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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

I'm happy to go grass-fed, it just seems like it's tougher to shop for. My local market has a large and very good meat counter, and when I asked the butcher which cuts were grass-fed he said "nothing here is, grass-fed is on that shelf behind you" and pointed me toward a tiny selection. Maybe I should shop around for a butcher that has more grass-fed selection.


Is there a website that does a good job of compiling the types of foods I can eat on a low-carb diet? The Something Awful thread touches on it a bit, but it's not extensive by any means.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Saw this in that SA thread and decided to try making it later tonight: http://www.reddit.com/r/keto/comments/hpgk2/rketo_do_you_know_about_shirred_eggs/

Looks delicious!


Nelo Ice

so ive been doing p90x for 2 weeks now(on week 3) have been seeing improvements all around except my gut im 5'6 and around 134 lbs(last time i weighed myself was last year) but i dont really gain weight and if i do it only shows on my gut anyway ive posted this in 2 other threads already but what diet do u guys reccomend so i can cut down on my gut and see actual improvement in my abs?

now from what ive read i got some of the foods down but the problem is i have no idea how to cook or what to cook for that matter so any recipes or tips would be the most helpful especially since the only person who cooks/can cook at my house is my sister and shes lazy half the time and often cooks unhealthy foods since she doesnt usually eat healthy and her bf isnt a fan of healthy foods in general

anyway the main barrier for me eating healthy is cooking myself since i dont kno what im doing =/

also per the fitness thread appareantly i should get these?
chicken breast, fish, oatmeal, cottage cheese, veggies, and rice.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Healthy with a disclaimer is not all that healthy if you ask me.


EviLore said:
Why are we all omega-3 deficient now? In part because of modern agricultural methods. The omega-6 to omega-3 ratios in animal meat are different depending on what the animals were fed while they were alive. Grass-fed = way more omega-3.

Which is why I take fish oil pills


EmmanuelMunoz said:
Which is why I take fish oil pills
I find that fish pill is not enough, so I just eats fish(sardines) 3-4 day a week.

Achtius said:
I know fruits are high in sugar, but.... THERE IS NO FRUITS IN THERE D:

Thanks for the link :)

Edit: It's kinda weird they didn't explain what the asterisk means? (eat sparingly perhaps?)


bodyboarder said:
Big improvement.

Over how long/how much weight?

about 3 months time, 12 kilograms between picture 1 and 2. Then I gained about 3 kilograms (from muscle mostly I guess).

I think 3 months was a pretty short time, but I went to the gym a lot + I really didn't eat anything that you could consider a 'fat maker'. Drinking lots of water also helped.


This low-carb thing isn't so bad. I thought I'd be worried about snacks, but actually I find that I'm not even really hungry most of the day after eating breakfast, although I do make sure to get a few veggies in. Dinner was awesome tonight, instead of eating traditional pizza, I used about 3 Low-Carb Tortilla Rolls, spread some salsa on each, topped them with pepperoni and peppers, and sprinkled a little mozzarella on each. Then I put them in the oven for about a minute, took em out, rolled them up and had some lovely pizza rolls!

I also ordered some of these last week:

I wasn't really liking the consistency of the noodles, but I'm working around it by cutting them into smaller pieces and tossing them with some chicken and assorted peppers.


That stuff is great and all, but it doesn't fill me up at all. It's like filler...but it doesn't do anything. If it works for you, great, but I threw it in with some meat and veggies to stir fry and it didn't do anything.
I'll post pix later but at the beginning of 2010 I weighed 240 lbs. and had a size 40 waist size. By September of that year I was 180 with a waist size of 36. Currently I am 165 and my waist is 33, I'm stopping there.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Small Mailman said:
I'll post pix later but at the beginning of 2010 I weighed 240 lbs. and had a size 40 waist size. By September of that year I was 180 with a waist size of 36. Currently I am 165 and my waist is 33, I'm stopping there.

What do you mean by stopping? Are you going to change your diet from now on?

spicy cho

I tried the tofu shirataki and they were kind of rubbery in texture, don't think I cooked them long enough. Also bought a pack of regular white and the black kind, will give those a shot too in a stir fry soon. One major thing about doing the low carb diet that I've noticed is my appetite has plummeted lately, so even though I'm a bit skeptical about not having to pay as much attention to calories in/out I think I'm well below maintenance as far as that goes anyways.


