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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

TheExodu5 said:
Tried mashed cauliflower. Very tasty. Don't see myself needing to go back to potatoes anytime soon.

Anyways, cheat day tomorrow! I'm either going to do a meatball sub, poutine, or spagetti...hmmmm.

Oh, and aside from that, down a notch in my belt since I started 3 weeks ago. I'm going to need a new belt soon...I'm on my last notch. Feels good!

Yeah, the mashed cauliflower is awesome. Texturally, it's better than potatoes even.

And good job! It's always a happy feeling to have to buy smaller clothes.


Question for the old pros:

How much protein do I need to have my wife eat each day to stop her from losing muscle mass as she loses fat? She's currently eating 80-100g carbs daily, 10g or less of them sugar. She's sitting at 125 currently, I don't want her to lose the weight and not be happy with the outcome because she's lost muscle along the way. Total calories for the day are 1000-1100. I'm working on bringing that number up with some clean foods.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Ettie said:
Question for the old pros:

How much protein do I need to have my wife eat each day to stop her from losing muscle mass as she loses fat? She's currently eating 80-100g carbs daily, 10g or less of them sugar. She's sitting at 125 currently, I don't want her to lose the weight and not be happy with the outcome because she's lost muscle along the way. Total calories for the day are 1000-1100. I'm working on bringing that number up with some clean foods.

1g per lb of body weight. I don't know if that method holds true for women, though, but it is a good rule of thumb.

The bigger issue here is to increase caloric intake. That deficit is too high. Even if most of those 1100 calories came from protein, such a high deficit would force her body to use the dietary protein she takes in as energy rather than letting the body move the protein to her muscles for repair, maintenance and/or growth.


1 gram of protein per pound that she wants to weigh.

This assumes she keeps up a fairly strenuous level of exercise.
I finally feel like I can post in this thread.

My dad is a pretty skinny guy(small bone structure to boot) and I inherited it from him. I often got teased about my weight and after two years in college I attributed my lack of a social life to my weight. So in the summer of 2010 I decided to go on what is known as the GOMAD diet easily consuming about 5000 calories a day along with a shit ton of carbs and over 300g of protein a day. In three months I shot from 6'2 and 157 lbs to 200lbs. Clearly, that was some unhealthy weight gain. Naturally, though I put on about 20 pounds of solid muscle, I put on a buttload of fat.

Looking in the mirror everyday, you never realize how quickly and readily your body composition changes. My face and thighs became huge. I had so much bloating in my face, my pants size skyrocketed, and I looked like I was pregnant. Not to mention my mom and a couple of my friends kept remarking on how full my face became.

Fast forward to this summer I decided to do something about it. I found this thread and with the combination low carbs (less than 100g a day), high protein, high fat, and cardio (just switched my routine to a HIIT routine) I am now 175 lbs and pretty cut and lean. And my face is so much slimmer than it was two months ago. It's amazing. I really wish I had pictures to show but I don't have a digital camera.

TL;DR: low carb, high protein, high fat, and cardio is the way to go if you want to lose weight the right way while preserving and even building muscle. And stay the hell away from the GOMAD if you are interested in bulking up.

Just to clarify: There is nothing wrong with eating two eggs a day, right? I've heard that cholestorol is only bad in a high saturated fat, high fructose diet. Is this correct?
DragonKnight said:
Just to clarify: There is nothing wrong with eating two eggs a day, right? I've heard that cholestorol is only bad in a high saturated fat, high fructose diet. Is this correct?
Dietary cholesterol does not correlate to "high cholesterol", and even if it did, high cholesterol does not correlate with heart disease at all.


I eat anywhere from 3-6 eggs every day and my lipid profile is quite good. High HDL and low triglycerides particularly.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
DragonKnight said:
Just to clarify: There is nothing wrong with eating two eggs a day, right? I've heard that cholestorol is only bad in a high saturated fat, high fructose diet. Is this correct?

