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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Saadster said:
Well she eats a decent amount, probably around 2000-2200 calories a day. The problem is that she eats a lot of sweets/soda/junk food, which I'm trying to get her to stop. Probably eats a little too many carbs too.

If she's serious about losing the weight, she needs to stop consuming the sweets, soda and junk food. Maybe once a week is okay, but, ideally, she should completely eliminate them. I'd recommend cutting down on the carbs, too, but not everyone is in agreement there. Cutting carbs does work, though, if your main goal is getting results.

Saadster said:
She started a few months ago and lost around 5 pounds in 2-3 weeks but she was unable to keep up with her diet due to schedule and school reasons. She hates running for long periods so that's why she just stops after a short while.

So do I. I very much dislike exercise simply for exercise's sake. The good news is that, unless you are an athlete or something, 80% or so of your weight loss (or weight gain) will come as a result of your diet. I've lost over 40 lbs. since February and I've done zero cardio exercise just for exercise's sake.

But, yeah, you can't stay thin and in shape eating trash all the time unless you're blessed with a hyper-metabolism, or you constantly exercise.


I just started paying attention to carbs a few day ago. I couldn't believe how many i was getting. A single footlong from subway had almost 200g, and I had that every Sunday (habbit). Plus, for every lunch throughout the week I'd have a bag of baked chips (30g) and a hershey's almond (20+g).

I've almost carb-free for the past two days, but am going to bump it up to 50g with fruits and (if I can find some that don't suck) veggies.

I run everyday, but day one with no carbs I felt really tired and had trouble finishing my routine (6k)


AiTM said:
What's some snacks you guys like when eating low carb?

Nuts, but an assorted bag of nuts.

Great fats, filling, delicious, and entirely joked filled when discussing what you're nibbling on.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
ipukespiders said:
How big a waist does a person need?
I'm 6'2" with a 30 in waist (was 34 back in January).

I wouldn't go below 30.

Also keep in mind how a proper waist measurement is done. Most people wear pants below the measurement line, which tends to be 1-2 inches smaller depending on how much belly fat you have.


SuperAngelo64 said:
Alright, so time for an update. I'm still not feeling great enough to post a full body shot, plus I don't have a 'before' body shot.

This is me at the start, it's from my driver' license. Actually I was 30 lbs heavier than this picture when I started:


EDIT: Found a picture of me at 400 lbs with my wife. We're separated now :\ I miss her like hell.

This is me today, 100 lbs lighter and 3 1/2 months later. Doing low-carb, high protein, and tons of weight lifting and jogging:



I'm halfway there!

You are my NeoGAF idol. I don't have as much to lose, but you say you lost 100 in 3 and 1/2 months? That is friggin amazing. Giving me hope.
AiTM said:
What's some snacks you guys like when eating low carb?

Not too sure about the carb content of these bad boys, but if you're after a snack, I'd recommend these:


Very tasty, pretty low on the calorie front and most importantly of all, they seem to fill you up. Before I lost weight, I found myself gorging on chocolates and soft drinks during the day. Replacing the chocolates with these, and replacing soft drinks with water made a tremendous difference to my overall weight.

Of course, even better is to snack on fruit, or something similar, but these get my thumbs up for sure.

Oh and one more thing. Another way to improve your appearance is to build muscle rather than lose weight, IE change the structure of your body mass from fat to muscle. If that's the method you've chosen in order to improve your appearance, then snacking on food with high amounts of protein like Cottage Cheese and lean meat is also a good way to fill you up and help achieve your goal.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
AiTM said:
What's some snacks you guys like when eating low carb?

I haven't "snacked" since I started. I haven't really felt the urge to do so, either.

High protein and fat keeps you satiated for quite a while. It may not work for everyone, but I think that simply not snacking is the best way to go.


For the last few month I've mainly been doing weight training, and along with the creative and protein I've been eating a lot of carbs, but for the summer I wanna just do cardio mainly running, so I'm going to eat low carb while doing so, where should I keep fat grams at? I never felt right eating high fat while on low carb...


