyone needs to realize the absolute direct and raw influence of calories. I'm not saying losing weight is easy but the math of it is extraordinarily simple... eat less than a specific number of calories (based on how physically active your life is) and you lose weight, eat more and gain weight. Working out and exercising just increase the amount of calories you can eat while still loosing weight.


Zefah said:
Cheating is fine, and some even argue that infrequent spikes in caloric intake can actually accelerate weight loss.

It just has to be extremely limited. Go wild one day a week, but make sure you don't eat anything awful for the rest of the week.

I agree, a little cheat here or there isn't bad. I went overboard though. I only cheat once every 2 weeks. I just think the joy I get from it isn't worth hindering my progress.

betweenthewheels said:
It's no biggie, just remember after a cheat meal you're only 1 meal away from being back on track, try to damage control and not blow the entire day.

It was a planned cheat day, but it was just too much. I'm back on track now.

Jade Ryan

Cheat days aren't worth it. Especially if you are low carbing it, or even doing low calorie as it all goes straight to fat production.

1 cheat day, basically equals one week of hard work and lost time. It doesn't seem like a lot, but 4 cheat days adds up to nearly a month.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Akim said:
Ok guys, I finally realized cheating isn't worth it.

I probably ate 8k calories yesterday. It was dumb. I am dumb. Fuck.

Do one cheat meal/snack instead of a cheat day and intermittent fast on the day you're cheating (i.e. make your cheat meal the ONLY thing you'll eat for that day).


I was just cleaning out the garage and I found a bag of my old clothes. As soon as I saw them I knew I had to do the Jared.


size 42 -> 32


...hate me...
TheGoldenGunman said:
Are you saying that you lost that amount of weight without doing any regular excercise? Because if so, how is that even possible!!?! Serious kudos to you if you managed that through diet alone, that must take some serious mental strength.

Anyway, another great thing about swimming is that there are plenty of nice ladies wearing not much ;). Good way to put your new looks to the test right!?!
Yes. Actually, I found that a diet-based weight loss is much easier for me than a exercice-based one. I did try in the past few years stuff like p90x, running, gyms, etc, but only made it to like 10lbs lost before calling it quits.

I think that's just because dieting is not doing something (eating shit), as opposed to actually doing something, lol. As ridiculous as this may sound.

But still, even though I didn't practice regular exercise to get to this weight, I did increase my general daily activity level a couple of notches, which, I'm sure, helped a bit.
TheGoldenGunman said:
Are you saying that you lost that amount of weight without doing any regular excercise? Because if so, how is that even possible!!?!
I'll share a little embarassing story.

Last year I went from 260 > 171 in about 8 months. The first 3 months I was doing a calorie restricted diet that just wasn't sustainable. Luckily I discovered the virtues of the low carb diet and started eating well again and kept losing weight. During this time I was also running a ton. 4-5 miles a day usually, and 10-20 on saturdays, and taking sundays off. Massive amounts of cardio.

Around October I stopped exercising and slowly edged back into my poor eating habits (reintroduced sugar and flour). To my shame I ended up in march of this year back at 229 pounds.

So I've started back again over the last 4 weeks, strictly on a ketogenic diet. This time however, I'm not exercising really, other than walking at lunch and taking the stairs. Once a week I go sprint for 20 minutes. My point in all this is that I kept meticulous records the first time, and my weight loss for the same period is faster without all of the chronic cardio. I've lost 28 pounds in the last 4 weeks, and it's been effortless. I rarely go beyond 10 g of carbs per day, usually a nominal amount, and never more than say, 40, and all of that from leafy greens and other like veggies. Lest you think I'm starving myself, I'm regularly eating 6 egg omelets for breakfast, fish and beef for lunch, and fatty chicken and spinach salad with olive oil usually for dinner.

Anyway, I have the data to back up for me personally that exercise is not the key factor in the weight loss success I've had.

Now, headed back to 170, and staying there this time. 30 pounds to go!


elrechazao said:
I'll share a little embarassing story.

Last year I went from 260 > 171 in about 8 months. The first 3 months I was doing a calorie restricted diet that just wasn't sustainable. Luckily I discovered the virtues of the low carb diet and started eating well again and kept losing weight. During this time I was also running a ton. 4-5 miles a day usually, and 10-20 on saturdays, and taking sundays off. Massive amounts of cardio.

Around October I stopped exercising and slowly edged back into my poor eating habits (reintroduced sugar and flour). To my shame I ended up in march of this year back at 229 pounds.