Briefly touched on this in the soda thread but I'll post it here.

Around March 2011 I was 105KG which was my heaviest and now I'm around 85KG.

Went from a 42 waist (UK) to a 36. Feels good man.

Did it by changing my food intake and lifting weights/cardio.

It kinda annoys me how simple it is and how I should have done this years ago. I'm able to enjoy freshly cooked meals that's a reasonable amount. It's shocking when you realise how much you over estimated your eating habits by. I use to plow down 3 cookies from subway back then and just found out that nearly amounts to 1000 calories :(

Happier and healthier now!

You will get progress pics towards the end of the year/early next year as there is still more work to do!


Might make a doctors appointment soon. I've noticed about an hour or so after eating grilled meats, my stomach starts cramping and I get terrible pains. This only happens when I have meat and veggies, or meat and something light. If I have meat with a lot of other things, I'm never bothered. This is getting pretty ridiculous now.

After a couple hours the pain goes away and I'm fine.

The M.O.B

Small Mailman said:
I'll post pix later but at the beginning of 2010 I weighed 240 lbs. and had a size 40 waist size. By September of that year I was 180 with a waist size of 36. Currently I am 165 and my waist is 33, I'm stopping there.

I don't think you should stop, keep up your healthy diet and exercise, this is something that can help you for the rest of your life. You don't necessarily have to keep losing weight but atleast keep the good habits you have developed during your weight loss. :p

Good job on losing all that weight :D


Quest Bar added three new flavors today and a sampler of the new flavors. Just got my box of peanut butter this morning, so it'll be a while for me.

Mixed Berry Bliss (4g net)
Chocolate Brownie (5g net)
Apple Pie (6g net)

It'd be great if they started getting these in stores.
Zefah said:
What do you mean by stopping? Are you going to change your diet from now on?

Just a little bit, just by eating more than usual so I don't waste away(my chest looks like a xylophone)

here's me before:

and my most recent picture:

i think the reason the pic looks like that is because it was misty, can't really remember though.

Oh, and I guess my secret was just that I went running 3-4 times a week for about 2-3 hours at night and I just ate less and chose lower calorie stuff to eat.
had a quick health check at work today.

They took my blood glucose (3.8 mmol/l), total cholesterol (5.43 mmol/l) but had an increased type 2 diabetes risk because my waist is large (107 cm).

The nurse said my blood glucose was a bit low - I assume it is because of my low carb diet? She said I should be around 4-6 mmol/l.

She also said I need to eat a bit less fat, egg whites etc to lower my cholesterol level but if I have more fish oil caps, will this also lower my cholesterol?
Shogmaster said:
The reason you couldn't handle it is because of you didn't let your brain adjust from running on glucose to running on keytone bodies that low carb diet will force you to. The adjustment period is anywhere from few weeks to couple of months, (For me, it's been 4~5 weeks and I'm now starting to get adjusted to it). You will feel groggy and fog headed until your brain adjusts. Wrecked havoc for me at work since I couldn't get my brain going for any kind of creativity. Was like being stuck on neutral. But I knew about it before going in, so I was prepared to ride it out.

From these sentences, it sounds like you lost weight before, but put it right back on. As soon as you bring your caloric intake back to normal levels, you will put the weight back on again, if you don't cut out the simple carbs.

Also, the notion of losing weight first, then putting on muscle doesn't work for me. When you do caloric restriction diets, you will a big chunk of your weight from losing your muscles (muscles are 3x dense as fat). It's 1 step forward, 2 steps back situation. But if you are doing carb restricted diet, you will lose weight mostly from your fat and your muscles will be largely spared. This is the key advantage of carb restricted diet.

Seems like no one read my initial post...

I've only ever put on weight twice in my life... both of those times have been short term, and both have been because of health issues.

First was due to medication that caused me to have an insatiable appetite when I was younger, which at that time I was young and hadn't been fat before and therefore had to learn to control myself.

Second time was this time, I put on 30kgs in 6 months thanks to a burst appendix. I wasn't over eating, so because I was so sick I could barely do anything for 6 months to 1 year and my muscle disappeared, and that turned into fat, without really over eating - though my diet certainly wasn't as good as when I was working out that's for sure.