I don't really snack a lot, but on weekends and times I'm sitting around the house and I get bored I want to have sone things around to eat that are quick, while also staying low carb. That's why I asked
With regards to snacking, it's often a misconception that snacking = bad. In fact snacking is fine, as long as it's in moderation and you keep to the recommended number of calories you can have in a given day.

In fact using my own life as an example, at one point I did not snack at all. However, I would find that when I got back home, I was *so* hungry, that I became ravenous, having massive portions and epic meals. My calorie intake was through the roof!

Since subsequently snacking if I feel hungry, I found that keeping to my limit was far easier, as I did not feel as hungry as I did throughout the day. And when I get back after work, I do not require an Olympic Swimmer style dinner to satisfy my stomach!

You should be careful when snacking, as snacking on the wrong things (soft-drinks, chocolates, potato chips, etc) will lead to bad type of weight gain. However, snacking to keep your hunger in check is in fact the way your body seems to be naturally "programmed" to do in the first place.

duk said:
i want to gain muscle weight, it's so damn hard!

Is that you in your Avatar picture? If so, I think you've already achieved what most people could only dream of!


sparkle this bitch
So then what is a good diet then if carbs and diary are bad? Most of my food definitely consists of those two groups. Yogurt, Cheerios, Chocolate Milk, Bread... Oh I could just eat a loaf of bread plain. Heh.

I understand vegetables and fruit, but I just don't understand why I'm supposed to eat stuff like nuts and meat in place of diary and carbs.

As of right now, I'm in the 160s and wanting to get down to 140 again. I've started to work and be a lot more active too.


AiTM said:
I don't really snack a lot, but on weekends and times I'm sitting around the house and I get bored I want to have sone things around to eat that are quick, while also staying low carb. That's why I asked

Red peppers and grapefruits, just eat em with your hands.

Or just throw a chicken breast in the oven and make a wrap or salad.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I started last summer at 240 lbs 5' 7" and haven't really been trying to lose weight for real until recently. I'm down to 170 lbs now and aiming for 160 lbs within the coming 1,5 months.

Will post pics then :3 !


shintoki said:
So then what is a good diet then if carbs and diary are bad? Most of my food definitely consists of those two groups. Yogurt, Cheerios, Chocolate Milk, Bread... Oh I could just eat a loaf of bread plain. Heh.

I understand vegetables and fruit, but I just don't understand why I'm supposed to eat stuff like nuts and meat in place of diary and carbs.

As of right now, I'm in the 160s and wanting to get down to 140 again. I've started to work and be a lot more active too.

Unless it's plain yoghurt, it's the added stuff that's bad, same with the chocolate milk. Cheese is diary and perfectly fine on very low carb. Milk and yoghurt are still fine on low carb. When they don't have extra sugar added.

With cereals and bread, they get converted to sugar pretty quickly and enter the blood stream. You get all this peak energy and your body is unlikely to be in need of so much, so insulin spikes in order to get rid of the sugar by storing it as fat. The inconvenience problem is that you get hungry pretty soon and might eat more rather than allow your body to turn to stored fat. Both hunger and fattening are a lot more severe if you're developing/have insulin resistance. It's still a good idea to have some quick carbs after a workout, your body will actually need it then.

Fat and protein is slow energy release compared to carbs. Insulin won't be all over the place storing fat, plus fats and protein keep your appetite down for a lot longer.
teh_pwn said:
I wouldn't go below 30.

Also keep in mind how a proper waist measurement is done. Most people wear pants below the measurement line, which tends to be 1-2 inches smaller depending on how much belly fat you have.

My question was rhetorical, sorry bout that.
I don't need a big waist to absorb a bullet or anything. As long as it keeps my insides from falling out, I'm good.
Belly fat? What's that? LOL!

shintoki said:
So then what is a good diet then if carbs and diary are bad?

Dairy is awesome. I love the stuff.
Cheddar cheese, milk, cottage cheese.


smurfx said:
went to cvs and food 4 less and didn't see any. would target or walmart have some?

