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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
isny said:
Some help would be appreciated.

6'1' here, 195-200 pounds, looking to lose about 20-25 permanantly, any help with what/when to eat would be appreciated. (I already do quite a bit of jogging, but it doesn't help much)

Depends on what you like to eat, but generally I think these diets are good:

1. Paleo diet
2. PaNu
3. Atkins

Basically you want to eliminate:
-Most grains

And you want to replace it with:
-More meat
-lots of green vegetables
-fruit like berries

Here are some things to watch/read to understand why:
Sugar the Bitter Truth
"Good Calories, Bad Calories" presentation by Gary Taubes (book is much more thorough)
Whole Health Source - blog of Stephan Guyenet (neurobiologist of body fat regulation)

Jay Sosa

teh_pwn said:
Very informative post

Thanks for all the links and stuff..

So cereals, even without added sugar are a no no, so what would you suggest me to eat for breakfast then? Whole grain bread is still o.k. if I get enough minerals is it?

Btw. I should add I'm pretty skinny (was just lurking in this thread :lol ) I just want to get rid of a little extra fat without losing too much muscle mass (I work out and am pretty active) but still want to eat healthy. As I said before I'm not a big fan of meat and mostly eat pasta, veggies, rice, salads and fruit and basically only drink ("real") mineral water.

Or is it virtually impossible to do that without counting calories? (And eating steak and 20 eggs for breakfast :D)

Thanks again!
So this is more of a running/jogging question. I've heard from a few sources that when you run, you should hit the ground on the balls of your feet instead of your heels. I've tried this and my calves are killing me, like sore for days. Is that normal?


First tragedy, then farce.
Jay Sosa said:
Thanks for all the links and stuff..

So cereals, even without added sugar are a no no, so what would you suggest me to eat for breakfast then? Whole grain bread is still o.k. if I get enough minerals is it?

Btw. I should add I'm pretty skinny (was just lurking in this thread :lol ) I just want to get rid of a little extra fat without losing too much muscle mass (I work out and am pretty active) but still want to eat healthy. As I said before I'm not a big fan of meat and mostly eat pasta, veggies, rice, salads and fruit and basically only drink ("real") mineral water.

Or is it virtually impossible to do that without counting calories? (And eating steak and 20 eggs for breakfast :D)

Thanks again!

you don't need to count calories really. Whole grain is fine. GI number is what you need to worry about more than anything.


Low GI number carbs will get you many of the same benefits of going on something like atkins while being a bit more realistic to stay on long term.
Neuromancer said:
So this is more of a running/jogging question. I've heard from a few sources that when you run, you should hit the ground on the balls of your feet instead of your heels. I've tried this and my calves are killing me, like sore for days. Is that normal?

No, everybody's running is slightly different. Check your stride to see if you are supinated or pronated


First tragedy, then farce.
Neuromancer said:
So this is more of a running/jogging question. I've heard from a few sources that when you run, you should hit the ground on the balls of your feet instead of your heels. I've tried this and my calves are killing me, like sore for days. Is that normal?

Good god no. Unless you are sprinting you don't want to run on the balls of your feet.

You want to ideally land flat footed with your foot underneath you, not in front of you.

Go to a running store and have them put you on a slow motion video. They will recommend shoes that will support your running style. Don't skimp on running shoes. You can get a good solid pair for 100-150 bucks and it is well worth the reduced risk of injury and support they give.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Jay Sosa said:
Thanks for all the links and stuff..

So cereals, even without added sugar are a no no, so what would you suggest me to eat for breakfast then? Whole grain bread is still o.k. if I get enough minerals is it?

Btw. I should add I'm pretty skinny (was just lurking in this thread :lol ) I just want to get rid of a little extra fat without losing too much muscle mass (I work out and am pretty active) but still want to eat healthy. As I said before I'm not a big fan of meat and mostly eat pasta, veggies, rice, salads and fruit and basically only drink ("real") mineral water.

Or is it virtually impossible to do that without counting calories? (And eating steak and 20 eggs for breakfast :D)

Thanks again!

If you don't have a weight problem, and you're not gluten sensitive, some whole grains probably aren't bad for you. But you're sort of an exception for the typical person in this thread.

If you're just a little fat, and you want to make long term changes to lose that, I'd recommend focusing on sugar. For you, that's probably the only change you'll need to make.

