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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
ColonialRaptor said:
I've only got one body and I need to treat it with respect, I want to last long enough for technology to get to the point to make me immortal so I gotta make sure that I do that!

Anyway, that's my post for this thread, sorry it's so long!

You're not treating your body with respect by damn near starving it, while loading it with the carbs and sugar that make it fat in the first place.

Best of luck to you, but I'd highly recommend reading the last 10 pages or so in this thread if you don't find much luck on your current diet.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
teh_pwn said:
Yeah, it's pretty easy to predict someone's physique based on what their cart has. The mega obese people at HEB nearly always have juice, soda, pizza, beer/wine, and white bread.

I've given up on trying to explain to people that what I'm eating is healthy. The Keys lipid hypothesis is really integrated into culture. Whether it's bacon, lard, steak, butter, etc there are constant references to these being unhealthy. Commercials, TV shows, movies, conversations. Then there's the medical industry. They should know better. I've had lipids taken before and have stellar markers (low glucose, low trig, very high HDL, low blood pressure, small waist) except for total cholesterol being a few points higher than 200 they red flagged it. I asked them if they measure LDL subpatterns and they didn't know what the hell I'm talking about. It's their damn job to know this. If my GP ever thinks this is an issue I'll print out the study from the American heart association showing a 50% correlation of high LDL in patients that died of heart attack and a > 80% correlation of patients that had high small, dense LDL and died of heart attack. Think about what it means that 50% of high LDL patients died of a heart attack.

All of this stupidity because some 1950s ego centric charlatan dropped data that didn't fit his theory so he could make a linear correlation between fat intake and heart disease. It's really fucking scary that this shit has gone on this long. It really is like Brawndo from Idiocracy.

Now that the American Heart Association and other major players are publishing data showing this relationship between total LDL and heart disease doesn't exist, we'll probably have a change of policy by 2020. It's going to take time for the big pharma to loosen their grip - probably when they find a drug that can lower specifically small, dense LDL or mitigate it's oxidation. 70 fucking years, god fucking dammit.

EDIT: Sorry for the rant. I have a poor filter and it's been overloaded by bottling this up in real life. neogaf was my livejournal.

Loved the rant! The anger I felt after learning about all of this over the past few months was great indeed. It's never fun to learn that you've been actively misinformed for most your life.

I really do wonder what the role of the various drug companies in enforcing the lipid hypothesis is. Obesity is good business for them, so they certainly have the incentive to misinform people about what is healthy.
I'll post this in the fitness thread later but:

Good Calories/Bad Calories or Why We Get Fat?

I kinda know Taubes' schpiel by now and 600 pages of dry reading doesn't rev my engine so I'm leaning towards the latter.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Buckethead said:
I'll post this in the fitness thread later but:

Good Calories/Bad Calories or Why We Get Fat?

I kinda know Taubes' schpiel by now and 600 pages of dry reading doesn't rev my engine so I'm leaning towards the latter.

Why We Get Fat. It's only 250 pages and a lot simpler, reportedly.

I've read it, and it's great, but I'm going to check out Good Calories Bad Calories, too.

You also might want to check out this hour and a half video, where Taubes pretty much explains the entirety of Why We Get Fat.
Zefah said:
You're not treating your body with respect by damn near starving it, while loading it with the carbs and sugar that make it fat in the first place.

Best of luck to you, but I'd highly recommend reading the last 10 pages or so in this thread if you don't find much luck on your current diet.

But as I just said, I've lost 5kgs in two weeks... It's doing me well, and I'm not feeling that hungry most of the time... I don't consider this to be starving myself.

I don't think I'm loading myself with sugar either, I'm eating a lot of fruits and apples yes so that is sugar but it's complex carbs right?

I read through the first 10 pages on a bit of a skim but I couldn't quite seem to gather what it is that I'm doing overly wrong from that... I don't have time to do a detailed read... I know it's all in the diet, and perhaps I could change out some of the ingredients in my blend for cottage cheese to put protein into it rather than carbs, and instead of the weet bix (carbs) in my lunch I could put protein there instead at some point, yes... definitely but I didn't think it was an unhealthy diet, all of the things I'm consuming are very high in antioxidants and various other things that i need to assist with my healing at the moment.
maxxpower said:

You need to start eating more dude. Starving yourself is not good for you even if you are losing weight.