I don't know what the first two stores but I can find flax seeds in my Safeway which is just a regular grocery store. Probably walmart in like the baking section or cereal section.


Saw this topic so I thought I may as well add pics myself.


Total weight loss was about 100lbs.

I've got some loose skin left on my stomach, but girls don't seem to care, so I don't really mind much either. I did consider surgery, but the cost, pain and anguish of it all doesn't seem worth it.

Looking back, I wish I'd hit the weights while I was losing the weight instead of sticking purely to cardio - I'm sure it would have been way easier than the way I did it.

Kettlebell Swings are also awesome for fat loss. Get a kettlebell as soon as you can.


Loudninja said:
Jello is a perfect snack food zero carbs.
I'd forgotten about diet jelly. Port wine flavour is my poison, doesn't taste like it's using a sugar substitute, fills me up and piss easy to eat. Doesn't give me the shits either, which is a lot considering all the other things that have sugar alcohols in them (I'm looking at you, Atkins bars/sugar free candies).


smurfx said:
went to cvs and food 4 less and didn't see any. would target or walmart have some?

Walmart should definitely have some. I hope you're not trying to use them as a main source of omega 3 fat though. If that's the case just buy some fish-oil pills.


Neo Member
Took me about 3 months

For the first ~25lbs I just changed my diet. Nothing too extreme, i just started being more conscious of what i was eating and how much. I didn't have a fixed diet, just tried to eat less fried food and eat healthier overall.

For the next ~25lbs i started going to the gym and doing cardio/strength training for about 5/6 times per week for 1h, 1h30m each day. Around 50/50 ratio of cardio/strength per training session.

I didn't go for an extreme diet or workout regime. I just changed my eating habits and started exercising (which i did absolutely nothing before). Now I'm starting to build up some muscle weight and have lost pretty much all excess belly fat
I hit a pretty good milestone this morning. 70+ pounds lost so far. 20 more will make me very happy. My ultimate goal is to get to 180-185.



Unconfirmed Member
This is my first time posting in this thread. Just wanted to drop in and post about my recent efforts to lose weight.

So, where to start? For the past 3-5 years I've been largely sedentary. Mostly just spent my time sitting on my ass all day eating junk. I've been very conscious about my weight gains and its gone well beyond the point where I'm embarrassed by my large stomach. I'm not sure how much I weigh, I'll find out in a few days, but I'd guess I'm at around 250-270+.
It really is a joke how much I've ballooned over the past few years.

Anyway, I pulled the trigger friday night after procrastinating for so long and decided to start walking home from work from now on. I've been car pooling to and from work so told the driver I won't be going home with him anymore.

It's only been 3 days but I actually feel amazing. It takes me around 45 mins to get home (about a 4.5 km walk), its not the toughest of walks but there are a couple of places that kick my ass. The first night was a lot easier than I thought it'd be, my shins and feet were hurting like crazy but whenever it got real bad I'd just push harder till the pain subsided. About 3/4s of the way through I felt this huge buzz which made it the walk really enjoyable. The aftermath wasn't that fun but I got to rest over the weekend, which was great.
Really wasn't feeling up to walking tonight after getting like 4 hours sleep from sitting up watching the e3 conferences ;) but since I no longer have a choice I had to.
I've noticed already that its becoming a lot easier and I've been really pushing to cut down on how long it takes to get home. I even ended up running the last 300-400 metres! Nothing amazing but a small accomplishment that I hope to drastically increase.
I barely feel tired at all. :)
It was funny, when I got home I was already toying with the idea of just running the whole way rather than walk lol! That's how great I felt.

As for my eating habits, really, the only change I've made is completely stopped drinking soda and replaced that with water. I think I was drinking around 5L a week. :/ I knew it was bad for me just couldn't be bothered stopping.

