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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


What the? I never noticed this thread, ever since I'm am member here. All of you are doing a great job. Keep it up!


1 Year ago today:




Kind of special to me. Lost 112 pounds this year.


Messi said:
1 Year ago today:




Kind of special to me. Lost 112 pounds this year.

Awesome job. I recently kicked off a new exercise regimen, backed by a renewed interest in keeping my eating healthy. Going to be doing some form of exercise 6 days a week. Your pics (moreso the ones you posted earlier in the thread) are a huge, huge example of what I'm hoping to accomplish!


Messi said:
1 Year ago today:




Kind of special to me. Lost 112 pounds this year.[/QUOTE]
That's insane! Reminds me of those photos where they recreate their childhood pics. Yours has about as much difference as a 20+ year old photo, but it's only 12 months! Well done, Messi :)

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
samus i am said:
Day three of the "4 hour diet" but I don't really know if it is working. Anyone else go on this program?


Well, sort of. I started in February and lost around 18 pounds in the first month, and 18 or so to this day (down 36 pounds since I started). After the first couple of weeks I mostly phased out beans, though.
Has anyone experienced diarrhea after a fast?

I fast once a week for about 18 hours and I usually get ass-plosions soon after my fast-breaking meal.

Anyone know why this is?
Is anyone here familiar with HIIT? I found some HIIT routine on the Internet, but I lost it and have just been trying to follow it from memory.

So what I have been doing 3 days a week in between P90X workouts is:

2 min warmup
Sprint at top speed for 15 sec, then a slow jog for 45 sec (repeat 8 times)
Slow jog for 20 minutes
Sprint at close to top speed for 1 min, then walk for 1 min (repeat 10 times)

Just wondering what you guys think of this routine. My primary goal is FAT LOSS, and preservation of muscle.



ArachosiA 78 said:
Is anyone here familiar with HIIT? I found some HIIT routine on the Internet, but I lost it and have just been trying to follow it from memory.

So what I have been doing 3 days a week in between P90X workouts is:

2 min warmup
Sprint at top speed for 15 sec, then a slow jog for 45 sec (repeat 8 times)
Slow jog for 20 minutes
Sprint at close to top speed for 1 min, then walk for 1 min (repeat 10 times)

Just wondering what you guys think of this routine. My primary goal is FAT LOSS, and preservation of muscle.


I think I would die from that.
ArachosiA 78 said:
Is anyone here familiar with HIIT? I found some HIIT routine on the Internet, but I lost it and have just been trying to follow it from memory.

So what I have been doing 3 days a week in between P90X workouts is:

2 min warmup
Sprint at top speed for 15 sec, then a slow jog for 45 sec (repeat 8 times)
Slow jog for 20 minutes
Sprint at close to top speed for 1 min, then walk for 1 min (repeat 10 times)

Just wondering what you guys think of this routine. My primary goal is FAT LOSS, and preservation of muscle.


For preserving muscles, you'll need to continue to eat the proper macros and lift heavy for any chance of keeping any gains you get at the gym.

If you are doing P90x, why not just do a jog for an hour? The cardio days for p90x should act just like a HIIT program if you properly keep the intensity up and the breaks short.


ArachosiA 78 said:
Is anyone here familiar with HIIT? I found some HIIT routine on the Internet, but I lost it and have just been trying to follow it from memory.

So what I have been doing 3 days a week in between P90X workouts is:

2 min warmup
Sprint at top speed for 15 sec, then a slow jog for 45 sec (repeat 8 times)
Slow jog for 20 minutes
Sprint at close to top speed for 1 min, then walk for 1 min (repeat 10 times)

Just wondering what you guys think of this routine. My primary goal is FAT LOSS, and preservation of muscle.

Its greats. Do it.

Do this once a week.
Masta_Killah said:
For preserving muscles, you'll need to continue to eat the proper macros and lift heavy for any chance of keeping any gains you get at the gym.

If you are doing P90x, why not just do a jog for an hour? The cardio days for p90x should act just like a HIIT program if you properly keep the intensity up and the breaks short.

