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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Shit guys... thanks. That's a great way to wake up in the morning :lol


Shit guys... thanks. That's a great way to wake up in the morning :lol
Amazing transformation. You've accomplished more in a year than I've done in two, and that really inspires me. I look fairly similar to you, but with a rounder gut + love handles. I would be very happy with the physique you have right now; in fact, it's pretty much what I'm aiming for.


It's pretty crazy how much different you can look after weight loss. When I went to a wedding back in December my own family didn't recognize me. It's awesome seeing results of all the people in here, makes me happy seeing others have success, <3 this thread

and on a side note, Truvia is a godsend, I can now eat greek yogurt and it's awesome. GY, cinnamon, truvia, fresh fruit, almonds, all mixed together into a 'paste', mmmmmhhmmm
I went to a wedding this last weekend (actually a whole week vacation visiting family). I think I ate more than any human should - I swear every night I felt like my stomach was going to burst and, oh god the beers. Plus on the last day I visited my parents house and my mom gave me a bunch of chocolates and candy as a belated Easter present :-O. Before I went I was on a very regular workout routine trying to bulk up a bit after having lost a bunch of weight over the last two years. I didn't really follow any special diet except that I was making sure to include a good amount of protein (meat, eggs, beans, etc) and generally just staying away from garbage.

Now I want to kick back into weight loss again but maintain the muscle building I was already doing for the last two months. My initial thought is to simply cut down on calories while keeping the protein at a relatively high level and then include a 30-45 minute jog into my routine every day. The main thing I'm worried about though is if I cut calories and start jogging super regularly I'll be too fatigued to continue lifting weights as I've been doing...
Been teetering on the diet the past couple days as far as caloric intake (lousy outside influences haha), but I have to say I've been happy with it so far. The fact I love to swim has helped, since I've made time to swim laps for at least 20 minutes a day. I don't know if I've been drinking enough water, though... I average 6 cups a day, and seem to have to force myself to drink 8 cups.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Recommended that everyone who's been on a calorie deficit for quite some time to go on a diet break for two weeks: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/the-full-diet-break.html

It'll benefit you greatly and it's kind of fun since we're all acustomed to strict calorie days so when you get 2 weeks to eat at maintenance (or slightly above) and required to have 100-150g of carbs each day during those 2 weeks, you get free reign to choose what you want to fill in the gap without feeling guilty.
Recommended that everyone who's been on a calorie deficit for quite some time to go on a diet break for two weeks: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/the-full-diet-break.html

It'll benefit you greatly and it's kind of fun since we're all acustomed to strict calorie days so when you get 2 weeks to eat at maintenance (or slightly above) and required to have 100-150g of carbs each day during those 2 weeks, you get free reign to choose what you want to fill in the gap without feeling guilty.
I don't have the time at this moment to read that entire article; but I do see the merits in this (both psychologically and physiologically). Breaking out of your diet is good to keep your body guessing.

I don't trust myself to taking a two-week break, though. XD I break for a weekend, at most.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I don't have the time at this moment to read that entire article; but I do see the merits in this (both psychologically and physiologically). Breaking out of your diet is good to keep your body guessing.

I don't trust myself to taking a two-week break, though. XD I break for a weekend, at most.

There is no "tricking your body". Your body adapts to anything you throw at it. This is to 'reboot' your body to factory settings in a sense (all hormones shoot up and recover, metabolism recovers and stabilizes, cortisol lowers, and you get some psychological relief without the guilt).
That Rubx pic needs a side by side for true justice.


Absolutely amazing. I started cleaning up my eating habits recently and just by cutting out junk and making my own meals instead of microwaving them I've dropped about five pounds in a month. But shit like that up there? Makes me want to get real serious about it.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
When I see the pictures side by side like that, I can't help but wonder how I ever let myself get that way. The "before" picture guy looks completely foreign to me. I seriously don't even remember looking that bad...but there it is, ya know?

When I look at the second picture on its own I just see "progress". I won't be happy until I've got some abs to show off to everyone :p


So, though my friends have tried to talk me out of it, I've started on keto. Between yesterday and today I got a few things that will last for a couple of days to try out. Currently sitting here, eating a small pack of Cocoa Roast Almonds (glad I got the small packs, I can slowly munch on them at work and not overeat on them). I'm currently at 13 carbs for the day and feeling fine. Realistically going to try to shoot for between 30 and 50 carbs a day, which should be relatively easy, I hope.