Yes, two eggs a day is good; great, actually. Have more eggs, too, if you want. And no, high dietary cholesterol and saturated fat intake is not bad, it's good and beneficial to your health. Fructose in high doses is bad (HFCS, Agave Nectar).

Going to have scrambled eggs this Saturday and Sunday made with 4 or 5 whole eggs like I did last week. <3 Eggs: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/230604.php
Awesome job, DragonKnight. Glad you came out looking like you want to.

And yes, doing quick massive bulk gain is not something anyone should do. It causes a huge strain on the body in many ways. Your skin stretches to quickly, your muscles have to work harder to support you, your heart has to pump more blood to more area.


Draft said:
1 gram of protein per pound that she wants to weigh.

This assumes she keeps up a fairly strenuous level of exercise.

She doesn't, for the most part. Workouts are limited to pushups/pullups/squats in low-rep sets three times a week, and walking that amounts to a smidge more than a stroll twice a week. I just don't want her to end up skinny-fat, it's a downer.

Her protein intake now is ~30g daily, going to try to at 25 or so more grams to that asap. We're in between houses atm and without access to our full suite of kitchen stuff, makes things a little more difficult.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Here's a question, is sushi an ok lunch choice while on a diet?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
WinoMcCougarstein said:
Here's a question, is sushi an ok lunch choice while on a diet?

I thought you were doing Weight Watchers. Anyway, I would personally avoid the rice, but fish is generally pretty good. As long as you're not getting those wacky rolls that are covered in sugary sauces and what not.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Zefah said:
I thought you were doing Weight Watchers. Anyway, I would personally avoid the rice, but fish is generally pretty good. As long as you're not getting those wacky rolls that are covered in sugary sauces and what not.

I am, but I still want to eat food that is considered to be good for you.


Shit...never drink anything with sucralose/aspartame in it. I felt like trying something new so I tried this zero calorie vitamin water stuff...all it's done is made me hungry. I shouldn't be hungry at this point considering what I've eaten today. =\

edit: it's not really hunger...more like massive carb craving.
Fish is awesome.
Brown, long grain rice isn't bad, though if you're looking for quicker weight loss, you of course want as little as possible.

TheExodu5 said:
Shit...never drink anything with sucralose/aspartame in it. I felt like trying something new so I tried this zero calorie vitamin water stuff...all it's done is made me hungry. I shouldn't be hungry at this point considering what I've eaten today. =\

What have I been telling you people?
Sweet drinks are crap and water is too plain to do you any good.
Green some nice black or green tea. It boosts the metabolism, gives you better energy, is full of all kinds of good antioxidants, and it helps clean out your system more.


Yeah I drink a fair amount of tea...just wanted to pick something up cold after a hot day out. Sadly, they don't sell unsweetened iced tea in Canada.

I remember The Bitter Truth guy saying that sugar-free drinks could induce sugar cravings...I had no idea they could be this strong.

I got myself a tablespoon of peanut butter. Seems to be knocking it off nicely.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
TheExodu5 said:
Shit...never drink anything with sucralose/aspartame in it. I felt like trying something new so I tried this zero calorie vitamin water stuff...all it's done is made me hungry. I shouldn't be hungry at this point considering what I've eaten today. =\

edit: it's not really hunger...more like massive carb craving.

Avoid aspartame like the plague. So harmful.

If you REALLY need something to drink that's sweet and not too bad for you, try Zevia. I've only seen it at Whole Foods. It's a zero calorie 'soda' sweetened with Stevia.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Domino Theory said:
Avoid aspartame like the plague. So harmful.

If you REALLY need something to drink that's sweet and not too bad for you, try Zevia. I've only seen it at Whole Foods. It's a zero calorie 'soda' sweetened with Stevia.

Is it a cola type soda or is it some Whole Foods, flax seed oil, salmon juice kind of bullshit?

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Domino Theory said:
Hehe, cold soda. There's different flavors, too.

