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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


N Who decides what is bad and what is good? Not logic.
Actually..logic does. If you need to eat carbs then it's more logical to pick sources of them that still have other nutrients. Stuff like pasta or bread is pure carbs, without any real other benefits.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Only took a face shot of myself, but even in the face, it's definitely easy to tell progress.


On the left (badge) is me at 420 pounds, and my actual self on the right at 325 pounds. I took this picture today.[/QUOTE]

Great job man, a hundred pounds that's so much when you think about it. Keep up the good work :)!

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Agh. So my break week from P90X/2 was 2 weeks ago. Last week I came down with a cold. It got a bit better, but my throat is still very scratchy and I'm still a bit down. I don't know if I can take 3 weeks off from working out, but I don't want to get more sick.

Should I do a light workout or something?
I would avoid these personally. A year ago or whenever I was still losing weight I ultimately had the best success when I went:
1. Lowish carb, but regularly ate plain rice or potatoes every few days.
2. Extremely low food reward.

I just did P90X2 and I'm in a cut phase. I'm adding to it cardio.

Weight drops off so fast with those 3. I only needed to lose 10 pounds, but I'm only 3 pounds away after 1.5 weeks I think.

Ultimately different strategies work for different people, but I would recommend against cheat days and low carb candy. They make me want to eat more, and I think it's true with a lot of people.

See, I have the opposite reaction from cheat days.

While I eagerly anticipate them, by the end of the cheat day, I feel shitty, which gives me inspiration to get back on track. Rarely have I ever let a cheat day snowball into multiple days.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Only took a face shot of myself, but even in the face, it's definitely easy to tell progress.


On the left (badge) is me at 420 pounds, and my actual self on the right at 325 pounds. I took this picture today.

That is a damned fine job you are doing, BIGWORM. You keep at it and before you know it you'll be half the person you once were (Hardy har har).

Its been awhile since I've been here because I was literaly afraid my fever was gonna give seizures if it got worse.

So I ate like shit and just kinda hoped to survive the weekend. I still lost at the normal rate. I assume sweating your ass off and having the shivers burst a ton of calories.

Back to the grind in the AM though! Here's me just now at 243.4, down from 350 in February :)
God, I'm dying right now fellas. I've had a fucking horrible stretch of nonstop work and exams, and have gotten little to no sleep. Can't drink obviously because I have class, and I don't smoke or anything, so junk food has been the only thing keeping me from burning the school down. I feel bloated as fuck, stressed about loss of progress, and tired as hell. - _ -

Today I have one last exam in this stretch of hell, then I'm treating my ass to some goddamned barbeque. Then tomorrow I'm saying fuck my classes and sleeping in; then getting back to a clean eating habit and sweating off all this water weight I've gained.



Full werewolf off the buckle

Not sure what I'm at in the first picture, but it's worth noting my jacket isn't exactly a puffy winter coat.

Looks like some great progress. Keep it up!

Etrian Oddity, I hear ya'. Sometimes you just need to cut yourself some slack. Don't beat yourself up over it, man.

You understand that this is a temporary thing.


Holy crap, I just got the finalized Quest Peanut Butter cups and they are fantastic! They aren't dry any more, they added more cocoa/saturated fat, removed some polyunsaturated fat and went from 21 grams of protein to 20. Added 1 more gram of erythritol, 2 grams of more of starch. It still works out to the same calorie count, but a better profile IMO, and they taste better. It's perfect too, since I still don't have power and need non perishable food. I'll definitely order these from time to time when they do come out, which is supposedly very soon.

All in all, I'd say I like them more than the bars, both in taste and nutrition. They will fit nicely into the 10% of the non Paleo part of my diet :)


Holy crap, I just got the finalized Quest Peanut Butter cups and they are fantastic! They aren't dry any more, they added more cocoa/saturated fat, removed some polyunsaturated fat and went from 21 grams of protein to 20. Added 1 more gram of erythritol, 2 grams of more of starch. It still works out to the same calorie count, but a better profile IMO, and they taste better. It's perfect too, since I still don't have power and need non perishable food. I'll definitely order these from time to time when they do come out, which is supposedly very soon.

