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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Carbs are fine and if you are working out, I suggest that you take in a fair amount of them to keep up your energy. There are many ways to achieve your goal. Find out the one that works for you and go with it.


I feel so dumb. I'm trying to do atkins and I thoguht redi-whip in a can was ok due to it not having carbs, but I didn't read the label correctly. I've been having a little bit on sugar-free jello and in chai tea. It's not an everyday thing, but in the past few weeks it's been at least 2 times a week. :( Also I am having a hard time breaking the soda habit. I'm trying to drink coffee, and caffiene free coke but it's just driving me bonkers. Trying my best to keep water going though.

Insanity workout is still just that, Insanity. I feel like I'm not getting the most out of the workout because of the frequency of times I have to stop, but I don't just outright quit the entire thing, I just keep going once I get my breath back. It's still frustrating. I enjoy it though, I haven't moved this much in a long time.
It is. I remember seeing the veins on the top of my hands for the first time in I don't know when. Oddly inspiring.


Just a check in with all you guys. I've been lurking this thread everyday all day, but really didn't have anything useful to write. So I figure I'll post my current progress.

Started keto jan 6 2012 400lbs, size 50 jeans.

Apr 26 2012 360lbs, size 46 jeans (fit tight)

Everything has been going great. Since I have started keto I have not worked out and have lived a very sedentary lifestyle. Meals are easy to make and I don't miss the carbs at all. Since January I have only cheated once (just to kick start a weightloss stall I had going on)

I start working again at the beginning of may, and it will be a very strenuous construction job, so I'm hopping that being much more active will help with my overall body composition (gaining some muscle, loosing more fat)

I'm also considering keeping track of my macros much more closely than I have been doing now, although I'm not exactly falling off track with them now. But I would like to see how many cals I do a day and what my macros are.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Just a check in with all you guys. I've been lurking this thread everyday all day, but really didn't have anything useful to write. So I figure I'll post my current progress.

Started keto jan 6 2012 400lbs, size 50 jeans.

Apr 26 2012 360lbs, size 46 jeans (fit tight)

Everything has been going great. Since I have started keto I have not worked out and have lived a very sedentary lifestyle. Meals are easy to make and I don't miss the carbs at all. Since January I have only cheated once (just to kick start a weightloss stall I had going on)

I start working again at the beginning of may, and it will be a very strenuous construction job, so I'm hopping that being much more active will help with my overall body composition (gaining some muscle, loosing more fat)

I'm also considering keeping track of my macros much more closely than I have been doing now, although I'm not exactly falling off track with them now. But I would like to see how many cals I do a day and what my macros are.

Nice work! Keep it up bro!

You definitely want to start being more active. You'll see those pounds just fly off. The construction job will definitely help, I'm in the same boat. Next week, I start up my Pool Service job again so I'll be back to fixing pools and building them in the hot sun. Can't wait! That work can build up an insane appetite so we gotta make sure we stay strong and keep to the keto diet.


Yea, whenever I do heavy lifting at work I eat like a fiend for the rest of the day, my stomach feels like a bottomless pit.


Hey guys. I've been lurking in this thread for a while but never had the inkling to introduce myself until now.

I began at the start of the year, but I haven't been the most consistent dieter or exerciser. Lately though I've felt really confident in my ability to get my body to the weight and the shape I want, and I look forward to the day my goal is accomplished.

I'm 6'3". I started at 268, and am currently at 242. My goal is to hit 199 so I can see where I'm at and go from there. If I stay at the pace I'm going, I'd hit that weight by my birthday which would be a nice present to myself.

No special diet, just watching the amounts I eat and I make sure to eat consistently throughout the day to keep my metabolism up.

I'm a fairly muscular guy, so I generally just do cardio when I work out. I do it with a weight vest though, so I do get some of the benefits of strength training.

I'm going to try Insanity within the next couple of days since that'll be a challenging summer program. Hope I don't die!


Okay, so today was My first day going low carb, an here's what my diet's been throughout the day.