So I've started back again over the last 4 weeks, strictly on a ketogenic diet. This time however, I'm not exercising really, other than walking at lunch and taking the stairs. Once a week I go sprint for 20 minutes. My point in all this is that I kept meticulous records the first time, and my weight loss for the same period is faster without all of the chronic cardio. I've lost 28 pounds in the last 4 weeks, and it's been effortless. I rarely go beyond 10 g of carbs per day, usually a nominal amount, and never more than say, 40, and all of that from leafy greens and other like veggies. Lest you think I'm starving myself, I'm regularly eating 6 egg omelets for breakfast, fish and beef for lunch, and fatty chicken and spinach salad with olive oil usually for dinner.

Anyway, I have the data to back up for me personally that exercise is not the key factor in the weight loss success I've had.

Now, headed back to 170, and staying there this time. 30 pounds to go!

Good luck! I'm doing something similar and have pretty much committed to focusing on the ketogenic diet only for the next month as I juggle a very busy work and school schedule... exercise to return afterwards (largely, I might run or lift here and there). Good to hear your testimony though- definitely helped reinforce what I want to do for the next 30 days.
elrechazao said:
I'll share a little embarassing story.

Last year I went from 260 > 171 in about 8 months. The first 3 months I was doing a calorie restricted diet that just wasn't sustainable. Luckily I discovered the virtues of the low carb diet and started eating well again and kept losing weight. During this time I was also running a ton. 4-5 miles a day usually, and 10-20 on saturdays, and taking sundays off. Massive amounts of cardio.

Around October I stopped exercising and slowly edged back into my poor eating habits (reintroduced sugar and flour). To my shame I ended up in march of this year back at 229 pounds.


Anyway, I have the data to back up for me personally that exercise is not the key factor in the weight loss success I've had.

Now, headed back to 170, and staying there this time. 30 pounds to go!

Ouch! Tough break man. But kudos to you for getting back on track. I'm sure you'll make it to your goal, you sound like you have everything in order to get to where you want to be!

@Akim. You the man! Fantastic stuff! How long did that take you to do?


Akim said:

That's awesome dude, good job!

Last year I went from 260 to 220 through 40:40:20 (protein:fat:carbs) and going to the gym 3 times a week with a personal trainer. I wasn't totally committed to it so I'm sure I could have done more. Over the winter I've gone up to 230, but more importantly I feel like a fat slob so I need to get back into things. This thread is what started me going originally so I'm going to jump back in.

I think this time I'm going to limit my carbs even more. I was still having 80-100g/day from milk... not sure how to avoid that one. It's a lot of sugar in milk, yeah?

Here's an example what I usually eat:

scrambled eggs (egg, egg whites and spinach blended together)
4 slices of turkey bacon
1 cup milk

meat (chicken, pork)
vegetable (broccoli, bok choy)
some cheese

Protein shake (whey powder, 1 cup milk, strawberries, blueberries, ice cubes)

same as lunch


These always make me smile when I look at them. I also look at them when I am feeling weak in my resolve to lose weight.

I dropped from a 56' (yeah I know) waist to a 38'. 5xl tshirts down to xl.





Been going at it for a few months. 370-335. My goal is to be under 300 by August. Try to do 1800-2500 calories a day and the 30 minute plan on my elliptical everyday. Has ended up more like 5x, but I think that's still pretty good.


I'm not that big, if anything I'm just "skinny fat," but I've been trying to work up the motivation to start running. My sister went from doing nothing to a 5k in the time I've been at school this semester, and in doing so lost about thirty pounds!

I've always had a tough time getting the motivation to do any exercise but playing soccer, which I found out last night I can now do Tuesdays and Thursdays!

I'm just wondering what, from your experiences, strictly cardio can do to a person's figure? I don't really want to get big, but I'd love to just be lean and healthy. I can see myself in ten years (or less) being a miserable looking waste of space unless I get off my ass and do something.

Also, great job to all the people who have made so much progress, you bastards have me jealous!
elrechazao said:
... The first 3 months I was doing a calorie restricted diet that just wasn't sustainable. Luckily I discovered the virtues of the low carb diet and started eating well again and kept losing weight. ...
Around October I stopped exercising and slowly edged back into my poor eating habits (reintroduced sugar and flour). To my shame I ended up in march of this year back at 229 pounds.
I'm sorry, but this is amusing to me since you're once of the aggressive, "low-carb is the only way to weight" posters in this thread. How sustainable can low-carb diets be if someone who believes in its "virtues" cannot maintain it?


