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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Deadly Cyclone said:
What are you eating?!

Based on the Bombcast today it seems KFC had invaded Whiskey, did you avoid Ryan's calls for chicken parties?
I actually had KFC for dinner tonight! A couple of grilled thighs and an original recipe breast. Low carb!


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Zoe said:
I lost a ton of weight my freshman year when I was on my "cookie diet." As in there'd be days where I'd only eat a few cookies and that was it.

Not too healthy.

Why is it that chicks do this? "I'M ONLY GONNA EAT SMALL QUANTITIES OF JUNK FOOD!"
Phobophile said:
Why is it that chicks do this? "I'M ONLY GONNA EAT SMALL QUANTITIES OF JUNK FOOD!"

Because it is bombarded in our minds that to be thin you must eat very little. So of course you'd rather eat very little of things you love versus diet food. :p


Phobophile said:
Why is it that chicks do this? "I'M ONLY GONNA EAT SMALL QUANTITIES OF JUNK FOOD!"

It was totally unintentional. I wasn't living in the dorms, so I didn't have immediate access to full meals. Didn't know how to cook anything that wasn't in a box or out of the freezer either. I'd eat something small at some point in the day and then just never feel hungry enough for a full meal.


Petit Melon said:
Because it is bombarded in our minds that to be thin you must eat very little. So of course you'd rather eat very little of things you love versus diet food. :p

There's nothing inherently wrong with that. You'll just feel hungrier than if you ate protein/fat based foods. The bad thing about junk food is that it's very easy to overeat...if you can control yourself, then indulging in a bit of junk food isn't bad. My issue is that when I start munching on some popcorn, I end up eating a thousand calories worth of it and don't feel full whatsoever.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
You know, looking at pictures from late high school/early college really makes me feel like running. I thought I was chunky then but looking back I was a rail. Not huge now, but you can see how my face has changed a ton.


I would have stopped working out months ago if it weren't for podcasts. The hour and a half at the gym every 3-4 days is getting awfully boring, Not to mention that I seem to have hit a wall in the 175-180 range. I don't think I have the will to run more than the usual six miles on the treadmill in an effort to get under 170. I am 6.0 ft so 175-185 is a healthy range so maybe it's time to enjoy life, drop the idea of ever getting a six pack and just go to the gym 2 days a week for maintenance.


TheExodu5 said:
There's nothing inherently wrong with that. You'll just feel hungrier than if you ate protein/fat based foods. The bad thing about junk food is that it's very easy to overeat...if you can control yourself, then indulging in a bit of junk food isn't bad. My issue is that when I start munching on some popcorn, I end up eating a thousand calories worth of it and don't feel full whatsoever.

Yeah, I made the mistake of trying to eat popcorn before. I figured a bowl full of air popped corn was only so many calories, and it would fill me up. I didn't even know I'd eaten it half an hour later. What's worse is that if I did eat protein after it I still wouldn't feel as full as if I'd eaten just the protein on it's own.
dejay said:
Yeah, I made the mistake of trying to eat popcorn before. I figured a bowl full of air popped corn was only so many calories, and it would fill me up. I didn't even know I'd eaten it half an hour later. What's worse is that if I did eat protein after it I still wouldn't feel as full as if I'd eaten just the protein on it's own.

Meh, popcorn barely has any calories.


LosDaddie said:
Hit 19 lbs (and slightly more) lost this morning! :)

I've been keeping pace, losing about, eh, a little over a pound a week.

I hit 20 lbs lost this morning! 2lbs lost this week. :)

And my Cheat Day starts tonight. Friday Night, Pizza Night in my house.


cuevas said:
Meh, popcorn barely has any calories.

That wasn't the issue. The issue was that it didn't do anything except make me hungrier than I would have otherwise been.

Put on 3 kg today. Drank a shit load and barely pissed anything all day. Weird.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Cut out all sugar and wheat products.

There's much more you can do to help, but that's a good start.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Guardian Bob said:
154 seams underweight if you're 5"10

Not underweight whatsoever. Underweight would be something closer to 120lbs or less.

In the low 160s at pretty much the same height, I still have substantial flab. I don't imagine it will completely go away when I reach 154 in the next couple of months.


