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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Hey y'all. Newish to this thread. You're all doing an amazing job. :) I'm feeling decent about my weight right now, so I thought I'd join in.

I started around 185 or so and I'm about 150 right now. I'm still not where I want to be (I could stand to drop another 20 or so), but I feel good and if I didn't drop another pound, I'd still be okay with myself. The last 20 is more vanity. :) I don't think my build could let me get into the 110s. I think I might look a bit gaunt if I did.

Before picture is small and not full body but I generally avoided the camera (please ignore the sticker on my head). :p But you can still see I was pretty heavy. Now picture was taken about a week ago.

Cheers everyone. Keep up the good work. :)

Congratulations on the progress made thus far. It's very noticeable and I hope you enjoy the spoils of all your hard work. I wish you the best of luck reaching for that last 20lbs.
Hey y'all. Newish to this thread. You're all doing an amazing job. :) I'm feeling decent about my weight right now, so I thought I'd join in.

I started around 185 or so and I'm about 150 right now. I'm still not where I want to be (I could stand to drop another 20 or so), but I feel good and if I didn't drop another pound, I'd still be okay with myself. The last 20 is more vanity. :) I don't think my build could let me get into the 110s. I think I might look a bit gaunt if I did.

Before picture is small and not full body but I generally avoided the camera (please ignore the sticker on my head). :p But you can still see I was pretty heavy. Now picture was taken about a week ago.

Cheers everyone. Keep up the good work. :)

You should feel more than decent! You look good


Congratulations on the progress made thus far. It's very noticeable and I hope you enjoy the spoils of all your hard work. I wish you the best of luck reaching for that last 20lbs.

Thank you. :)

Congrats to you too! Sorry, I was creeping back in the thread, and you said 90 you've lost so far? That's awesome.

Thank you, PartlyCloudlike, as well. :)

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Just thought i would give an update on my diet given the fact that today marks week #13.

I started out weighing: 210.5 lbs
Today i weigh: 177.8 lbs
Total lost: 32.7 lbs
Goal weight: 165 lbs
Height: 5'10
Choice of Diet: Low Carb all day everyday

Extremely happy with the results! But most importantly, i would like to thank RubxQub for providing me with the basic foundation of my diet when i PM'ed him and asked about it =D

I find it hard to believe now that i used to weigh that much. This low carb diet really is the easiest diet to adhere to given my personal experience. Probably because you are not trying to lose weight by being calorie deficient. I need to buy new clothes, as my old stuff is far too big for me but will probably wait until i reach my goal weight. Too much of a tight ass lol. But if any of you are skeptical about the diet, i say just give it a go and watch the weight come flying off!

Do you mind posting the low carb diet? Sounds interesting. Congrats on the weght loss. I'm your height and started at a similar weight. I'm dropping it slowly but steadily, although the weight loss is greater than what the scales tell me as most of my clothes are too big now.


343i Lead Esports Producer
It's not really a trick or a work around or anything like that, it's just how the body works. When you exercise you deplete your muscles of glycogen. Your muscles than become "hungry" for more to refuel, so any glucose in your blood is quickly absorbed by your muscles instead of the body storing it as fat. It's why you get hungry after heavy lifting or resistance training. It's also why professional athletes get away with drinking sugary drinks like Gatorade. Most people think exercise is for "burning calories", but this is actually more important as it promotes fat burn-age and increases insulin sensitivity. Not to mention increases muscles mass, depending on the exercise.

Which is why we do cheat meals anyway to replenish the body right? I'm not really looking for a work around, I just thought it was something that could help. My cheat meal cost me about 4 pounds and I already took it all off. (Cheat meal was Saturday night) At the moment I'm not weight lifting but I am staying active (Tennis, light basketball) so an extra muscle pump like this is probably a good idea.


bought the qwest bars, got a pack of coconut and peanut butter. Its been months since I've had anything sweet to eat. I don't care much for sugar but it will be nice after a workout.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Leeness. Inspirational.

How did you achieve it and over what time period?


Which is why we do cheat meals anyway to replenish the body right? I'm not really looking for a work around, I just thought it was something that could help. My cheat meal cost me about 4 pounds and I already took it all off. (Cheat meal was Saturday night) At the moment I'm not weight lifting but I am staying active (Tennis, light basketball) so an extra muscle pump like this is probably a good idea.
I'm assuming people have cheat meals for psychological reasons. If you deprive yourself of something you enjoy for too long you become miserable, so people give in to their cravings to keep themselves on track towards their overall goal. There's no nutritional benefit to cheat days, none that I know of anyway, but it's important to look at the big picture. If you have to "cheat" once in a while to keep yourself sane and it helps in the long run, I'd see no reason not to indulge yourself.