Anyway, I'm hoping to eventually change my diet and replace walking with running and/or bike riding. Just focusing on getting some fresh air back into my lungs atm and re-learning how to use my legs.


get some go again
Gilby said:
Walmart should definitely have some. I hope you're not trying to use them as a main source of omega 3 fat though. If that's the case just buy some fish-oil pills.
no i'm going to use it as fiber. i already take fish oil.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Andiie said:
This is my first time posting in this thread. Just wanted to drop in and post about my recent efforts to lose weight.

So, where to start? For the past 3-5 years I've been largely sedentary. Mostly just spent my time sitting on my ass all day eating junk. I've been very conscious about my weight gains and its gone well beyond the point where I'm embarrassed by my large stomach. I'm not sure how much I weigh, I'll find out in a few days, but I'd guess I'm at around 250-270+.
It really is a joke how much I've ballooned over the past few years.

Anyway, I pulled the trigger friday night after procrastinating for so long and decided to start walking home from work from now on. I've been car pooling to and from work so told the driver I won't be going home with him anymore.

It's only been 3 days but I actually feel amazing. It takes me around 45 mins to get home (about a 4.5 km walk), its not the toughest of walks but there are a couple of places that kick my ass. The first night was a lot easier than I thought it'd be, my shins and feet were hurting like crazy but whenever it got real bad I'd just push harder till the pain subsided. About 3/4s of the way through I felt this huge buzz which made it the walk really enjoyable. The aftermath wasn't that fun but I got to rest over the weekend, which was great.
Really wasn't feeling up to walking tonight after getting like 4 hours sleep from sitting up watching the e3 conferences ;) but since I no longer have a choice I had to.
I've noticed already that its becoming a lot easier and I've been really pushing to cut down on how long it takes to get home. I even ended up running the last 300-400 metres! Nothing amazing but a small accomplishment that I hope to drastically increase.
I barely feel tired at all. :)
It was funny, when I got home I was already toying with the idea of just running the whole way rather than walk lol! That's how great I felt.

As for my eating habits, really, the only change I've made is completely stopped drinking soda and replaced that with water. I think I was drinking around 5L a week. :/ I knew it was bad for me just couldn't be bothered stopping.

Anyway, I'm hoping to eventually change my diet and replace walking with running and/or bike riding. Just focusing on getting some fresh air back into my lungs atm and re-learning how to use my legs.

Holy shit! That's a lot of soda.

Good job on finally kicking things into gear, man! Just make sure that whatever you're doing is sustainable and you'll reach your goal eventually.
Gary Whitta said:
I've lost 12lbs so far.

Mixed nuts are my new favorite snack!

That's great. I've had nothing but success with a high-fat, moderate fruit diet.

Be careful with nuts—way too easy to eat a ton unless you have to shell them first, and other than macadamia nuts you'll be getting a hefty dose of omega 6 fatty acids. I have a few roasted almonds here and there, and occasionally will go through a macadamia spell.

My latest update is that I'm shifting some more carbs in to my diet as I continue to lose and am to the point where I need to bulk up. Sticking with paleo of course, as getting rid of gluten and other shitty parts of a modern diet have improved way more than just my waistline. I don't usually like taking photos, much less posting them online, but might do that soon since I've gotten so much motivation from others.


Started a few weeks ago at about 270. My goal for the summer is 240. Haven't changed up my diet a bunch, just smaller portions, less snacking, and almost no pop.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Gary Whitta said:
I've lost 12lbs so far.

Mixed nuts are my new favorite snack!

Nice, Gary! It's been what, six days? Impressive! However, as a PotatoeMasher already said, be careful not to binge on the nuts. err...

Was nice seeing you on the recent Bombcast episode, by the way!

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Beginning to think that I may have some psychological issue surrounding my numerous attempts at weight loss. Without fail, every time I've reached a point of noticeable progress, all motivation goes out the window, I stop exercising and start to eat horribly, almost as if my mind is sabotaging my efforts. Once I've gained back most of what was previously worked off, this triggers a sort of "rock bottom" reaction and the cycle starts anew -- "Ugh, I won't let that happen again!" Riiight. A month or so later...

