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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Calling on HealthGAF for help. I need to know two things:

The best supplemental form for Zinc and the best supplemental form for Magnesium.
Domino Theory said:
Calling on HealthGAF for help. I need to know two things:

The best supplemental form for Zinc and the best supplemental form for Magnesium.

ZMA? It doesn't do much though unless you want it for non-bulking reasons.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
cuevas said:
ZMA? It doesn't do much though unless you want it for non-bulking reasons.

I take ZMA, but doing some research, I found out that not only are the Zinc and Magnesium forms in ZMA not as absorbable/efficient, but that ZMA contains Magnesium Stearate which is a hydrogenated oil (trans fat), supresses your immune system and inhibits the absorption of the minerals.

Because of that, I looked at my Multi-Vitamin and Calcium Citrate (throwing this away because my Serum Calcium is too high) ingredients and sure enough, they both have Magnesium Stearate. Holy fuck!

NomarTyme said:
Zinc Picolinate and Magnesium Citrate.

Thanks, but it seems like Magnesium Citrate is a laxative? How much can I take without it having a laxative effect?


Domino Theory said:
I take ZMA, but doing some research, I found out that not only are the Zinc and Magnesium forms in ZMA not as absorbable/efficient, but that ZMA contains Magnesium Stearate which is a hydrogenated oil (trans fat), supresses your immune system and inhibits the absorption of the minerals.

Because of that, I looked at my Multi-Vitamin and Calcium Citrate (throwing this away because my Serum Calcium is too high) ingredients and sure enough, they both have Magnesium Stearate. Holy fuck!

Thanks, but it seems like Magnesium Citrate is a laxative? How much can I take without it having a laxative effect?
1 TEAspoon and then work your way up 2 TEAspoon(or more if you want). I use the Natural Calm brand whenever I go to sleep.


Akim said:
No. I'm just not sure diet soda would actually slow weight loss. Although I do agree people should just drink water.
If you're counting calories and still drinking a good amount of water, there's no reason that diet soda will hurt your weight-loss progress. You cant even say its 'empty calories', cuz its ZERO calories.

Not that I advocate drinking it or anything. But for people who simply cant ditch soda, its a very good alternative to having 40+ grams of sugar a can for regular soda.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
NomarTyme said:
1 TEAspoon and then work your way up 2 TEAspoon(or more if you want). I use the Natural Calm brand whenever I go to sleep.

Do you know if Vitamin Shoppe's brand of Magnesium Citrate pills are just as good as other brands?
Seanspeed said:
If you're counting calories and still drinking a good amount of water, there's no reason that diet soda will hurt your weight-loss progress. You cant even say its 'empty calories', cuz its ZERO calories.

Not that I advocate drinking it or anything. But for people who simply cant ditch soda, its a very good alternative to having 40+ grams of sugar a can for regular soda.
Calories aren't the only thing (or even the most important thing) that cause you to gain weight.

But yeah, if the choice is between real soda and diet, then obviously the diet is a net gain in healthiness.
Seanspeed said:
Yea, they pretty much are.

No not really, you don't want to get all your calories from fat for example. You want to make sure you get enough carbs and protein to get you through long and intense workouts. If you don't pay attention to your macros you could easily fuck yourself.


cuevas said:
No not really, you don't want to get all your calories from fat for example. You want to make sure you get enough carbs and protein to get you through long and intense workouts. If you don't pay attention to your macros you could easily fuck yourself.
You may not WANT to, its not ideal, no. But losing weight is still all about calories in vs calories out at the end of the day. I remember seeing a thread here about this Professor on a Twinkie diet(just junk food) who lost a bunch of weight by managing his caloric intake.
Seanspeed said:
You may not WANT to, its not ideal, no. But losing weight is still all about calories in vs calories out at the end of the day. I remember seeing a thread here about this Professor on a Twinkie diet(just junk food) who lost a bunch of weight by managing his caloric intake.