All in all, this is how I lost weight last time, and I know that this will work for me.


chicko1983 said:
had a quick health check at work today.

They took my blood glucose (3.8 mmol/l), total cholesterol (5.43 mmol/l) but had an increased type 2 diabetes risk because my waist is large (107 cm).

The nurse said my blood glucose was a bit low - I assume it is because of my low carb diet? She said I should be around 4-6 mmol/l.

She also said I need to eat a bit less fat, egg whites etc to lower my cholesterol level but if I have more fish oil caps, will this also lower my cholesterol?

Total Cholesterol really isn't enough information to make dietary decisions about. You need to get a proper lipid panel done (usually done at a yearly physical) to get your HDL, LDL, Triglycerides, and Total Cholesterol. If your HDL/Triglyceride ratio is good, then your Total Cholesterol is less of a concern.

Where do you live? I've had a few physicals in the past few years, but never seen that notation. For example, in my last physical, I had:
HDL: 19mg/dL
LDL: 68mg/dL
Triglycerides: 115mg/dl
Glucose: 85mg/dL


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
hey guys, I'm back!

actually just stopped in to say that my last post in here I believe was probably almost a year ago or so... and here we are a year later and..... drumroll.... I am even less body fat percentage (just below 10%) and more weight (I called in here last at 155, currently around 160lb). For those who don't know, I started out at 215 Dec 2009 and ended at 155 July 2010. So I've kept all of that FAT off (plus some) for a year now!

The second reason I stopped in is to encourage the guys who don't want to do low carb... I have NOT done low carb AT ALL in the past year and a half. Never once. I eat pizza, bread, donuts, chips, use sugar where I want, etc. And no, there are no "air quotes" around any of those.. We're talking the REAL deal on all of it.

With that being said, it did take work and still does. I work out 6 days a week. actual working out for around 15-30 minutes a day. from june to may of this year it was crossfit. from end of may of this year on it's been strength focused calisthenics along with HIIT cardio (usually running). on my current program it's 12 minutes of HIIT and 5 sets of one exercise each of the six days (pushups, leg lifts, handstand pushups, bridge, squats, pullups. all bodyweight). I DO eat what I want, within reason. I'm not going to eat 4 slabs of pizza every meal of the day.. but if I've eaten well for breakfast and lunch, I'll treat myself with a nice dinner. likewise if I've eaten a heavyish lunch, I'll eat a light dinner. I suppose you could say that I do portion control, in that I make sure I'm taking a reasonable amount. I also don't chow my food down. I take it in and enjoy it over some time.. this also makes sure my body has time to digest it and let me know exactly when it is full, not after it's too late. likewise being sensible does mean limiting the truly bad things. sugars, alcohol and omega-6 fats are all very very very limited. the donuts mentioned above for example, might be one a month if even that. refined grains are a bit less limited, but still not gorged on. I haven't drank a non-diet soda in years (actually too sweet for me now) and take my coffee black (also a preference). basically eat what you want, but don't eat like a moron.

this isn't a plan to follow or me telling you what to do. this is all based off of a ton of reading, research, and most importantly, experimentation on what works for ME. yeah it may even seem like a ton more work that just eating all meats and nuts and watching the weight melt off that way... but the upside has been that I haven't had to eliminate almost any of the foods I love (some things have been completely eliminated... and as good as they tasted.... I mean c'mon... am I really going to feel bad about no more nachos bellgrandes from taco bell????), and most importantly, I am fine tuning what my body needs to not only keep going, but provide me with ridiculously explosive amounts of energy, strength, and endurance, all at the highest levels I've ever experienced in my life.. at 36 YEARS OLD!!!! And this is coming from a guy who did the usual "early 20s weight lifting" thing like a lot of guys.

so to everyone in this thread, keep at it. low carb, low fat, lots of exercise or just diet alone... if it works and there is science behind it, keep it up. and especially to those guys who are sitting there asking themselves "do I really have to give up carbs and/or all of the foods I love?", the answer is no. get out there.. read some books (convict conditioning and naked warrior could be two places to start), and for god sake.. show some restraint when dishing up food and accept that sugar, alcohol and most fried foods are.... well... they're shit. so limit that shit a bunch, limit the grains (bread, cereal, white rice, etc) a bit so you're not stuffing yourself on them, and eat lots of meat fruits and veggies. that and some exercise WILL get you to where you want to be. At 55lbs over weight I really feel I was at the exact same place as a lot of you (and worse than some even). and after a year of not only keeping it off, but genuinely enjoying my life and lifestyle... this shit works.