How are you supposed to lose weight if not by reducing caloric intake below the bodies required amount?

I don't understand... I'm not physically well enough to exercise hard enough to burn enough calories on top to lose weight through exercise at this stage, so I need to do it through less eating, I'm not starving myself...

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
ColonialRaptor said:
How are you supposed to lose weight if not by reducing caloric intake below the bodies required amount?

I don't understand... I'm not physically well enough to exercise hard enough to burn enough calories on top to lose weight through exercise at this stage, so I need to do it through less eating, I'm not starving myself...

This is exactly why you should delve into some of the information from the last 10 pages or so. It's not about caloric intake.

The whole idea that eating less and exercising more will "burn" fat is wrong. There's a damn good reason it was never the conventional wisdom before the '60s or so.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Well to be fair if you consciously count calories and limit it to 1000 per day you probably will lose weight. But you're at risk of the body reacting to defend a setpoint and depending on your diet the weight could come from lean tissue. The body tries to track your body fat levels using hormones and they tend to already be out of whack in obese people. if you abruptly reduce calories I think leptin will plummet even if your body fat % is higher than it should be.


ColonialRaptor said:
How are you supposed to lose weight if not by reducing caloric intake below the bodies required amount?

I don't understand... I'm not physically well enough to exercise hard enough to burn enough calories on top to lose weight through exercise at this stage, so I need to do it through less eating, I'm not starving myself...

5kgs in 2 weeks is a bit much, and a guy your size should be eating at least 1600 calories a day. I did the same thing you're doing when I first started my diet. I was fine for like 2 weeks but shortly after my body became frail and weak. I upped my calorie intake by like 300 and it worked wonders for me. I wasn't losing a massive amount of weight per week but you're not supposed to lose massive amounts of weight weekly.

Eat more wholesome foods and eat more meals a day and you'll be fine. It's gonna be a loooong journey(I'm guessing it's your first time being overweight.), but you'll get there.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
teh_pwn said:
Well to be fair if you consciously count calories and limit it to 1000 per day you probably will lose weight. But you're at risk of the body reacting to defend a setpoint and depending on your diet the weight could come from lean tissue. The body tries to track your body fat levels using hormones and they tend to already be out of whack in obese people. if you abruptly reduce calories I think leptin will plummet even if your body fat % is higher than it should be.

Of course you'll lose weight by limiting your intake to 1000 calories a day, but wouldn't you say that has more to do with limiting the carbs as a result of limiting the calories than the actual number of calories?

On the other hand, if you went from eating 2500 calories a day with meat, eggs, and other low-carb foods, to eating 1000 calories a day purely from table sugar, I wouldn't be surprised if you actually started gaining weight.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Zefah said:
Of course you'll lose weight by limiting your intake to 1000 calories a day, but wouldn't you say that has more to do with limiting the carbs as a result of limiting the calories than the actual number of calories?

On the other hand, if you went from eating 2500 calories a day with meat, eggs, and other low-carb foods, to eating 1000 calories a day purely from table sugar, I wouldn't be surprised if you actually started gaining weight.

You probably would gain fat and lose muscle with 1000 calories of sugar per day.

Part of the point of choosing the right foods is that you don't count calories. It's what makes it a sustainable diet. Learn what foods break satiety, avoid them, eat the remaining foods for life. For a lot of people that means reducing sugar, carbs.

With caloric restriction studies, they tend to lose weight because they're forcing it. In practice most people cave to hunger because the foods they eat drive them to eat more.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
teh_pwn said:
You probably would gain fat and lose muscle with 1000 calories of sugar per day.

Part of the point of choosing the right foods is that you don't count calories. It's what makes it a sustainable diet. Learn what foods break satiety, avoid them, eat the remaining foods for life. For a lot of people that means reducing sugar, carbs.

With caloric restriction studies, they tend to lose weight because they're forcing it. In practice most people cave to hunger because the foods they eat drive them to eat more.


It just baffles my mind that so many people think we need to be micromanaging caloric values and exercise time in order to lose weight when it's obvious that no one ever did anything of the sort until fairly recently in our species' history. In that same time, obesity has exploded.
Zefah said:
This is exactly why you should delve into some of the information from the last 10 pages or so. It's not about caloric intake.

The whole idea that eating less and exercising more will "burn" fat is wrong. There's a damn good reason it was never the conventional wisdom before the '60s or so.