Had my pre-surgical testing done today. My EKG's were great, the lady asked if I was a professional athlete because of how good everything looked. I told her it was likely a result of my diet, don't think she believed me. All of my tests have been great. It's nice to see actual proof of what a change in diet can actually do. The doctors of course did not approve of my diet :]


How did you achieve it and over what time period?

Um... July 2010 to December 2010. And I've just been hovering at 145-155 for the last year and a half (screwed up my knees for a while, didn't work out, had a full time job and couldn't wrap my head around also working out, etc). I calorie counted (1200-1400 a day) and ate lots of fruits and veggies and worked out! I don't want to do anything super drastic because I want to keep it up the rest of my life and I don't think I'd be happy with a really strict diet, so if I want some chocolate, I go for it, whatever. Just eat as well as I can!

Which is also why the last 20 is more vanity and ~if it happens, that's cool~ kind of thing, haha.

Though right now, I'm working on breaking my addiction to chocolate, cause oh god, I'm dependent on it, haha. Three weeks without it, habit broken, can go back to enjoying maybe once a week. :D


You don't need to give up chocolate, just get it from different sources, aka not candy. Dark chocolate with high cacao content has a lot of health benefits. Really good article all about it - http://www.marksdailyapple.com/why-you-should-eat-and-drink-high-cacao-dark-chocolate/#axzz1n7dt0opk

I really like the Noir bar from Trader Joes, 85% cacao

It may take some time for you to enjoy it if you're used to more sugary, milk chocolates. I know when I first tried it, it wasn't great, but you acquire a taste for it over time. To make it sweeter you can eat a square with some berries or if you want something salty, some peanut butter.


I love dark chocolate, though I think I usually get 75%. :) But yeah, I'm back to being addicted to milk chocolate and I just need to break that, so staying away from all chocolate for a few weeks will break my habit a bit.

I just need to not like...hide in a corner with a huge bag and go to town, haha. Serious addiction. I just want to not be so crazy with it. :)
New here, looking for some advice.

I had a physical recently and the news was not so good. I'm 6'5", 425 lbs (Had myself pegged at 350) At risk for high blood pressure and diabetes.

My doctor has me scheduled for classes on weight management and a meetin with a dietician, but due to my work schedule I won't get to either until early May.

I'm currently doing cardio at the gym (Treadmill, stair-master, bike, 1 hour a day) and I've been looking for ways to cut back on portion sizes and fast food, but I know me and, without results, I'll give up.

Basically, does anyone know of a safe way I could jump-start the weight loss to motivate myself?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
New here, looking for some advice.

I had a physical recently and the news was not so good. I'm 6'5", 425 lbs (Had myself pegged at 350) At risk for high blood pressure and diabetes.

My doctor has me scheduled for classes on weight management and a meetin with a dietician, but due to my work schedule I won't get to either until early May.

I'm currently doing cardio at the gym (Treadmill, stair-master, bike, 1 hour a day) and I've been looking for ways to cut back on portion sizes and fast food, but I know me and, without results, I'll give up.

Basically, does anyone know of a safe way I could jump-start the weight loss to motivate myself?

  • Cut out junk food
  • Cut out all foods containing vegetable oil
  • Start cooking with olive, coconut oil, or ghee
  • Make water your primary liquid with coffee and tea depending on whether you like them
  • Have dark chocolate (75%+)
  • Take Omega 3 and Vitamin D
  • Disassociate yourself from ponies

That alone will give you great results for a while. You can re-evaluate your lifestyle if the above suggestions stop working for you or you start a heavy lifting routine, start cardio more than you are, anything that ups the physical demands of your body. Fast food isn't necessarily bad, you just need to know where to look (example: choose a cesaer salad at Boston Market over Chicken Nuggets at McDonalds, choose flying dutchmens from In N Out over any other burgers, etc.)
  • Cut out junk food
  • Cut out all foods containing vegetable oil
  • Start cooking with olive, coconut oil, or ghee
  • Make water your primary liquid with coffee and tea depending on whether you like them
  • Have dark chocolate (75%+)
  • Take Omega 3 and Vitamin D
  • Disassociate yourself from ponies

That alone will give you great results for a while. You can re-evaluate your lifestyle if the above suggestions stop working for you or you start a heavy lifting routine, start cardio more than you are, anything that ups the physical demands of your body. Fast food isn't necessarily bad, you just need to know where to look (example: choose a cesaer salad at Boston Market over Chicken Nuggets at McDonalds, choose flying dutchmens from In N Out over any other burgers, etc.)

