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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Zefah said:
Extremely interesting, but the grossly obese fellow who lost 70 pounds over 70 days still only consumed around 34g of carbs per day (50% of 275/4). He then bumped that up to 50g (50% of 400/4) a day, losing a combined total of 200lbs. Not quite ketogenic, but still very low-carb.

It sounds insane that subjects did not experience any hunger on that kind of starvation-level caloric intake. This is the first of I've seen of this method. Do you know if any similar tests have been performed since then? It's interesting to see just how much "reward factor" comes into play.

There are 7 parts to that series. I haven't read them thoroughly. It's just the evidence and reflecting on personal experience/observation fit so perfectly that I didn't need too much convincing after that feeding tube study.

I think pretty much everyone can think of foods that they'll eat in excess due to flavor. Besides sugar, which itself is also a food reward factor independent of insulin/leptin resistance, the American diet is littered with flavor enhancers. When's the last time you saw anything in plain flavor? Or fewer than 4 ingredients? Weight loss foods without artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohol, cocoa, etc?

Constrast that with other cultures where foods tend to be plain.
Zefah said:
I'm not ignoring the studies at all. I've been devouring information on this stuff for the last few weeks.

As you acknowledge, low-carb diets work. Other diets may work, too. It really depends on the person.

You can enjoy your carbs all you want, and I'm glad it seems to be working for you (although it sure must suck to be hungry all the time), but you're wrong in focusing specifically on caloric intake and ignoring the biology behind weight gain/loss.

Dude, you have gone beyond proselytizing in this thread. Plenty of people have posted their stories (with pictures) about losing significant weight without going on a low-carb diet. I think everyone is happy you found something that works for you, but constantly haranguing anyone who even alludes to alternative routes to weight loss is quite annoying.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
reggieandTFE said:
Dude, you have gone beyond proselytizing in this thread. Plenty of people have posted their stories (with pictures) about losing significant weight without going on a low-carb diet. I think everyone is happy you found something that works for you, but constantly haranguing anyone who even alludes to alternative routes to weight loss is quite annoying.

Sorry if it looks that way to you, but I'm actively seeking scientific data on how weight can be lost, and I haven't had any success finding anything that doesn't greatly reduce processed carbohydrate intake. The success stories in this thread are great to read, and are motivating, but they obviously amount to nothing more than anecdotes of which the accuracy cannot be confirmed.

I'm more interested in facts and scientific data that tells us how all of this works than anecdotal stories and useless advice like "use moderation", and "eat less and more more".


Zefah said:
Sorry if it looks that way to you, but I'm actively seeking scientific data on how weight can be lost, and I haven't had any success finding anything that doesn't greatly reduce processed carbohydrate intake. The success stories in this thread are great to read, and are motivating, but they obviously amount to nothing more than anecdotes of which the accuracy cannot be confirmed.

I'm more interested in facts and scientific data that tells us how all of this works than anecdotal stories and useless advice like "use moderation", and "eat less and more more".

But... that's not the point of this thread. It was started so everybody could share their success stories, regardless of how you got there.
I agree, I'm on the low-carb side of the argument but this thread has turned into competing dogmas. Maybe someone should start a dedicated low-carb thread to free up this one?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Zoe said:
But... that's not the point of this thread. It was started so everybody could share their success stories, regardless of how you got there.

Fair enough!

I don't think I've called out anyone who posted a success story and told them they "did it all wrong." I'll have to go back and check, though.
Zoe said:
But... that's not the point of this thread. It was started so everybody could share their success stories, regardless of how you got there.

It's a weight loss before and after with pics thread, so... post pics of your weight loss?


Man, this dieting and exercising thing is easy once you get into the habit of it.

I'm eating MORE food now than I was when I wasn't dieting! Of course, it's veggies and healthy stuff, but dang. Never hungry.


Personally, I am losing tons of weight by not conscientiously doing low carb, but it sure as hell is working. I'm simply eating way less than I used to.