ColonialRaptor said:
Seems like no one read my initial post...

Second time was this time, I put on 30kgs in 6 months thanks to a burst appendix. I wasn't over eating, so because I was so sick I could barely do anything for 6 months to 1 year and my muscle disappeared, and that turned into fat, without really over eating - though my diet certainly wasn't as good as when I was working out that's for sure.

I read it, but here are a few things that stood out to me. You already know this but your diet should be a lifetime change. Not something that you stop once you reach your ideal weight.

Having said this, your appendix bursting sucks and is definitely out of the norm of your lifestyle. However, gaining over 60lb in 6 months is waaaay too much even for something like that. You say you weren't over eating, but you were. Just because you couldn't move around and exercise doesn't excuse that huge weight gain in such a short time. I've had surgery before where it incapacitated me for months so I do understand how it can happen but that's a lot of weight you gained there.

The second bold is just not true. Muscle does not turn to fat. It atrophies but it does not convert to anything. It's not the reason why you gained 60lb

I'm being a little hard on you but I see so many people just stop once they go back to their ideal weight and they wonder why they gain the weight back. Weight loss should not be a rollercoaster. We all will not be able to exercise forever as we grow older... so the question is, can you maintain your weight if you were to suddenly stop all exercise?


Is oatmeal good or bad for low-carb diet? It got a lot of carbs (20 per serving, 3 of which is fiber), but it is low in the glycemic index. I eat a bowl of oatmeal every morning, not sure if I want to replace it with something else.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Achtius said:
Is oatmeal good or bad for low-carb diet? It got a lot of carbs (20 per serving, 3 of which is fiber), but it is low in the glycemic index. I eat a bowl of oatmeal every morning, not sure if I want to replace it with something else.

It's awful. Also, are you really just consuming one serving for breakfast? Isn't one serving like half a cup dry?

If you're not opposed to eating animal products, you should probably just stick to a breakfast of bacon, eggs, sausage.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
borghe said:
so to everyone in this thread, keep at it. low carb, low fat, lots of exercise or just diet alone... if it works and there is science behind it, keep it up. and especially to those guys who are sitting there asking themselves "do I really have to give up carbs and/or all of the foods I love?", the answer is no. get out there.. read some books (convict conditioning and naked warrior could be two places to start), and for god sake.. show some restraint when dishing up food and accept that sugar, alcohol and most fried foods are.... well... they're shit. so limit that shit a bunch, limit the grains (bread, cereal, white rice, etc) a bit so you're not stuffing yourself on them, and eat lots of meat fruits and veggies. that and some exercise WILL get you to where you want to be. At 55lbs over weight I really feel I was at the exact same place as a lot of you (and worse than some even). and after a year of not only keeping it off, but genuinely enjoying my life and lifestyle... this shit works.

The answer is maybe not. Everyone's body is different and has different tolerances. Some people may be able to lose weight consuming 150g or carbs or so a day. Some even more. Then there are others who can only lose weight by cutting the carbs down to 20g or less.

For people who have been obese for a long time and have heavy insulin resistance, it's probably best to start lower than higher.

Besides, it sounds like your diet cut out the worst offenders for the most part, but allowed for occasional cheating. Anyway, congratulations on the weight loss and awesome body fat %!


Zefah said:
It's awful. Also, are you really just consuming one serving for breakfast? Isn't one serving like half a cup dry?

If you're not opposed to eating animal products, you should probably just stick to a breakfast of bacon, eggs, sausage.

I still think consuming too much fat can be bad (it's ingrained in my mind as that is what i been taught all my life), so I completely cut out sugar/rice/bread/wheat (other than oatmeal) and replace them with leafy vegetable (lots and lots of vegetable). I still eat a lot meat but i remove the fat/skin.
Small Mailman said:
Oh, and I guess my secret was just that I went running 3-4 times a week for about 2-3 hours at night and I just ate less and chose lower calorie stuff to eat.