2 scrambled eggs
Cabot white cheddar cheese

Salad with grilled chicken with a small amount of berry vinegrette.

Salmon with a butter and lemon sauce added during cooking, topped with chopped almonds.
Large helping of broccoli.

Snacked on some fruit throughout the day too, like apples and bananas.

I have a question about a low carb diet: are carbs from fruit okay? It's just wheat/grain/processed carbs that I'm looking out for? Just wondering 'cus my girlfriend has a bottle of ocean spray 100% cranberry juice and the nutrition label displays a lot of carbs. I figured if it's 100% fruit it should be fine, but I dunno.
Carbs are fine and if you are working out, I suggest that you take in a fair amount of them to keep up your energy. There are many ways to achieve your goal. Find out the one that works for you and go with it.

Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean no carbs, but just the minimum amount required by Atkins phase 1. I just really feel dumb when I don't realize what I'm eating is out of sync with what the plan wants. I get in this mindset that I've blown it entirely, when I know I just need to keep at it and be more careful.
So I am 5'11" and weigh 160lbs. My parents strongly feel I should stop loosing weight (I was 200lbs in September). They say things like "you should stop" or "it's ok to gain a pound or two". They want me to go to the doctor to get checked up to see if I have low blood sugar or if something is wrong with me (huh?). Anyone else's parents like this? Any advice? Do my parents have a point?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
So I am 5'11" and weigh 160lbs. My parents strongly feel I should stop loosing weight (I was 200lbs in September). They say things like "you should stop" or "it's ok to gain a pound or two". They want me to go to the doctor to get checked up to see if I have low blood sugar or if something is wrong with me (huh?). Anyone else's parents like this? Any advice? Do my parents have a point?

Depends on how much muscle you have. What's you're real waist circumference (measured properly)? Body fat %? If you're <= 31" and <= 8% then they have a point.

But yes people have given me similar shit at 5'9" and 155-160. People in America are so familiar with everyone being overweight that a healthy weight looks sickly to them.
Depends on how much muscle you have. What's you're real waist circumference (measured properly)? Body fat %? If you're <= 31" and <= 8% then they have a point.

But yes people have given me similar shit at 5'9" and 155-160. People in America are so familiar with everyone being overweight that a healthy weight looks sickly to them.

No way. My waist is 32-33" and body fat about 15%. :/


So I am 5'11" and weigh 160lbs. My parents strongly feel I should stop loosing weight (I was 200lbs in September). They say things like "you should stop" or "it's ok to gain a pound or two". They want me to go to the doctor to get checked up to see if I have low blood sugar or if something is wrong with me (huh?). Anyone else's parents like this? Any advice? Do my parents have a point?

I've lost about 60 pounds in the past 5 months and my mom asked me how much weight I planned to lose. I told her my goal weight may be 170 or 180 (about 30-40 more pounds). She said I'm going to look like a sick or dying person. My grandmother thinks I shouldn't go much lower than 200.

A lot of our relatives and friends are overweight so maybe higher weights seem normal to them. I think they have the wrong idea about what a 6' tall, 170-180 pound person looks like.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I've lost about 60 pounds in the past 5 months and my mom asked me how much weight I planned to lose. I told her my goal weight may be 170 or 180 (about 30-40 more pounds). She said I'm going to look like a sick or dying person. My grandmother thinks I shouldn't go much lower than 200.

A lot of our relatives and friends are overweight so maybe higher weights seem normal to them. I think they have the wrong idea about what a 6' tall, 170-180 pounds person looks like.

Obesity culture of lowered expectations.


I have a question about a low carb diet: are carbs from fruit okay? It's just wheat/grain/processed carbs that I'm looking out for? Just wondering 'cus my girlfriend has a bottle of ocean spray 100% cranberry juice and the nutrition label displays a lot of carbs. I figured if it's 100% fruit it should be fine, but I dunno.

Juice is bad. Its just sugar water. that is the first thing you should cut. If you want something fruit tasting, eat real fruit.