All in all, I'd say I like them more than the bars, both in taste and nutrition. They will fit nicely into the 10% of the non Paleo part of my diet :)
Doesn't look like they're available to order for the public yet so I'm hoping I'll forget about them and this post before they are, because peanut butter cups are a weakness of mine.


I forgot to say how they fixed the dryness of the earlier ones, they use real peanut butter instead of just peanuts now. I gave one to a friend last night and she loved it, so it's not just me. The added chocolate makes them thicker and crunchier than a reeses cup, and I would say I actually prefer the texture of these over reeses, which is crazy. Once I get power back I gotta try putting them in the freezer or fridge


Well here's me, in progress. Started at 218lbs. This is over the course of four months, I've lost about 48 lbs so far. Aiming for somewhere between 155 - 165lb at the end. Not there yet but getting closer. Just portion control, eating healthy, and cutting out shit like pizzas and burgers. Still eating carbs etc, and cranking out the cardio. I've been tubby most of my life so it's good to be making a change.



Full werewolf off the buckle
Well here's me, in progress. Started at 218lbs. This is over the course of four months, I've lost about 48 lbs so far. Aiming for somewhere between 155 - 165lb at the end. Not there yet but getting closer. Just portion control, eating healthy, and cutting out shit like pizzas and burgers. Still eating carbs etc, and cranking out the cardio. I've been tubby most of my life so it's good to be making a change.


Hey that's quick progress you've been making. Seems like you'll be at your goal before too long. Keep it up!


Thanks :D

It's been hard work but it's so worth it. My weight has bothered me for most of my life, so it feels great to finally conquer it.

Yeah that's incredible progress for four months! Also a solid, not crazy plan too, so no reason you shouldn't be able to sustain what you're on long term (just be prepared to have to make additional tweaks as you get closer to your goal and need to shed those last few pesky pounds).

Great job!
Well here's me, in progress. Started at 218lbs. This is over the course of four months, I've lost about 48 lbs so far. Aiming for somewhere between 155 - 165lb at the end. Not there yet but getting closer. Just portion control, eating healthy, and cutting out shit like pizzas and burgers. Still eating carbs etc, and cranking out the cardio. I've been tubby most of my life so it's good to be making a change.

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.


Cottage cheese is so awesome. I have a new go-to breakfast of half a cup cottage cheese and a handful of green beans.

I could probably eat the whole tub of CC if I let myself.


Guys, I'm near my goal of ideal weight, I can feel it and see it obviously. I've been on a low-carb diet for some while now, but while slimming down I have encountered a severe problem: relatively wide hips (that and having to replace my entire wardrobe which is bloody expensive). yeah my body for some reason decided to develop big bones in that area and to top it of store lots of fat in that region. fucked up.

I want to balance it with a wider upper body since there is not much I can do about my bones. The problem: how do I lose fat in the lower region while building up muscles on my upper body? Low-carb and muscle gain are kind of contradictory, no? I'm currently doing these dumbbell exercises:



I want to balance it with a wider upper body since there is not much I can do about my bones. The problem: how do I lose fat in the lower region while building up muscles on my upper body? Low-carb and muscle gain are kind of contradictory, no? I'm currently doing these dumbbell exercises:


You can't spot reduce fat. Your only hope is to lose more fat and it will come from all over your body since stomach/lower back is the last place to get lean.

If you want to get serious I would suggest looking up LeanGains/Intermittent Fasting and try that.

And that exercise routine is a bit crappy if I might say. Just upper body stuff and with dumbbells. Not enough compound moves and too much isolation. And upright rows will fuck up your shoulders.

For lifting advice you should go to the Fitness-thread anyway.


I looked into leangains but I simply won't be able to do it timewise because of uni.

Eh... guess I'll concentrate on losing the fat.


