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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


SephCast said:
Egg whites are full of win. Maybe 1 yolk, but 2 whites for your scrambled eggs.

Don't listen to this man. 2 scrambled eggs are fine, yolk and all. Trust me, I had eggs for breakfast at least 4x a week back during the summer and fall of '09 and the protein in the yolk is gonna help you a lot (especially if you're lifting, which you should if you're trying to lose weight but tighten up your body as well).


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I think the egg whites thing without the yolk is just an extension of the "cholesterol is the cause of heart disease" way of thinking.

Those statin commercials like to say:
LDL = bad cholesterol
HDL = good cholesterol

But neither are cholesterol. They are lipoproteins.

Lots of research is showing how in particular small, dense LDL is deadly, large/buoyant are safe. Look up Krauss in medical research databases, he's done quite a few.

What makes LDL small and dense? Triglycerides. What makes triglycerides? Sugar, starches, grains. The higher the glycemic load, the worse it is.

What does cholesterol do?
-Makes your hormones. Statins make it hard to get it up.
-Heals tissue
-Used in nervous system

Now it just so happens that LDL contains both cholesterol and triglycerides. But blaming cholesterol just because it's there is not good science. It doesn't prove causation any more than a firetruck causing fires because firetrucks are always located where fires are. We live in Idiocracy.


metamonk said:
i'm terrible at picking a healthy breakfast. the last couple of weeks i've been having a granola bar and water.

does 2 scrambled eggs and a yogurt sound like an okay breakfast? i want something that leaves me full and would be okay to eat on a regular basis.
Here's my suggestion for a healthy and filling breakfast

1/4 cup egg beaters (30 calories, 6 grams protein, no fat)
2 or 3 slices canadian bacon (35-50 calories, 6-7 grams protein, negligible fat, watch the sodium though)
1 cup Kashi Go Lean (140 calories, 13 grams protein, 1 gram fat)
1 cup light Silk. This is soy milk. Swap for low-fat or skim milk if you perfer. (70 calories, 6 grams protein, 2 grams fat)

Total: 290 calories, 32 grams protein, 3 grams fat
Throw some berries on your cereal or grab an apple for some fruit. There's even room for cream in your coffee!


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
BertramCooper said:
The 90s backlash against eggs was so fucking stupid.

I think it was in the 1970s, around 1977 when the government decided we all should eat 12 servings of pasta, cereals, fat bowls of rice, and loaves of bread per day, and the eggs were the cause of all of our problems.

Laguna X

Nintendogs Member
teh_pwn said:
I think it was in the 1970s, around 1977 when the government decided we all should eat 12 servings of pasta, cereals, fat bowls of rice, and loaves of bread per day, and the eggs were the cause of all of our problems.
The government has fed us so much bullshit regarding proper nutrition that it is no wonder why so many Americans have no clue how to eat more healthy. Between this and a corrupt FDA, I wonder if we'll ever see low obesity rates in the states.


rataven said:
Here's my suggestion for a healthy and filling breakfast

1/4 cup egg beaters (30 calories, 6 grams protein, no fat)
2 or 3 slices canadian bacon (35-50 calories, 6-7 grams protein, negligible fat, watch the sodium though)
1 cup Kashi Go Lean (140 calories, 13 grams protein, 1 gram fat)
1 cup light Silk. This is soy milk. Swap for low-fat or skim milk if you perfer. (70 calories, 6 grams protein, 2 grams fat)

Total: 290 calories, 32 grams protein, 3 grams fat
Throw some berries on your cereal or grab an apple for some fruit. There's even room for cream in your coffee!

mmm, sounds delicious! :D going grocery shopping tomorrow, will definitely be picking up a few items from your suggestion, thanks a ton!

thanks everyone who chimed in on the egg issue. lots of information to take in. you guys never fail when it comes to weight loss advice :D
rataven said:
Here's my suggestion for a healthy and filling breakfast

1/4 cup egg beaters (30 calories, 6 grams protein, no fat)
2 or 3 slices canadian bacon (35-50 calories, 6-7 grams protein, negligible fat, watch the sodium though)
1 cup Kashi Go Lean (140 calories, 13 grams protein, 1 gram fat)
1 cup light Silk. This is soy milk. Swap for low-fat or skim milk if you perfer. (70 calories, 6 grams protein, 2 grams fat)

Total: 290 calories, 32 grams protein, 3 grams fat
Throw some berries on your cereal or grab an apple for some fruit. There's even room for cream in your coffee!

