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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Zefah said:
Not underweight whatsoever. Underweight would be something closer to 120lbs or less.

In the low 160s at pretty much the same height, I still have substantial flab. I don't imagine it will completely go away when I reach 154 in the next couple of months.

This is because you need to gain muscle. You will always have flab if you don't have muscle. By the time your muscles do begin to show, you will be under-weight and not healthy.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
MP3 player question... is the ipod nano the best bet for running? I need to go buy something today to help with running at the gym (it's not so bad outside but I find time draaaaaags on the machines) and music is probably the best bet. But I don't keep up with music gadgets and have no idea if there's a better option than the nano. Price isn't really an issue, but I don't want to spend on something if there's a similar (or better product) that's less. And I couldn't give two craps about brand... it's just ipod is the only one I'm slightly familiar with.

I'd say about half my music is itunes stuff and then the rest is from other internet sources.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Blackface said:
This is because you need to gain muscle. You will always have flab if you don't have muscle. By the time your muscles do begin to show, you will be under-weight and not healthy.

Nope. I do a fair amount of resistance training and have a decent amount of muscle. It's certainly true that I could be flabless and ripped in the low 160s at 5'11'', but then I'd have to be very muscular. I'm going for more of a normal physique.


Will drop pants for Sony.
What is the consensus on weight watchers? I'm thinking about signing up. I haven't been to the gym all last week -had a bit of a cold.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
neojubei said:
What is the consensus on weight watchers? I'm thinking about signing up. I haven't been to the gym all last week -had a bit of a cold.

My personal consensus is that you'd be far better off reading through this thread than even contemplating some gimmicky shit like Weight Watchers.

mr stroke

neojubei said:
What is the consensus on weight watchers? I'm thinking about signing up. I haven't been to the gym all last week -had a bit of a cold.

Its not bad and easy to follow. There are beter diets out there. But it worked for me years ago when I started to work out and diet again. I eventually switched off it. But its not a bad base. All it really is-Counting calories, disguised as "Points". I went from being a fat ass to running+WW and it produced good results for a while.
Evolved1 said:
MP3 player question... is the ipod nano the best bet for running? I need to go buy something today to help with running at the gym (it's not so bad outside but I find time draaaaaags on the machines) and music is probably the best bet. But I don't keep up with music gadgets and have no idea if there's a better option than the nano. Price isn't really an issue, but I don't want to spend on something if there's a similar (or better product) that's less. And I couldn't give two craps about brand... it's just ipod is the only one I'm slightly familiar with.

I'd say about half my music is itunes stuff and then the rest is from other internet sources.
sansa clip is great and cheap.
Checking in with some new comparison pics.

Couple of years ago near my heaviest, around 238lbs:

Today, 196lbs:


343i Lead Esports Producer
Hey what's the deal with Tuna. I understand that you can't have too much of it because of the mercury. Also that light tuna has much less than white albacore. So, how much of each can I have? I just bought 5 2.5 oz pouches for the week and I'm thinking I can't have them all this coming week. I bought 3 lights and 2 white albacores.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Tashi0106 said:
Hey what's the deal with Tuna. I understand that you can't have too much of it because of the mercury. Also that light tuna has much less than white albacore. So, how much of each can I have? I just bought 5 2.5 oz pouches for the week and I'm thinking I can't have them all this coming week. I bought 3 lights and 2 white albacores.

I just stay away from tuna in general because of the mercury, but if you really want it, don't have any more than 1 small can a week total, light or albacore.
Tashi0106 said:
Hey what's the deal with Tuna. I understand that you can't have too much of it because of the mercury. Also that light tuna has much less than white albacore. So, how much of each can I have? I just bought 5 2.5 oz pouches for the week and I'm thinking I can't have them all this coming week. I bought 3 lights and 2 white albacores.
Not sure, but you can solve this by eating small oily fish that are better for you and don't have high toxin levels because they aren't top of the food chain predators like tuna.

Eric WK

Question for low-carbers. Looking for experiences with diet soda. I've gone about a month and a half without one, but I've begun to realize that yeah, I really wouldn't mind having one every now and then.

Have you guys felt like the artificial sweeteners triggered an insulin response?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Eric WK said:
Question for low-carbers. Looking for experiences with diet soda. I've gone about a month and a half without one, but I've begun to realize that yeah, I really wouldn't mind having one every now and then.

Have you guys felt like the artificial sweeteners triggered an insulin response?

If you REALLY need diet soda, go to Whole Foods and buy Zevia (Zevita; one of those names). It's the best alternative, although the best solution is to just stick with water.
Eric WK said:
Question for low-carbers. Looking for experiences with diet soda. I've gone about a month and a half without one, but I've begun to realize that yeah, I really wouldn't mind having one every now and then.