Okay strictly "losing weight" is about calorie intake but it's not healthy to only want to "lose weight". It's like the discussion we had about "The biggest Loser" shower; sure you lose a ton of weight but it is really unhealthy for those people.


cuevas said:
Okay strictly "losing weight" is about calorie intake
All I was trying to say. And if you're doing everything else right, I cant imagine diet soda is really gonna hurt. Seems the worst people can say about it is that it 'may make you hungrier'. But if you're being strict about your caloric intake, this wont matter in terms of your progress.
Seanspeed said:
All I was trying to say. And if you're doing everything else right, I cant imagine diet soda is really gonna hurt. Seems the worst people can say about it is that it 'may make you hungrier'. But if you're being strict about your caloric intake, this wont matter in terms of your progress.

A mentality liek that is setting up people for failure. It may work for some people for a while but it just promotes an unhealthy lifestyle. If someone wants to lose weight but can't get over their "soda addiction" then sorry but they need to grow the fuck up.


Howdy weight-losers.

I'm thinking about starting a personal 12 week challenge tomorrow, with weekly status updates and progress pics. I tend to perform much better with a little accountability however. Is there any interest in riding the burning bandwagon as a group? We could check-in in this thread, and those who are comfortable with it could post pics each week. (I will because I'll lie otherwise :) )

If there is significant interest I could start another thread, so we don't get in the way of the theory discussion, or irritate other thread residents.

Interested participants post here or PM me and I'll get a list going. You should be willing to post your weight loss goal for the challenge, your progress for the week, and the methods you are using. More info is of course fine.


Now, who's with me?





MentallyCritical said:
i would totally join it if i wasn't traveling all through most of this month...:(

If it's business travel I bet you could still use hotel workout facilities and get by for the first four weeks. Hotel food though, would be a challenge.

If it's vacation...well...that's another beast entirely, at least for me. I tend to go nuts when I travel for pleasure. (Which keeps me nice and inconsistent in the dietary department.)
Spending this week at the beach and i'm still self conscious about my body. I'm down to 190lbs @ 5'10 from 245lbs a few years ago and while i'm happy with my progress I still have that unsightly layer of flab all over, most notably in the stomach/pec region.

Is it true that tummy/manboobs are the last to go? I've been doing interval weight training/sprints along with a pretty strict paleo eating with some I.F.

I'm hoping that once I lose my final pounds i'll start seeing some more definition from the exercise.
Ettie said:
If it's business travel I bet you could still use hotel workout facilities and get by for the first four weeks. Hotel food though, would be a challenge.

If it's vacation...well...that's another beast entirely, at least for me. I tend to go nuts when I travel for pleasure. (Which keeps me nice and inconsistent in the dietary department.)
well i am going to give a bunch of entrance exam through the next 2-3 weeks & a few more depending on my high school results which are due at the end of the month.

so i guess its a mix of both.

i think i can exercise but the the dite is going to be shit for me as most of the time i will be using an army guest house to provide me food,which is odd to say the least.

@betweenthewheels those regions are a bitch to trim up i have tried everything but nothing works you just have to concentrate on loosing overall body fat & it will go away eventually get your weight to about 140-150ish & you will end up loosing them. btw you only doing Cardio or weights aswell ?


Ettie, I have to say I'm a little interested. It's those types of things that really get me motivated to get to work. The only thing is I'm REALLY shy about posting my picture on this site. :p
Seanspeed said:
You may not WANT to, its not ideal, no. But losing weight is still all about calories in vs calories out at the end of the day. I remember seeing a thread here about this Professor on a Twinkie diet(just junk food) who lost a bunch of weight by managing his caloric intake.

He lost like 30 pounds. That's not really a significant number for someone who is a hundred pounds or more overweight. And of that 30, half was probably lean muscle mass and at least 5 was nothing but water. So he may have lost 10 pounds of fat at the end of the day.


LocoMrPollock said:
He lost like 30 pounds. That's not really a significant number for someone who is a hundred pounds or more overweight. And of that 30, half was probably lean muscle mass and at least 5 was nothing but water. So he may have lost 10 pounds of fat at the end of the day.

I agree with you, but I don't think this guy was 100 pounds overweight.

Akim said:
I agree with you, but I don't think this guy was 100 pounds overweight.