I has something similar to that for breakfast today.

3 scrambled eggs (with chedder cheese)
5 slices of American bacon
3 heavily buttered slices of toast
2 large glasses (estimate ~4/5 measuring cups) of whole milk (cows, of course)

Later I had 3 bowls of Fruit Loops.

Delicious! :D


metamonk said:
mmm, sounds delicious! :D going grocery shopping tomorrow, will definitely be picking up a few items from your suggestion, thanks a ton!

thanks everyone who chimed in on the egg issue. lots of information to take in. you guys never fail when it comes to weight loss advice :D
You're welcome! I forgot to mention that it's also high in fiber, about 11-12 grams, so this breakfast will definitely hold you over. And it's a good idea to eat something small about 3-4 hours later to keep your metabolism going. I usually opt for a string cheese and carrot sticks or something else easily portable.


Here is my breakfast...

3-4 eggs with cheese(I use coconut oil)
Hamburger Patty
Chicken Breast or 4-5 slices of bacon
Fish Oil Pill

Fill me up for about 6-8 hours.


I make it a point that breakfast is high in protein. Typically:

6 slices of bacon
4 eggs (fried in the bacon grease)

1/2 pound of ground sausage
2 eggs (usually sunny side up fried in 1 tbsp of butter)

2 servings of whey (or sometimes casein) protein powder
(mixed with) 2 cups of Hood Calorie Countdown (milk with the lactose replaced with splenda)
Sometimes I add a couple eggs

The first two can keep me going well into lunch -- often have to force myself to eat then. Third option usually just holds me until right about then, but the tradeoff is that it's super convenient and fast.

Jay Sosa

Wait... this is the fitness thread and yall trying to bulk right..right?

I mean bacon, 4 eggs, heavily buttered toast? Y'all trying to kill yourselves?

Chicken breast for breakfast wtf? Hamburger patty?

A nutrionist would faint if he reads stuff like that in a thread about weight loss :lol
94kg to 87kg since I've started exercising (about 6 weeks). Not too bad. I want to be at 80kg by August 25th. Preferably by August 5th, but that seems like it would be a hard feat to accomplish considering that I am already killing myself to get in shape. I want to believe that this torture will lead to benefits I couldn't imagine.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Jay Sosa said:
Wait... this is the fitness thread and yall trying to bulk right..right?

I mean bacon, 4 eggs, heavily buttered toast? Y'all trying to kill yourselves?

Chicken breast for breakfast wtf? Hamburger patty?

A nutrionist would faint if he reads stuff like that in a thread about weight loss :lol



Jay Sosa said:
Wait... this is the fitness thread and yall trying to bulk right..right?

I mean bacon, 4 eggs, heavily buttered toast? Y'all trying to kill yourselves?

Chicken breast for breakfast wtf? Hamburger patty?

A nutrionist would faint if he reads stuff like that in a thread about weight loss :lol

What should we have, sugar clusters with milk? :lol :lol :lol

Jay Sosa

I know that chicken breast is a healthy food BUT for breakfast?

Maybe it's just that I'm from Europe where we like to eat you know bread and stuff for breakfast and not sausages (well cept for the UK folks but they're not known for their exquistite cuisin) or chicken breasts!

To me thats like eating a pizza or a steak for breakfast..I always thought people eat this for lunch or dinner but not in the morning!
Jay Sosa said:
I know that chicken breast is a healthy food BUT for breakfast?

Maybe it's just that I'm from Europe where we like to eat you know bread and stuff for breakfast and not sausages (well cept for the UK folks but they're not known for their exquistite cuisin) or chicken breasts!