I'll look for it next time I'm there. I hopelessly addicted to diet soda. I'm trying to cut it down and drink more water and green tea.

That and my cup or two of black coffee every morning. Is caffeine going to kill my diet?

Edit: How often do you guys weigh in? Once a week? Once every two weeks?


Neo Member
AceBandage said:
Awesome job, DragonKnight. Glad you came out looking like you want to.

And yes, doing quick massive bulk gain is not something anyone should do. It causes a huge strain on the body in many ways. Your skin stretches to quickly, your muscles have to work harder to support you, your heart has to pump more blood to more area.

I disagree with this completely. If you can bulk well enough to gain a good amount of muscle without getting fat you should go ahead and do it. As far as skin goes just make sure your skin is hydrated. Drink water and get the necessary vitamins. As far as your heart and muscles having to work harder, who cares?. The body will adapt, and anyways, you will have stronger muscles to support the extra muscle weight.
zerolus said:
I disagree with this completely. If you can bulk well enough to gain a good amount of muscle without getting fat you should go ahead and do it. As far as skin goes just make sure your skin is hydrated. Drink water and get the necessary vitamins. As far as your heart and muscles having to work harder, who cares?. The body will adapt, and anyways, you will have stronger muscles to support the extra muscle weight.

We weren't talking about muscle weight, though...
You don't just eat and gain muscle, and that was the problem in this case.
zerolus said:
I disagree with this completely. If you can bulk well enough to gain a good amount of muscle without getting fat you should go ahead and do it. As far as skin goes just make sure your skin is hydrated. Drink water and get the necessary vitamins. As far as your heart and muscles having to work harder, who cares?. The body will adapt, and anyways, you will have stronger muscles to support the extra muscle weight.

That is the problem with the GOMAD and the way I did it. And a gain of 40lbs in three months is much too much. Just for reference it took the dude from Twilight 6 months to put on 30lbs of muscle and I did it in three. It took LBJ three months to put on 15lbs of muscle during the off season.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
WinoMcCougarstein said:
I'll look for it next time I'm there. I hopelessly addicted to diet soda. I'm trying to cut it down and drink more water and green tea.

That and my cup or two of black coffee every morning. Is caffeine going to kill my diet?

Edit: How often do you guys weigh in? Once a week? Once every two weeks?

Caffeine is fine; good, actually. It's a stimulant. It'd be preferable to get your caffeine intake from tea or black coffee (stop using so much cream and sugar bombing your coffee!), but either way, it's fine.

The only thing I worry about with Zevia is the caramel color ingredient which is a carcinogen, but that's in every soda and everything seems to be a carcinogen these days.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
I already drink my coffee black. I just wish we had better coffee at work!


Four years ago I was slim, toned and healthy. I used to box, run, do water and snow sports... the lot. Now, after four years of depression due to an increasingly stressful working environment, binge and comfort eating and almost zero exercise... I've gotten fat.

Four years ago I looked like this:




I don't know what I weighed then. I'm 5' 7" or so and reasonably broad shouldered. I maybe weighed 12 - 13 stone (168 - 182lbs).

Now I look like this:




I weigh just over 18 stone (252lbs) and I feel like hammered shit.

My diet is terrible; bread, pasta, cheese, fruit juice, pesto, fried chicken etc. I rarely eat cake or chocolate though and I never have carbonated drinks. I drink a lot of tea, white with plenty of milk but no sugar.

It's gotten to the point where I have given up my job and returned to education while I figure things out. My job was hellish. 8 hrs a day sat in an office staring at a computer. When I got home, I was too tired to do anything and even though I'd been snacking due to stress and boredom at work, I'd always have a big meal (big portions), and I'd always eat late, like 8pm.

I've started walking every other day and begun a weight routine, but I'm lazy and struggle to stick to these things. The thing is, I'm almost positive that it wouldn't take much at all to start shedding pounds. The problem is that there's so much contradictory information about weight loss and dieting on the net that I have no idea where to start. I need help.