I can do everything but the bolded. How screwed am I?

Also, my fast food weaknesses are as follows:

Chick Fil A (Chicken biscuits, sandwiches, and chicken noodle soup.)
Taco Bell (Those damn Doritos tacos)
Habit Burger (Double with bacon and mushrooms, onion rings, and a milkshake)
Five Guys (Same burger, but also a hot dog with the same toppings)

Just putting that out there because I feel like I need to.


I can do everything but the bolded. How screwed am I?

Also, my fast food weaknesses are as follows:

Chick Fil A (Chicken biscuits, sandwiches, and chicken noodle soup.)
Taco Bell (Those damn Doritos tacos)
Habit Burger (Double with bacon and mushrooms, onion rings, and a milkshake)
Five Guys (Same burger, but also a hot dog with the same toppings)

Just putting that out there because I feel like I need to.

If you're going to still eat fast food try cutting out the side meals like french fries. Just have a burger with water. That's what I did when I started changing up my diet.
Day 3 of Insanity. I'm still huffing and puffing through it. I know it's only day 3 but sometimes it feels really discouraging to have to stop and seeing people really work it in the video. Wife is trying to be supportive by making me low carb atkins meals but even then I still feel like nothing's happening. I guess I'm really impatient :(


Day 3 of Insanity. I'm still huffing and puffing through it. I know it's only day 3 but sometimes it feels really discouraging to have to stop and seeing people really work it in the video. Wife is trying to be supportive by making me low carb atkins meals but even then I still feel like nothing's happening. I guess I'm really impatient :(

My grandma was doing this video with us last summer. I just wanted to bring that up. I thought it was kinda cool. :p She wasn't doing EVERYTHING of course, but she was still joining in a little bit.


That girl in the bunny hat
If you're going to still eat fast food try cutting out the side meals like french fries. Just have a burger with water. That's what I did when I started changing up my diet.

Yea, it's surprising how many calories and carbs you get rid of just by dropping fries and soda. And fast food salads, while largely missing the point of fast food, aren't that terrible.


fast food is alright as long as it fits your macros and don't go overboard. try the value items for a junk food fix. you need some vices in your life.


I can do everything but the bolded. How screwed am I?

Also, my fast food weaknesses are as follows:

Chick Fil A (Chicken biscuits, sandwiches, and chicken noodle soup.)
Taco Bell (Those damn Doritos tacos)
Habit Burger (Double with bacon and mushrooms, onion rings, and a milkshake)
Five Guys (Same burger, but also a hot dog with the same toppings)

Just putting that out there because I feel like I need to.

make your own bacon cheeseburger with mushrooms. Meat is good, veggies are good, fruit is okay, dairy is okay, grain is bad, sugar is evil. Oh, and drinking calories is moronic

Follow that and youll be fine. No need to cut calories, just eat all the meat and veggies you want


I've asked something similar in the fitness thread and didn't really get a response so I thought I would ask here and hopefully get some help.

Last fall I lost about 50 pounds (down from 240 to 190, i'm 6'1'') and i'm basically unsure of where to go from here. I think I could probably stand to lose another ten pounds or so, but my arms are thin as twigs and i've basically run out of fat to burn on my stomach and back; still have a bit on my sides though, which is a large part of my reason for wanting to slim down a bit more. Problem is, I think I could start looking a bit odd if I slimmed down with only diet control, as I would likely continue to lose mass in my arms and other areas I don't want to.

So, my question is, what kind of workouts should I be looking at to basically tone up my mid/upper body and build some mass on my arms? And seeing as I have a somewhat bigger build, 180 is probably where I should stop at considering my height?

I just generally feel like i'm in an odd position. I have the new-found ability to shape my body however I want, but i'm unsure how to shape it or how to go about doing it.
So, my question is, what kind of workouts should I be looking at to basically tone up my mid/upper body and build some mass on my arms? And seeing as I have a somewhat bigger build, 180 is probably where I should stop at considering my height?