To me thats like eating a pizza or a steak for breakfast..I always thought people eat this for lunch or dinner but not in the morning!

Heh, (lamb or cow) steak and five or six eggs is pretty standard on the days that I do eat breakfast.


Since I started taking interest in my health, I noticed I don't really care what I eat for breakfast, as long as it's nutritious and tasty (often last nights dinner). Breakfast cereals are a fairly recent invention which have little to nothing to offer me.

And steak and scrambled eggs is about my favourite breakfast :D yummy.
I lost about 5 kilos within last 6 weeks. Down from 91 to 86. My target is my normal weight of 75 kilos.

I changed the following things to accomplish weight loss:

- no candy or chocolate
- no fast food or frozen pizza
- less pasta, rice and white bread
- a lot more fruits and vegetables
- only fat reduced cheese, meat products, milk

Since i'm too lazy to work out i go at least for a walk every second day for about 30-45 minutes. I try to walk up as many hills as possible.

When i'm craving for sugar i eat a bowl of frosted flakes. It's not perfect but better then eating a chocolate bar instead.

Jay Sosa

When talking about cereals I was thinking about this:


and not this shit:


Put some yoghurt in it, mix it with milk and add some fresh fruits, some slices whole grain bread with cheese and jam, one or two eggs and I'm good.

You guys are really losing weight eating steaks and 8 eggs in the morning?

Either you all lift weights every day or have great metabolisms.


When you're eating at that level of course it's not just about losing weight anymore. It's about getting the proper caloric intake/protein/etc for the days impending activities, usually to bulk muscle and whatever.


So it seems as though I may have reported my weight loss wrongly, an error in my conversion :lol. Few weeks back I said I was 281 pounds when it seems I was only 289 pounds.

But as of today I am actually 281 pounds. Just noticed that error, I have to convert my weight from stone to pounds for your guys and I failed at calculation :lol

9th of March 2010 I was : 364 pounds (at 6'6)
29th of June I am: 281 pounds (Still 6'6 :lol )

Heres two pics from yesterday to go along with this.




First tragedy, then farce.
So, I want to have a question about sucking in your gut.

I don't *think* I am sucking in normally but want to make sure. I breath with my diaphram, so when I breath my stomach gets bigger as it fills up and then gets back to "normal" after that.

When measuring my waste I typically "suck in" my gut and then relax it and take a measurment. However, there is a whole other layer of "relax" that I have to force to happen where I get a nice belly. However, when I do this, I can't really breath very well using my diaphram and have to resort to the "shoulder rise" breathing method which I have always been told isn't healthy.

I am assuming this "fully" relaxed gut is probably my diaphram being released completely and all of the internal parts behind it being "relaxed" out of their typical holding spots that the muscle keeps them in.

Either that or I have more stomach fat than I want to admit :lol


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
StoOgE said:
So, I want to have a question about sucking in your gut.

I don't *think* I am sucking in normally but want to make sure. I breath with my diaphram, so when I breath my stomach gets bigger as it fills up and then gets back to "normal" after that.

When measuring my waste I typically "suck in" my gut and then relax it and take a measurment. However, there is a whole other layer of "relax" that I have to force to happen where I get a nice belly. However, when I do this, I can't really breath very well using my diaphram and have to resort to the "shoulder rise" breathing method which I have always been told isn't healthy.

I am assuming this "fully" relaxed gut is probably my diaphram being released completely and all of the internal parts behind it being "relaxed" out of their typical holding spots that the muscle keeps them in.

stand up straight (always good posture. back straight, shoulders back, etc) and flex your abs. that is your actual stomach. if you get it narrower than that, you are sucking in your gut.

mind you sucking in your gut isn't "bad". It is what it is. if you need to take an inch or two off to impress that girl, so be it. If you are just over the waist of a pair of jeans, meh.. but yeah, if you want to see where your body proportions are actually at, do like I said above.