What foods do I genuinely need to avoid and what kind of exercise regime will allow me to lose a shitload of fat? I don't want to be skinny and I'm not so bothered about the actual weight as I would like to come out the other end of this with more muscle mass than before. I just need to sort myself out and I have no idea where to start. Advice would be very much appreciated!
Majik said:
My diet is terrible; bread, pasta, cheese, fruit juice, pesto, fried chicken etc. I rarely eat cake or chocolate though and I never have carbonated drinks. I drink a lot of tea, white with plenty of milk but no sugar.

It's gotten to the point where I have given up my job and returned to education while I figure things out. My job was hellish. 8 hrs a day sat in an office staring at a computer. When I got home, I was too tired to do anything and even though I'd been snacking due to stress and boredom at work, I'd always have a big meal (big portions), and I'd always eat late, like 8pm.

I've started walking every other day and begun a weight routine, but I'm lazy and struggle to stick to these things. The thing is, I'm almost positive that it wouldn't take much at all to start shedding pounds. The problem is that there's so much contradictory information about weight loss and dieting on the net that I have no idea where to start. I need help.

What foods do I genuinely need to avoid and what kind of exercise regime will allow me to lose a shitload of fat? I don't want to be skinny and I'm not so bothered about the actual weight as I would like to come out the other end of this with more muscle mass than before. I just need to sort myself out and I have no idea where to start. Advice would be very much appreciated!

Avoid carbs.
Grains (breads, pasta, rice, CORN)
Sugar (except those naturally found in most fruits and veggies, though, try and avoid heavily sugary fruits like bananas)
Starches (potatoes)
Anything fried in a breading (it's just grain, after all).

Basically, just look at the ingredients in things. Try and cut out things that have corn anything or sunflower/safflower/peanut oil.

Eat more protein to help keep you full. Drink lots of liquids in the form of tea, water and black coffee.

You'll lose weight faster by doing this than you every would with exercise alone (though, I'd still recommend doing it anyway, it's just good for you).

Anyway, that's a basic run down. Others in this thread can give you a much better eating plan.


Damn, I can empathize. I was in the same situation with depression and gained a similar amount of weight in a similar time-frame after previously being fairly athletic. I'm guessing your lipid profile is really bad right now, like mine was; low HDL-cholesterol and high triglycerides -- binge eating on refined carbs really elevates triglycerides. For people who are insulin resistant, low carb diets work the best for controlling appetite, by far.

What has helped me out tremendously, with both the depression and weight loss, is a low carb diet, with balanced omega 3 to omega 6 ratios (omega 3s are nuero-protectice while omega 6s can be inflammatory), and adequate supplementation of vitamin d3 (I'm taking 5,000 IU now and will bump it up to 10k in the winter).
I'm with AceBandage about cutting out carbs. I used to eat a ton of carbs in cereal, bread, brown rice, corn.

I started with cutting my carbs down to under 100g a day and felt a lot better. I lost this perpetual stomach bloat I had going and even though I've only been doing it for 3 weeks, I think my mood has improved quite a bit. This week I'm doing 20g of net carbs to shake things up a little. I've got PMS right now and I'm not biting anybody's head off or listening to weepy music. I feel a bit more tired than usual but that's supposed to go away after a while.

Sign up for Myfitnesspal.com I find that a great way to keep track of my food and plan meals and shop in advance. If you have an idea of what to eat and you have the ingredients in the house it will also prevent you from eating out, something I used to do a lot.
VelvetMouth said:
I'm with AceBandage about cutting out carbs. I used to eat a ton of carbs in cereal, bread, brown rice, corn.