My old diet:

Breakfast: 2-3 bowls of cereal in the AM, plus skim milk

Lunch: Arby's Roastburger w/ curly fries, a Jimmy John's sub plus chips, chinese (fried of course, with rice), a Qdoba burrito, Taco Bell Chicken Burrito + taco or Chili/cheese burrito. Once in awhile I would eat a healthy variation at one of the places above, but this has been my lunch for the last 4-5 years or so. Previously, I had gone home for lunch and eaten much healthier.

Dinner: Huge plate of spaghetti + garlic bread, chicken based dish with bread/rice, pizza, or just eating out (mexican usually, which typically involved an enchilada platter).

Snack: Typically before bed, another couple bowls of cereal with skim milk.

My new diet, started 3 weeks ago, resulting in 15 pounds of weight loss so far:

Breakfast: One packet of oatmeal, or one cup of cereal with skim milk.

Mid-morning snack, if necessary: Handful of peanuts.

Lunch: Salad from Wendy's/Panera/etc., typically with fruit and grilled chicken on top. No dressing, I hate dressing. Fruit serves this function just fine. Or Jimmy John's Unwich, which is turkey/alfalfa sprouts/tomato in a lettuce wrap. If I do chinese, some grilled chicken/veggie combo, with just enough rice so I don't feel gypped.

Dinner: Ham and a sweet potato, or a large salad of some type with meat/fruit, BBQ chicken and broccoli, or a chipotle black bean burger from Costco (WITH bun, thankyouverymuch). BTW, those chipotle black bean burgers are delicious. They're not the gross Morningstar farms crap either. Very, very good.

Snack: handful of peanuts, or a single serving of pretzels or sun chips.

My weight loss with this new diet is nothing short of astronomical. I weigh myself every other day or so, and I'm always at least a pound down. It is very satisfying. I'm not carb-starving myself, but it is far more "controlled" for lack of a better word. I'm conscientiously paying attention to what I eat now, which is THE most important thing I'm finding.

An excellent example of this mental control is when I walk into Wendy's. I look at the burgers, I look at the Spicy Chicken Sandwich (fried), and for the first week I had to force myself to think. Would I feel better about myself and feel better period if I ate the burger and fries, or the chicken fruit salad? Is eating the burger and fries conducive to losing weight and living a long life? Fuck no it's not! So I will take the chicken salad, please.

I went through this internal dialog constantly the first week. Every damn day. Three weeks in, it is becoming more and more automatic. I slip; hell yes I slip. I had a Flurry with Heath candy last night and it was DELICIOUS. It was a conscious slip, though, which I think is key. I enjoyed the hell out of that dessert, but today I am locked down and only eating healthy shit. And tomorrow, same deal. This weekend, I might have a small enchilada platter with chicken and minimal cheese, but maybe not.

Oh, and I still drink the same shit ton of Diet Pepsi I did as before I started eating better. I can't completely throw out my old eating habits, or I suspect I'm going to regress somehow.

Anyway, that is my tale. You guys getting wrapped up in the "low carb" debate are missing the point. Of COURSE eating a shit ton of carbs is not conducive to weight loss. But you can still eat them in moderation (see my diet above) and lose weight.

Finally, it's not a "diet". I'm on a new diet, but I don't consider it something I'm doing short term to hit a target weight. I'm going to continue eating this way forever, because I've finally decided that I am tired of being a fucking fat ass and I also don't want to drop dead of heart failure in my 40s.

Thanks for reading.
The thing is though, compared to your old eating habits you ARE low-carbing it right now. Everyone has their own goals and desires with a diet. I mean, the fact that you cut out nearly 5 bowls of cereal a day is hundreds of carbs.
Anyway, I'm not trying to take anything away from your awesome success, just pointing out that people here aren't necessarily advocating carb starvation, just smarter carb intake.

Oh, and another thing. That IS a diet. A diet is never a short term thing. A diet is literally a way of living. That is the original meaning of the word.


AceBandage said:
The thing is though, compared to your old eating habits you ARE low-carbing it right now. Everyone has their own goals and desires with a diet. I mean, the fact that you cut out nearly 5 bowls of cereal a day is hundreds of carbs.
Anyway, I'm not trying to take anything away from your awesome success, just pointing out that people here aren't necessarily advocating carb starvation, just smarter carb intake.