I know that the idea of exercising more to "burn" fat is wrong, but rather than say "read the last 10 pages" couldn't you at least give me a bit of a hint as to what it is that I'm supposed to do then?

What the hell? If you're not supposed to exercise and you're not supposed to eat less, then what ARE you supposed to do? Eat MORE?

It's got to do with the types of food that you eat right?

But no matter what, the body burns a specific amount of calories in order to run over the course of a day, and consumer a less amount of calories than that amount is going to make you lose weight, it's not more complicated than that I don't believe....

Fruit and Vegetables are the items of food recommended to be eaten in the most quantities right? Well they are the items of food that I'm consuming the most of, I'm portioned my diet with the correct portions and advised portions of everything as far as I'm aware it's just in smaller amounts.


ColonialRaptor said:
But no matter what, the body burns a specific amount of calories in order to run over the course of a day, and consumer a less amount of calories than that amount is going to make you lose weight, it's not more complicated than that I don't believe....
It's way more complicated than that. Reading this would be a good place to start.
ColonialRaptor said:
I know that the idea of exercising more to "burn" fat is wrong, but rather than say "read the last 10 pages" couldn't you at least give me a bit of a hint as to what it is that I'm supposed to do then?

What the hell? If you're not supposed to exercise and you're not supposed to eat less, then what ARE you supposed to do? Eat MORE?

It's got to do with the types of food that you eat right?

But no matter what, the body burns a specific amount of calories in order to run over the course of a day, and consumer a less amount of calories than that amount is going to make you lose weight, it's not more complicated than that I don't believe....

Fruit and Vegetables are the items of food recommended to be eaten in the most quantities right? Well they are the items of food that I'm consuming the most of, I'm portioned my diet with the correct portions and advised portions of everything as far as I'm aware it's just in smaller amounts.

From what I have learnt in this thread: eat more fat and protein, way less carbs, get heaps of sleep, intermittently fast for 15-19hrs a day, take vitamin D caps, take fish oil caps, drink heaps of water and get some moderate exercise and you will see the weight fall off.


chicko1983 said:
From what I have learnt in this thread: eat more fat and protein, way less carbs, get heaps of sleep, intermittently fast for 15-19hrs a day, take vitamin D caps, take fish oil caps, drink heaps of water and get some moderate exercise and you will see the weight fall off.

Sounds intriguing, anyone know a place where you can read up in this sort of dieting, what kind of specific food you should focus on, what you shouldn't, perhaps even some diet plan examples?

Also, the movie Fat Head also explains this sort of dieting well in an easy to swallow way.
Zefah said:
It just baffles my mind that so many people think we need to be micromanaging caloric values and exercise time in order to lose weight when it's obvious that no one ever did anything of the sort until fairly recently in our species' history. In that same time, obesity has exploded.
I'm definitely not defending specific diets, but I lost ~40 lbs by doing nothing but counting calories. I ate 3 meals a day and had 2 snacks in between each meal, consuming ~1500 calories per day. Didn't exercise, didn't focus on carbs or protein or fats or whatever, just counted calories.

Then I started exercising and I lost another 60 lbs. And I looked good after I finished dieting. Went from 260 -> 160.

Now again, I'm no health expert, so maybe there were better ways to lose that weight, but for me, that worked. Now, as for this:

"no one ever did anything of the sort until fairly recently in our species' history. In that same time, obesity has exploded."

I'm pretty sure counting calories wasn't the reason that obesity has exploded. Just a guess.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Care to give a general time frame for that, Mike? Curious to see how long it took you to get to your current weight.
It was just under a year, maybe closer to 11 months. I'm 5'9 and I was 260 (none of that was muscle). I'd been fat pretty much my entire life. But yeah, the first 4 months where I lost around 10 lbs per month, I didn't exercise once. Just changed the diet (before, I was drinking like 3 non-diet Coca Cola's a day, eating McDonalds, etc, really horrible diet) and that worked.

Then, and I guess this is the best place to admit this to, I started playing Dance Dance Revolution, and that became my exercise. Bought a mat for home and everything. Eventually I started kicking the soccer ball around and got into that, but yeah, that was it.