GAF i need your help, a year or 2 ago i used to weigh about 78 kilo's and was and still am 184 tall.
About that time i set up my own business and was doing well for my self, but staying up late for work and eating after 10 made me gain a lot of kg's to the point that i weigh about 93 kilo's right now.
At first i was pissed but was just thinking about one day losing it by diet or what ever. But since a few months iv been having heart pains and when i went to the doctor, and he said i had high blood pressure. He said it had to be 13 or something and mine was 17 ( i forgot )
So i really need your advice at what to do:

So what are some of the little things i can do to prepare myself, i want to at least drop to 80 kg and get more fit so my blood pressure goes down.

many thanks in advance

and wooow messi, congratulations man, you look goood.


So I'm about to start another 4 weeks of a bootcamp. I flaked out for a week (for reasons men can't relate to), so I didn't see the weight loss that I wanted, but I can see still improvements in my general fitness. I've been going 3 times a week in the mornings to ease myself into it, and I'm shooting to add T/TH to that starting next week.

My conundrum is that I also wanted to re-integrate Body Pump* on T/TH nights. I tried to do that this week, and I was fine Wednesday morning but this morning I was just so drained and tired. Do you guys think this is something I'll get over, or is it going to be detrimental to my bootcamp sessions?

(* I don't care about debates about the overall effectiveness of Body Pump. I go cause I like it.)
reggieandTFE said:
I'm sorry, but this is amusing to me since you're once of the aggressive, "low-carb is the only way to weight" posters in this thread. How sustainable can low-carb diets be if someone who believes in its "virtues" cannot maintain it?
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. The difference in sustainability as I usually discuss it has to do with starving one's self under a calorie restricted (usually low fat) diet. My problem wasn't that my diet wasn't sustainable, but that I made a choice to switch the type of calories I was eating into unhealthy shit.


Omiee said:
GAF i need your help, a year or 2 ago i used to weigh about 78 kilo's and was and still am 184 tall.
About that time i set up my own business and was doing well for my self, but staying up late for work and eating after 10 made me gain a lot of kg's to the point that i weigh about 93 kilo's right now.
At first i was pissed but was just thinking about one day losing it by diet or what ever. But since a few months iv been having heart pains and when i went to the doctor, and he said i had high blood pressure. He said it had to be 13 or something and mine was 17 ( i forgot )
So i really need your advice at what to do:

So what are some of the little things i can do to prepare myself, i want to at least drop to 80 kg and get more fit so my blood pressure goes down.

many thanks in advance

and wooow messi, congratulations man, you look goood.

Can you post your diet? Diet has a pretty big effect on BP, along with being overweight. I'd eliminate sugar and refined carbs and watch your intake of omega 6 fatty acids. When I switched to a paleo diet with a good balance between omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids (mostly by limiting omega 6 fatty acids by not using vegetable oils), my BP went from 145/94 to 120/75 almost immediately.
So after feeling miserable, losing sex drive, too tired to do anything, I'm finally committed to losing weight. So went on amazon and bought a digital weight machine, Spirit Esprit EL-455 20-Inch Stride Elliptical, and Bowflex SelectTech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells. I personally don't think i can do a gym routine. Like i said to tired to do anything. But with home machines i really have no excuse. I'm hoping to do 3 hour workouts on my work days and around 5-6 on my days off. I'm 6ft and don't know exactly but probably around 350. As for diet i'm going to eat healthy cereal, more fruit, more water, more salad and more grilled food(george foreman).

I'm ADDICTED to soda and i'm 100% positive it's one of the major culprits to my weight. I don't eat candy, rarely eat junk food, cut out fast food a long time ago, pizza/chinese once in the blue. But soda, probably have 2liters a day maybe even more. Living in NY doesn't do any favors. Every corner store sells a 3liter bottle for 2 bucks. As of April 24th i'm starting the diet and workout plan. I'm hoping to be 300 by the end of june just in time for the summer. My main goal is to be around 230 by the end of the summer.

I'm really excited..Wish me luck! will post pics through out the weeks.


Killing_Joke said:
So after feeling miserable, losing sex drive, too tired to do anything, I'm finally committed to losing weight. So went on amazon and bought a digital weight machine, Spirit Esprit EL-455 20-Inch Stride Elliptical, and Bowflex SelectTech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells. I personally don't think i can do a gym routine. Like i said to tired to do anything. But with home machines i really have no excuse. I'm hoping to do 3 hour workouts on my work days and around 5-6 on my days off. I'm 6ft and don't know exactly but probably around 350. As for diet i'm going to eat healthy cereal, more fruit, more water, more salad and more grilled food(george foreman).