Oh, and another thing. That IS a diet. A diet is never a short term thing. A diet is literally a way of living. That is the original meaning of the word.

I have always interpreted "he went on a diet" as implying a temporary type deal. Maybe I've been thinking the wrong way about how people use the word "diet".

Where diet is what you eat, you could say "he's eating a better diet" and that is correct. But when used without a descriptor, I've always associated "temporary" to the word.

Who knows. That could be reason #491 why I have weight issues. Heh.

One thing I forgot to mention, that for the first 2-3 days of eating healthy, I DID try zero carbs. Good God, that does not work. I went from feeling hung over, to having diamond splitter headaches, and on the third day the headaches got even worse to the point I went out at lunch and ate a bunch of bread just to try to normalize my system.

I'm sure the near-zero carb thing works when you graduate yourself to lower and lower amounts of carbs. But man, it is not a thing you can just do cold turkey. I thought I was going to die.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Cheech said:
One thing I forgot to mention, that for the first 2-3 days of eating healthy, I DID try zero carbs. Good God, that does not work. I went from feeling hung over, to having diamond splitter headaches, and on the third day the headaches got even worse to the point I went out at lunch and ate a bunch of bread just to try to normalize my system.

I'm sure the near-zero carb thing works when you graduate yourself to lower and lower amounts of carbs. But man, it is not a thing you can just do cold turkey. I thought I was going to die.

You were very likely on the cusp of the point where your body switches over to ketosis when you dropped it. Takes 2-3 days to deplete your body's glycogen stores (you store like ~1500 calories worth of glycogen, basically your glucose reserve tank), and during that period your body will yell at you since it's running on glucose and you're not adding any more glucose to the system. Then you run out of glycogen entirely, you'll feel lethargic and perhaps feverish for several hours since your blood sugar will not be able to stabilize, but then your body takes the hint and switches to ketosis, you're no longer running on glucose and you're golden after that.

Totally standard stuff, and actually once you do it once it's no longer a big event to switch into keto mode, for example if you decide to have a big cheat day and knock yourself totally out of it. Just the first time that tends to be rocky.
jufonuk said:
I need to start losing weight... not really into the Gym, maybe swimming

job is sedentry also...trying to walk a lot more.

plus odd hours (nights,evenings,weekends and early start, shift schedule is chaotic)

gotta reduce my portions and cut out any crap that I occasionally frequently eat IE I don't do it everyday but like say two or three times a month, but don't eat McDonalds urrrrrrgh

I dont drink fizzy Drinks or have beer, smoke or do drugs but by god Pizza/Kebabs/burritos and Chinese food is my kryptonite..

any tips for a gymaphobe

I use Tabata Training with a kettlebell swings as my cardio.
Doing a 2 min in the morning and a 4min at night before showering.
I want to build up to 4 min in the morning and 8 min in the evening.
And ultimately 16 min in both sessions.


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Cheech said:
Personally, I am losing tons of weight by not conscientiously doing low carb, but it sure as hell is working. I'm simply eating way less than I used to.

My old diet:

Breakfast: 2-3 bowls of cereal in the AM, plus skim milk

Lunch: Arby's Roastburger w/ curly fries, a Jimmy John's sub plus chips, chinese (fried of course, with rice), a Qdoba burrito, Taco Bell Chicken Burrito + taco or Chili/cheese burrito. Once in awhile I would eat a healthy variation at one of the places above, but this has been my lunch for the last 4-5 years or so. Previously, I had gone home for lunch and eaten much healthier.

Dinner: Huge plate of spaghetti + garlic bread, chicken based dish with bread/rice, pizza, or just eating out (mexican usually, which typically involved an enchilada platter).

Snack: Typically before bed, another couple bowls of cereal with skim milk.

My new diet, started 3 weeks ago, resulting in 15 pounds of weight loss so far:

Breakfast: One packet of oatmeal, or one cup of cereal with skim milk.

Mid-morning snack, if necessary: Handful of peanuts.