Either that or I have more stomach fat than I want to admit :lol
I think you just described every man in existence who has more than like 5% body fat. :p I've posted in here a few times about my stomach and get met with the same thing (which I've also read on many many many sites). Your stomach will pretty much ALWAYS be the last place to hold onto its fat when losing weight. just frustrating, but really plays into the fact that weight loss is a lifestyle, not a temporary fix. But yes, you can see veins in my arms, on my chest and shoulders, you can see clear definition on the top of my abs.. and I am still (very very very very) slowly chipping away at my gut. pretty much the only bulgy fat I have left on my entire body.. sigh...... I just noticed the other week that jumping up and down my pecs (formerly small man boobs) don't even "jiggle". seriously, the gut just sucks and from what I am gathering takes months to get rid of.. sigh...


Jay Sosa said:
When talking about cereals I was thinking about this:


and not this shit:


Put some yoghurt in it, mix it with milk and add some fresh fruits, some slices whole grain bread with cheese and jam, one or two eggs and I'm good.

You guys are really losing weight eating steaks and 8 eggs in the morning?

Either you all lift weights every day or have great metabolisms.
The breakfast you posted isn't what I would call ideal for weight loss to be honest..


First tragedy, then farce.
borghe said:
stand up straight (always good posture. back straight, shoulders back, etc) and flex your abs. that is your actual stomach. if you get it narrower than that, you are sucking in your gut.

mind you sucking in your gut isn't "bad". It is what it is. if you need to take an inch or two off to impress that girl, so be it. If you are just over the waist of a pair of jeans, meh.. but yeah, if you want to see where your body proportions are actually at, do like I said above.

I think you just described every man in existence who has more than like 5% body fat. :p I've posted in here a few times about my stomach and get met with the same thing (which I've also read on many many many sites). Your stomach will pretty much ALWAYS be the last place to hold onto its fat when losing weight. just frustrating, but really plays into the fact that weight loss is a lifestyle, not a temporary fix. But yes, you can see veins in my arms, on my chest and shoulders, you can see clear definition on the top of my abs.. and I am still (very very very very) slowly chipping away at my gut. pretty much the only bulgy fat I have left on my entire body.. sigh...... I just noticed the other week that jumping up and down my pecs (formerly small man boobs) don't even "jiggle". seriously, the gut just sucks and from what I am gathering takes months to get rid of.. sigh...

Ok, that is reassuring, flexing my abs is slightly "smaller" than my normal walking around stomach fat. When I actually "suck in" it gets smaller than the flexed version of my gut, so that probably means I am right and it is my diaphram being released when I let go completely.

And yes, I know what you mean about stomach fat. I have veins in my forearms, pretty decent definition everywhere else. Upper Abdomen is fairly flat (though no muscles visible), and my hips/pelvis are really flat, love handles are gone completely.. but the area in between is still fatty. I'm down to about 14% body fat.. and would like to see that closer to 10-12%. And I'm willing to bet the majority of what is left is sitting in that 3 inch region of my stomach.
SephCast said:
Egg whites are full of win. Maybe 1 yolk, but 2 whites for your scrambled eggs.

Egg whites are pointless

There is nothing wrong with the yolk of the egg, nothing. The more you eat the better always, since the most nutritious content is in the yolk

Cmagus said:
I started at 183 pounds when I first weighed myself which is abit heavy considering I am around 5'7 and my goal was to get down to 150.

I would reconsider this goal. 150 is way to skinny for a 5'7" guy. I don't think you need to lose much weight as opposed to become more athletic. Focus on weight lifting

Cmagus said:
Pretty much my meals but in my opinion they are affordable and they work so why not.I am little worried about the gym stuff I want to start lifting weights again but right now my main focus is losing the weight because I rather not build muscle on top of what I have I want to get the weight down then build on that as I don't really want to be big in terms of muscles.

Anyways I am pleased and I hope by the end of this week if I can keep this up I can drop another 2-3 pounds and hopefully get myself in a gym.Sorry for the long post.