Hey everyone, I'm still kicking (no body probably knows who I am) but I've wrote in this thread a little, and I have been doing keto since January and I'm happy to say I'm down aprox 100 lbs since then, everything is awesome and getting better. If I can be any inspiration to Anyone who is on the fence about starting keto....DO IT!! It has changed my life.

Now on to my shame, on saturday and Sunday I cheated, i lost controll, I ate so much junk and carbs I felt sick, it was 5 months since the last time I did something like that (although it was planed and only a bowl of pasta)

I fasted all day today and only recently ate 5-6 chicken wings (oven roasted) I forget from the last time, but how long should it take me to get back into keto? And does the amount of time spent on keto have an impact with how fast you re-enter?

I would love to hear some stories of times any of you guys had a moment (2 days lol) of weakness and how you recovered, your experiance re-entering keto and any tips for avoiding it in the future.

Thanks hope to hear from some of you.
Hey everyone, I'm still kicking (no body probably knows who I am) but I've wrote in this thread a little, and I have been doing keto since January and I'm happy to say I'm down aprox 100 lbs since then, everything is awesome and getting better. If I can be any inspiration to Anyone who is on the fence about starting keto....DO IT!! It has changed my life.

Now on to my shame, on saturday and Sunday I cheated, i lost controll, I ate so much junk and carbs I felt sick, it was 5 months since the last time I did something like that (although it was planed and only a bowl of pasta)

I fasted all day today and only recently ate 5-6 chicken wings (oven roasted) I forget from the last time, but how long should it take me to get back into keto? And does the amount of time spent on keto have an impact with how fast you re-enter?

I would love to hear some stories of times any of you guys had a moment (2 days lol) of weakness and how you recovered, your experiance re-entering keto and any tips for avoiding it in the future.

Thanks hope to hear from some of you.

First off. Grats on your progress! 100 lbs is a big achievement.

As to the rest of it my only real advice is don't get too caught up in the details of it all. I have found that after major cheats I actually lose weight faster for a while. I remember a statistic once that pretty much said "even the strictest diet assumes you are cheating 20% of the time". Don't worry too much about it.

The real worry is trying to not slip into a pattern of cheating.

As to the Keto question. I don't track mine anymore but when I did keep track I usually found that after a major cheat it took me 2-4 days to get back into Keto.

(How much more weight would you like to lose?)


Full werewolf off the buckle
Hey everyone, I'm still kicking (no body probably knows who I am) but I've wrote in this thread a little, and I have been doing keto since January and I'm happy to say I'm down aprox 100 lbs since then, everything is awesome and getting better. If I can be any inspiration to Anyone who is on the fence about starting keto....DO IT!! It has changed my life.

Now on to my shame, on saturday and Sunday I cheated, i lost controll, I ate so much junk and carbs I felt sick, it was 5 months since the last time I did something like that (although it was planed and only a bowl of pasta)

I fasted all day today and only recently ate 5-6 chicken wings (oven roasted) I forget from the last time, but how long should it take me to get back into keto? And does the amount of time spent on keto have an impact with how fast you re-enter?

I would love to hear some stories of times any of you guys had a moment (2 days lol) of weakness and how you recovered, your experiance re-entering keto and any tips for avoiding it in the future.

Thanks hope to hear from some of you.

That's great work, keep it up! I'm not doing keto but cheating isn't the end of the world.

The most important thing is to not get discouraged and go into some kind of shame spiral.

We all screw up sometimes, you just gotta dust yourself off and get back on the horse.


Hey everyone, I'm still kicking (no body probably knows who I am) but I've wrote in this thread a little, and I have been doing keto since January and I'm happy to say I'm down aprox 100 lbs since then, everything is awesome and getting better. If I can be any inspiration to Anyone who is on the fence about starting keto....DO IT!! It has changed my life.

Now on to my shame, on saturday and Sunday I cheated, i lost controll, I ate so much junk and carbs I felt sick, it was 5 months since the last time I did something like that (although it was planed and only a bowl of pasta)

I fasted all day today and only recently ate 5-6 chicken wings (oven roasted) I forget from the last time, but how long should it take me to get back into keto? And does the amount of time spent on keto have an impact with how fast you re-enter?