Lunch: Salad from Wendy's/Panera/etc., typically with fruit and grilled chicken on top. No dressing, I hate dressing. Fruit serves this function just fine. Or Jimmy John's Unwich, which is turkey/alfalfa sprouts/tomato in a lettuce wrap. If I do chinese, some grilled chicken/veggie combo, with just enough rice so I don't feel gypped.

Dinner: Ham and a sweet potato, or a large salad of some type with meat/fruit, BBQ chicken and broccoli, or a chipotle black bean burger from Costco (WITH bun, thankyouverymuch). BTW, those chipotle black bean burgers are delicious. They're not the gross Morningstar farms crap either. Very, very good.

Snack: handful of peanuts, or a single serving of pretzels or sun chips.

My weight loss with this new diet is nothing short of astronomical. I weigh myself every other day or so, and I'm always at least a pound down. It is very satisfying. I'm not carb-starving myself, but it is far more "controlled" for lack of a better word. I'm conscientiously paying attention to what I eat now, which is THE most important thing I'm finding.

An excellent example of this mental control is when I walk into Wendy's. I look at the burgers, I look at the Spicy Chicken Sandwich (fried), and for the first week I had to force myself to think. Would I feel better about myself and feel better period if I ate the burger and fries, or the chicken fruit salad? Is eating the burger and fries conducive to losing weight and living a long life? Fuck no it's not! So I will take the chicken salad, please.

I went through this internal dialog constantly the first week. Every damn day. Three weeks in, it is becoming more and more automatic. I slip; hell yes I slip. I had a Flurry with Heath candy last night and it was DELICIOUS. It was a conscious slip, though, which I think is key. I enjoyed the hell out of that dessert, but today I am locked down and only eating healthy shit. And tomorrow, same deal. This weekend, I might have a small enchilada platter with chicken and minimal cheese, but maybe not.

Oh, and I still drink the same shit ton of Diet Pepsi I did as before I started eating better. I can't completely throw out my old eating habits, or I suspect I'm going to regress somehow.

Anyway, that is my tale. You guys getting wrapped up in the "low carb" debate are missing the point. Of COURSE eating a shit ton of carbs is not conducive to weight loss. But you can still eat them in moderation (see my diet above) and lose weight.

Finally, it's not a "diet". I'm on a new diet, but I don't consider it something I'm doing short term to hit a target weight. I'm going to continue eating this way forever, because I've finally decided that I am tired of being a fucking fat ass and I also don't want to drop dead of heart failure in my 40s.

Thanks for reading.

Congrats on the weight loss. I don't think anyone is getting wrapped up in the "low carb" stuff (is it even a debate?). Not everyone can lose weight just by moderating carbs. I tried a calorie restricted diet and ended up putting on more weight while being miserable. I then tried a diet that just limited carbs to around 100g a day and I still couldn't lose weight. The tolerance level is different for everyone.


Still Alive
Always loved this thread, and finally i'm gonna start doing the P90X workout stuff. I left the country and have the videos, but not all the documentation that came with it (lost em) but thankfully they're available online. NOW i'll start. I plan on following the nutrition stuff loosely, but strictly sticking to the daily workouts as much as I possibly can without dying. I used to be on the chubby side but now people call me skinny or even scrawny, so it's time to grow some muscle. I'd just like some pre advice from anyone who's done it, tips etc. Hopefully I can make it through lol..


How few carbs should I be eating for the next x amount of days to get my body into Ketosis, and after my body does enter it, what do I realistically bump my carb intake to? I did some calculations using formulas from one of the threads somebody posted for me, and it says I should be eating roughly 245 grams of fat, 141 grams of protein and 37.5 grams of carbs per day. Is this what I bump my carb intake to?


Just made a nice little steak stir-fry.My diet has been based on meals 300 calories or less.This meal is filling and it only takes about 20 minutes to make.

Need: Flank Steak thin, broccoli, carrots, oil (any kind) and soy sauce

-Cut one small head of broccoli up

-Cut one small Carrot up

-Either boil or steam (I steam my vegetables) for about 15 minutes till you put the meat in and continue to cook it till the meat is done.