Have you guys felt like the artificial sweeteners triggered an insulin response?
I know low carb and paleo people who regularly indulge. I find I can't regularly, as I will stall on weight loss. It's not even comparable to cheating with a real soda though.
Eric WK said:
Question for low-carbers. Looking for experiences with diet soda. I've gone about a month and a half without one, but I've begun to realize that yeah, I really wouldn't mind having one every now and then.

Have you guys felt like the artificial sweeteners triggered an insulin response?

Why would something that does not have anything in it cause insulin response? I guess I'm naive on this as I've been type one diabetic for the last 10 years so my body doesn't produce insulin, but when I drink diet pop I don't need to give insulin as it doesn't affect my blood sugar. Isn't that the case for non-diabetics as well?
Domino Theory said:
If you REALLY need diet soda, go to Whole Foods and buy Zevia (Zevita; one of those names). It's the best alternative, although the best solution is to just stick with water.
I've tried Zevia, the lemon-lime version, and found it a little bitter. Strange since it's made with Stevia which I have found to be by far the best sugar alternative out there. I occasionally drink a diet soda but yeah, best to stick with water.
Dr. Feel Good said:
Why would something that does not have anything in it cause insulin response? I guess I'm naive on this as I've been type one diabetic for the last 10 years so my body doesn't produce insulin, but when I drink diet pop I don't need to give insulin as it doesn't affect my blood sugar. Isn't that the case for non-diabetics as well?
Insulin is secreted just by thinking about food, and in anticipation of eating. There is a pavlovian response with many of these functions in your body. Given that, it shouldn't really be surprising that your body reacts to sweetness in your mouth with anticipatory insulin release. Obviously you won't have a comparable insulin response to actual sugar, as that is the clear majority of total insulin load.
bigboss370 said:
guys how healthy is pho?


i'm craving it and my friends are kinda forcing me to go out soo i need to know if its okay to get it or if i need to order something else from the menu ;_;

Try not to drink too much broth. To appeal to the American palate, many Pho restaurants add excessive sugar to their broth. You're always going to have some sugar in Pho broth, whether it comes from spoonfuls of sugar or from onions/carrots, so take that into consideration. But how often do you really eat Pho? Just enjoy it.

Eric WK

Domino Theory said:
If you REALLY need diet soda, go to Whole Foods and buy Zevia (Zevita; one of those names). It's the best alternative, although the best solution is to just stick with water.

Oh I absolutely don't need it. I've been doing great with just water and the occasional black coffee and almond milk for protein shakes since the beginning of August. But I've also always liked Coke Zero and wouldn't mind one every now and then, keeping the majority of beverage intake as water.

Dr. Feel Good said:
Why would something that does not have anything in it cause insulin response? I guess I'm naive on this as I've been type one diabetic for the last 10 years so my body doesn't produce insulin, but when I drink diet pop I don't need to give insulin as it doesn't affect my blood sugar. Isn't that the case for non-diabetics as well?

The idea is that your body still thinks it's ingesting something sweet. There hasn't been any conclusive research done on the subject in humans, but insulin response to artificial sweeteners has been found in rats. It's often discussed among people low-carbing and I was just trying to see if anybody here had some first-hand thoughts on it.

elrechazao's explanation is valid too.


PartlyCloudlike said:
But how often do you really eat Pho?

I would probably eat it almost every other day if I wasn't always compelled to mix a bunch of Sriracha into it :lol


343i Lead Esports Producer
Domino Theory said:
I just stay away from tuna in general because of the mercury, but if you really want it, don't have any more than 1 small can a week total, light or albacore.

I had 3 cans of light last week

Gary Whitta said:
Checking in with some new comparison pics.

Couple of years ago near my heaviest, around 238lbs:


Tashi0106 said:
Hey what's the deal with Tuna. I understand that you can't have too much of it because of the mercury. Also that light tuna has much less than white albacore. So, how much of each can I have? I just bought 5 2.5 oz pouches for the week and I'm thinking I can't have them all this coming week. I bought 3 lights and 2 white albacores.

Pffft I go through tuna like it's nothing. Guess mercury is gunna kill me!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Animal studies suggest that artificial sweeteners do indeed provoke an insulin response and encourage weight gain. Obviously, they are best avoided if you can, but still probably a better alternative than sugar/hfcs.
Can anyone recommend a non sweet breath freshener?
The sickly sweetness of sugar free gum is something I've given up, and even with brushing, my breath smells bad at times, not keto breath, just bad funk breath (always have had it, low carb or not).
I'm thinking something like a mint leaf or something?
Amazing how people go from looking older to younger, when in the after shots they actually are older. Gary's pics being the most recent example. Good stuff.
Zefah said:
Animal studies suggest that artificial sweeteners do indeed provoke an insulin response and encourage weight gain. Obviously, they are best avoided if you can, but still probably a better alternative than sugar/hfcs.