Because I'm not doing the cardio portion of P90X (no plyo or kenpo). Just doing the weight-training days. I just finished a round of P90X a few weeks ago, and I honestly just don't feel like doing the whole thing again so soon. So, just thought I would try a hybrid program of sorts for a while and see how it goes.

I always did wonder if Plyo worked like HIIT.

Thanks for the link, Nomar.
I'd like to thank everyone in this thread for helping me lose 20lbs the past two months with only dietary changes I've made. I haven't been all to strict and still lost weight. Today I go back to the gym to accelerate my gains (losses ;) ). We can all make that change and get it done. 265lbs - 241lbs.


Unconfirmed Member
I've never been in this thread before. It's really awesome, and surprisingly positive and affirming. Good job, GAF.

I've always been a pretty skinny guy, but as I'm getting older, fitness is becoming more and more important to me. I've been experimenting with different diet changes and exercise routines. A lot of this stories + pics are pretty damn inspiring.


get some go again
man my diet went to hell these past two months. i think i gained a lot of muscle though. cutting right now so i'm hoping after i get back down to regular weight i'll be cut.


Alright so my goal was to go from 183 to 150 it took a long time and I fell off the wagon at one point but I have come close 154 as of last weigh in yesterday and I think I am happy at this weight. Kind of nice I was wearing 36 size pants (waist) and now down to 34 with room. I have lost alot of weight in my stomach, sides and upper chest.I wasn't very overweight but I was carrying some luggage but now most is relatively gone. I think now for my next step I need to tone.

Gonna rework my diet abit now as before I was eating very lightly and doing alot of exercise. I gotta look into a gym this week since I don't have weights and I am gonna keep up my daily running plus also thinking of blowing the dust off the p90x dvds and doing a few exercises form that daily.

Also congrats Messi damn good job very inspirational
ArachosiA 78 said:
Is anyone here familiar with HIIT? I found some HIIT routine on the Internet, but I lost it and have just been trying to follow it from memory.

So what I have been doing 3 days a week in between P90X workouts is:

2 min warmup
Sprint at top speed for 15 sec, then a slow jog for 45 sec (repeat 8 times)
Slow jog for 20 minutes
Sprint at close to top speed for 1 min, then walk for 1 min (repeat 10 times)

Just wondering what you guys think of this routine. My primary goal is FAT LOSS, and preservation of muscle.

HIIT is awesome, I've had great results with it and seen others get the same. Much more effective for me than what I used to do, which was 2-3 hours of distance running.
Zefah said:

Well, sort of. I started in February and lost around 18 pounds in the first month, and 18 or so to this day (down 36 pounds since I started). After the first couple of weeks I mostly phased out beans, though.

Thanks for answering. Sorry for the delay. What did you eat instead of beans?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
samus i am said:
Thanks for answering. Sorry for the delay. What did you eat instead of beans?

Just more meat, eggs, vegetables, etc...

I still sometimes eat beans because I like them, but just not with most meals as the 4-Hour Body book recommends.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
elrechazao said:
HIIT is awesome, I've had great results with it and seen others get the same. Much more effective for me than what I used to do, which was 2-3 hours of distance running.

I've been thinking about starting it for a while now. I think I'll try starting it up this week with the Tabata Sprints.

How did you begin? What exercises did you start with and how long/often did you do each?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
After reading this:

I think this a huge variable that I've missed and explains a larger chunk of the observable data when combined with the leptin/body fat setpoint and hyperinsulinemia theories.

Also explains how I was also able to lose weight back in 2005 on a more USDA friendly diet. Whole grain bread and whole wheat pasta with low sugar tomato sauce with 1.5x lean beef is bland stuff. I actually lost weight faster back then, but lost lots of lean tissue too.