This last week has been brutal I have had the worst craving for everything and anything bad for you.Was out shopping for groceries and saw these amazing looking chocolate chip cookies I resisted but hen I got home all I could think about was those cookies.That and pizza really craving that but need to keep resisting but I have no idea where all this came from all the sudden.

I've maintained a steady weight of 162 and have been running alot. Also started going to the gym abit as well but it's only light right now I want to lose a few more pounds first. Definitely seeing results though alot of my clothes that fit snug are now loose and too big so that's a positive.I've gone down from a size 36 to 34 and still have some room and I am almost down from large to medium in shirts.
Alright GAF, I could use some advice here.

I'm 6'3-6'4, right now I weight around 295-300 lbs. I'm a big guy, solid thighs and legs, but lots of fat over my but, belly and chest.

I was overweight in 2006 which is when I actually start training for Football, bulked up and lost considerable amount of weight but in the past few years, due to personal reasons I slacked off. So I gained all the weight back now and this time it is worse because there is still some muscle left.

I am well aware of the diet I should be taking, less carbs, more protein with lots of water.

My questions are towards the exercise. Should I be sticking with cardio or weights, or should I mix them up. The reason is I don't want to bulk up anymore, I just want to get slim, lose in big numbers, I would't mind rebuilding the muscle after I lose considerable amount of weight.

Oh another thing to keep in mind is that my knees aren't too strong, I have some family history of bad knees which is more likely going to affect me as well. So I'd rather not run but walk or do elliptical, especially to start off.

So any advice would be great.



sweetvar26 said:
. My questions are towards the exercise. Should I be sticking with cardio or weights, or should I mix them up..
You should definitely do both! Because you want to lose as little muscle mass as possible, and the only way to do that is lifting weights! Heavy compound lifts such as dead lift, bench press, squats military press, barbell rows etc.

And also, think looong term! Always. Do not try to lose to much weight, to fast. Also because you want to lose fat and gain muscles.
sweetvar26 said:
Alright GAF, I could use some advice here.

I'm 6'3-6'4, right now I weight around 295-300 lbs. I'm a big guy, solid thighs and legs, but lots of fat over my but, belly and chest.

I was overweight in 2006 which is when I actually start training for Football, bulked up and lost considerable amount of weight but in the past few years, due to personal reasons I slacked off. So I gained all the weight back now and this time it is worse because there is still some muscle left.

I am well aware of the diet I should be taking, less carbs, more protein with lots of water.

My questions are towards the exercise. Should I be sticking with cardio or weights, or should I mix them up. The reason is I don't want to bulk up anymore, I just want to get slim, lose in big numbers, I would't mind rebuilding the muscle after I lose considerable amount of weight.

Oh another thing to keep in mind is that my knees aren't too strong, I have some family history of bad knees which is more likely going to affect me as well. So I'd rather not run but walk or do elliptical, especially to start off.

So any advice would be great.

Try barefoot or minimalist running and other workouts, it will spare your knees.


Ellipticals actually aren't that bad for your knees.

Edit: sorry, misread. Just make sure you use an elliptical with a comfortable stride. I never use the ones at my apartment because of that.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
elrechazao said:
Try barefoot or minimalist running and other workouts, it will spare your knees.

Vibram five-fingers are amazing. I've been wearing them in place of shoes most of the time now. I get weird looks, but I don't mind. I hate normal shoes, now.
Zefah said:
Vibram five-fingers are amazing. I've been wearing them in place of shoes most of the time now. I get weird looks, but I don't mind. I hate normal shoes, now.
yeah, been running walking and otherwise wearing them for almost 2 years now, love them


So I just started a retail job where I'm on my feet moving around constantly for about 6-7 hours each shift. I've lost about 3 pounds this week since starting my job.

And I'm wondering is it normal to lose weight without even trying. I stopped dieting about two weeks ago. I had already been going to the gym 4-6 times a week, am I burning a massive amount of calories at work compared to when I was working out?


Neo Member
Gotta say thanks guys. I finally started reading this thread and it has given me the motivated to start eating healthier and lose some weight. Nothig special yet, but its only been 3 weeks so far and I've cut my eating down alot since I use to eat enough for 3 people during a day and started to workout some. Ive managed to lose 6lbs so far and hope to keep it dropping.

Eventually I'll post a before and after picture once I get to where I would like to. But just wanted to stop by and say thanks for all the tips and great information in here


Unconfirmed Member
SeigO said:
So I just started a retail job where I'm on my feet moving around constantly for about 6-7 hours each shift. I've lost about 3 pounds this week since starting my job.