So, though my friends have tried to talk me out of it, I've started on keto. Between yesterday and today I got a few things that will last for a couple of days to try out. Currently sitting here, eating a small pack of Cocoa Roast Almonds (glad I got the small packs, I can slowly munch on them at work and not overeat on them). I'm currently at 13 carbs for the day and feeling fine. Realistically going to try to shoot for between 30 and 50 carbs a day, which should be relatively easy, I hope.

Good luck, hopefully those friends will come around when you lose all that weight. And if they say you may be thinner, but youll die of a heart attack sooner, show them your awesome vitals when you go see your doctor for the yearly check up

Personally, I could never do keto since i love fruit and dairy so much, but more power to you. It definitely sounds like the fastest (while still being healthy) way to lose weight


When I went for my vitals the doctor asked me if I was a professional athlete because of how good my readings were lol i told her no grains, lots of saturated fats in my diet, she didn't believe me.

i dont know if you guys know this, but salt is pretty awesome. i've got to start using it more for seasoning


When I went for my vitals the doctor asked me if I was a professional athlete because of how good my readings were lol i told her no grains, lots of saturated fats in my diet, she didn't believe me.

i dont know if you guys know this, but salt is pretty awesome. i've got to start using it more for seasoning

How could anyone have a problem with using not enough salt?!?! Man, i pour that stuff on my chicken and asparagus. Tastes plain without it


oh I've been using it forever, just not that much. today I used more than usual, I thought it was gonna be too overpowering..nope, that shit was delicious



Weight-loss GAF, I just took some pretty rough-looking photos of myself. I'm trying to chronicle the transformation into what I want to be, much like the other users in this thread. I've already gone down around 80 pounds - that was a big victory and I notice a slimness about me I'd never seen before. I started seeing a physique under all that weight which I really liked.

Now I'm getting to the hard part - toning up. The fat comes off, but your body doesn't snap into a skinny shape all of a sudden. Now I'm dealing with the fallout of a person who used to be really big.. The rolls, the stretch marks, the loose skin. I've come to the conclusion that over the next two years, I'll do everything within my power to shape up. Afterward, if I'm still dissatisfied, then I'll use savings to pay for corrective surgery. My goal is like everybody else here. I want to look good with my shirt off, and have that be the last bit of freedom required to live a "normal" life.

The biggest problem I have is feeling completely inadequate for a relationship, not only now but also during the time I take to get my body in shape (and perhaps even after). Obviously I'm attracted to people in much better condition than I'm in, and it feels like hypocrisy to even approach them. Should I wait and work on myself first? Or should I pursue now and during? This may seem easy to answer, but frankly this is the psychological toll being 320 pounds (now 240) has had. I just.. I feel that abnormal - like I'd frighten them off once we hop underneath the sheets. I love the health benefits losing weight has provided me so far, but my state of mind has been a complete train wreck.

I'm sorry to break up the talks of ketosis and slow gains etc, but logistics are not really what I'm concerned about. How you view yourself and how you get around that self-defeating image - both real and imagined - is equally if not more important. So how do we get around that?

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Recommended that everyone who's been on a calorie deficit for quite some time to go on a diet break for two weeks: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/the-full-diet-break.html

It'll benefit you greatly and it's kind of fun since we're all acustomed to strict calorie days so when you get 2 weeks to eat at maintenance (or slightly above) and required to have 100-150g of carbs each day during those 2 weeks, you get free reign to choose what you want to fill in the gap without feeling guilty.

I may start doing this as this week (about 9 weeks into my weight loss plan) I weighed myself and put on a kilo somehow. This seems inexplicable as this week I have fastidiously measured what food I've been eating (between 1200 to 1400 calories roughly) as well as a lot of exercise. I think I may have overdone it with the stringent food rationing as I suspect my body went into starvation mode. Maybe the weight increase is a blip and the weight will fall tomorrow (I've seen my weight fluctuate by a couple of kilos in one day) so I shouldn't be too depressed. Either way I think trying the diet break thing may help overall.



Weight-loss GAF, I just took some pretty rough-looking photos of myself. I'm trying to chronicle the transformation into what I want to be, much like the other users in this thread. I've already gone down around 80 pounds - that was a big victory and I notice a slimness about me I'd never seen before. I started seeing a physique under all that weight which I really liked.