Various types of diets and exercise routines have failed to stick and my intense cravings for sweets and carbs are barely even suppressed no matter how sated the actual hunger is or what types of low-guilt replacements (nuts, sugar-free Jello, rationed dark chocolate) I try to incorporate; my body won't stop wanting to devour cake, pie, ice cream, cookies, candy... It's best described as that elusive, almost drug-like high, the "mouth feel" these things provide that nothing else can replicate. There's no such thing as moderation when it comes to them, either: if I deprive myself entirely, a binge is inevitable. Allowing myself a cheat day only leads to cheat days which leads to a week which leads to me giving up again.

I'm at the point now where I've assumed the best possible outcome is to maintain my mediocre body, and that a genuine "good" body is impossible for me to attain.
Zefah said:
Nice, Gary! It's been what, six days? Impressive! However, as a PotatoeMasher already said, be careful not to binge on the nuts. err...

Was nice seeing you on the recent Bombcast episode, by the way!
LOL no, it's been a few weeks. And yes, I am always careful to weigh my nuts before going to town on them!


Ugh, allergies attacked me this morning so I couldn't get to the gym. Now I feel doubly sluggish from the allergies AND not getting my ass moving in the morning. I always feel energized after the gym. And I have stuff to do tonight or I'd try and hit it after work.

Oh well, Active 2 tomorrow night and gym Friday morning will get my energy back.


Zefah said:
Holy shit! That's a lot of soda.

Good job on finally kicking things into gear, man! Just make sure that whatever you're doing is sustainable and you'll reach your goal eventually.

Back in highschool, there was a Giant (grocery) right next door. The usual lunch for me was a bowl of giant chili, a baguette (shared between a few friends) and 1-2L of cherry coke. Depending on what I'm doing, even now, I drink about 1L of diet soda a day. Trying to cut back works for a while, and then I fall back in to it. Only recently, I started actually tasting how damn sweet aspertame tastes, which has made me cut down a bit.
does anyone use Wii Fit? I decided to use it today for the first time in a while since I started using the myfitnesspal app on Iphone (a great app by the way). However, it doesn't seem like the calories burned counter is accurate at all. I worked out for over an hour, yet it says I only burned 135 calories. Uhhh....

In other news, I did lose 3 pounds since last thursday. Yay progress. I'm trying to go down to 145 pounds. I currently weight 155 pounds and I'm 5 foot 8. It's a reasonable goal, I'll make more of it once I get there.

edit: and I'm thinking of getting a kettlebell, anyone have any reviews?


Emperor Bohe said:
does anyone use Wii Fit? I decided to use it today for the first time in a while since I started using the myfitnesspal app on Iphone (a great app by the way). However, it doesn't seem like the calories burned counter is accurate at all. I worked out for over an hour, yet it says I only burned 135 calories. Uhhh....?

That's about right, Wii Fit's not exactly high impact.

If you like working out with a game. and if you have a PS3 (or a 360 with Kinect, although that version is more limited), I cannot recommend EA Active 2 enough. It's a real honest to god trainer in a box. I burn around 200 calories with it in a half hour (and I'm a fatty doing it on Easy!), shit really works you hard.
Weight Loss Gaf:

What's spices are in your cupboard?
I'm looking for some ideas.

I did pick up onion powder, crushed chilis, italian spice (I picked a brand without added salt).

Also, what condiments do you use to add a little extra "zing" without a big calorie hit?


ipukespiders said:
Weight Loss Gaf:

What's spices are in your cupboard?
I'm looking for some ideas.

I did pick up onion powder, crushed chilis, italian spice (I picked a brand without added salt).

Also, what condiments do you use to add a little extra "zing" without a big calorie hit?

Salsa and hot sauce are AWESOME for this.
Chorazin said:
Salsa and hot sauce are AWESOME for this.
Completely agree on the salsa.

BTW, consider this me checking in. Down to 187.5. Bumping my daily run from 1.5 miles to 3 miles. My fastest 1.5 mile time thus far has been 11m18s and my fastest mile 7m50s.
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