Now there are clearly a bunch of people in this thread that know way more about dieting and nutrition than I do, but I just wanted to state that I went through a diet where I did nothing but count calories and it worked awesome for me. Maybe my results weren't typical, maybe my dieting style will give me some terrible condition in the future, but so far? So good.
Zefah said:
Why We Get Fat. It's only 250 pages and a lot simpler, reportedly.

I've read it, and it's great, but I'm going to check out Good Calories Bad Calories, too.

You also might want to check out this hour and a half video, where Taubes pretty much explains the entirety of Why We Get Fat.
Nice will do.

Didn't know if I was missing much in GCBC.


Zefah said:
Why We Get Fat. It's only 250 pages and a lot simpler, reportedly.

I've read it, and it's great, but I'm going to check out Good Calories Bad Calories, too.

You also might want to check out this hour and a half video, where Taubes pretty much explains the entirety of Why We Get Fat.

Currently watching that video, he's quite annoying listening to. He's a terrible speaker, speaks so fast he almost gets winded and the video is poorly edited, you see like 2 seconds of a slide and him explaining it really quick and it's really confusing.

Still have no idea what message he's trying to convey.

EDIT: So all that explaining and the jist is: Cut the carbs, cut the sugar, you can start eating more clean fat and protein stuff?


Mike Works said:
It was just under a year, maybe closer to 11 months. I'm 5'9 and I was 260 (none of that was muscle). I'd been fat pretty much my entire life. But yeah, the first 4 months where I lost around 10 lbs per month, I didn't exercise once. Just changed the diet (before, I was drinking like 3 non-diet Coca Cola's a day, eating McDonalds, etc, really horrible diet) and that worked.

Then, and I guess this is the best place to admit this to, I started playing Dance Dance Revolution, and that became my exercise. Bought a mat for home and everything. Eventually I started kicking the soccer ball around and got into that, but yeah, that was it.

Now there are clearly a bunch of people in this thread that know way more about dieting and nutrition than I do, but I just wanted to state that I went through a diet where I did nothing but count calories and it worked awesome for me. Maybe my results weren't typical, maybe my dieting style will give me some terrible condition in the future, but so far? So good.
Dropped probably the most concentrated source of carbs in your diet :)
Sethos said:
Currently watching that video, he's quite annoying listening to. He's a terrible speaker, speaks so fast he almost gets winded and the video is poorly edited, you see like 2 seconds of a slide and him explaining it really quick and it's really confusing.

Still have no idea what message he's trying to convey.

EDIT: So all that explaining and the jist is: Cut the carbs, cut the sugar, you can start eating more clean fat and protein stuff?
Yes. Eat more fat.

Although I'm pretty sure Taubes isn't a big meat eater.

And I don't mind his speaking style but that editing is terrible. I have to pause every time they show his PPT.
ColonialRaptor said:
I know that the idea of exercising more to "burn" fat is wrong, but rather than say "read the last 10 pages" couldn't you at least give me a bit of a hint as to what it is that I'm supposed to do then?

What the hell? If you're not supposed to exercise and you're not supposed to eat less, then what ARE you supposed to do? Eat MORE?

It's got to do with the types of food that you eat right?

But no matter what, the body burns a specific amount of calories in order to run over the course of a day, and consumer a less amount of calories than that amount is going to make you lose weight, it's not more complicated than that I don't believe....

Fruit and Vegetables are the items of food recommended to be eaten in the most quantities right? Well they are the items of food that I'm consuming the most of, I'm portioned my diet with the correct portions and advised portions of everything as far as I'm aware it's just in smaller amounts.
Sethos said:
Sounds intriguing, anyone know a place where you can read up in this sort of dieting, what kind of specific food you should focus on, what you shouldn't, perhaps even some diet plan examples?

Also, the movie Fat Head also explains this sort of dieting well in an easy to swallow way.

teh_pwn probably has many links but I am yet to find one which combines all the ideas in one succinct site.

Pretty much all the things I have mentioned are about maintaining muscle and reducing your insulin. If you do that, your body will use your fat stores and be less likely to retain fat (I think).

Im not an expert, just going of what I have read across the internet. These things are what I am trying to follow (to moderate success but mainly cause I am not disciplined enough).
Yeah okay... so it's the low carb thing again...

I've tried low carb diets before in the past and I can't handle it.... that way doesn't work for me.

I can eat more food while cutting out carbs and I go INSANE when I cut down on carbs... I don't know why or what it is about not eating enough carbs, but I always break when I diet like that.