-Cut one flank steak piece up into strips

-Add 1 tbsp of oil (i used olive) 80 calories per tbsp

-Cook the steak to your liking(I usually cook it 1:30 on each side then 45 sec with soy)

-Add 1 tbsp of soy for flavour but it is optional and let cook for about 45 seconds or so when your steak is nearing done (I use low salt soy) 5 calories, 1g of sugar =(

-Drain meat and oils in a strainer as much as you can and then plate it

That's it simple enough and it's quite filling with the olive oil and soy around 85 cal and the meat is roughly 150-170 cal or so either way it's under 300 calories.I personally also like to work the water diet into my meals by drinking a large glass of cold water before and during my meal obviously this is done to fill you but overall the meal is filling.

I have been losing quite abit of weight on this and it has kept me full when I work out I basically aim exercise wise to burn off at least half of the calories I intake if not more that's why it helps to keep the cal count low.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
harSon said:
How few carbs should I be eating for the next x amount of days to get my body into Ketosis, and after my body does enter it, what do I realistically bump my carb intake to? I did some calculations using formulas from one of the threads somebody posted for me, and it says I should be eating roughly 245 grams of fat, 141 grams of protein and 37.5 grams of carbs per day. Is this what I bump my carb intake to?

For definite keto you usually go <20 grams of carbs per day (not counting fiber). You can stay on that as long as you want, really, and gradually adjust toward something more comfortable as you approach your goal; for example, gradually toward a finalized <100g/day when you hit your goal weight. Whatever keeps you sane and making progress.
Paleo and marksdailyapple.com has been a lifesaver for me. A total change of lifestyle and for the better. Wife went right along with it within a day of trying it, considering how good it felt in the short term. Long term, I feel better than ever, and continue to work out the kinks with a specific workout regimen. I'm probably hovering around 135-150g of carbs per day. I know I could stand to cut that back a bit, but so far it's worked for me and I've lost about 20 pounds in a little over two months by simply changing my eating habits alone. Since it's summer now, I plan to do a little bit more in terms of higher intensity workouts, but I'm seeing progress where it counts and setting up future eating habits I'd be proud to share with my children. This country is crippled by the shittiest of shit when it comes to food. Do you know how hard it is to be 100% sure the food you eat isn't a product of some pathetic industry standard? To me, it's become more of a hobby to find the best with what is available. So yea, I would recommend this to anyone that wants a true lifestyle change that MAKES SENSE.

Eventually, I'll get some pictures in here. Since gaining a bunch of weight I've minimized my involvement in pictures, but for the first time I feel like what I see in pictures is acceptable.


If any of you guys are on Fitocracy and/or Lose It!, I'm always looking to add more people on both. Username is Schlep.
EviLore said:
For definite keto you usually go <20 grams of carbs per day (not counting fiber). You can stay on that as long as you want, really, and gradually adjust toward something more comfortable as you approach your goal; for example, gradually toward a finalized <100g/day when you hit your goal weight. Whatever keeps you sane and making progress.

Out of interest, I've been drinking water with a teaspoon dose of fibre powder added to it, probably twice a day. Would that affect my net carbs per day or no?
fadetoblack said:
Out of interest, I've been drinking water with a teaspoon dose of fibre powder added to it, probably twice a day. Would that affect my net carbs per day or no?

I'm fairly certain fiber isn't counted towards your carbs, as the body treats it differently from say sugar and other carbohydrates.
Low-carb is so damned difficult to do when you're broke and on a budget, due to how affordable grains are and how expensive proteins are.

That said... there was a period where I lost 10 lbs in a week, and I was literally eating nothing but oatmeal and fruit. I was walking and swimming; but regardless, my body still lost weight despite the high (unrefined) carbohydrate intake.

I've lost about 40 lbs this year...but I still feel so fat. :(


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.

This is a photo of me with Mike Scalzi, the frontman of The Lord Weird Slough Feg taken after Alehorn of Power II in June 2007, just after I graduated college. I weighed easily 305 lbs. then.


This is me last year I think it was mid-May. I was about 330 lbs.


This was just taken moments ago. I've weighed myself in at 230 lbs, putting my trackable loss at 100 lbs. I've gone from a 46" waist and a 3XL shirt size down to 38" and L. Target weight is 200 lbs.