I think it would be a good general, but not one size fits all rule to avoid stuff that tastes very good. Stuff that you recall eating simply due to flavor and not satiety. Low carbers should probably toss the fake atkins candy stuff, artificially sweetened milk shake protein drinks, generally anything that resembles cakes and pastries, MSG onion powdered peanuts, etc.

started in August 2010 (276) the above picture is the latest.. 245

i feel like i hit a plateau as i can't manage to get below 240.. im attending this party in July and i really need to do this! im terrible at cooking its pretty much special k with skim plus for breakfast, a banana or apple for my snacks, green tea and honey whenever i can fit it.. any advice on when to drink this? and i end it off with chicken breast and broccoli

i know i need to eat something else but i just cant cook its why i decided to quit during my failed weight loss attempts

really need some advice..

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
If you are unable to cook for yourself, it will be rough.

Stop consuming sugars completely. If you can, cut out carbohydrates completely, as well. If you try that for a week, you'll be amazed at how quickly your weight drops and you'll probably becoming addicted to the diet.

Just fry up meats, eggs, non-starchy vegetables, and anything else that isn't full of sugar or carbs.


BertramCooper said:
Anyone know of any good low-carb soup recipes?
Soups are vegetable stocks mostly, right? Typically they're all carb. But if anyone can show me the way to a low-carb soup, I'd kiss them.
Suairyu said:
Soups are vegetable stocks mostly, right? Typically they're all carb. But if anyone can show me the way to a low-carb soup, I'd kiss them.

What about broccoli soup? Essentially just fry onion (or leek if you're hell bent on minimizing carbs), stir in some chopped broccoli, add some water and spices, mix it up once they've gotten soft and there's your soup (disclaimer: I've never done that, but I think it'd it'd work). I can imagine cauliflower would work too, as long as you don't use flour to thicken it and rely on blending instead.

I regularly make spinach soup, nettle soup and green pea soup.

I guess peas would be out, considering they're fairly high carb. Nettles are a bit of a hassle if you don't pick them yourself. But spinach is definitely a good alternative. You can usually find it frozen in blocks, just fry finely chopped spinach with onions and add whatever broth you want. It's a thin soup, but it tastes good and is fairly nutritious.

Tomato soups works too.

Judging by the replies above me I'm pretty sure I'm missing something because I can see some definite contenders for low-carb soups.
Shrike_Priest said:
Judging by the replies above me I'm pretty sure I'm missing something because I can see some definite contenders for low-carb soups.
I think it's just because so many soups I know of contain potatoes and/or beans, which obviously really up the carb count.

I like the idea of some sort of spinach soup. I love spinach and eat it every single day, so I'd love to somehow work it into a soup.
BertramCooper said:
I think it's just because so many soups I know of contain potatoes and/or beans, which obviously really up the carb count.

I like the idea of some sort of spinach soup. I love spinach and eat it every single day, so I'd love to somehow work it into a soup.

I'm guessing spinach-soup is a Swedish thing because it's a pretty common dish over here. There plenty of variations on that type of "leafy-vegetable-soup" here. Essentially you just fry onions in butter, add the vegetables and let them fry for a bit, then add water.

Typically you'd add some flour to thicken, but you could probably work around that.

Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwvOVdhDxhg

Essentially that, but without using almonds and without straining away the pulp after blending it.
Suairyu said:
Soups are vegetable stocks mostly, right? Typically they're all carb. But if anyone can show me the way to a low-carb soup, I'd kiss them.

I make a killer soup with:

Chicken thighs (skin and debone after cooking)
carrots (usually like only a cup, since they do have a few carbs in them)
chicken stock
chicken bullion
salt pepper

You could also substitute the meat and also add or remove veggies to your liking.


Around 3 years ago. I probably maxed out a little after this around 225 pounds:


Last Summer, at a family wedding. Probably around 160. I could actually use hitting the gym to bulk up a bit now, but the way I feel about the way I look is night and day. It's especially noticeable in my face:



Hard work feels good man.
Ok guys, I need to know how to lose my fat stomach. All the rest is ok, but it's my tummy.

Would it be enough to go jogging 3-4 times a week? Or do I need to do something else too? Like banning sugar? Only drink water?

