Thanks for your post, sounds similar to me.TheGoldenGunman said:Interesting story, because I'm experiencing exactly the same thing! The thing is that it is actually impossible to lose the skin in certain places on your body after massive weight loss, because of the "stretch" effect caused on your skin. I myself lost 25KG, and noticed that I too still had excess skin around my stomach. So I gunned it really hard, managing to lose another 5KG, whilst at the same time taking on a ridiculous stomach crunching regime. I then found that my stomach was as hard as rock, but that I still had puppy fat around the lower part of my belly (although the top part looked great). This left me in a dilemna as losing any more weight would effectively make me look like a marathon runner, which is not the look I was working so hard for!
I actually visited a Doctor about this and he confirmed the following for me. Unfortunately, your skin does't actually "retract." Once it has been stretched past a certain point, that's how it will stay. This is a common problem amongst women that give birth, particularly if they have twins / triplets. Their stomachs stretch like crazy because of the the children they are carrying, but after giving birth, their stomachs won't retract, creating a "saggy" look. Unfortunately this exact same thing can happen to anyone who loses a *lot* of weight after being overweight / clinically obese, because skin is not "elastic" and won't just spring back to it's original state. It's not just confined to the stomach are either, it can be noticeable around the breasts / hips and even around the face, dependant on how much weight one loses.
The only solution is to have the excess loose skin removed. For the stomach area, you would require a "tummy tuck," otherwise known as Abdominoplasty. Such operations are expensive, but will result in the effect you are looking for.
I'm actually pretty sure I am going to have such an operation myself. I'm sure it sounds really vain and like a waste of money, but after managing to lose so much weight, it's disapointing to end up with saggy skin, and it does make me feel rather image concious when I'm swimming, or on the beach. However, I guess it depends on the individual at hand as to what action, if any, one decides to take.
I'm considering the tummy tuck, but I'm gonna go at it some more. I'm going to bulk in Aug or Sept and see if I like how I look then. I'm mostly concerned about the scar and recovery time (1-2 weeks off work?), what do you think? I know I shouldn't care what others think, but a guy in his 20s having a tummy tuck does sound kinda odd. I just really despise the fact that people who are more overweight than I look better... in the midsection especially.
Let me know how your tummy tuck goes if you do get one! (via PM or whatever)