As for carbs, carbs are carbs, no matter where they come from. That doesnt mean that fruit is bad for you though. It depends on what you want to achieve. I think fruit is fine because they contain a bunch of awesome nutrients and are rich in fiber so you'll have a hard time eating a ton of it (try eating more than 2 apples).

However, if your goal is to get into Ketosis and lose weight that way, then yea, avoid fruit because there is no way you are getting under 50 grams of carbs a day if you eat fruit. You'll still lose weight doing low carb while eating fruit (i did), but it will probably take a bit longer (but taste better)

As for grains and processed carbs - well, those dont have a lot of fiber, so you can eat a ton of it, that is why fruit carbs are better i guess, since you can definitely carb binge on grain carbs real easy. As for processed carbs, the problem with that is High Fructose corn syrup. that shit is nasty. Basically, it fucks with your leptin system - meaning that you are still hungry after eating a shit ton of calories (basically why you can pound out bowl after bowl of cereal)


I've lost about 60 pounds in the past 5 months and my mom asked me how much weight I planned to lose. I told her my goal weight may be 170 or 180 (about 30-40 more pounds). She said I'm going to look like a sick or dying person. My grandmother thinks I shouldn't go much lower than 200.

A lot of our relatives and friends are overweight so maybe higher weights seem normal to them. I think they have the wrong idea about what a 6' tall, 170-180 pounds person looks like.

I know how you feel, bro.

OG Kush

In relation to that fruit and carbs question, you have to realise those that not all carbs are created equal :p. I follow the slow-carb diet, which allows for carbs but only from certain soruces such as legums, vegetables, beans and lentils. Occasionaly I'll have fruit.
Info from this thread:
"The name of the program "Slow Carb" comes from the legumes you consume not the amount of carbs you consume. Legumes are a "slow digesting carb" thus "Slow Carb Diet". This is not a LOW Carb or NO Carb diet, it's just a healthier and slow digesting carb plan. It's meant to regulate your glucose levels so you don't spike them and make the insulin start to go and store fat, which you don't want to do.

It's all about healthier carbs, not "fast digesting carbs" like bread, rice, pasta, sugar, dairy, and fruit. The fast digesting carbs give you short bursts of energy and are absorbed quickly and converted into fat while the slow digesting carbs are not absorbed as quickly and keep you full longer than fast digesting carbs."

I much prefer slow carb over low or no carbs as otherwise I find it hard to get all my calories in.

The Catch is Insulin

Carbohydrates are Sugar chains. The longer the sugar chain the more Complex it is.

Well, If you look at the Carb breakdown on beans and brocolli



A large portion of those carbs are indigestible dietary fiber. The sugars are also extremely low. Meaning the rest of the carbs are complex carbohydrates which take the body much longer to break down.

The diet works on the principle of moderating insulin levels to avoid spikes. Insulin is the Big hormonal trigger for glucose to be metabolized by fat cells. When insulin spikes It works by stopping fat cells from dispersing energy and opens up the pores to feed them glucose.

Simple sugars are already broken down and prepped for the body to metabolize quickly. While the more complex carbohydrates take more processing to be put into a form efficient enough for metabolic use.

When you eat complex carbs solely you are creating slow drip of sugar into the bloodstream keeping insulin stable and your fat cells consistently metabolizing their energy to fill gaps where needed. This is why you lose fat on extremities first and belly last. They are simply further down the line on the blood vessel highway and your organs need the energy more than your hands and feet. So the fat on them is used because of proximity. Once you lose most of the fat on your extremities the arms and legs are going to start needing energy and the only place to get it is the belly. That is why tremendous results are achieved after week 8 or so when everything starts accelerating.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Carbohydrates equal sugar. It doesn't matter where you got it from or how long it takes to break down, it turns to sugar in the end.

And meal frequency is more important for moderating insulin than having complex carbohydrates. A person who has two meals a day even if both meals have 150g of carbs will reap better benefits from not having any insulin spikes the rest of the day compared to someone who has 6 meals with only 20-50g of carbs.