And I'm wondering is it normal to lose weight without even trying. I stopped dieting about two weeks ago. I had already been going to the gym 4-6 times a week, am I burning a massive amount of calories at work compared to when I was working out?
Yes it's normal. You're just living a more active lifestyle now while keeping your diet constant. Can't really answer your second question since I don't know what you do at your job or what kind of exercises you do at the gym.
guys how healthy is pho?


i'm craving it and my friends are kinda forcing me to go out soo i need to know if its okay to get it or if i need to order something else from the menu ;_;


relies on auto-aim
Nice on the pics and progress!
SeanR1221 said:
Decided I should actually read research on some of this stuff.

Here is a meta-analysis I found. So far I only briefly skimmed it (Gotta get ready for work) but it sounds like low carb has faster results, but after a year, low fat catches up?


I'll have to pick apart the stats later when I can actually take my time and read it.
I've heard this before as well. Might have been to this study.
bigboss370 said:
guys how healthy is pho?


i'm craving it and my friends are kinda forcing me to go out soo i need to know if its okay to get it or if i need to order something else from the menu ;_;
It's fine to eat what you want everyone once in a while. Don't get super stressed about it.


bigboss370 said:
guys how healthy is pho?


i'm craving it and my friends are kinda forcing me to go out soo i need to know if its okay to get it or if i need to order something else from the menu ;_;
Its okay. Its not like you downing HFCS.


Does anyone know the difference in the effect on the body between HFCS and sugar? In Australia, HFCS is practically non-existent where (as I understand it) it's in pretty much everything in the US.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Shaneus said:
Does anyone know the difference in the effect on the body between HFCS and sugar? In Australia, HFCS is practically non-existent where (as I understand it) it's in pretty much everything in the US.

Chemically they are very similar. It's not enough of a difference to really matter.


Akim said:
I have the opposite problem..alone my willpower is 100%, with my girlfriend it's about .5%

No GF but thinking it might be for the best.

Bad times talking to girls = Fuck everything imma run super hard today
Good times talking to girls = Things are cool so I don't have to work hard, right?

Realistically we're talking about 10% difference in time on the same distance cardio based only on how much progress I think I'm making with regards to dating.
SeigO said:
So I just started a retail job where I'm on my feet moving around constantly for about 6-7 hours each shift. I've lost about 3 pounds this week since starting my job.

And I'm wondering is it normal to lose weight without even trying. I stopped dieting about two weeks ago. I had already been going to the gym 4-6 times a week, am I burning a massive amount of calories at work compared to when I was working out?

It's normal, but your body will adapt before too long and the weight loss will stop.


Petit Melon said:
I just finished this book earlier this week. I like how it complimented what I've learned from reading the other recommended books/lectures in this thread. Also, it made me scared shitless of wheat. I don't think I could ever eat it again and I'm perfectly comfortable with that.

Before that book I was cutting it gradually out of my diet. I started to notice when I ate wheat related products I had the worst stomach cramps so it became easy to get rid of it completely. I don't miss it either. The taste of vegetables is so much better than any sort of bread/pasta/ect!

Isn't wheat in practically everything non-animal and non-vegetable? How would one go about removing wheat from their diet?

Eric WK

MoxManiac said:
Isn't wheat in practically everything non-animal and non-vegetable? How would one go about removing wheat from their diet?

By eating meat, dairy, low-fat vegetables and fruits. It's really quite easy.
MoxManiac said:
Isn't wheat in practically everything non-animal and non-vegetable? How would one go about removing wheat from their diet?
By eating animals and vegetables, and everything else that doesn't have wheat? Essentially removing processed food does it. How often do you actually eat something that has real whole wheat as an ingredient, and hasn't been processed in some way?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
MoxManiac said:
Isn't wheat in practically everything non-animal and non-vegetable? How would one go about removing wheat from their diet?

If you're not strictly low carb, easy: rice. Takes 30 minutes to cook 1 weeks worth of rice.

For example: Tacos. Instead of tortillas, double the meat, cook it with peppers, onions, and add a bit of rice. Or even pasta can be rice based if you're eating a high carb diet. Lots of this on Amazon for celiacs.

Or you could strictly eat meat/vegetables. It's different, but it works too.
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