I'm ADDICTED to soda and i'm 100% positive it's one of the major culprits to my weight. I don't eat candy, rarely eat junk food, cut out fast food a long time ago, pizza/chinese once in the blue. But soda, probably have 2liters a day maybe even more. Living in NY doesn't do any favors. Every corner store sells a 3liter bottle for 2 bucks. As of April 24th i'm starting the diet and workout plan. I'm hoping to be 300 by the end of june just in time for the summer. My main goal is to be around 230 by the end of the summer.

I'm really excited..Wish me luck! will post pics through out the weeks.

Are you getting rid of the soda? Soda is probably the worst thing you can have (liquid sugar) and consuming 2 liters a day is completely destroying your metabolism while being turned straight into fat. I wouldn't be surprised if you're insulin resistant to the point where you need to completely eliminate carbs.

If you can't go without soda, then try and switch to diet soda. I used to hate it, but I acquired a taste for it and the real stuff is way too sweet for me now.
Srsly said:
Are you getting rid of the soda? Soda is probably the worst thing you can have (liquid sugar) and consuming 2 liters a day is completely destroying your metabolism while being turned straight into fat. I wouldn't be surprised if you're insulin resistant to the point where you need to completely eliminate carbs.

If you can't go without soda, then try and switch to diet soda. I used to hate it, but I acquired a taste for it and the real stuff is way too sweet for me now.
Yeah, you can't exercise away 2 liters a day of soda plus whatever else you're eating. Cut that out and you'll improve your health in a huge way.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Srsly said:
Are you getting rid of the soda? Soda is probably the worst thing you can have (liquid sugar) and consuming 2 liters a day is completely destroying your metabolism while being turned straight into fat. I wouldn't be surprised if you're insulin resistant to the point where you need to completely eliminate carbs.

If you can't go without soda, then try and switch to diet soda. I used to hate it, but I acquired a taste for it and the real stuff is way too sweet for me now.

Something to keep in mind is that some people don't respond to sugar the same way type 2 diabetics do. Some people have more robust livers and pancreas...however, they may still manifest the symptoms of periodic high blood sugar in other ways, so it's a good idea in general to moderate sugar intake. It's the same sort of idea with avoiding cigarettes even though less than 20% of smokers get lung cancer.

With that said, if you are mega obese, it's probably due to insulin mismanagement. The leptin resistance stuff I don't think is as big of a factor once you get above 40% body fat because the pathways to fat accumulation without insulin are so weak that overeating bacon is unlikely to have gotten you there. Once you do get below 25% body fat, I think it becomes more important. For some people, moderating lectins/grains and specifically targeting fructose becomes extremely important.

We don't have all of the answers yet, but yeah soda isn't helping and could be harming.


Water is not wet!
So tomorrow i should be at a milestone of mine which is nice. Its good to hit nice round numbers on the way down.

Been doing the low-carb thing for about month. i initially started a couple months ago but had to put my life on hold due to family reasons. The madness has since stopped and in less than one month ive lost 45 pounds.

Here is my typical menu.
Breakfast: Eggs and turkey bacon
Lunch: Tuna and/or salad
Dinner: Chicken breast and broccoli/cauliflower or salad

The problems in the past ive had with diets like this (especially when i was weight lifting in my late teens/early twenties) is that programs like this can be super expensive. At work and forgot lunch? Fast food will be happy to sell you a salad for $5 or more. Want decent meats? Be prepared to spend some cash.

ive circumvented this problem this go-around by using a few different techniques. First is to get the right cooking tools. These would be a vegetable steamer and a Foreman Grill. The steamer makes veggies much cheaper (steamer bags on cauliflower a few weeks ago were almost $2) and the Foreman is great for cooking things fast and without having to go outside.

The second thing i did was regards to shopping. Costco has saved me a ton of money. If you dont have a card (or cant afford one like me) try to find a friend/family member that does and go with them. Here is what my grocery bill looks like:

48 Extra Large eggs - $5 (a dozen of Large runs like $2+ at grocery chains here)
4 packs of Oscar Meyer Turkey Bacon - $7 (in the grocery store its like $3 per pack)
3lb bag of Dole prepared salad - $2 (at the grocer its like $1-2 for less than a pound)
Huge bag of chicken breasts - $10 (didnt even bother checking nearby grocers for this lol)

Fresh vegetables were a little harder to come by. The local grocery stores seemed to be way over priced but one day i found out the dollar store near my moms house (99 Cent Only stores) had produce. i can get huge heads of cauliflower for $1. Same goes for broccoli, cabbage and lettuce.

The last thing i learned foodwise this time around is make your own sauces. Low carb sauces are very hard to come by. If its not mayo, hot sauce, soy sauce, or mustard chances are its loaded with sugar. The low-carb sauces in the store are super expensive and generally taste horrible. Going on the internet and finding recipes to create your own sauces and marinades is not only cheap but if you check reviews chances are its light years ahead of whats in the stores.