Add to the fact that after a workout, you're better off having simple carbs/ready sugar as your muscles are begging for nutrients and replenishment from food. Insulin is VERY pro-anabolic/anti-catabolic for people who lift weights.

But in the end, I'm in no position to stop you from continuing your current lifestyle if it's working for you. :)
Guh. I know I've been really trying to do this keto/low carb diet, but I'm finding it impossible to meet my minimum caloric requirements. I'm 230 lbs and I've only been getting an average of 1600 calories a day, with some as low as 1400.

I think instead of trying to meticulously dissect every meal into the macro split (as I'm used to), I'm just going to try to cut portions, cut fast food, only eat natural and unaltered foods, and read labels for bad ingredients. I'm scared if I keep this current nutrition plan my body's gonna start cannibalizing my muscle.
Oh god.. I went out to eat tonight and ate hotpot.. bad idea. :( I felt like I had some sort of carb crash immediately afterwards and felt loopy for a good hour after.. I stopped by a walgreens and got an Atkin's bar which made me feel better a tiny bit, but then I just had to sit for a little bit when I got home. I still did my insanity for the day though, and felt better after. It was late so I only ate a small cup of sugar free jello, some string cheese and a pickle.. I know, I really seem to have messed up for tonight :(


Guh. I know I've been really trying to do this keto/low carb diet, but I'm finding it impossible to meet my minimum caloric requirements. I'm 230 lbs and I've only been getting an average of 1600 calories a day, with some as low as 1400.

I think instead of trying to meticulously dissect every meal into the macro split (as I'm used to), I'm just going to try to cut portions, cut fast food, only eat natural and unaltered foods, and read labels for bad ingredients. I'm scared if I keep this current nutrition plan my body's gonna start cannibalizing my muscle.

Eh, as long as you feel full and are eating a bunch of fat and protein and a wide assortment of veggies, I dont think you have to worry about that. Still, if you are worried, going primal is always a good choice. Doesnt take a whole lot of thought to follow that diet when it all boils down to meat is good, veggies are good, fruit is ok, dairy is ok, grain is bad, sugar is evil

Also, has anyone hear tried making their own Kefir? Looks interesting since its supposed to be better for you than Greek Yogart. And Greek yogart is pretty damn expensive, and the only kind they have at the grocery store i go to is 2% plain fage (among other non-fat flavored shit). Where the hell is the full fat stuff?

Well, my main interest in Kefir, besides it being better for you, is that it is insanely cheap since apparently you can reuse the kefir grain indefinitely as long as you make it yourself. All you need to add is milk (i can add whole milk, yay!) and possibly cream if you dont want to drink it (i dont)

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I've lost about 60 pounds in the past 5 months and my mom asked me how much weight I planned to lose. I told her my goal weight may be 170 or 180 (about 30-40 more pounds). She said I'm going to look like a sick or dying person. My grandmother thinks I shouldn't go much lower than 200.

A lot of our relatives and friends are overweight so maybe higher weights seem normal to them. I think they have the wrong idea about what a 6' tall, 170-180 pound person looks like.

Growing up I always heard about how 6 foot 180 lbs is some ideal height/weight. Sorry, no, that's fat, unless you're athletic and lift weights.


I've lost about 60 pounds in the past 5 months and my mom asked me how much weight I planned to lose. I told her my goal weight may be 170 or 180 (about 30-40 more pounds). She said I'm going to look like a sick or dying person. My grandmother thinks I shouldn't go much lower than 200.

A lot of our relatives and friends are overweight so maybe higher weights seem normal to them. I think they have the wrong idea about what a 6' tall, 170-180 pound person looks like.