I would rather have you build muscle now, that will burn fat faster

Jay Sosa said:
Wait... this is the fitness thread and yall trying to bulk right..right?

I mean bacon, 4 eggs, heavily buttered toast? Y'all trying to kill yourselves?

Chicken breast for breakfast wtf? Hamburger patty?

A nutrionist would faint if he reads stuff like that in a thread about weight loss :lol

Mos nutritionist are clueless about the science of their own profession it's quite shameful

Jay Sosa said:
When talking about cereals I was thinking about this:


and not this shit:


Put some yoghurt in it, mix it with milk and add some fresh fruits, some slices whole grain bread with cheese and jam, one or two eggs and I'm good.

You guys are really losing weight eating steaks and 8 eggs in the morning?

Either you all lift weights every day or have great metabolisms.

This is an awful breakfast. So much sugar in it.

Steppenwolf said:
I lost about 5 kilos within last 6 weeks. Down from 91 to 86. My target is my normal weight of 75 kilos.

I changed the following things to accomplish weight loss:

- no candy or chocolate
- no fast food or frozen pizza
- less pasta, rice and white bread
- a lot more fruits and vegetables
- only fat reduced cheese, meat products, milk

Since i'm too lazy to work out i go at least for a walk every second day for about 30-45 minutes. I try to walk up as many hills as possible.

When i'm craving for sugar i eat a bowl of frosted flakes. It's not perfect but better then eating a chocolate bar instead.

Bolded is bullshit, and you could eat all the meat, cheese and milk you want and still lose weight if you stop your carb intake.


If you cut on Atkins or on Zone, results are usually pretty similar, even though the macros are very different. A lot of people like Atkins more because it has the initial whoosh of weight loss, but it's more restrictive.

I'm not advocating unrestricted carb intake which in our society can be excessive and it's probably not healthy, but having SOME carbs isn't bad for you.


I'm not really doing an Atkins diet, but I am eating a lot of meats to help with a low calorie diet. If I eat cereal for breakfast, I'm hungry again by 11. If I cook some chicken or beef nachos for breakfast, I'm not hungry again until 1 or 2, despite having the same number of calories (or sometimes even few calories going with the meat). It's not low carb so there's none of the ketosis stuff, I'm just eating a reasonable number of calories and exercising.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
uggh.. I'm definitely not getting into the carbs/no-carbs argument in here again. :D I will say though that you low-carb guys need to settle down a bit on pushing it as "the only way". There are a decent number of long term lifestyles available to lose weight and stay fit over a long period of time. I don't think anyone thinks low-carb doesn't work or that the science behind it isn't there.. but seriously, if someone is losing weight and has a moderate amount of carbs in there diet, you really need to leave it alone........

BronzeWolf said:
I would reconsider this goal. 150 is way to skinny for a 5'7" guy. I don't think you need to lose much weight as opposed to become more athletic. Focus on weight lifting
I will comment on this. I'm 5'9" and 159 right now with the aforementioned gut that stooge and I have been discussing. I guarantee it's going to take more than 4lbs to completely get rid of that gut 100%, and in terms of fitness right now, I am running a sub-8:00 pace, benching 120lb, squatting 185lb, curling 35lb dumbbells.. etc. I mean not weight lifter of the year caliber or anything, but I am in, at the very least, above average shape compared to say a guy who does no fitness but isn't particularly overweight.. point being that 5'7" and 150lb. is definitely nowhere near "too" skinny. Sure 160lb at that weight would look fine also.. maybe even 165.. but 150lb to me, knowing the frame (or close to it) pretty well, seems like a pretty reasonable goal for a guy who doesn't want to be looking at spare change around the waist.


borghe said:
uggh.. I'm definitely not getting into the carbs/no-carbs argument in here again. :D I will say though that you low-carb guys need to settle down a bit on pushing it as "the only way". There are a decent number of long term lifestyles available to lose weight and stay fit over a long period of time. I don't think anyone thinks low-carb doesn't work or that the science behind it isn't there.. but seriously, if someone is losing weight and has a moderate amount of carbs in there diet, you really need to leave it alone........