I would love to hear some stories of times any of you guys had a moment (2 days lol) of weakness and how you recovered, your experiance re-entering keto and any tips for avoiding it in the future.

Thanks hope to hear from some of you.

Do you mind sharing your experience with Keto? I've just recently started dieting and the low carb thing seems an effective and easy way. I've read a little bit about keto, but getting that much fat in my diet seems really difficult to do.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Hey everyone, I'm still kicking (no body probably knows who I am) but I've wrote in this thread a little, and I have been doing keto since January and I'm happy to say I'm down aprox 100 lbs since then, everything is awesome and getting better. If I can be any inspiration to Anyone who is on the fence about starting keto....DO IT!! It has changed my life.

Now on to my shame, on saturday and Sunday I cheated, i lost controll, I ate so much junk and carbs I felt sick, it was 5 months since the last time I did something like that (although it was planed and only a bowl of pasta)

I fasted all day today and only recently ate 5-6 chicken wings (oven roasted) I forget from the last time, but how long should it take me to get back into keto? And does the amount of time spent on keto have an impact with how fast you re-enter?

I would love to hear some stories of times any of you guys had a moment (2 days lol) of weakness and how you recovered, your experiance re-entering keto and any tips for avoiding it in the future.

Thanks hope to hear from some of you.

That's amazing, 100 pounds! Great work. And yes I remember you and was hoping to hear an update on your progress. Great stuff once again.
Guys, how do you motivate yourself to get up in the morning and work out? I'm about 10-15kg above where I should be and in the morning, even if I get 8hrs of sleep, I'm just too exhausted to get up and haul my ass to the gym which is only a five minute walk away.

Do you guys just not work out in the mornings? I'm just finding it so difficult to get up and do it although I know I should.

Also, planning on going back to keto after I had a lot of success with it before. Last time I did it I just weaned myself off carbs, but would a 1day fast be enough to clear the system?


Do you mind sharing your experience with Keto? I've just recently started dieting and the low carb thing seems an effective and easy way. I've read a little bit about keto, but getting that much fat in my diet seems really difficult to do.

I started keto on January 6 of this year. I was in bad shape both physically and mentally. I weighed about 400lbs at 6'-2" and felt like utter crap. I was also extremely depressed and had bad anexity. I was seeing a doctor about my mental state and was on all kinds of meds for my depression and such. I was off work for almost a year (my choice, couldn't focus and function)

After reading this thread and seeing and hearing about the success of others I decided to give the ketogenic diet a go (how much worse could it get?)

It took me about 2-3 weeks to get into keto at the start, eating very strictly under 20 grams of carbs a day and getting fats in when I could. Oils and butter are great ways to add fat to some cuts of leaner meats and cooking my eggs and veggies with butter was amazing (flavour and fat)

When my body entered keto it was like a light switch just went off and suddenly I was feeling great! Energy levels were through the roof and day to day life seemed brighter.

I continued this day to day and it became a part of my life, not just a diet. It takes some effort at first to set some of your meal plans and find stuff you like to make, but believe me when I tell you guys...it becomes easy.

After about 2-3 months I found that I wasn't feeling sad anymore and my anexity was gone, seeing my doctor a few times after he agreed that I could stop taking the meds and after 2 more appointments stop seeing him all together, that was a huge bonus in my life.

The weight didn't come off as fast as I hoped at the beginning but it was coming off, during the course of 10 months I really only stalled twice but overcame them, I averaged 10lbs a month and trust me when I say this, I wasn't starving and actually ate better food than I was before!

I did not work out once during my time, although I plan to start a workout routine in the new year.

My go to meals were
Bacon and eggs
Beef and broccoli (cooked with butter or olive oil)
Pork chops
Rotessire chickens
Lettuce (big salads are so good and filling)

There are tons of ways to add fat to your meals, oils and butter, salad dressing, cheese, bacon, coconut oils, almonds its endless.

The last couple of months I have only been eating dinner and fasting during the day (I work construction) I find this gives me a lot of energy And I don't feel hungry at all while at work.