I just generally feel like i'm in an odd position. I have the new-found ability to shape my body however I want, but i'm unsure how to shape it or how to go about doing it.
Start a body-building/weight training routine. Add more protein for your diet, and drink your milk. :D

OG Kush

Day 3 of Insanity. I'm still huffing and puffing through it. I know it's only day 3 but sometimes it feels really discouraging to have to stop and seeing people really work it in the video. Wife is trying to be supportive by making me low carb atkins meals but even then I still feel like nothing's happening. I guess I'm really impatient :(

jheeze son its only day 3 what do you expect? by the end of the first month you'll feel live you've conquered it..... and then you're back to how you're feeling now in month 2. Thats the beauty of it though.


fuuuck i suck at this. my mom seems to buy good food every time i try dieting. i don't eat junk, but can't get enough of bread >_<

oh gosh yeah.. i know that problem. I don´t know how i would be able to do low carb (soft) not living alone. It´s hard enough that my 7 flatmates are eating junkfood nonstop around me.. baguettes, Döner Rollos (kebap) , pizza, lasagne , burger... i hate them all XD

right know i´am eating a kinda chicken stew...

two cans of hacked pizza tomatoes with three hacked banana peppers ("Spitzpaprika"),
two handfull of chopped fresh champignons ,
two zucchinis
and 4-5 carrots chopped.

all veggies steamed, chicken (500 gr frozen) after being roasted, chopped and all of that into one pot XD.
let it cook 10 minutes and voila.. Hacky´s stew is done ^^ salt,pepper, garlic and chilli are a given...

should be enough for min. 3- 5 meals..


I am a carb whore! I still lose weight though....

Just use more calories than you take in (aim for a 500 calorie defecit a day, +250 exercise -250 food) and you will lose a pound a week. Its simple.

Don't make it too hard on yourself otherwise you'll just inevitably fail.
Are you training for a marathon? There really is no reason to be running so much unless you training for a marathon. Intermittent sprints would be more beneficial for weight loss.
I'm not training for anything, just trying to lose a bit of weight, get out of the house etc. I'm nowhere near a gym.

I tend to run at least 2 miles per day, is that really too much? Whether I'm sprinting or jogging I don't go for more than 30 minutes...


I'm not training for anything, just trying to lose a bit of weight, get out of the house etc. I'm nowhere near a gym.

I tend to run at least 2 miles per day, is that really too much? Whether I'm sprinting or jogging I don't go for more than 30 minutes...

2 miles a day is nothing compared to marathon training, and as you get better you'll be knocking it out in no time. You're just fine.


So yeah, I definitely don't want to lose anymore weight, I guess. :( I'm certainly not acting like I do, anyway.

When I was serious about losing weight, I allowed myself 1 Cheat Day a week, on Saturday (college football day), and I still lost ~1.5 lbs a week. Now it's become a Cheat Weekend, and I haven't lost any weight in 3mos. I'm still doing great during the week (Mon-Fri) though....low(er) carbs, consistent exercise, about ~7hrs of sleep each night.

But I haven't gained any weight back, either. Like, not a single pound. Sure, I'll be 3-4 pounds heavier on MOnday, but by Thurs I'm back down to 33 lbs lost from my max weight.

At this point I'm not sure what I want to/should do. My goal was to lose 40 lbs total. I've definitely hit the plateau part of weight-loss everyone goes through. My wife tells me I don't need to lose anymore weight.

100g or below if you're not exercising/heavy lifting.

I posted this in the Fitness thread, but I think it'd be better suited here so I'll just quote my post:

Thanks for the link! I'll definitely start doing those air squats.

Hey y'all. Newish to this thread.

Great work! Looking good to me. :) I like my ladies on the thick(er) side, too.

I'm not training for anything, just trying to lose a bit of weight, get out of the house etc. I'm nowhere near a gym.

I tend to run at least 2 miles per day, is that really too much? Whether I'm sprinting or jogging I don't go for more than 30 minutes...

2mi is completely fine, and not too much. My normal weekday routine is to run 1.5mi before work. But yes, it would be beneficial if you took a day off 2x a week, and had a day (or 2) where you just sprinted instead of running those 2mi.


Anybody here done any fasted exercising? I've been doing Insanity for a while now, and on my recovery workout day I'm thinking about fasting until after my workout, and doing a 1-2 mile jog in place of that workout. Obviously I don't want to fast on a day that I'm doing a real workout or it's a recipe for disaster, but I've read about some benefits to doing a light-moderate intensity fasted workout.


