Grr...I'm trying to figure out how I want to diet right now and I'm torn between two worlds. I'm doing P90X right now (have been for a little over a month and a half now) and I'm trying to figure out a good diet to keep burning fat, but not fatiguing during my exercise (besides P90X, I started biking).
Slow Carb
My previous diet where I lost 50 pounds in 4 months. Meat, vegetables, beans, eggs...that's it. Worked wonders for weight loss...but I suspect I lost of fair amount of muscle during this because I didn't focus on eating high amounts of protein.
P90X Diet
Diet prescribed by P90X for the best results. It's a bit of a phased system, but generally you are supposed to be eating a 40/40/20 ratio of protein/carbs/fats. For the amount of calories I'd typically need to hit close to 2000 calories. This would be 200/200/45 grams respectively. The sources of the carbs are pretty much the same as Slow Carb, but it adds fruit and lowfat dairy into the mix.
I'm torn...and I think the problem is the scale. The biggest issue I have right now is that I have no good way of measuring my progress anymore. Since I lost all that weight, and I'm guessing a good amount of muscle weight loss has slowed dramatically. I'm lucky if I lose 1-2 pounds a week anymore. After losing close to a half pound a day, this slamming on the brakes in terms of my weight loss is really challenging my motivation.
While P90X is obviously helping me get in better shape, the only reliable tool I had for measuring my progress was rendered useless. My beautiful, wonderful scale is now just a useless step in my bathroom that tells me close to nothing.
I know I've asked this before, but it's really getting to me. I love what P90X is doing for my body, but I can't help but wonder if the diet I'm on these days is slowing down my overall progress. It would have been much easier to stomach if I'd just lost all the weight I possibly wanted and started doing P90X after. Then I wouldn't really care what the scale said because I'd assume any gains would be muscle or water. Right now I just don't know.