Sorry for the long post, and I hope I helped at least 1 person, cause I stand by this diet 100% oh and yeah, been to the doctor multiple times for checkups and everything is perfect (cholesterol and blood work)

If anyone has any question about the keto lifestyle, please feel free to ask, I am in no way an expert, but I am experienced and can defiantly help with most problems.


not tag worthy
Guys, how do you motivate yourself to get up in the morning and work out? I'm about 10-15kg above where I should be and in the morning, even if I get 8hrs of sleep, I'm just too exhausted to get up and haul my ass to the gym which is only a five minute walk away.

Do you guys just not work out in the mornings? I'm just finding it so difficult to get up and do it although I know I should.

To Keep Motivating myself, usually no matter how tired I feel, I force myself to the gym and once I step inside I jsut go through with it, 99.999999% of the time I will complete all my training. feeling a lot better afterwards ( my fear being. "take today off" turns into a week and snowballs into a month and all my hard work is undone)

I usually find the mornings the time I have most energy, I work 24/7 Shifts so fit in workouts when I can. plus I try and make a game of it. Beat My calories burned, try and up my resistance settings on the cross trainer. tredmill incline increase. etc, lift a few kgs more the next month.

I am kinda digging how I am getting fitter/stronger so enjoying that, plus seeing the weight come off is strangly addicting (No I am not going anorexic, i have a goal weight in mind, once I hit that, the abs and muscle toning/building begin)
I started keto on January 6 of this year. I was in bad shape both physically and mentally. I weighed about 400lbs at 6'-2" and felt like utter crap. I was also extremely depressed and had bad anexity. I was seeing a doctor about my mental state and was on all kinds of meds for my depression and such. I was off work for almost a year (my choice, couldn't focus and function)

After reading this thread and seeing and hearing about the success of others I decided to give the ketogenic diet a go (how much worse could it get?)

It took me about 2-3 weeks to get into keto at the start, eating very strictly under 20 grams of carbs a day and getting fats in when I could. Oils and butter are great ways to add fat to some cuts of leaner meats and cooking my eggs and veggies with butter was amazing (flavour and fat)

When my body entered keto it was like a light switch just went off and suddenly I was feeling great! Energy levels were through the roof and day to day life seemed brighter.

I continued this day to day and it became a part of my life, not just a diet. It takes some effort at first to set some of your meal plans and find stuff you like to make, but believe me when I tell you guys...it becomes easy.

After about 2-3 months I found that I wasn't feeling sad anymore and my anexity was gone, seeing my doctor a few times after he agreed that I could stop taking the meds and after 2 more appointments stop seeing him all together, that was a huge bonus in my life.

The weight didn't come off as fast as I hoped at the beginning but it was coming off, during the course of 10 months I really only stalled twice but overcame them, I averaged 10lbs a month and trust me when I say this, I wasn't starving and actually ate better food than I was before!

I did not work out once during my time, although I plan to start a workout routine in the new year.

My go to meals were
Bacon and eggs
Beef and broccoli (cooked with butter or olive oil)
Pork chops
Rotessire chickens
Lettuce (big salads are so good and filling)

There are tons of ways to add fat to your meals, oils and butter, salad dressing, cheese, bacon, coconut oils, almonds its endless.

The last couple of months I have only been eating dinner and fasting during the day (I work construction) I find this gives me a lot of energy And I don't feel hungry at all while at work.

Sorry for the long post, and I hope I helped at least 1 person, cause I stand by this diet 100% oh and yeah, been to the doctor multiple times for checkups and everything is perfect (cholesterol and blood work)

If anyone has any question about the keto lifestyle, please feel free to ask, I am in no way an expert, but I am experienced and can defiantly help with most problems.

Great post, man.

Question about coconut oils. Found some at a local shop. Fucking expensive though. If you want to fry an egg, for instance, or do your broccoli and beef, how much do you use for, say, two portions?

That's the thing about this diet. Buying proteins and real fats (no vegetable oil or rapeseed etc.) can be expensive, until you realize that your body needs less of it than it would with carbs to keep you satisfied.