I started with cutting my carbs down to under 100g a day and felt a lot better. I lost this perpetual stomach bloat I had going and even though I've only been doing it for 3 weeks, I think my mood has improved quite a bit. This week I'm doing 20g of net carbs to shake things up a little. I've got PMS right now and I'm not biting anybody's head off or listening to weepy music. I feel a bit more tired than usual but that's supposed to go away after a while.

Sign up for Myfitnesspal.com I find that a great way to keep track of my food and plan meals and shop in advance. If you have an idea of what to eat and you have the ingredients in the house it will also prevent you from eating out, something I used to do a lot.

Sorry but who is the girl in your Avatar?
@Majik. Many of us in this thread have been in that same place you've been. You've already taken the first step of committing to making a change, and posting here (especially with the pictures) is a great first step. Also quitting your job will really help you as it will free up so much time that losing weight should be a lot easier.

First up, before looking into any exercise routines, look at your diet. Starting right now, get a notepad out and record everything you eat for the next week. I'm pretty sure that when you look at it you'll feel pretty ashamed at what you are eating, especially when you work out the calorific content of what you are eating. This is what I did, and just looking at that information really made me think long and hard about my lifestyle. You'll figure out how to change your diet so that its more manageable without killing yourself over the next few months, but this is the most important first step, IMO.

In terms of exercise, right now you should start taking on high-impact cardio activities such as running and swimming. Both of these will be *really* hard for you right now, but both will turbo-charge your metabolism. Right now, you feel tired and sedentary because of your lifestyle. Sitting down all day makes your body change and it gets used to burning very few calories because you are basically doing nothing all day. After a few weeks of running / swimming, you'll actually start losing weight even when doing nothing as your metabolic rate will start increasing.

Most people hate running, and I can totally understand that. I used to hate it too! But I brought myself an iPod and that really helped. Now I really like running as I can put on my tunes and get an adrenalin rush as I zone out and run to my music. I actually find it really therapeutic and enjoyable as a result. However, if you really cannot bear to run, start cycling. That's also a pretty good form of exercise that also has the advantage of being fun. I always like riding up high hills / mountains simply because going downhill on the other side makes me feel like a big kid again!

I'm sure everyone else in here will offer you plenty of advice, so keep chiming in. One piece of advice I an give you is to tell the people closest to you about your plans to lose weight. Keeping motivated can be the biggest brick wall when it comes to losing weight, so having others keep on pushing you and complimenting you when you do well will really help. As I started losing weight, I often found that when someone said something nice to me, it would just make me even more motivated the next day at the gym. So it's important to be able to get that effect from someone / somewhere.

Anyway, best of luck, I'm sure you'll pull it off!


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
You need to find something you want to do, you said you used to box and do snow sports, then take those up again.
Ikuu said:
You need to find something you want to do, you said you used to box and do snow sports, then take those up again.

Oh man, snowboarding/skiing would burn so much energy. I'd definitely try and take that up again.
Though, I dunno if it's possible right now unless you live close to the mountains.

Me personally, I've almost become addicted to the gym. I love the results I'm already getting after nearly three weeks. I can feel my stamina and strength increasing and I can definitely see it in the mirror.
A month and a half left to go!


I know how you feel majik, I used to be like that too. I don't know what turned it around for me but I just got back into sports and watched my food. I just needed that starting day. After 1 day of going to the gym and eating less/healthy I got into overdrive and all is well now!


Hi! I'm starting the P90x exercise program tomorrow, along with a low-carb diet. I scored a $40 GNC gift card for $19 from groupon today and figured I needed to pick up a multivitamin supplement and some type of protein powder/shake stuff. I can always ask the clerk when I get there of course, but does anyone here have any product recommendations for me?

I'm 5ft, 10.5in and weigh 153lbs, but my body composition is the problem since I've never lifted a weight in my life and my 2 favorite foods are pizza and cereal. I've never been able to get rid of my belly fat, even when I've weighed as little as 145!