Etrian Oddity said:
Low-carb is so damned difficult to do when you're broke and on a budget, due to how affordable grains are and how expensive proteins are.

That said... there was a period where I lost 10 lbs in a week, and I was literally eating nothing but oatmeal and fruit. I was walking and swimming; but regardless, my body still lost weight despite the high (unrefined) carbohydrate intake.

I've lost about 40 lbs this year...but I still feel so fat. :(
Someone else here posted about the Dukan diet which is similar to low-carb but I think you *have* to include a tablespoon of oatmeal (you'd have to double check). So oats etc. might not be that bad, but I don't like the taste so I never touch them... I prefer just to stick to low carb.


AceBandage said:
I'm fairly certain fiber isn't counted towards your carbs, as the body treats it differently from say sugar and other carbohydrates.
Fiber isn't digested it just goes straight through you.
Shaneus said:
Someone else here posted about the Dukan diet which is similar to low-carb but I think you *have* to include a tablespoon of oatmeal (you'd have to double check). So oats etc. might not be that bad, but I don't like the taste so I never touch them... I prefer just to stick to low carb.
Dukan uses a lot of oat bran from what I know.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Just came in here to cast my vote for elrechazao for 2012 thanks to his post about pork rinds.

I didn't think much of it until I ran across some at my local Target today. The fucking thing has ZERO carbs. It's just all fat and protein from pork. The ingredient list simply says "Pork Rinds and Salt". It blew my fucking mind. Finally, a no-carb snack for people like me who love the munchies.

Domino Theory said:
Just came in here to cast my vote for elrechazao for 2012 thanks to his post about pork rinds.

I didn't think much of it until I ran across some at my local Target today. The fucking thing has ZERO carbs. It's just all fat and protein from pork. The ingredient list simply says "Pork Rinds and Salt". It blew my fucking mind. Finally, a no-carb snack for people like me who love the munchies.


Aldis has Hot and Spicy ones that are delicious.


not characteristic of ants at all
Phobophile said:
This is a photo of me with Mike Scalzi, the frontman of The Lord Weird Slough Feg taken after Alehorn of Power II in June 2007, just after I graduated college. I weighed easily 305 lbs. then.

This is me last year I think it was mid-May. I was about 330 lbs.

This was just taken moments ago. I've weighed myself in at 230 lbs, putting my trackable loss at 100 lbs. I've gone from a 46" waist and a 3XL shirt size down to 38" and L. Target weight is 200 lbs.

Amazing progress man. What's your height? What was/is your diet/routine like?


Well, it's been about two weeks since I started this ultra-low carb phase and about a week and a half since I had to break for my mum's birthday (was chicken burritos which weren't too bad on the carbometer) and have lost... 4kgs? Pretty much all water, I'm guessing... I'm waking up in the morning and pissing like a pregnant woman.

If I can last this weekend I reckon I'll start losing *actual* fat. Woo!

AceBandage said:
Aldis has Hot and Spicy ones that are delicious.
Would all Aldis worldwide have them? My local supermarket has just (seemingly) stopped selling regular pork rinds.
Domino Theory said:
Just came in here to cast my vote for elrechazao for 2012 thanks to his post about pork rinds.

I didn't think much of it until I ran across some at my local Target today. The fucking thing has ZERO carbs. It's just all fat and protein from pork. The ingredient list simply says "Pork Rinds and Salt". It blew my fucking mind. Finally, a no-carb snack for people like me who love the munchies.

Internet Pork Covered BROFIST :D
Shaneus said:
Well, it's been about two weeks since I started this ultra-low carb phase and about a week and a half since I had to break for my mum's birthday (was chicken burritos which weren't too bad on the carbometer) and have lost... 4kgs? Pretty much all water, I'm guessing... I'm waking up in the morning and pissing like a pregnant woman.

If I can last this weekend I reckon I'll start losing *actual* fat. Woo!

