Personally, I am losing tons of weight by not conscientiously doing low carb, but it sure as hell is working. I'm simply eating way less than I used to.
My old diet:
Breakfast: 2-3 bowls of cereal in the AM, plus skim milk
Lunch: Arby's Roastburger w/ curly fries, a Jimmy John's sub plus chips, chinese (fried of course, with rice), a Qdoba burrito, Taco Bell Chicken Burrito + taco or Chili/cheese burrito. Once in awhile I would eat a healthy variation at one of the places above, but this has been my lunch for the last 4-5 years or so. Previously, I had gone home for lunch and eaten much healthier.
Dinner: Huge plate of spaghetti + garlic bread, chicken based dish with bread/rice, pizza, or just eating out (mexican usually, which typically involved an enchilada platter).
Snack: Typically before bed, another couple bowls of cereal with skim milk.
My new diet, started 3 weeks ago, resulting in 15 pounds of weight loss so far:
Breakfast: One packet of oatmeal, or one cup of cereal with skim milk.
Mid-morning snack, if necessary: Handful of peanuts.
Lunch: Salad from Wendy's/Panera/etc., typically with fruit and grilled chicken on top. No dressing, I hate dressing. Fruit serves this function just fine. Or Jimmy John's Unwich, which is turkey/alfalfa sprouts/tomato in a lettuce wrap. If I do chinese, some grilled chicken/veggie combo, with just enough rice so I don't feel gypped.
Dinner: Ham and a sweet potato, or a large salad of some type with meat/fruit, BBQ chicken and broccoli, or a chipotle black bean burger from Costco (WITH bun, thankyouverymuch). BTW, those chipotle black bean burgers are delicious. They're not the gross Morningstar farms crap either. Very, very good.
Snack: handful of peanuts, or a single serving of pretzels or sun chips.
My weight loss with this new diet is nothing short of astronomical. I weigh myself every other day or so, and I'm always at least a pound down. It is very satisfying. I'm not carb-starving myself, but it is far more "controlled" for lack of a better word. I'm conscientiously paying attention to what I eat now, which is THE most important thing I'm finding.
An excellent example of this mental control is when I walk into Wendy's. I look at the burgers, I look at the Spicy Chicken Sandwich (fried), and for the first week I had to force myself to think. Would I feel better about myself and feel better period if I ate the burger and fries, or the chicken fruit salad? Is eating the burger and fries conducive to losing weight and living a long life? Fuck no it's not! So I will take the chicken salad, please.
I went through this internal dialog constantly the first week. Every damn day. Three weeks in, it is becoming more and more automatic. I slip; hell yes I slip. I had a Flurry with Heath candy last night and it was DELICIOUS. It was a conscious slip, though, which I think is key. I enjoyed the hell out of that dessert, but today I am locked down and only eating healthy shit. And tomorrow, same deal. This weekend, I might have a small enchilada platter with chicken and minimal cheese, but maybe not.
Oh, and I still drink the same shit ton of Diet Pepsi I did as before I started eating better. I can't completely throw out my old eating habits, or I suspect I'm going to regress somehow.
Anyway, that is my tale. You guys getting wrapped up in the "low carb" debate are missing the point. Of COURSE eating a shit ton of carbs is not conducive to weight loss. But you can still eat them in moderation (see my diet above) and lose weight.
Finally, it's not a "diet". I'm on a new diet, but I don't consider it something I'm doing short term to hit a target weight. I'm going to continue eating this way forever, because I've finally decided that I am tired of being a fucking fat ass and I also don't want to drop dead of heart failure in my 40s.
Thanks for reading.