Yeah, I lost 70lbs in 8 months and yeah, parents nad grandparents wanted me to stop. Thought I was sickly, a ghost and should see a doctor. I actually went to the doctor to make them shut up.. Same situation, relatives are fat.
Eh, as long as you feel full and are eating a bunch of fat and protein and a wide assortment of veggies, I dont think you have to worry about that. Still, if you are worried, going primal is always a good choice. Doesnt take a whole lot of thought to follow that diet when it all boils down to meat is good, veggies are good, fruit is ok, dairy is ok, grain is bad, sugar is evil
Yeah, basically. But I'm not doing weight training, I'm doing cardio 5x or so a week. I heard that too much protein is bad for your kidneys...but then again, I do feel a mild soreness from swimming, so maybe it's not like I'm just sitting in a recliner 24 hours a day.
Blah, I forgot about that article (was big into primal last summer).

My point still kinda stands though... maybe my appetite has just curbed, but I eat like 1400 calories a day (averaging 60g carbs/80g fat/120g protein) and I can't eat anymore. Like, I'm super full.

Should I just listen to my body and keep with it? I see a ton of sources saying my intake is out of whack, but I have energy and I feel healthy. Bear in mind I'm 23, 6'1", and 230 lbs.


Blah, I forgot about that article (was big into primal last summer).

My point still kinda stands though... maybe my appetite has just curbed, but I eat like 1400 calories a day (averaging 60g carbs/80g fat/120g protein) and I can't eat anymore. Like, I'm super full.

Should I just listen to my body and keep with it? I see a ton of sources saying my intake is out of whack, but I have energy and I feel healthy. Bear in mind I'm 23, 6'1", and 230 lbs.

If you feel full, and you are getting most of the required nutrients through your diet, then i wouldnt worry about it. Your body is telling you that it doesnt need any more food. Listen to it


343i Lead Esports Producer
Monday marks the 4 week point of my Keto diet. I'm down 21 pounds as of yesterday. I've been exercising regularly by riding a stationary bike or playing tennis. I much prefer playing tennis hahaha. Really happy with the results thus far but I still have a ways to go. Tonight I have my cheat meal. I'm going all out.

I sure am hungry


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Monday marks the 4 week point of my Keto diet. I'm down 21 pounds as of yesterday. I've been exercising regularly by riding a stationary bike or playing tennis. I much prefer playing tennis hahaha. Really happy with the results thus far but I still have a ways to go. Tonight I have my cheat meal. I'm going all out.

I sure am hungry
Nice job dude...21 pounds in a month and it sounds like you're doing it right.

I'm about to wrap up my 24 hour fast and I'm going to go ahead and make it a 36 hour fast (first one I've done, but it's been easy today for the most part). Yesterday was my cheat day which was some sweet frozen yogurt jammed with brownies, peanut butter cups and oreos. Had an everything cheese steak, bacon/cheese fries and a cannoli to top it all off.

Today was water, iced tea and diet soda day + 10 miles biking.

Still hovering around 175, give or take 3 pounds in either direction depending on the day. Still working to get rid of this damn subcutaneous fat!!! Hoping things like this fast work it out. We'll see.


Monday marks the 4 week point of my Keto diet. I'm down 21 pounds as of yesterday. I've been exercising regularly by riding a stationary bike or playing tennis. I much prefer playing tennis hahaha. Really happy with the results thus far but I still have a ways to go. Tonight I have my cheat meal. I'm going all out.

I sure am hungry

Are you sure you want to binge? Is that a cycle you want to fall into?

Carbohydrates equal sugar. It doesn't matter where you got it from or how long it takes to break down, it turns to sugar in the end.

And meal frequency is more important for moderating insulin than having complex carbohydrates. A person who has two meals a day even if both meals have 150g of carbs will reap better benefits from not having any insulin spikes the rest of the day compared to someone who has 6 meals with only 20-50g of carbs.

Add to the fact that after a workout, you're better off having simple carbs/ready sugar as your muscles are begging for nutrients and replenishment from food. Insulin is VERY pro-anabolic/anti-catabolic for people who lift weights.