Nice work on the weight loss, but why da fuck were you running for 2-3 hours? You only need to do around 20-30 minutes (combined with general daily activity such as walking). Sounds like absolute overkill to me, even if it worked for you.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Achtius said:
I still think consuming too much fat can be bad (it's ingrained in my mind as that is what i been taught all my life), so I completely cut out sugar/rice/bread/wheat (other than oatmeal) and replace them with leafy vegetable (lots and lots of vegetable). I still eat a lot meat but i remove the fat/skin.

Too much protein without fat can be toxic.

You really, really need to get over the fear of fat. It's bullshit. Fat is good for you. You need fat, especially if you are more or less eliminating carbohydrates.


Zefah said:
Too much protein without fat can be toxic.

You really, really need to get over the fear of fat. It's bullshit. Fat is good for you. You need fat, especially if you are more or less eliminating carbohydrates.

Toxic? o_O


not characteristic of ants at all
Anyone here use Intermittent fasting? I'm starting in about a week. Pretty excited, having 3 meals and snacks makes me hungry all day. Hopefully Intermittent fasting will help with this - and allow me to gain muscle @ the same time.


Can anyone recommend some good healthy snacks and somewhere to purchase them. I have been snacking on walnuts and almonds but sadly have not found any without salt and all the preservatives.

It has been almost a month since I started joggings almost everyday and cutting out all soft drinks and junk food but I have only lost about ten pounds. I can already tell that my endurance while running has improved greatly but the weight loss just really is not happening as quickly as I had hoped. I fear the problem is what I have for most meals and that is not something that I can really adjust because I am home for summer and my grandmother cooks most meals and is stuck in her old ways of cooking things. I have tried to be more aware of how much I am eating but I really do not think I can fully adjust what I eat for meals until I get back to school.

Any help or input is greatly appreciated.


W1SSY said:
Can anyone recommend some good healthy snacks and somewhere to purchase them. I have been snacking on walnuts and almonds but sadly have not found any without salt and all the preservatives.
String cheese, low sugar yogurt, cottage cheese, quest bars, peanut butter, vegetables and fruit (although not too much fruit in a day), celery and cream cheese, hard boiled eggs, deviled eggs, beef jerky (be careful there's not added sugar)... that's basically what I snack on if I need to, but I rarely do.
Zefah said:
It's awful. Also, are you really just consuming one serving for breakfast? Isn't one serving like half a cup dry?

If you're not opposed to eating animal products, you should probably just stick to a breakfast of bacon, eggs, sausage.
Oatmeal is awful? Most low-carb and health resources in general say it's great. Obviously it's more carbs than bacon and eggs but it is pretty low GI and it has a ton of good nutrients. If you want a cereal-type breakfast now and then it seems like the best choice possible. And even a half-cup dry cooks up to a very filling serving, you don't need to eat much oatmeal to feel full.

Even so, I try to eat it sparingly, maybe once a week.


Gary Whitta said:
Oatmeal is awful? Most low-carb and health resources in general say it's great. Obviously it's more carbs than bacon and eggs but it is pretty low GI and it has a ton of good nutrients. If you want a cereal-type breakfast now and then it seems like the best choice possible. And even a half-cup dry cooks up to a very filling serving, you don't need to eat much oatmeal to feel full.

Even so, I try to eat it sparingly, maybe once a week.

Isn't a half-cup dry a lot? I've always eaten a 1/4th cup dry Steel Cut, as that's the serving suggestion, and it results in a fairly hefty serving.


W1SSY said:
Can anyone recommend some good healthy snacks and somewhere to purchase them. I have been snacking on walnuts and almonds but sadly have not found any without salt and all the preservatives.

It has been almost a month since I started joggings almost everyday and cutting out all soft drinks and junk food but I have only lost about ten pounds. I can already tell that my endurance while running has improved greatly but the weight loss just really is not happening as quickly as I had hoped. I fear the problem is what I have for most meals and that is not something that I can really adjust because I am home for summer and my grandmother cooks most meals and is stuck in her old ways of cooking things. I have tried to be more aware of how much I am eating but I really do not think I can fully adjust what I eat for meals until I get back to school.

Any help or input is greatly appreciated.
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