Now I'm getting to the hard part - toning up. The fat comes off, but your body doesn't snap into a skinny shape all of a sudden. Now I'm dealing with the fallout of a person who used to be really big.. The rolls, the stretch marks, the loose skin. I've come to the conclusion that over the next two years, I'll do everything within my power to shape up. Afterward, if I'm still dissatisfied, then I'll use savings to pay for corrective surgery. My goal is like everybody else here. I want to look good with my shirt off, and have that be the last bit of freedom required to live a "normal" life.

The biggest problem I have is feeling completely inadequate for a relationship, not only now but also during the time I take to get my body in shape (and perhaps even after). Obviously I'm attracted to people in much better condition than I'm in, and it feels like hypocrisy to even approach them. Should I wait and work on myself first? Or should I pursue now and during? This may seem easy to answer, but frankly this is the psychological toll being 320 pounds (now 240) has had. I just.. I feel that abnormal - like I'd frighten them off once we hop underneath the sheets. I love the health benefits losing weight has provided me so far, but my state of mind has been a complete train wreck.

I'm sorry to break up the talks of ketosis and slow gains etc, but logistics are not really what I'm concerned about. How you view yourself and how you get around that self-defeating image - both real and imagined - is equally if not more important. So how do we get around that?

You just described my situation almost exactly, even down to the relationship thing. That was so weird to read.
I was 330 and now I'm almost 240, so we're in extremely similar situations. I can't really help you as I'm in the same boat and I'm looking for the same advice. I feel the exact same way about myself...like I'm abnormal, inadequate. I could also use advice.

Also, what are you doing to tone up? I'm on the third week of Power90, and while I have been getting stronger and slightly toning up, I haven't really been losing weight. I was doing low carb and I guess I became obsessed with the scale after seeing all the weight come off relatively quickly (lost 80 pounds in 5-6 months).

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
When I see the pictures side by side like that, I can't help but wonder how I ever let myself get that way. The "before" picture guy looks completely foreign to me. I seriously don't even remember looking that bad...but there it is, ya know?

When I look at the second picture on its own I just see "progress". I won't be happy until I've got some abs to show off to everyone :p

Same with me. I was never overly big, but looking at pictures from my good friend's wedding last June and my badge from starting my new job last March are crazy. AT the time I didn't realize I looked that big, but now it's easy to see.

In a bit of a stall lately though, some traveling to see friends and my bro's graduation from college means busy times and everyone wanting to eat out. Heck, I like to eat out, I just need to order better/ :p


The biggest problem I have is feeling completely inadequate for a relationship, not only now but also during the time I take to get my body in shape (and perhaps even after). Obviously I'm attracted to people in much better condition than I'm in, and it feels like hypocrisy to even approach them. Should I wait and work on myself first? Or should I pursue now and during? This may seem easy to answer, but frankly this is the psychological toll being 320 pounds (now 240) has had. I just.. I feel that abnormal - like I'd frighten them off once we hop underneath the sheets. I love the health benefits losing weight has provided me so far, but my state of mind has been a complete train wreck.

You should take your chances if you get them now. You will find that most girls are not as shallow as we guys might think and if you meet a girl who is actually interested in you, I think she'd be more impressed with how good you look now and all the weight you've lost. However I guess this all depends on the kind of girls you're talking to because some might have issues, but I think all guys should be looking at girls who wouldn't have issues like that. You've done a lot of hard work, it's time to start enjoying the benefits.


aww yea, I just had eggs and bacon for the first time in 2 months. best part is, no more bloating! Doc said low fat diet for 6-8 weeks but I feel fine, almost back to my normal diet already only 10 days later, awesome! what's weird is that I can feel it being digested, I can feel the bile being dripped down into my intestines from the liver since the gallbladder is gone, it's really strange. Only thing left to try is fatty meats, I can't believe how quick I've adapted. I like to think it's because of my primal diet for the past 4 months, thank you based sisson!

And Yasae, if you find someone who genuinely likes you she won't care about about shit like that. Be honest with her about it, enjoy your new body and think of how far you've come. or you could always date fat chicks lol I'm probably not the best person to be giving this kind of advice though, when I look in the mirror I still see the 'old' me which doesn't help the confidence any, I'm hoping it goes away with time.

I finally found an old pic of me, shit is scary! I dont think I can post it, fuuuck, I don't even look like the same person.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
When I see the pictures side by side like that, I can't help but wonder how I ever let myself get that way. The "before" picture guy looks completely foreign to me. I seriously don't even remember looking that bad...but there it is, ya know?