Any supplement recommendations and/or other tips are greatly welcomed - thanks!
Neifirst said:
Hi! I'm starting the P90x exercise program tomorrow, along with a low-carb diet. I scored a $40 GNC gift card for $19 from groupon today and figured I needed to pick up a multivitamin supplement and some type of protein powder/shake stuff. I can always ask the clerk when I get there of course, but does anyone here have any product recommendations for me?

I'm 5ft, 10.5in and weigh 153lbs, but my body composition is the problem since I've never lifted a weight in my life and my 2 favorite foods are pizza and cereal. I've never been able to get rid of my belly fat, even when I've weighed as little as 145!

Any supplement recommendations and/or other tips are greatly welcomed - thanks!

If you just follow the P90X plan exactly as they lay it out (diet included) you'll get good results. Just show up and do your best every day. It will be the best thing you've ever done for yourself.


So what's a good/healthy amount to lose in a week? I'm averaging about ~2 lbs a week. Up to 12 lbs lost total. It's nice progress, but I still feel the same. My goal from the beginning was to lose 25 lbs, so I guess I'm halfway there. I'll probably go for 35 lbs though.

And my cheat day starts tonight! Having pizza tonight, McDonald's breakfast tomoorrow, Heuy Magoos for lunch and ending the day with some pocket burgers. :)


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I am reading up on the pale diet.. (the actual book Paleo Diet)

about halfway through so far.

thoughts... in regards to the health value of the diet.. I am in agreement that the healthfulness of the diet is indisputable. Do a strict pale diet, you will be healthy. plain and simple.

as for it's decrying of other diets or foods outside of the pale system, I'm not so thrilled by the book (not the diet).

as the grandson of a lifelong dairy family, giving up milk is, well.. basically impossible. averaging one gallon of milk a week for 36.5 years of my life, I'm rounding in just under 2000 gallons of milk consumed JUST BY MYSELF. I understand what the book is saying regarding the pH balance of your body, and the negative impacts of saturated fats in milk fat... and for my life I could actually give up the fats (cheese, cream, etc). But I could simply not give up skim milk. I would actually be a less happy person...

giving up the breads and stuff absolutely makes sense, though I disagree with the assertion that whole grains are bad for us. I WILL agree that they are definitely not AS GOOD for us as fruits and vegetables.. and the old food pyramid of 6-11 grain servings a day was almost evil and a huge cause to obesity in america. and obviously all processed grains are horrible for us in most cases. but an occasional usage of while grains will not cause harm, and IMHO will actually make your life easier, as either a taste of variety or usage being easier when trying to do fruits/veggies or protein simply isn't feasible.

still, having stuck with the majority of the pale diet for a week or so now (I haven't gotten to the different levels of commitment yet), I can't deny that.. well, for the first time since I was in my VERY early 20s, I have the beginnings of a six pack for abs again. I am just a hair above 10% body fat right now and outside of my lower abs have no real visible fat on me.

so we'll see.. I really want to get to the parts where it gives you different commitment levels. I am not opposed to cutting out almost all breads and almost all high fat dairy.. even high fat meat I'm fine with (though I do love my bacon). I've switched to sea salt for most of my cooking (and away from seasonings that include salt) and use it sparingly.. sea salt seems to support "a little goes a long way" very nicely.

I know this isn't the workout thread, but convict conditioning has gone well also. highly recommended to those of you who don't really want to lift weights or get out running or anything, but wouldn't mind to get in a little better shape. I also just hit a 6 second handstand this morning. Not bad for a guy who just 18 months ago was over 60 pounds overweight.
dope4goldrope said:

Dunno if anyone remembers any of my posts, but I started losing some weight in February.

Picture on the left is no older than 1.5 years. I found it and immediately went WTF and had to scan it. Right now I'm at 184.5. 65.5lbs lost. I'm on the home stretch, I think at 175 I'll be done with this!

Remembered I took this comparison picture and decided to do another, The above post and picture on the right is from June 21st.


Hovering at about 179 - 180. The difference 5lbs will make!
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