Yeah, I didn't think he was. Guess I could've worded it better. I just meant that if someone is 100 pounds or more overweight, that a twinkie diet is probably not the answer.
betweenthewheels said:
Is it true that tummy/manboobs are the last to go?

Expect people to say how thin your face looks - well before the tummy is fully gone.
First fat on, last fat off.
Fat comes off like the layers of an onion.


ipukespiders said:
Expect people to say how thin your face looks - well before the tummy is fully gone.
First fat on, last fat off.
Fat comes off like the layers of an onion.

Which kinda sucks. I'm going to look sickly by the time I lose my tummy.


LocoMrPollock said:
Yeah, I didn't think he was. Guess I could've worded it better. I just meant that if someone is 100 pounds or more overweight, that a twinkie diet is probably not the answer.
Its good way to give them diabetes or they're probably pre diabetic already.
re: the twinkie diet wasn't just a diet of twinkies. That's just the shitty way the media ran with the story. the guy posted his food logs. He regularly ate broccoli, carrots, steak, protein shakes, and other good foods. So sick of the lazy reporting on this "diet".


_Isaac said:
Ettie, I have to say I'm a little interested. It's those types of things that really get me motivated to get to work. The only thing is I'm REALLY shy about posting my picture on this site. :p

Pictures are far from mandatory, in fact the only reason I'll post mine is to keep me honest, as I'm a liar by nature.

All you need is a goal and a desire to "hang together".

betweenthewheels said:
Is it true that tummy/manboobs are the last to go?

Yes, unfortunately. Those and love-handles, which will be woefully apparent in my progress pics.


_Isaac said:
Which kinda sucks. I'm going to look sickly by the time I lose my tummy.

Pretty much. I have like 0 muscle and I'm 6'2 184 pounds. I still have a huge gut, which is made even worse by my loose skin. Feels bad man.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Domino Theory said:
Thanks, but it seems like Magnesium Citrate is a laxative? How much can I take without it having a laxative effect?

Too much magnesium in general is a laxative, definitely. Causes the bowels to relax too much. I think the threshold is about 800-1200 mg for magnesium citrate where it becomes a laxative.

Magnesium oxide is less desirable because you can't absorb as much. Not sure what amount is needed for it to act as a laxative.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
teh_pwn said:
Too much magnesium in general is a laxative, definitely. Causes the bowels to relax too much. I think the threshold is about 800-1200 mg for magnesium citrate where it becomes a laxative.

Magnesium oxide is less desirable because you can't absorb as much. Not sure what amount is needed for it to act as a laxative.

Does the brand really matter? I'm considering Vitamin Shoppe over things like Now Foods, Solgar, etc. because VS has it for much cheaper for a hell of a lot more.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Domino Theory said:
Does the brand really matter? I'm considering Vitamin Shoppe over things like Now Foods, Solgar, etc. because VS has it for much cheaper for a hell of a lot more.

I don't think it matters. It's instant release magnesium citrate. Either that's what it is, or they're conning you. I tend to look up reviews for products just to sanity check that it isn't deceiving me.


cuevas said:
A mentality liek that is setting up people for failure. It may work for some people for a while but it just promotes an unhealthy lifestyle. If someone wants to lose weight but can't get over their "soda addiction" then sorry but they need to grow the fuck up.
So what you're saying is that its not worth trying to lose weight unless you're gonna do everything 100% right? Sorry, but thats completely unrealistic for most people. I respect those who are hardcore about their weight loss, but its very possible to make good progress while still keeping a few sanity-keeping vices around. Like I said, if the worst somebody can say about diet soda is that it 'may' make you hungrier, then its hardly the worst thing somebody can be doing. I'd say my vices are worse(I like drinking and bread), yet I still manage to make good progress so long as I do 90% of everything right.

I'd say its more people like you who set people up for failure as you set expectations that are simply too difficult to accomplish for the average person. Especially somebody just starting out. With me, I found that the more results I saw, the more I tried to do things right. So while this person might still drink diet soda, so long as they acheive some positive results, its very possible that they'll give it up once they become further motivated.

I've already said I dont condone drinking diet soda, but its hardly the evil that some of you guys make it out to be.