But in the end, I'm in no position to stop you from continuing your current lifestyle if it's working for you. :)

I'm pretty sure carbs turn into glycogen in the end. It only turns into fat if your glycogen stores are full, which takes days of eating very high carb meals.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Nice job dude...21 pounds in a month and it sounds like you're doing it right.


Are you sure you want to binge? Is that a cycle you want to fall into?

I mean, it's been good to me so far. I haven't been knocked out of ketosis, and I feel like it's good for me from a mental standpoint. I've been basically a binge eater for so long and now I've completely changed my lifestyle and I think it's ok to reward myself with a nice meal one a week or once every 2 weeks. Who knows what will happen down the line. I have my brothers wedding on June 10th and so I'll probably cut out the cheat meals and exercising even harder during the weeks leading up.

So far so good though. I'm all ears for any advice, I definitely don't know everything hahaha
I mean, it's been good to me so far. I haven't been knocked out of ketosis, and I feel like it's good for me from a mental standpoint. I've been basically a binge eater for so long and now I've completely changed my lifestyle and I think it's ok to reward myself with a nice meal one a week or once every 2 weeks. Who knows what will happen down the line. I have my brothers wedding on June 10th and so I'll probably cut out the cheat meals and exercising even harder during the weeks leading up.

So far so good though. I'm all ears for any advice, I definitely don't know everything hahaha
I tried keto for a week, and that's definitely not something I can maintain over an extended period.

I mean, I lost 10 lbs since last fall, and I didn't hit the gym once. I guess I've developed decent eating habits... but you can't really tell because I'm still fat. :(


I tried keto for a week, and that's definitely not something I can maintain over an extended period.

I mean, I lost 10 lbs since last fall, and I didn't hit the gym once. I guess I've developed decent eating habits... but you can't really tell because I'm still fat. :(

If you want to shock your system a bit to induce some weight loss, you could try fasting. I realize youd probably be hesitant to do that considering your concern about lack of caloric intake, but fasting does work, and it might actually get you to eat more since youd be more hungry


Any tips on how to eat well on third shift? 6pm-4:30am. Probably will sleep from 7am-3pm.

Not sure what to eat when I wake up and before bed.


343i Lead Esports Producer
I tried keto for a week, and that's definitely not something I can maintain over an extended period.

I mean, I lost 10 lbs since last fall, and I didn't hit the gym once. I guess I've developed decent eating habits... but you can't really tell because I'm still fat. :(

Damn, I think if you would have stuck with it a little while longer your body would really adapt. I know the first week or so was really tough for me because I had stomach aches like crazy. I was just so hungry all the time. After a while though, a handful of almonds takes care of serious hunger pains. I have like 1500 calories a day max and I feel totally fine throughout the day. I would give it another shot. Once you push through the initial wall and get used to it, it's pretty much smooth sailing.


Neo Member
I'm pretty sure carbs turn into glycogen in the end. It only turns into fat if your glycogen stores are full, which takes days of eating very high carb meals.

Function and regulation of liver glycogen

"As a meal containing carbohydrates is eaten and digested, blood glucose levels rise, and the pancreas secretes insulin. Glucose from the portal vein enters liver cells (hepatocytes). Insulin acts on the hepatocytes to stimulate the action of several enzymes, including glycogen synthase. Glucose molecules are added to the chains of glycogen as long as both insulin and glucose remain plentiful. In this postprandial or "fed" state, the liver takes in more glucose from the blood than it releases.

After a meal has been digested and glucose levels begin to fall, insulin secretion is reduced, and glycogen synthesis stops. When it is needed for energy, glycogen is broken down and converted again to glucose. Glycogen phosphorylase is the primary enzyme of glycogen breakdown. For the next 8&#8211;12 hours, glucose derived from liver glycogen will be the primary source of blood glucose to be used by the rest of the body for fuel."

If you're trying to be in ketosis, i.e. relying on FFA & ketone bodies for fuel, then elevating insulin keeps fat stored and makes your body use glucose from liver glycogen as the primary source of fuel. This is stopping you from using your own fat for fuel. It is counter productive for fat loss...