I completely agree with this.
BronzeWolf said:
I would reconsider this goal. 150 is way to skinny for a 5'7" guy. I don't think you need to lose much weight as opposed to become more athletic. Focus on weight lifting

Umm no. That's not skinny at all. Maybe by american standarts. It would be his normal weight. His ideal weight would even be slightly below that.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Steppenwolf said:
Umm no. That's not skinny at all. Maybe by american standarts. It would be his normal weight. His ideal weight would even be slightly below that.
the american standards thing is pretty funny actually... everyone I know says I am "too skinny" when they see me out and about.. but between lifting weights where I am at (as mentioned above) and really being annoyed with my gut and remaining love handles, it puzzles me when they say too skinny and actually mean it (vs. just more or less paying a compliment). America really is fat, and a little overweight here is generally regarded as VERY fit. mind you I think people look good with a little fat/meat on their bones.. especially women.. but it is funny how once people approach that sub-10% body fat level everyone starts calling them too skinny unless they have a shitload of muscle packed on.


Well the whole reason I wanted to get down to 150 was so that when I started lifting and gaining muscle if I tack on a few pounds I would be in a good weight bracket I don't want to put on muscle and jump back up to over 180.

I am going to go and check out the gym tomorrow my plan as of right now is to do some light weights and keep up the cardio intensely and then gradually introduce a more intense weight workout.

As for cereal I just eat it cause I like it and its not really that high in calories.I can't eat alot of red meat often I tend to feel kinda sick when I do but yeah for breakfast it does me fine with fruit in it fills me up.
Steppenwolf said:
Umm no. That's not skinny at all. Maybe by american standarts. It would be his normal weight. His ideal weight would even be slightly below that.

there is no ideal weight, especially when it comes to muscle

Cmagus said:
Well the whole reason I wanted to get down to 150 was so that when I started lifting and gaining muscle if I tack on a few pounds I would be in a good weight bracket I don't want to put on muscle and jump back up to over 180.

180 lb of muscle is night and day from 180lb of fat. Weight means little as opposed to body composition when you are around your poundage.

As for cereal I just eat it cause I like it and its not really that high in calories.I can't eat alot of red meat often I tend to feel kinda sick when I do but yeah for breakfast it does me fine with fruit in it fills me up.

Calories is not what it's important. It's the quality of the food


Ok guys I've posted in this thread before about my weight loss regime and I have a few more q's.

I've lost close to 70 lbs over the past few years and have turned my life around. I look different, and eat only healthy and have grown to love it. Though, I can't for the life of me lose these damn love handles :( I know they're the last fat to go but seriously... I'm getting fed up. I cycle for my cardio but apparently it just isn't enough, what else do I have to do to get rid of these? I'm unsure of my body fat % and really dont' want to join a gym, but I'll do anything to melt these bastards off as they're causing me grief. I've been self conscious about them for many years and enough's enough... They aren't huge or anything but enough for me not to wear a form fitting shirt ( as i'd be aware they'd be showing )

Appreciate it!
This has been my power breakfast for the last few weeks and I love it. Lots of protein, fiber, and healthy fat. Keeps me full until snack time!

In a bowl mix:
some frozen berries (I get the big bag from Costco)
Fage 0% Greek Yogurt
Fiber One cereal


I've tried eating Paleo these past 2 1/2 week, here's the result:


I don't look that much different, but any fat that I did have on me completely dissolved. For anyone looking to get rid of that last little bit of fat (like the poster a couple posts above) I definitely recommend it.

Basically: no grains, easy on the sugar (including fruit).


Gilby said:
I've tried eating Paleo these past 2 1/2 week, here's the result:

I don't look that much different, but any fat that I did have on me completely dissolved. For anyone looking to get rid of that last little bit of fat (like the poster a couple posts above) I definitely recommend it.

Basically: no grains, easy on the sugar (including fruit).

Shit that's all I eat! Lookin good bro
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