I'd still recommend adding some quality meat and eggs. For breakfast, I eat 3 eggs. The media has perpetuated this belief that cholesterol is some sort of toxin that the body makes to kill itself. But cholesterol plays a big role in the nervous system, cell repair, and hormone production. The more likely cause of heart disease, as I talked about earlier, is triglycerides. If you cut sugar, you'll take care of this too (unless you eat french fries & potato chips).
Neuromancer said:
So this is more of a running/jogging question. I've heard from a few sources that when you run, you should hit the ground on the balls of your feet instead of your heels. I've tried this and my calves are killing me, like sore for days. Is that normal?

It's normal. When you run barefoot or in minimal shoes, you'll land on your forefoot. Just ease into this slowly to avoid injury.


teh_pwn said:
Depends on what you like to eat, but generally I think these diets are good:

1. Paleo diet
2. PaNu
3. Atkins
Men's Health came out with a book years ago called "The Abs Diet", which despite the name is actually a very solid outline of the types of foods that can make up a healthy diet. I think if a total diet/fitness newbie came up to me to ask advice on what to do to get healthy or lose weight, I think giving him the book wouldn't be a bad idea. It's a fairly easy diet to integrate.

They outline the diet with the following food categories:

1) Almonds and other nuts;
2) Beans and other legumes;
3) Spinach and other green vegetables;

4) Dairy products (more specifically: fat-free or low-fat milk, cheese, cottage cheese or yogurt);
5) Instant (unsweetened, unflavored) oatmeal;
6) Eggs;
7) Turkey and other lean meats;

8) Peanut butter (natural, non-sugar laden type);
9) Olive oil;
10) Whole-grain breads and cereals (minimal sugar, high fiber);
11) Extra-Protein (Whey) powder;
12) Raspberries and other berries.

They label the foods out like that to fit into their marketing gimmick: the "Abs Diet Power 12". You'll notice the first letter of each food category spells out that phrase. Using that diet (along with calorie control) while integrating cardio and weight lifting is a fantastic starting point for fitness.

Jay Sosa

teh_pwn said:
If you don't have a weight problem, and you're not gluten sensitive, some whole grains probably aren't bad for you. But you're sort of an exception for the typical person in this thread.

If you're just a little fat, and you want to make long term changes to lose that, I'd recommend focusing on sugar. For you, that's probably the only change you'll need to make.

I'd still recommend adding some quality meat and eggs. For breakfast, I eat 3 eggs. The media has perpetuated this belief that cholesterol is some sort of toxin that the body makes to kill itself. But cholesterol plays a big role in the nervous system, cell repair, and hormone production. The more likely cause of heart disease, as I talked about earlier, is triglycerides. If you cut sugar, you'll take care of this too (unless you eat french fries & potato chips).

Thanks man, love eggs btw, it was just that 8 everyday seemed a bit much. Regarding sugar, how many fruits should I eat, and are there some that are better (meaning less fructose)than others (at the moment I eat mainly apples and bananas and some oranges) ?



I've lost 25 pounds since January.. this 19 is actually from the last time i tried wii fit which was October when i weighed a little bit less than my max.

Now the impressive part.. i went from 173 down to 148. I'm 5'10. I've almost got abs now :)

I don't plan on losing any more weight, that's for sure.
koam said:

I've lost 25 pounds since January.. this 19 is actually from the last time i tried wii fit which was October when i weighed a little bit less than my max.

Now the impressive part.. i went from 173 down to 148. I'm 5'10. I've almost got abs now :)

I don't plan on losing any more weight, that's for sure.[/QUOTE]
Hey congratulations!
nomster said:
Currently down 45 pounds since I started in March. This has been a great thread, good job guys.

Super proud, good job <3

I've developed a freakin fascination with cottage cheese. This stuff is good.


napkin dispenser
teh_pwn said:
Depends on what you like to eat, but generally I think these diets are good:

1. Paleo diet
2. PaNu
3. Atkins

Basically you want to eliminate:
-Most grains

And you want to replace it with:
-More meat
-lots of green vegetables
-fruit like berries

Here are some things to watch/read to understand why:
Sugar the Bitter Truth
"Good Calories, Bad Calories" presentation by Gary Taubes (book is much more thorough)
Whole Health Source - blog of Stephan Guyenet (neurobiologist of body fat regulation)

These three seem to very quite a bit by how much should be eaten each meal, and how many meals per day should be eaten.

If I stick primarily to the foods you mentioned, how many meals per day, and what size portions should be eaten? (Thanks again!)