Any tips on how to eat well on third shift? 6pm-4:30am. Probably will sleep from 7am-3pm.

Not sure what to eat when I wake up and before bed.

It doesnt really matter when you eat what foods so long as you eat the right foods. Hell, you could have a steak for 'breakfast' and a some bacon and eggs for 'dinner' and youd be totally fine

Just make sure you get enough sleep if you are on the third shift. A fucked up sleeping schedule really messes with your body and makes weight loss/being healthy more difficult. So try to get more sleep than you normally would. Though your planned 8 hours seem to be fine

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I can't see myself going much lower than 180 at 6'2"

Really? Flat stomach and no gut at all at that point? No hint of 'love handles' when you're standing or fat rolls when you're sitting forward?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Really? Flat stomach and no gut at all at that point? No hint of 'love handles' when you're standing or fat rolls when you're sitting forward?

Yeah, I'm 188 at 6'0. People keep commenting on how lean I look, but they're not the ones looking underneath the clothes to see the remaining damage. :(
Damn, I think if you would have stuck with it a little while longer your body would really adapt. I know the first week or so was really tough for me because I had stomach aches like crazy. I was just so hungry all the time. After a while though, a handful of almonds takes care of serious hunger pains. I have like 1500 calories a day max and I feel totally fine throughout the day. I would give it another shot. Once you push through the initial wall and get used to it, it's pretty much smooth sailing.
I may, but my problem is the trouble in finding enough calories while keeping at keto (so many low-carb meals have <300 calories).

But I am tempted to try it again...especially considering my lofty goals for the summer. I just really don't think I'd have the willpower to keep it up over an extended period, given how limited your menu is.


I have been lurking this thread for about 1.5 years and I finally am ready to share :).

I started my weight loss quest about 1 and a half years ago because I was tired of playing sports and getting beat by no talent but fit people(I know I am a narcissist). anyways I started at about ~235lbs and I am now down to ~175!

here are my before and after pics!

before (the one without the face blacked out lol):


after(I am standing dead center middle top):


This was us winning our indoor 3rd division playoffs AFTER winning the regular season and being promoted :).

I gotta say it feels really good to be light again(i havent weighed this low since grade 10 and I am 1 month shy of 30)!!

The hardest part for me was the food I ate, at first I was eating salad + meat all day every day for about 5 month, lost 40lbs real quick(with mass amount of cardio behind it, I was either in the gym or on the field 6-7 days a week), then after that the last 20 have been hard, taken me about a year for the rest but that's mainly cause I was putting on some muscle as well.

You cant keep eating salad + meat for lol so I had to experiment and finally came to the conclusion that I can eat whatever I want as long as it's strictly moderated! As soon as I figured that out it was easy but slow which I didn't mind.

hope this helps anyone who is starting! Just remember to keep your focus, don't like ANYONE tell you what you can and can't do and just give'er! If it worked for me it could work for anyone as I am probably one of THE laziest people on earth!


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Yeah, I'm 188 at 6'0. People keep commenting on how lean I look, but they're not the ones looking underneath the clothes to see the remaining damage. :(

That's the most frustrating part, and what confuses people to death when I tell them I'm nowhere near done yet.

I'm 6'1 and 173-175 these days and look great everywhere...except my stomach! Still have that damn stomach pouch that I'm working to get off.

My plan to get rid of it is to start a true alternate day fasting eating plan (basically skipping one meal a day, alternating breakfast and dinner to create 24 hour fasts every other day) and making sure to get some good cardio in while fasting to maximize fat loss. It's getting way too close to beach season and I swore I'd be ready this year...and I am so damn close except this stomach!

I hate that I can see my obliques and the top layer of my abs and know that I've probably got a 6 pack under this stupid fat!!!

OG Kush

That's the most frustrating part, and what confuses people to death when I tell them I'm nowhere near done yet.