I've lost weight like this before and I know that this will work for me, counting calories and controlling my intake WILL WORK FOR ME so that's what I'm going to do.

When I recover more I will begin building muscle again and will ad more food to my diet, and will contribute more protein into my diet for sure, but for now - this is working perfectly for me.

I will probably swap out the weet-bix for lunch at some point to something more protein based, that's probably a good place to start, but not necessary.

rdrr gnr

HOLY SHIT. This thread is blowing my mind. I've been woefully misinformed. Though I haven't been dieting or anything, and I'm not even sure why I clicked this thread, but I come away a smarter person.

MuseManMike said:
HOLY SHIT. This thread is blowing my mind. I've been woefully misinformed. Though I haven't been dieting or anything, and I'm not even sure why I clicked this thread, but I come away a smarter person.


And knowing is half the battle.

Gooooooooooo Joe!


Finally getting a gym membership! I can't believe how excited I am. You'd think the last thing a 325 lb man would get excited about would be a gym membership.

Schlep said:
For anyone as into Mexican food as myself, these tortillas aren't too bad. Basically they taste like whole wheat tortillas, except they're 10g carb/7g fiber for 3g net each.

I got excited for a second, but then I read that they taste like wheat tortillas. I love wheat bread, LOVE IT, but can't stand the wheat tortillas I've tried.
AceBandage said:
And for people that still want bread.

It actually tastes good, and with only 5 net carbs (8 total, 3 from Fiber) per slice, it's really great. Plus, no artificial crap and no HFCS.

I'm always wary of foods with high total carbs, but low net carbs.... but fuck, that link has me dying for a sandwich now...

As for low carb tortillas... also wary of those, but I eat them with lengua on my keto diet and it's awesome.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
chicko1983 said:
teh_pwn probably has many links but I am yet to find one which combines all the ideas in one succinct site.

Pretty much all the things I have mentioned are about maintaining muscle and reducing your insulin. If you do that, your body will use your fat stores and be less likely to retain fat (I think).

Im not an expert, just going of what I have read across the internet. These things are what I am trying to follow (to moderate success but mainly cause I am not disciplined enough).

I lost my bookmarks because I had to reimage my system. Really clever virus that I was able to identify knocked out Windows features needed to remove it and I was too lazy to tinker in safe mode. It was a data miner that would find passwords and financial stuff and sent it online, so I took the save approach and disconnected my ethernet port and formatted everything. First virus in nearly a decade. Now I have 2 PCs with RAID1 for important files, lol.

I take bits and pieces of advice from several places. If you've got lots of time, I would recommend reading this blog from it's start to present. Dr Guyenet is a neurobiologist that researches obesity's etiology, and he's interested in it outside of work:

Other good places:

1. Dr Harris is a retired radiologist that's just interested in this area. He's a bit opinionated (kind of like me) and goes on rants sometimes. You'll see posts of rants show up and then get deleted. But he has a getting started page that I think is 80% spot on. I think if you combine this with Stephan's recent food reward series you'll have 95+% of what i think is ideal:

2. Mark's daily apple. Primal subsection of the paleo community:

3. Robb Wolf. Paleo diet group that has a lot of stuff on weight training. Tons of pod casts you could listen to while jogging/hiking/walking:

4. Good Calories, Bad Calories
For understanding how dietary policies were put into place over the 1950s-1980s that caused this:
Also why lipitor isn't very effective with *total* mortality. If saturated fats cause obesity or heart disease, why is it that France (butter, animal fats) and Italy (salted meats) are so low in incidence? Also check out Japan - this is an example of how carbs can be fine without fructose.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Mike Works said:
It was just under a year, maybe closer to 11 months. I'm 5'9 and I was 260 (none of that was muscle). I'd been fat pretty much my entire life. But yeah, the first 4 months where I lost around 10 lbs per month, I didn't exercise once. Just changed the diet (before, I was drinking like 3 non-diet Coca Cola's a day, eating McDonalds, etc, really horrible diet) and that worked.

Then, and I guess this is the best place to admit this to, I started playing Dance Dance Revolution, and that became my exercise. Bought a mat for home and everything. Eventually I started kicking the soccer ball around and got into that, but yeah, that was it.