Neuromancer said:
Its easy to move quick when you start extra fat.

Ive read through/watched most of the stuff the_pwn mentions. Definitely a believer. I do go a little heavier on the dairy/fruits than most of those diets recommend though. Haven't really paid attention to times to eat/how many meals etc., just eat a bigger than (previously) normal breakfast then eat when I'm hungry. Primarily around normal meal times.


I'm taking Equate (Walmarts) version of Metamucil and holy crap are the pounds flying off.
Doesn't taste bad, either! I was eating fiber bars but those are expensive. I just take 1/4 a cup of Meta and mix it with a gallon of water + crystal light and use it as my go-to drink. Sure, milk tastes delicious but I don't reach for it first.

Not saying that it's a miracle drug, I still exercise and eat healthy, but man it really helps.


isny said:
These three seem to very quite a bit by how much should be eaten each meal, and how many meals per day should be eaten.

If I stick primarily to the foods you mentioned, how many meals per day, and what size portions should be eaten? (Thanks again!)

There are no specific guidelines. It's more of an 'eat till you're satiated' thing. You won't be that hungry without sugar and grains in your diet though. I've been going well eating twice a day (breakfast and early dinner) about 2,200 cals.
nomster said:
Haven't really paid attention to times to eat/how many meals etc.,

Don't ever pay attention to this. It will drive you crazy.

The important thing is to eat clean when you do eat, and to not eat too many calories/day.
RiskyChris said:
Don't ever pay attention to this. It will drive you crazy.

The important thing is to eat clean when you do eat, and to not eat too many calories/day.
I would also say avoid eating before you go to sleep. I try not eat anything after dinner which is around 7:30pm for me, and I go to bed around 1am usually. I really think that has helped me lose weight (over 15 pounds so far) in addition to eating better and exercising.
i've lost about 25-29 pounds since June 2....... only cause i am on a blended diet cause i had jaw surgery.
i'm at 139 now and can't wait to start eating solid food and "good" food again :lol

didn't mean to kinda bash the thread lol.

but on my blended diet i learned that ensure is a great way to fill you up, i'll start drinking it more when i get back on a regular diet :D
friskykillface said:
i've lost about 25-29 pounds since June 2....... only cause i am on a blended diet cause i had jaw surgery.
i'm at 139 now and can't wait to start eating solid food and "goo" food again :lol

didn't mean to kinda bash the thread lol.

but on my blended diet i learned that ensure is a great way to fill you up, i'll start drinking it more when i get back on a regular diet :D
Yeah I had the same stuff when I had jaw surgery, about 13 years ago. Also, a lot of chicken broth and blended up soup. Don't remember how much weight I lost, but I must have lost some.


napkin dispenser
ch0mp said:
There are no specific guidelines. It's more of an 'eat till you're satiated' thing. You won't be that hungry without sugar and grains in your diet though. I've been going well eating twice a day (breakfast and early dinner) about 2,200 cals.

If I eat until I'm satisfied, I'd probably be eating for most of the day, lol

I'll start out with two I guess and see how it works =)


Can anyone tell me if running 30 minutes per day and doing some abdominals and inflections can help loosing belly? I'm not fat, I just have a "tiny" belly that I'd like to loose. With this, of course, a good diet.


lots of cardio will encourage your body to store fat. what you need is to change your diet, and do resistance training mang.
Neuromancer said:
I would also say avoid eating before you go to sleep. I try not eat anything after dinner which is around 7:30pm for me, and I go to bed around 1am usually. I really think that has helped me lose weight (over 15 pounds so far) in addition to eating better and exercising.

Ummmmmm....Well this isn't true for most people, as when you wake up in the morning you are starving and that's when the body is in it's most delirious state and will craze sugars

East some nuts and a protein shake, or some cottage cheese before you go to bed
Reckoner said:
Can anyone tell me if running 30 minutes per day and doing some abdominals and inflections can help loosing belly? I'm not fat, I just have a "tiny" belly that I'd like to loose. With this, of course, a good diet.
There's no such thing as spot reduction.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Chinner said:
Jesus. That's me tomorrow. (I'm doing low-carb)

Anyway, I don't think I've posted in this thread yet, but I started a weight-loss competition with my roommate 2 1/2 months ago.

I'm 6'2" and started at 232. Now I'm 210. =)

Feelin' good. Two more months to go.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Chinner said:
nope! that site i posted has loads of cool recipes.
Congratulations, Chinner! You're my new favorite GAFer!