Oh.. one last thought. Want something low carb and sweet for special occasions? Low carb ice cream is really, really easy to make. Just get real whipped cream that has a low amount of carbs (Reddi Whip for example), put some in a bowl, and put the bowl in the freezer for 30 min to 1 hour. Dont go crazy with the stuff of course.

My exercise regimen has just been walking. Since ive been sitting on my butt for so long i had to work up to it. At first it was a mile, then two, etc etc. i had an mp3 player/radio but since ive started walking longer ive begun to get bored with fm. My solution was to get audio books and listen to those instead. They make the time go by really fast and as a bonus i feel like im accomplishing more than listening to 38 Special or Pink Floyd for the thousandth time in my life.

At the moment im up to 5 miles every morning (and sometimes again in the evening). ive also been walking everywhere for shopping so ive saved a ton of gas money. With a distraction its over before you know it.


Killing_Joke said:
So after feeling miserable, losing sex drive, too tired to do anything, I'm finally committed to losing weight. So went on amazon and bought a digital weight machine, Spirit Esprit EL-455 20-Inch Stride Elliptical, and Bowflex SelectTech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells. I personally don't think i can do a gym routine. Like i said to tired to do anything. But with home machines i really have no excuse. I'm hoping to do 3 hour workouts on my work days and around 5-6 on my days off. I'm 6ft and don't know exactly but probably around 350. As for diet i'm going to eat healthy cereal, more fruit, more water, more salad and more grilled food(george foreman).

Sorry but that is insane. Start with 30 minutes and improve your eating.

I'm ADDICTED to soda and i'm 100% positive it's one of the major culprits to my weight. I don't eat candy, rarely eat junk food, cut out fast food a long time ago, pizza/chinese once in the blue. But soda, probably have 2liters a day maybe even more. Living in NY doesn't do any favors. Every corner store sells a 3liter bottle for 2 bucks. As of April 24th i'm starting the diet and workout plan. I'm hoping to be 300 by the end of june just in time for the summer. My main goal is to be around 230 by the end of the summer.

I'm really excited..Wish me luck! will post pics through out the weeks.

That is 200g plus of sugar just in drinks. Cutting that out will be the most important thing you do.
noire said:
Diet Rite. It's won over several of my friends that claimed to hate Diet pop until they tried that at my house. Made with Splenda so there's no aspartamey flavor.

I personally find Splenda to have a kind of nasty aftertaste not unlike aspertame.


Killing_Joke said:
I'm ADDICTED to soda and i'm 100% positive it's one of the major culprits to my weight. I don't eat candy, rarely eat junk food, cut out fast food a long time ago, pizza/chinese once in the blue. But soda, probably have 2liters a day maybe even more. Living in NY doesn't do any favors. Every corner store sells a 3liter bottle for 2 bucks. As of April 24th i'm starting the diet and workout plan. I'm hoping to be 300 by the end of june just in time for the summer. My main goal is to be around 230 by the end of the summer.

I'm really excited..Wish me luck! will post pics through out the weeks.
I used to drink a lot of soda myself. Don't worry about quitting it being too hard - it wasn't in my experience. If you switch to water, eventually you'll start to hate soda because of the huge amounts of sugar in it. I can barely stand fruit juice anymore.
I hadn't had soda in months prior to a week ago. I decided to have a glass of that blue mountain dew a week ago since I was at my mother's birthday and wasn't being as strict.

I damn near puked. I used to be able to drink a 2 liter of that shit in one night, and had done so on many occasions. I was basically addicted to soda, but it's fairly easy to overcome. ALWAYS having a bottle of water nearby helps overcome it a lot I think.

As for my own progress, I've lost 66 lbs since late february. Down to 323. Gonna throw up a progress shot once I get to 299. I donnt think I've ever been this determined about anything in my entire life, but as I stated earlier in this thread, I've never had such a powerful incentive.
No soda in house means I won't be able to drink it, though not that I haven't been able to control the desire to drink it on my own. I have milk and a water pitcher that has a filter, and that's what sustains me. If I want something carbonated when I go out I drink mineral water which is infinitely better for you. My "flavoured" drinks are coffee and tea, with absolutely no sugar, and a splash of milk which generally sweetens it enough.


Akim said:
Ok guys, I finally realized cheating isn't worth it.

I probably ate 8k calories yesterday. It was dumb. I am dumb. Fuck.
I found out after yo-yo'ing like 5 times to throw that "oh well I already messed up today" logic out the window. If you cheat you do it for that meal and you go back to whatever diet you where on.
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