Now there are clearly a bunch of people in this thread that know way more about dieting and nutrition than I do, but I just wanted to state that I went through a diet where I did nothing but count calories and it worked awesome for me. Maybe my results weren't typical, maybe my dieting style will give me some terrible condition in the future, but so far? So good.

Without knowing exactly what you ate, it's hard to comment, but as you said, you cut the soda and McDonald's. When you forcibly reduce your total caloric intake, you tend to forcibly reduce your total carbohydrate and sugar intake at the same time.

Mike Works said:
Now again, I'm no health expert, so maybe there were better ways to lose that weight, but for me, that worked. Now, as for this:

"no one ever did anything of the sort until fairly recently in our species' history. In that same time, obesity has exploded."

I'm pretty sure counting calories wasn't the reason that obesity has exploded. Just a guess.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. I should have been more specific: I think the focus on calories above everything else in today's nutrition, and the prevalence of the "calories in/calories out" theory, is definitely a big part of what is making everyone fat and keeping them there.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
ColonialRaptor said:
I know that the idea of exercising more to "burn" fat is wrong, but rather than say "read the last 10 pages" couldn't you at least give me a bit of a hint as to what it is that I'm supposed to do then?

What the hell? If you're not supposed to exercise and you're not supposed to eat less, then what ARE you supposed to do? Eat MORE?

It's got to do with the types of food that you eat right?

But no matter what, the body burns a specific amount of calories in order to run over the course of a day, and consumer a less amount of calories than that amount is going to make you lose weight, it's not more complicated than that I don't believe....

Fruit and Vegetables are the items of food recommended to be eaten in the most quantities right? Well they are the items of food that I'm consuming the most of, I'm portioned my diet with the correct portions and advised portions of everything as far as I'm aware it's just in smaller amounts.

Your body does not burn a specific amount of calories in order to run the course of a day. If your body is getting 3000 calories a day, for example, but your insulin is kept in check, the various parts of your body will find a way to use those calories. However, if you starve yourself by eating 1600 calories a day, but consume foods that cause your insulin to rise, your insulin will prevent the various parts of your body from getting the energy they need, and instead store the incoming calories for fat, which will cause you to feel lethargic, or just terrible in general. Insulin is a hormone that actively works to fatten your body. It's damn good at its job, and while it's working, it will prevent just about everything else in your body from gaining access to the energy it's storing away as fat.

If you've got an hour, I recommend starting with this video:

How Bad Science and Big Business Created the Obesity Epidemic

This is a good primer to get you in the idea that most of what you probably think you know about nutrition is bullshit.

If you've got more time after that, I recommend moving on to this video:

Authors@Google: Gary Taubes

Taubes explains his book "Why We Get Fat And What to Do About It" in this, and it should teach you a lot about how insulin and other things work control how fat you get.

From there, I'd recommend picking up one of Taubes's books--either "Good Calories, Bad Calories" or "Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It".

Keep in mind, this stuff is just scratching the surface of what's out there, and how the body works, including how it puts on weight, is a lot more complicated than simply managing insulin levels. However, insulin is the primary culprit in what makes us fat, so starting there is a good idea, in my opinion.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
ColonialRaptor said:
Yeah okay... so it's the low carb thing again...

I've tried low carb diets before in the past and I can't handle it.... that way doesn't work for me.

I can eat more food while cutting out carbs and I go INSANE when I cut down on carbs... I don't know why or what it is about not eating enough carbs, but I always break when I diet like that.

I've lost weight like this before and I know that this will work for me, counting calories and controlling my intake WILL WORK FOR ME so that's what I'm going to do.

When I recover more I will begin building muscle again and will ad more food to my diet, and will contribute more protein into my diet for sure, but for now - this is working perfectly for me.

I will probably swap out the weet-bix for lunch at some point to something more protein based, that's probably a good place to start, but not necessary.

Oops, I missed this post.

Well, obviously you should do what you know works for you, as long as you don't feel like shit doing it. You've already hinted that you feel hungry on your diet, but if you're fine with that, then who am I to tell you to change your ways?

I still think you'd be at a benefit to knowing how all of this stuff actually works, instead of shaping your diet based on misinformation.

Good luck, either way!


bengraven said:
I got excited for a second, but then I read that they taste like wheat tortillas. I love wheat bread, LOVE IT, but can't stand the wheat tortillas I've tried.
Yeah, unfortunately there aren't a whole lot of options for burritios and fajitas. If I'm making tacos, enchiladas, taquitos, etc I usually go ahead and use regular corn.