Big ass salads with a piece of chicken breast cut into it is amazing.


I started keto on January 6 of this year. I was in bad shape both physically and mentally. I weighed about 400lbs at 6'-2" and felt like utter crap. I was also extremely depressed and had bad anexity. I was seeing a doctor about my mental state and was on all kinds of meds for my depression and such. I was off work for almost a year (my choice, couldn't focus and function)

After reading this thread and seeing and hearing about the success of others I decided to give the ketogenic diet a go (how much worse could it get?)

It took me about 2-3 weeks to get into keto at the start, eating very strictly under 20 grams of carbs a day and getting fats in when I could. Oils and butter are great ways to add fat to some cuts of leaner meats and cooking my eggs and veggies with butter was amazing (flavour and fat)

When my body entered keto it was like a light switch just went off and suddenly I was feeling great! Energy levels were through the roof and day to day life seemed brighter.

I continued this day to day and it became a part of my life, not just a diet. It takes some effort at first to set some of your meal plans and find stuff you like to make, but believe me when I tell you guys...it becomes easy.

After about 2-3 months I found that I wasn't feeling sad anymore and my anexity was gone, seeing my doctor a few times after he agreed that I could stop taking the meds and after 2 more appointments stop seeing him all together, that was a huge bonus in my life.

The weight didn't come off as fast as I hoped at the beginning but it was coming off, during the course of 10 months I really only stalled twice but overcame them, I averaged 10lbs a month and trust me when I say this, I wasn't starving and actually ate better food than I was before!

I did not work out once during my time, although I plan to start a workout routine in the new year.

My go to meals were
Bacon and eggs
Beef and broccoli (cooked with butter or olive oil)
Pork chops
Rotessire chickens
Lettuce (big salads are so good and filling)

There are tons of ways to add fat to your meals, oils and butter, salad dressing, cheese, bacon, coconut oils, almonds its endless.

The last couple of months I have only been eating dinner and fasting during the day (I work construction) I find this gives me a lot of energy And I don't feel hungry at all while at work.

Sorry for the long post, and I hope I helped at least 1 person, cause I stand by this diet 100% oh and yeah, been to the doctor multiple times for checkups and everything is perfect (cholesterol and blood work)

If anyone has any question about the keto lifestyle, please feel free to ask, I am in no way an expert, but I am experienced and can defiantly help with most problems.

Thanks keto seems like one of the more interesting low carb diets. Question though, if you only eat one big dinner meal, how do you typically get enough fat? The fat requirement of keto is just super high. Like, if you ate, for example, your beef and broccoli dish it doesn't seem you'd get enough fat. Is the keto answer to getting more fat to just eat more bacon? >.>

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I started keto on January 6 of this year. I was in bad shape both physically and mentally. I weighed about 400lbs at 6'-2" and felt like utter crap. I was also extremely depressed and had bad anexity. I was seeing a doctor about my mental state and was on all kinds of meds for my depression and such. I was off work for almost a year (my choice, couldn't focus and function)

After reading this thread and seeing and hearing about the success of others I decided to give the ketogenic diet a go (how much worse could it get?)

It took me about 2-3 weeks to get into keto at the start, eating very strictly under 20 grams of carbs a day and getting fats in when I could. Oils and butter are great ways to add fat to some cuts of leaner meats and cooking my eggs and veggies with butter was amazing (flavour and fat)

When my body entered keto it was like a light switch just went off and suddenly I was feeling great! Energy levels were through the roof and day to day life seemed brighter.

I continued this day to day and it became a part of my life, not just a diet. It takes some effort at first to set some of your meal plans and find stuff you like to make, but believe me when I tell you guys...it becomes easy.

After about 2-3 months I found that I wasn't feeling sad anymore and my anexity was gone, seeing my doctor a few times after he agreed that I could stop taking the meds and after 2 more appointments stop seeing him all together, that was a huge bonus in my life.