Anybody here done any fasted exercising? I've been doing Insanity for a while now, and on my recovery workout day I'm thinking about fasting until after my workout, and doing a 1-2 mile jog in place of that workout. Obviously I don't want to fast on a day that I'm doing a real workout or it's a recipe for disaster, but I've read about some benefits to doing a light-moderate intensity fasted workout.
I've done jogging while fasted, had no problems. Never did any resistance training or the like. Article on exercise and fasting - http://www.marksdailyapple.com/fasting-exercise-workout-recovery/#axzz1sVQGz97f

fast food is alright as long as it fits your macros and don't go overboard. try the value items for a junk food fix. you need some vices in your life.
Health is also a factor. Some people only want to lose weight, some are looking to get healthy. I think it goes without saying that food at fast food chains are unhealthy, but won't necessarily make you gain weight or prevent weight loss, providing you avoid certain items. It comes down to priority and what you're trying to achieve.

New here, looking for some advice.

I had a physical recently and the news was not so good. I'm 6'5", 425 lbs (Had myself pegged at 350) At risk for high blood pressure and diabetes.

My doctor has me scheduled for classes on weight management and a meetin with a dietician, but due to my work schedule I won't get to either until early May.

I'm currently doing cardio at the gym (Treadmill, stair-master, bike, 1 hour a day) and I've been looking for ways to cut back on portion sizes and fast food, but I know me and, without results, I'll give up.

Basically, does anyone know of a safe way I could jump-start the weight loss to motivate myself?
I think the most important thing to do in regard to diet is stick to real, whole food as much as possible. Avoiding sugary junk food may sound really tough at first but try and remain positive by focusing on food you can eat; All types of meat, eggs, nuts and nut butters, seeds, fruits, veggies, butter, dairy [if you can tolerate it], ect. Also important to know that fat isn't bad for you, don't be afraid of fatty meats and oils, or butter.

If you really want to kick-start the weight loss you could put yourself into ketosis. Essentially you restrict your body of carbohydrates so you will burn ketones/fat for fuel. It's a very restrictive diet, there are some temporary side effects [fatigue, dizziness, bad breath, among others] until your body adjusts. You will lose a bunch of water weight rather quickly which might give you the motivation you need. Most people will enter ketosis somewhere from 0-50g of carbs daily. This means no fruit, minimal amount of nuts, and only a few servings of veggies, you'll really need to fill up on the animal fats. The restrictiveness and the side effects turn some people off, but it's definitely an effective option you have.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Exercising when you haven't eaten for a long time is the best way to exercise in my opinion. I've never fasted for longer than 24 hours or so, though.

Isn't a big part of Lean Gains that you do your exercise during your non-feeding time?

It kind of makes sense in an evolutionary sense. Go out hunting, come back and eat, then sleep.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Keto diet question: No problem with taking a lot of servings of Fiber supplements right? I've been taking a tablespoon of this once a day for the past week (Metamucil before it ran out) but now my shits have become scarce. I'm lucky if I get just a little once a day. I've probably taken 2-3 shits this entire week. Not happy about that.


Sorry to dessert this thread then come back, but I've started my liquid fasting diet of 2 weeks. I'm currently ending day 10 of 14. I'm using Optifast as a meal replacement. The Optifast diet, in short, is a strict diet that has the dieter consume no solid foods whatsoever. Initial hunger pangs killed me in the first 4-5 days, but ketosis has pretty much eliminated all my hunger pangs. With the end of day 10, I've lost 15 pounds.

Myself being on the Optifast diet is a pre-op process for gastric lapband, which I'll have this coming Tuesday, the 24th. The Optifast is to have my liver burn its stored fat and use that as energy (ketosis). I've had so much energy from the process to the point I feel almost giddy, lol. The 2 weeks fasting pre-op, and the 3 weeks post-op, I'm expted to lose between 40-50 pounds.
Keto diet question: No problem with taking a lot of servings of Fiber supplements right? I've been taking a tablespoon of this once a day for the past week (Metamucil before it ran out) but now my shits have become scarce. I'm lucky if I get just a little once a day. I've probably taken 2-3 shits this entire week. Not happy about that.

Seems to be business as usual on keto.


Just thought i would give an update on my diet given the fact that today marks week #13.