When I look at the second picture on its own I just see "progress". I won't be happy until I've got some abs to show off to everyone :p

You're the perfect candidate for Leangains, just an FYI. You could be in the cutting phase for 12 weeks (or even less given your situation) then move to a slow bulk and you'll see a radical shift in body composition. Give it a look.


ok bros, im going to post my before/after :[ this makes me uncomfortable as hell, so im going to link it so i dont have to see it. dont quote it plz. this is the only before i can find, so youll have to make due with stupid mid-laugh face


yes that is actually the same person in both

took me like 20 minutes to post that, sitting there, contemplating on the reply screen


ok bros, im going to post my before/after :[ this makes me uncomfortable as hell, so im going to link it so i dont have to see it. dont quote it plz. this is the only before i can find, so youll have to make due with stupid mid-laugh face


yes that is actually the same person in both

took me like 20 minutes to post that, sitting there, contemplating on the reply screen

Holy shit dude! That's ridiculous and awesome!
ok bros, im going to post my before/after :[ this makes me uncomfortable as hell, so im going to link it so i dont have to see it. dont quote it plz. this is the only before i can find, so youll have to make due with stupid mid-laugh face
You look great man, shouldn't feel uncomfortable.


ok bros, im going to post my before/after :[ this makes me uncomfortable as hell, so im going to link it so i dont have to see it. dont quote it plz. this is the only before i can find, so youll have to make due with stupid mid-laugh face


yes that is actually the same person in both

took me like 20 minutes to post that, sitting there, contemplating on the reply screen

No Fucking way that's the same guy. No Fucking way

and by this I mean Great job man !

you have absolutely no reason to feel uncomfortable


like I said before, I still see the old me when i look in the mirror. i know i don't look like that, but for some reason that's what I see. that's why the picture makes me uncomfortable. i was kinda hoping if I posted it, it would help me a little. it's like I made the physical transformation but the mental part is lagging behind, if that makes any sense. I definitely feel a lot more comfortable with myself but I still have a ways to go. I guess you can't undo years of "damage" over night.


like I said before, I still see the old me when i look in the mirror. i know i don't look like that, but for some reason that's what I see. that's why the picture makes me uncomfortable. i was kinda hoping if I posted it, it would help me a little. it's like I made the physical transformation but the mental part is lagging behind, if that makes any sense. I definitely feel a lot more comfortable with myself but I still have a ways to go. I guess you can't undo years of "damage" over night.

True. Just give it sometime you will get used to the New you :)


Ive determined my omega 6 to omega 3 ratio is way out of whack, even with my improved diet (bout the only way to save it is to eat fish everyday and that aint happening).

Obviously, I need to take some Omega 3 fish oil supplements, but are they all basically the same or should avoid/buy a certain kind/brand?


Ive determined my omega 6 to omega 3 ratio is way out of whack, even with my improved diet (bout the only way to save it is to eat fish everyday and that aint happening).

Obviously, I need to take some Omega 3 fish oil supplements, but are they all basically the same or should avoid/buy a certain kind/brand?

EPA and dha will be higher in better pills. Some brands might give you fish burps as well. It's basically trial and error until you find on that works for you.


EPA and dha will be higher in better pills. Some brands might give you fish burps as well. It's basically trial and error until you find on that works for you.

Any recommended amounts to aim for? I realize that is a super general question.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Ive determined my omega 6 to omega 3 ratio is way out of whack, even with my improved diet (bout the only way to save it is to eat fish everyday and that aint happening).

Obviously, I need to take some Omega 3 fish oil supplements, but are they all basically the same or should avoid/buy a certain kind/brand?

I like Carlon's Fish Oil. It's expensive per bottle, but it's 1.6g of Omega 3 per teaspoon from cold water fish (the best source) and the easiest way to consume it.

Or you could buy canned sardines (2g per can) and eat them every other day. It'd be a more satiating way of getting your Omega 3 and an excellent way to add more protein.
Haha, oh shit, fell off the diet since I came back to visit the parents. I only come here three times a year or so, though, so it's not like this is a serious problem. On the contrary, my cheat day always puts me in the mood to work extra hard that next day when I get back into my regimen. XD

ok bros, im going to post my before/after :[ this makes me uncomfortable as hell, so im going to link it so i dont have to see it. dont quote it plz. this is the only before i can find, so youll have to make due with stupid mid-laugh face


yes that is actually the same person in both

took me like 20 minutes to post that, sitting there, contemplating on the reply screen
Diet and exercise were your golden goose?