Bit of debating on this at the SA megathread on page 238 (starts part way down):


Not so cut and dry perhaps.
I prefer to avoid sweetness in all its forms if I can. The Kaizen whey I get (damn cheap at costco) doesn't come "unsweetened"... maybe I'll change brands someday.
Amazing how people go from looking older to younger, when in the after shots they actually are older. Gary's pics being the most recent example. Good stuff.
Yeah I've had a few comments about looking younger now the weight is off. I'm 39 but always looked older when I was carrying the extra weight. Now I think I look much closer to my actual age. FEELS GOOD MAN.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Gary Whitta said:
Yeah I've had a few comments about looking younger now the weight is off. I'm 39 but always looked older when I was carrying the extra weight. Now I think I look much closer to my actual age. FEELS GOOD MAN.

It's so true. I showed my brother your before and after pics. He said, "wow, he looks so much younger now" Nice work bro!
Ugh. I've gotten nowhere at all, because I've been depressed and lazy.
Quick question, if a girl loses like, 30 pounds, do her boobs get smaller?
I kinda like them, and if I did lose a lot of weight, I don't want to be all flat-chested...er...

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Chef Cat said:
Ugh. I've gotten nowhere at all, because I've been depressed and lazy.
Quick question, if a girl loses like, 30 pounds, do her boobs get smaller?
I kinda like them, and if I did lose a lot of weight, I don't want to be all flat-chested...er...

You'll probably lose some, but most women put on fat in the butt, thighs, and stomach area when they go overweight. Everyone's different, though.


Gary Whitta said:
Yeah I've had a few comments about looking younger now the weight is off. I'm 39 but always looked older when I was carrying the extra weight. Now I think I look much closer to my actual age. FEELS GOOD MAN.

You look younger than 39 now.

38 maybe.
Just bored waiting for my next class and decided to look up diet stuff. Obviously low carb is the way to go, but anyone know or have experience with the keto diet?


Notrollious said:
Just bored waiting for my next class and decided to look up diet stuff. Obviously low carb is the way to go, but anyone know or have experience with the keto diet?

I've been doing it since the beginning of summer and it's been working out quite well. Unfortunately my body is retarded and I have to stay under 20-25 grams of carbs to stay in ketosis and I can't have artificial sweeteners, so the diets a bit harder for me than those who aren't in that situation, but it's been relatively effective none the less.
harSon said:
I've been doing it since the beginning of summer and it's been working out quite well. Unfortunately my body is retarded and I have to stay under 20-25 grams of carbs to stay in ketosis and I can't have artificial sweeteners, so the diets a bit harder for me than those who aren't in that situation, but it's been relatively effective none the less.

So it definitely works then? Because I was reading up on it a bit, and I feel like it would be a good way to completely change how I eat. I am a bit of a picky eater, but if I could get myself on such a low carb diet, I could completely change my own lifestyle. I know it's my one problem. I exercise regularly, but my diet is absolute shit.


Yup, it definitely works. Once you work out the kinks of the diet; ie. figure out your carb limit to stay in ketosis, see if items like artificial sweeteners stall weight loss progress, what low carb friendly foods you enjoy, etc then it's smooth sailing. Be prepared to cook a lot though. I'd advise getting a Foreman Grill, it's been a godsend for this diet.


Notrollious said:
So it definitely works then? Because I was reading up on it a bit, and I feel like it would be a good way to completely change how I eat. I am a bit of a picky eater, but if I could get myself on such a low carb diet, I could completely change my own lifestyle. I know it's my one problem. I exercise regularly, but my diet is absolute shit.

It works. A buddy of mine read the Gary Taubes book "Why We Get Fat" and was raving to me about it. I had always had problems getting rid of the last 25-30 lbs that I wanted to lose (I was hovering between 225-230 lbs) so on a fucking whim I decided to try low-carb. Low and behold the weight started coming off easily for me and I don't ever feel hungry. I started at the beginning of May and so far I've lost 34 lbs and am currently at 194lbs (I'm 6'1") I plan to keep eating low carb the rest of my life, probably not as restrictive as I've been since May, but once I get to my desired weight I'll see how many carbs my body can handle and maintain the same weight.


My stomach is doing something weird. My whole stomach is flatter now, but the top abs seem to already want to come out, while I still have the spare tire on the bottom. :|

Like, I can see the cut between my top abs already starting to show. I've been doing good on my cardio, but I haven't really focused on my abs that much.


harSon said:
Here's a comparison shot of my progress from September 2010 to September 2011:

Great work! Looks like you're bulking up in that last pic.

Eric WK

harSon said:
Yup, it definitely works. Once you work out the kinks of the diet; ie. figure out your carb limit to stay in ketosis, see if items like artificial sweeteners stall weight loss progress, what low carb friendly foods you enjoy, etc then it's smooth sailing. Be prepared to cook a lot though. I'd advise getting a Foreman Grill, it's been a godsend for this diet.

How do you know?

I've only been low carbing for about a week, typically @ about 20-25g/day and I can't really tell when I'm in ketosis and when I'm not. But I've lost 4-5 pounds during the same period so I had to be quite a bit.
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