After posting that pizza and the site you found the recipe on, I went on it and was FLOORED.

The past 2 months, most of my meals have involved plain chicken breast grilled on a foreman with maybe hotsauce or ketchup. Now that I'm enlightened, this low-carb diet is going to receive a swift punch to the nuts.

Thanks for sharing, dude. Much, much appreciated.


Dacvak said:
Congratulations, Chinner! You're my new favorite GAFer!

After posting that pizza and the site you found the recipe on, I went on it and was FLOORED.

The past 2 months, most of my meals have involved plain chicken breast grilled on a foreman with maybe hotsauce or ketchup. Now that I'm enlightened, this low-carb diet is going to receive a swift punch to the nuts.

Thanks for sharing, dude. Much, much appreciated.

When I last tried the low-carb thing that's EXACTLY what I was eating. That, and pepperoni "chips". FYI, just put slices of pepperoni in the microwave for a minute or so until they go crunchy. So fucking nice.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Shaneus said:

When I last tried the low-carb thing that's EXACTLY what I was eating. That, and pepperoni "chips". FYI, just put slices of pepperoni in the microwave for a minute or so until they go crunchy. So fucking nice.

I bought some Pepperoni sticks (like Slim Jims) from Costco yesterday and it literally tastes like pizza on a stick. So heavenly and 0g net carbs.

I started my low-carb diet yesterday (exactly one year from when I started my first diet July 5th, 2009; thought I'd change it on my anniversary). I'm having trouble escaping carbs even on my low-carb diet because it seems to creep into my meals (free cornbread with every order of a Chicken Cesaer Salad from Boston Market, my whole grain cereal w/ milk, etc.).


Dacvak said:
Congratulations, Chinner! You're my new favorite GAFer!

After posting that pizza and the site you found the recipe on, I went on it and was FLOORED.

The past 2 months, most of my meals have involved plain chicken breast grilled on a foreman with maybe hotsauce or ketchup. Now that I'm enlightened, this low-carb diet is going to receive a swift punch to the nuts.

Thanks for sharing, dude. Much, much appreciated.
I used to be the same bro, but through experience and reading the internet, I have found other good foods:

Most other meats are fine, lamb, turkey and steak etc. if you can find low cab sausages (mine are 0.5g per sausage) then you've got space to make variety.

Use that website as a guide, srsly, it's amazing. Other good recipes from that site that I can guaranty are awesome:
(can't be bothered uploading so images from website, but they do actually look like that)

Scrambled Egg with cheese and sausage.

Chicken Pizza (pro tip: the base is made out of chicken)

Faux Fried Rice (pro tip: it's actually cauliflower)

Italian Skillet

and I've made cheese meetballs. Super easy and super yummy.

For tomorrow, I've got my eyes set on this:

I'm still fairly new to this as well, only started making all this stuff like...a week or two ago?


I have been seeing what I can do, and looks like cardio exercise is the only kind of exercise I can do right now to help me lose my belly fat. Three times per week, one hour running and a good diet without fats and the kind of food you may already know is enough to have results in one month?

One more thing, I can lose weight without exercise. If I lose weight that way, can I expect my belly fat to reduce or it will stay stored and exercise will be really required for this?


I find it's so easy to recognise carbs now. I just hate knowingly avoiding them... once my body no longer craves them I should be fine. Pasta is a massive one... if anyone can think of an alternative to mac and cheese (it seems like one of those things that you could easily make a non-carb dupe of) or any other kind of pasta, let me know!


koam said:

I've lost 25 pounds since January.. this 19 is actually from the last time i tried wii fit which was October when i weighed a little bit less than my max.

Now the impressive part.. i went from 173 down to 148. I'm 5'10. I've almost got abs now :)

I don't plan on losing any more weight, that's for sure.

148 at 5 foot 10 is to small honestly. You should start to build some muscle.


Shaneus said:
I find it's so easy to recognise carbs now. I just hate knowingly avoiding them... once my body no longer craves them I should be fine. Pasta is a massive one... if anyone can think of an alternative to mac and cheese (it seems like one of those things that you could easily make a non-carb dupe of) or any other kind of pasta, let me know!
not sure about making them, but they definitely sell low carb versions. you can get some pasta with 5g carb per portion, and mac and cheese for 3g per portion.

i'd share a link, but its a uk low carb site.
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