Zefah said:
the prevalence of the "calories in/calories out" theory, is definitely a big part of what is making everyone fat and keeping them there.

not really.....

More like people don't count their calories and if they do the vast majority under records what they eat.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Akim said:
not really.....

More like people don't count their calories and if they do the vast majority under records what they eat.

Sure, most people may not count their calories, but they'll feel like they are eating healthy by buying all of the "low-fat!" and "low-calories" or "lite!" products in the shops.

I may have been exaggerating when I said "a big part", but I think that the amount of misinformation out there definitely has some role to play in the obesity epidemic.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Akim said:
not really.....

More like people don't count their calories and if they do the vast majority under records what they eat.

I think it's a significant contributor because of it's implications. Counting calories works even if the resulting physique isn't as lean as it could be. The problem is that it confuses causality. It ignores the body's complicated process of regulating fat mass through the hypothalamus satiety feedback system and the reward center's impact on choosing food portion size. This system must have been strongly selected for because a species that cannot control appetite will be beaten to food sources by competitors or be hunted down by predators (exceptions being hibernating mammals). Homo sapiens are virtually identical to late paleolithic man, so we still have that circuitry built in.

Answering the complicated yet crucial question of "what makes me overeat" with "calculators and spreadsheets" makes it much more likely that the dieter will fail long term. Because if they are more hungry than they should be to maintain a good fat %, they have to consciously suppress this instinct over their entire life. It's like sexual abstinence education instead of a healthy sex life with condoms or other forms of protection as a means to control pregnancy.
ColonialRaptor said:
Yeah okay... so it's the low carb thing again...

I've tried low carb diets before in the past and I can't handle it.... that way doesn't work for me.

I can eat more food while cutting out carbs and I go INSANE when I cut down on carbs... I don't know why or what it is about not eating enough carbs, but I always break when I diet like that.

The reason you couldn't handle it is because of you didn't let your brain adjust from running on glucose to running on keytone bodies that low carb diet will force you to. The adjustment period is anywhere from few weeks to couple of months, (For me, it's been 4~5 weeks and I'm now starting to get adjusted to it). You will feel groggy and fog headed until your brain adjusts. Wrecked havoc for me at work since I couldn't get my brain going for any kind of creativity. Was like being stuck on neutral. But I knew about it before going in, so I was prepared to ride it out.

I've lost weight like this before and I know that this will work for me, counting calories and controlling my intake WILL WORK FOR ME so that's what I'm going to do.

From these sentences, it sounds like you lost weight before, but put it right back on. As soon as you bring your caloric intake back to normal levels, you will put the weight back on again, if you don't cut out the simple carbs.

Also, the notion of losing weight first, then putting on muscle doesn't work for me. When you do caloric restriction diets, you will a big chunk of your weight from losing your muscles (muscles are 3x dense as fat). It's 1 step forward, 2 steps back situation. But if you are doing carb restricted diet, you will lose weight mostly from your fat and your muscles will be largely spared. This is the key advantage of carb restricted diet.
Akim said:
not really.....

More like people don't count their calories and if they do the vast majority under records what they eat.
I think this is what happens, yeah. You've really got to pay attention to serving sizes.

Look at the standard serving size on a box of cereal - it's 3/4 cup. Now pour 3/4 cup of cereal into a measuring jug and realize it's almost nothing. Most people probably put 3 to 4 servings of cereal in their bowl in the morning, which in most cases is going to be around 100g carbs.

Quaker Natural Granola - 38g carbs/15g sugar in a 1/2 cup serving. You might as well eat a jumbo Snickers bar for breakfast.
Said every few pages, but it bears mentioning again -

When you diet by restricting calories, the first thing you cut out is the terrible carbs - soda pop, sugary desserts, fast food (again - fries fried in terrible oils, giant sodas, processed garbage). I know that's what I did when I first started losing weight and didn't know what I was doing. You can't help but lose a lot of weight, especially initially, when you cut that shit out of your diet.

For me, paleo/low carb really took it in another direction, and it's not just about losing weight, but improving your health, particularly your blood lipid profiles. There are millions of "skinny fat" people out there with fatty liver disease and so on.
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