Would all Aldis worldwide have them? My local supermarket has just (seemingly) stopped selling regular pork rinds.
I can relate to the pregnant woman pissing :D My aldi has them, as does my wal mart, food4less, and kroger. Aldi are the best and the cheapest.


elrechazao said:
I can relate to the pregnant woman pissing :D My aldi has them, as does my wal mart, food4less, and kroger. Aldi are the best and the cheapest.

I'm actually in Australia but if the Aldi here sells them I'm going all Steam sale on that shit.
Edit: Nothing under "groceries" on their website. Fingers crossed they're install.
Speaking of Aldis, it's weird how such a no frills type of store has a lot of stuff that is actually pretty healthy. Like their cheese is all milk with no oils and stuff and they have a good variety of natural snacks (though, they're carb full like most snacks). Just avoid the produce.
Domino Theory said:
Finally, a no-carb snack for people like me who love the munchies.

Nuts are good as a very low carb option. Pecans, for example, are 1.2 carbs (net) per ounce. Walnuts 1.9, Brazil 1.3 etc.
I eat walnuts every day.

Shaneus said:

I'm actually in Australia but if the Aldi here sells them I'm going all Steam sale on that shit.
Edit: Nothing under "groceries" on their website. Fingers crossed they're install.

Even your autocorrect is in steam sale mode.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
ipukespiders said:
Nuts are good as a very low carb option. Pecans, for example, are 1.2 carbs (net) per ounce. Walnuts 1.9, Brazil 1.3 etc.
I eat walnuts every day.

Yeah, but pork rinds are a solid 0g so you don't have to count any portions with it (well, unless you care about calories) and nuts are just filled with Omega 6.
As far as good eating goes, Almonds are the best. I usually eat about an ounce a day. Sunflower Seeds also aren't bad for low carb eating (they're mostly fiber), though they are high in fat.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
AceBandage said:
As far as good eating goes, Almonds are the best. I usually eat about an ounce a day. Sunflower Seeds also aren't bad for low carb eating (they're mostly fiber), though they are high in fat.



ipukespiders said:
Even your autocorrect is in steam sale mode.
Bahahaha. That wasn't my autocorrect... I'm on a regular PC. That was my *mind* in Steam sale mode. Obviously meant to say "in stock".
Etrian Oddity said:
Low-carb is so damned difficult to do when you're broke and on a budget, due to how affordable grains are and how expensive proteins are.

Well, I'm guilty of buying boneless skinless chicken breasts, and they are expensive. I do have others in my household, so I have to accomodate them as well.

For a budget, don't neglect something like chicken legs. They should be pretty cheap in most areas, and they are tasty with the extra fat content in them.
Also, don't forget canned tuna, it's dirt cheap. I eat it plain, but you can fatten it up with mayo.
The chicken legs will last a while in the freezer, the canned tuna will last a long time too, so stock up when things are on sale.

If you live in a rural area, you can always try fishing and hunting, or even raise chickens.
Tuna and sardines are awesome, budget foods or not. Get them in water, though, not soybean oil.
Not exactly a low carb recipe, but I love grating a few apples into my tuna with a dab of mayo. Delicious.


Tuna + mayo is a godsend. A perfect pre-run snack or meal on the go.

Status update: weighed in at 203 today, that's down 15 from when I started my workout regimen 3 weeks ago. I'm running 12-15 miles a week and lifting 3 days a week. Also cut my daily caloric intake by about half, and feeling great.
Just made a tortilla pizza. I used a low-carbohydrate tortilla that had 18 grams of carbohydrates with 12 grams of fiber. I put reduced sugar pizza sauce on it with whole milk mozzarella cheese. I also topped it off with pepperonis and put the tortilla pizza into the toaster oven for 8 minutes. Came out great and tasted pretty good.


NobleXenon said:
Just made a tortilla pizza. I used a low-carbohydrate tortilla that had 18 grams of carbohydrates with 12 grams of fiber. I put reduced sugar pizza sauce on it with whole milk mozzarella cheese. I also topped it off with pepperonis and put the tortilla pizza into the toaster oven for 8 minutes. Came out great and tasted pretty good.

I've made my own dippin' chips by frying up low carb tortillas. It isn't quite as good as actual tortilla chips, but it gets the job done, and is pretty tasty. <3 cast iron pan.
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