Any recommended amounts to aim for? I realize that is a super general question.

I've seen brands that come in around 500+mg per pill but theyre costly. I usually buy ones that are closer to 300mg a capsule and take an extra one to make up the difference. Usually a lot cheaper this way. And by those amounts I mean both dha and EPA is at least 300mg, not combined.


Menelaus said:

Just a little update...not as shocking of a result as everyone else; original pic is from August of last year when I was 210, but by Christmas I was up to 218. Today I'm 193...I've altered my diet a good deal, been working out more, and feeling great all the way around. Curious to see where the bottom will be in terms of weight loss.

Menelaus said:


ok bros, im going to post my before/after :[ this makes me uncomfortable as hell, so im going to link it so i dont have to see it. dont quote it plz. this is the only before i can find, so youll have to make due with stupid mid-laugh face


yes that is actually the same person in both

took me like 20 minutes to post that, sitting there, contemplating on the reply screen
Holy shit man.

Good job bro!

And a good job to everyone in this thread!


That Rubx pic needs a side by side for true justice.


Absolutely amazing. I started cleaning up my eating habits recently and just by cutting out junk and making my own meals instead of microwaving them I've dropped about five pounds in a month. But shit like that up there? Makes me want to get real serious about it.

Damn, Rubxqub is a fortunate guy. Not everyone gets to be that handsome under their fat.


Finally broke 260lbs today, down to 259.6, woo! Lightest I've been in about 6 years. Now, for the push down to 245lbs.

Also: Bicycling is awesome. Bicycling+Lifts == a happy combination of exercise for me.


Not bad advice at all. I'm a bit at a cross-roads right now where I think I need to go heavy cardio to get to 165 and lose the stomach or go heavy lifting and get to 185-190 and lose the stomach.

Right now I'm kind of doing the cardio route, but I do want to start something like StrongLifts 5x5...just don't have anywhere to put a squat rack in my house!

Edit: For what it's worth, here's an updated picture of me, currently sitting at 177 pre-bed. (ignore the comical sunburn pattern)


Hopefully not something you'd call scrawny looking...but that %#@$n stomach!

Before picture as a fun reference just about a year ago.

ok bros, im going to post my before/after :[ this makes me uncomfortable as hell, so im going to link it so i dont have to see it. dont quote it plz. this is the only before i can find, so youll have to make due with stupid mid-laugh face


yes that is actually the same person in both

took me like 20 minutes to post that, sitting there, contemplating on the reply screen
Dude x2

WTF am I doing with my life?


Just had spaghetti squash with meatballs. Was really freaking good and actually more tasty than wheat noodles. Better yet, it didnt leave me feeling like a bloated sack of crap like wheat noodles do.

Only downside is is that it is pretty expensive. Easy to make though


I've been weightlossin' it for the last few months. I don't have any B&A pictures to show for it, but I do have this graph thing:


I decided to tackle the issue by just keeping track of what I was eating instead of changing what I was eating. So far it's been working. I wrote a bigger blab about it here, which I will leave there since I don't really wanna put all that nonsense here in the thread.

When I get all sexy-in-the-face, I'll post some pics. Not quite at my goal yet.
It's our first year anniversary come Monday.. but today we spent the day out and about, and it was a cheat day for me. Not a good idea given I've only been really dieting for a month, but I went out and had dim sum and pizza tonight. Also I've been sick so the past 3 days I didn't do Insanity, but I just managed to finish a workout about 20 min ago <12:40am>... am I weird?

OG Kush

It's our first year anniversary come Monday.. but today we spent the day out and about, and it was a cheat day for me. Not a good idea given I've only been really dieting for a month, but I went out and had dim sum and pizza tonight. Also I've been sick so the past 3 days I didn't do Insanity, but I just managed to finish a workout about 20 min ago <12:40am>... am I weird?

Cheat days are actually good for weight loss:


Man, this thread is great motivation, but it's confusing, so far (not the thread's fault, btw :p).
Are there any basic resources/sites i should look into, to get started? Like where i can check each food's proprieties, what should be the minimum amount of stuff (protein, fibers, whatever) i must eat and so on?
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