I'm 6'1 and 173-175 these days and look great everywhere...except my stomach! Still have that damn stomach pouch that I'm working to get off.

My plan to get rid of it is to start a true alternate day fasting eating plan (basically skipping one meal a day, alternating breakfast and dinner to create 24 hour fasts every other day) and making sure to get some good cardio in while fasting to maximize fat loss. It's getting way too close to beach season and I swore I'd be ready this year...and I am so damn close except this stomach!

I hate that I can see my obliques and the top layer of my abs and know that I've probably got a 6 pack under this stupid fat!!!

I feel you son, I'm a in a similar situation, just got that little puch left on my stomach. Not doing the fasting but keeping it low carb with one cheat day a week. Doing insanity workout 3 days a week and then weights the 4 other days. Do ab exercises 3 times a week as well. Hopefully by end of may or mid june my abs should be here.


I also get the "you're too skinny, eat something" remarks. At first it was good, nice confidence booster, but it's actually become kind of annoying. It's more to do with the fact that people are so used to seeing overweight people, looking like a normal dude is considered 'too skinny'. I love it when obese people are telling me to eat something. They'd never believe me if I told them all the fatty foods I eat, oh well!

Also happy to report I've been adding fats back into my diet and it's going well. I read a ton of horror stories about recovery times and diets and 1 week later I feel great. I really think I'm recovering so well is because of my diet. Eggs are what gave me big problems pre-surgery, gonna wait a little longer before I try them. Dairy has been ok though, so I'm hopeful.


Add me to the stomach pouch crew. I once saw a doctor who told me plastic surgery was my only option. That depressed me and I stopped caring and gained 15 pounds.

A year and a half ago is when I decided to get back on track, and January is when I decided to focus on heavy, compound lifting.

My goal now is to get stronger instead of focusing on just getting leaner. Yeah I'm 10 pounds heavier than my former self, but I could beat that former self into oblivion. My former self would struggle deadlifting 135 :lol


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I feel you son, I'm a in a similar situation, just got that little puch left on my stomach. Not doing the fasting but keeping it low carb with one cheat day a week. Doing insanity workout 3 days a week and then weights the 4 other days. Do ab exercises 3 times a week as well. Hopefully by end of may or mid june my abs should be here.

Something that is both gross and promising is standing shirtless in front of the mirror and jumping. The fat on my stomach shakes up and down as you'd expect, but it almost acts as a way to reveal my abs underneath.

What's concerning is that I do think I may have a bit of loose skin, as the bottom of my stomach can look pretty damn different depending on whether I've just woken up from sleep (normal stomach look) vs. sitting down for a long time (bottom of stomach looks crunched up and irregular).

All I can do is keep eating well and working out...but this last bit is super annoying to work out. I've been frozen at 175ish for a couple months now and I don't really see myself moving that much up or down. What I have left to lose in my stomach, I'd hopefully replace with muscle weight elsewhere on my body. I'm sure my calves are in for an overhaul muscle-wise now that I'm running more.

That's probably the hardest part about the tail-end of the weightloss journey. At the end of the game, the scale isn't really all that useful and the changes are much slower and minor.

I can easily see this part of everyone's journey being the make or break for the longterm. It's still frustrating some days to think about all that I'm actively doing to stay in good condition and seeing people abuse their bodies with shitty diets and minimal exercise and look better than I do (bodyfat percentage-wise). I'm sure I'm healthier than they are, and could kick their skinny asses...but I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't trade bodies with them because they could at least go to the beach and take their shirts off without fear of having floppy fat on their stomach messing with their confidence, despite all their efforts.

It's like this stomach pouch is a badge of shame or something. Like I'm the most successful failure or something, :lol.


My goal now is to get stronger instead of focusing on just getting leaner. Yeah I'm 10 pounds heavier than my former self, but I could beat that former self into oblivion. My former self would struggle deadlifting 135 :lol
I really should go this route. From everything I've read, bulking up muscle-wise is a great way to grow into your stomach instead of trying to chop it off.
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