Seanspeed said:
So what you're saying is that its not worth trying to lose weight unless you're gonna do everything 100% right? Sorry, but thats completely unrealistic for most people. I respect those who are hardcore about their weight loss, but its very possible to make good progress while still keeping a few sanity-keeping vices around. Like I said, if the worst somebody can say about diet soda is that it 'may' make you hungrier, then its hardly the worst thing somebody can be doing. I'd say my vices are worse(I like drinking and bread), yet I still manage to make good progress so long as I do 90% of everything right.

I'd say its more people like you who set people up for failure as you set expectations that are simply too difficult to accomplish for the average person. Especially somebody just starting out. With me, I found that the more results I saw, the more I tried to do things right. So while this person might still drink diet soda, so long as they acheive some positive results, its very possible that they'll give it up once they become further motivated.

I've already said I dont condone drinking diet soda, but its hardly the evil that some of you guys make it out to be.

I agree with this thought because weight loss should be about life style changes. If you can slowly lose weight while still enjoying some of the foods you like then in my opinion that's a good thing. Eventually you will hit your goal weight. What now? A lot of people gain the weight back because once they reach their goal, then they feel like they can go back to what they missed.

However it all comes down to what works for you. Some people need to abstain from certain foods completely because they lack the will power otherwise (I'm one of them) Others can just eat sensibly..

In terms of diet soda, I love the stuff but I am also aware that it's not really that great for me either. I count calories anyway so the aspect of diet soda making me hungrier won't affect me


This thread is fucking inspiring. When I got to college I joined ROTC and lifted hardcore, and went from 146 up to 165 and i was still in decent shape with around 12-15% body fat.

Then I fucked up my achilles, got kicked out of ROTC b/c I failed a PT test not knowing i was injured, and haven't run more than a quarter mile in over 18 months. I've ballooned from 165 to 200 lbs in that time, and i feel like such a slob

My pants size went from a 30 to a 36 and i need to get into shape. I'm getting P90X at the end of the month, and getting back on my paleo diet. So I'll keep y'all updated as I go along. Wish me luck staying with this stuff.

And good work to all those above me!!!!
Checking in!

I'm at 50lbs lost since February 1st ( ~20 more since my last post about 6 weeks ago). I think I'm doing really well. I'm 6'2" and started at 250 and am now down to a much more comfortable 200. Here's to getting down to my goal of 180!

In the past 6 weeks I've also been able to drop my 1.5 mile time from 23:00 to a best of 13:36. I won't be satisfied until I can do it in 10:00 without feeling like I'm going to die.



Neo Member
dope4goldrope said:
Checking in!

I'm at 50lbs lost since February 1st ( ~20 more since my last post about 6 weeks ago). I think I'm doing really well. I'm 6'2" and started at 250 and am now down to a much more comfortable 200. Here's to getting down to my goal of 180!

In the past 6 weeks I've also been able to drop my 1.5 mile time from 23:00 to a best of 13:36. I won't be satisfied until I can do it in 10:00 without feeling like I'm going to die.


Wow great job man. That is exactly how tall I am and how much I weighed before I started my weight lost. I also am about 200 pounds now and my goal is just like you, 180 pounds lol. The only difference in our program is that it looks like you exercise a hell of a lot more than me and good on you for doing that.


dope4goldrope said:
Checking in!

I'm at 50lbs lost since February 1st ( ~20 more since my last post about 6 weeks ago). I think I'm doing really well. I'm 6'2" and started at 250 and am now down to a much more comfortable 200. Here's to getting down to my goal of 180!

In the past 6 weeks I've also been able to drop my 1.5 mile time from 23:00 to a best of 13:36. I won't be satisfied until I can do it in 10:00 without feeling like I'm going to die.


Goddamn, that is mighty impressive.

My own weight-loss has mostly come to a stop at around 30~35 lbs lost (~197 -> ~165) , 5'9", but I've put on a decent amount of muscle from a martial arts class I've been taking. Getting down to 155 or 160 should be possible, but it is hard to judge. I probably should start doing body fat measurements.


Weighed in at 181 today. Almost 130 pounds down. Gonna start a slow bulk to try to put on some LBM. Wish me luck.
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