I started out weighing: 210.5 lbs
Today i weigh: 177.8 lbs
Total lost: 32.7 lbs
Goal weight: 165 lbs
Height: 5'10
Choice of Diet: Low Carb all day everyday

Extremely happy with the results! But most importantly, i would like to thank RubxQub for providing me with the basic foundation of my diet when i PM'ed him and asked about it =D

I find it hard to believe now that i used to weigh that much. This low carb diet really is the easiest diet to adhere to given my personal experience. Probably because you are not trying to lose weight by being calorie deficient. I need to buy new clothes, as my old stuff is far too big for me but will probably wait until i reach my goal weight. Too much of a tight ass lol. But if any of you are skeptical about the diet, i say just give it a go and watch the weight come flying off!

Wow, nice.
Can you tell us more about the diet !?


fuuuck i suck at this. my mom seems to buy good food every time i try dieting. i don't eat junk, but can't get enough of bread >_<

This is my problem, when ever I try to eat healthier the mrs has this great habit of fetching home 'treats' for me such as cakes and crap. Then she get's a shitty on with me when I refuse to eat them.
You did this? Grats! Tell me your secret.

Keto, baby! Haven't cheated once; keep my carbs under 22grams a day, eat 3 meals a day and stopped drinking for the duration. Habit forming is the key imo.

I'll post pics once I reach my goal, which should be soon. Pretty dramatic transformation if I don't say so myself! Noticed quite a few people flirting with me which just leaves me feeling nothing short of uncomfortable though :p

I'll probably never stop Keto tbh, I'll start drinking alcohol again soon but beyond that I can't see myself going back.

OG Kush

Keto, baby! Haven't cheated once; keep my carbs under 22grams a day, eat 3 meals a day and stopped drinking for the duration. Habit forming is the key imo.

I'll post pics once I reach my goal, which should be soon. Pretty dramatic transformation if I don't say so myself! Noticed quite a few people flirting with me which just leaves me feeling nothing short of uncomfortable though :p

I'll probably never stop Keto tbh, I'll start drinking alcohol again soon but beyond that I can't see myself going back.

Damn no cheat day is amazing. But aren't cheat days actually beneficial in terms of your thyroid? Tim ferris in 4 hour body says the cheat day spike in caloric intake once a week causes a host of hormonal changes that improve fat loss from creating cAMP and GMP to improving conversion of T4 thyroid hormone to the more active T3. And ofcrouse the psychological benefits outweigh the hormonal and metabolic ones.

Whatever works for you though! it seems like its going great so I say continue!


343i Lead Esports Producer
Keto, baby! Haven't cheated once; keep my carbs under 22grams a day, eat 3 meals a day and stopped drinking for the duration. Habit forming is the key imo.

I'll post pics once I reach my goal, which should be soon. Pretty dramatic transformation if I don't say so myself! Noticed quite a few people flirting with me which just leaves me feeling nothing short of uncomfortable though :p

I'll probably never stop Keto tbh, I'll start drinking alcohol again soon but beyond that I can't see myself going back.

Wow, that's impressive. Nice job.

What kind of exercise are you doing with it?
Sorry to dessert this thread then come back, but I've started my liquid fasting diet of 2 weeks. I'm currently ending day 10 of 14. I'm using Optifast as a meal replacement. The Optifast diet, in short, is a strict diet that has the dieter consume no solid foods whatsoever. Initial hunger pangs killed me in the first 4-5 days, but ketosis has pretty much eliminated all my hunger pangs. With the end of day 10, I've lost 15 pounds.

Myself being on the Optifast diet is a pre-op process for gastric lapband, which I'll have this coming Tuesday, the 24th. The Optifast is to have my liver burn its stored fat and use that as energy (ketosis). I've had so much energy from the process to the point I feel almost giddy, lol. The 2 weeks fasting pre-op, and the 3 weeks post-op, I'm expted to lose between 40-50 pounds.

I've done a 30 day fast. All mean green juice though. Pain in the ass to make everyday but lost about 22 pounds in those 30 days. After that it was healthy diet. Down 45 pounds since mid-January. I now do a 1 a week fast. I find it helps keep me on track and motivated. I'm at 195 now an just need to lose another 5 or so(6' 3''). I would suggest some people at least consider trying a fast.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
103 pounds in 16 weeks

LIKE A BOSS! Nice job.

To whoever asked about fasting exercising the last page: there's no reason not to. Fat metabolism is highest 12 hours after your last meal, muscle protein synthesis receptors are running wild in your blood during this time, HGH is way up, and exercising alongside these hormonal 'parties' going on inside you is only going to benefit you.
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