Thanks in advance.
As mentioned before, you cannot spot lose weight. You lose fat where the body feels like losing it. Eat less, eat healthier, and focus on compound lifts. Squats, deadlifts, bench, OHP, and the like. You also might be skinny fat in which going to the gym will help you get bigger and lose fat as well.


haven't posted in a while, just wanted to update my progress. i did a terrible job of staying low carb from feb to april. i had been doing great. went from 215 to 166.5lbs in six months. then i binged on ice cream and cereals almost everyday for a couple months. shot back up to 192lbs in no time. this past friday i weighed 189.5lbs.

the weather is really nice now, so i can start mtn biking a few times a week for exercise and i'm back to low carbing as of last week.. will see what happens. i seriously think i have an eating addiction. will try to post updates more often to help keep me motivated again.


So I always wanted to lose some weight.

I'm 6'2" and thought I was around 220lbs. I still look the same as I always have fluctuated a bit here and there.

I was reading this thread and it got me motivated. So I went to weigh myself this morning.... Shock and Awe! The scale said I was 280lbs!!!!

So yeah need to kick my ass and get started. Weird thing is all my clothes still fit and I don't feel like I weigh 60lbs more.....
B-Dex said:
So yeah need to kick my ass and get started. Weird thing is all my clothes still fit and I don't feel like I weigh 60lbs more.....

One thing you realize when you start losing weight and buying clothes is how much fabric can stretch.

I've gone from 34" jeans that had been stretched out for over a year to 31". After a few days of wearing a new pair of 32" jeans, I had to start tightening my belt or they'd fall off.

Now that I don't have anything to hide I can't stand wearing baggy clothes.
Some of the bad parts about losing body fat (whatya mean, bad parts?):

It really has made a difference in my temperature. It's been a lousy spring here, and I have to bundle up a lot more. I'm quite a bit colder than those around me.
This will balance out when summer comes around, I'll be the "cool" guy.

Buying new clothes is nice and all, but shit, I'm cheap :)

My hips are getting boney. I wear a tool belt at work, and the damn thing is getting a little uncomfortable lately.

In keeping with the above, my ass isn't as padded as it used to be. Sitting on the benches at my son's baseball games is a little more uncomfortable.

My mom said "are you losing weight?" and put her hands to her face, as to show that my face is thinner - as much as I assured her that I am healthy and fine, she looks at me with concern. My boss did the exact same thing today.

[this was all just for a laugh, but it is true]

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
First post in this thread, and asking for tips.

I'm not fat just slightly overweight. I've been worse. What's some pro-tips to avoid cravings? I usually think about not eating chocolates or any type of candy all day but when I see them in front of me I go nuts most of the time and don't even think twice. I usually regret it after and then the cycle continues. I do work out btw but eating unhealthily won't help.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Dr Eggman said:
First post in this thread, and asking for tips.

I'm not fat just slightly overweight. I've been worse. What's some pro-tips to avoid cravings? I usually think about not eating chocolates or any type of candy all day but when I see them in front of me I go nuts most of the time and don't even think twice. I usually regret it after and then the cycle continues. I do work out btw but eating unhealthily won't help.
Stop buying candy.

And if other people in the house are buying candy, ask them to stop to help you out.
B-Dex said:
So I always wanted to lose some weight.

I'm 6'2" and thought I was around 220lbs. I still look the same as I always have fluctuated a bit here and there.

I was reading this thread and it got me motivated. So I went to weigh myself this morning.... Shock and Awe! The scale said I was 280lbs!!!!

So yeah need to kick my ass and get started. Weird thing is all my clothes still fit and I don't feel like I weigh 60lbs more.....

I know how that feels. Kept telling myself I had just gotten a bit chubby. Ignored comments from friends/family. One fine day I check my weight... 240 lbs. Had thought I would be at 190 lbs or so.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
xxracerxx said:
Stop buying candy.

And if other people in the house are buying candy, ask them to stop to help you out.
I'm dorming. Candy is everywhere, it's like trying to remove oxygen.
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