The weight didn't come off as fast as I hoped at the beginning but it was coming off, during the course of 10 months I really only stalled twice but overcame them, I averaged 10lbs a month and trust me when I say this, I wasn't starving and actually ate better food than I was before!

I did not work out once during my time, although I plan to start a workout routine in the new year.

My go to meals were
Bacon and eggs
Beef and broccoli (cooked with butter or olive oil)
Pork chops
Rotessire chickens
Lettuce (big salads are so good and filling)

There are tons of ways to add fat to your meals, oils and butter, salad dressing, cheese, bacon, coconut oils, almonds its endless.

The last couple of months I have only been eating dinner and fasting during the day (I work construction) I find this gives me a lot of energy And I don't feel hungry at all while at work.

Sorry for the long post, and I hope I helped at least 1 person, cause I stand by this diet 100% oh and yeah, been to the doctor multiple times for checkups and everything is perfect (cholesterol and blood work)

If anyone has any question about the keto lifestyle, please feel free to ask, I am in no way an expert, but I am experienced and can defiantly help with most problems.

Awesome stuff, man! Congratulations and keep up the good work.

I never really measured my keto status, but I made a similar lifestyle change in February of 2011 and lost over 80 pounds. It really couldn't have been easier after taking a few weeks to adjust.

There's no way I'd go back to a life of grains and sugar and processed junk.


Could someone explain the difference between Fats, if any?

For example ( using random numbers ) :

One chocolate bar/french fries/cake : 20% fat

X number of peanuts : 20% Fat

how do you determine which one is good bad? I mean, instinctively I know chocolate is bad for me, but then should I stop eating peanuts?


Actually the fat in chocolate is good for you, it's all the added sugar and other junk that makes it bad for you. Stick to high quality dark chocolate bars and you're good.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with the percentage, it's where it's coming from. There are 3 kinds of fats: saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated. What you want to avoid are the polyunsaturated fats that are rancid and pro-inflammatory to the body. Those primarily come from vegetable/seed oils, like soybean, corn, canola, sunflower, safflower oil, things like that. Olive Oil is the exception, preferably extra virgin. Soybean and canola oil are in pretty much every type of processed food, so watch out for that. Cooking with butter, lard, ghee, coconut oil, avocado oil, macadamia oil. Olive Oil is okay only at low heat, it's good for baking though.

You could get even deeper into it, trying to get your omega 6 and omega 3 ratios as even as possible, but I think removing the rancid oils is a good first step.

There are also trans fats, companies like to hide them on labels. If anything says hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated, that's trans fat. Avoid those as well. The one exception being in fall fat dairy or grass fed meat, there's a type of trans fat in those that's good for you, CLA.

Just a few good sources of fat: meat, seafood, eggs, butter, cocoa/dark chocolate, avocado, coconut, nuts..
As far as dark chocolate goes, do you have some good examples of specific products? I've been avoiding candy completely for months but I do have cravings for sure.


As far as dark chocolate goes, do you have some good examples of specific products? I've been avoiding candy completely for months but I do have cravings for sure.

just make sure its like 75%+ cocoa. The stuff i buy has that number front and center so it should be pretty obvious.

As for me, i havent been doing to well with the primal diet the past 2 months or so. Nothing horrifically bad, but just eating too much grain and sugar :( I need to get back on my no grain/sugar diet. I know once i do for a while i wont have a problem sticking to it. Its just a bit tough when you got grain/sugar on the brain


To anyone that is interested in keto, low carb, no grain or sugars type eating lifestyles, I really recommend reading "why we get fat" by Gary taubes, it's an easy read and very informative, he lays it all out and it actually all comes together and makes a whole lot of sense once you read it.

He also has some you tube videos of seminars he did, I like him, and think everyone who wants to go down this route owes it to themselves to watch and read him.
I have a question, probably a silly one but here it is: how's a ketogenic diet different than Atkins phase one? Or is the first phase of the Atkins diet a type of ketogenic diet?



I have a question, probably a silly one but here it is: how's a ketogenic diet different than Atkins phase one? Or is the first phase of the Atkins diet a type of ketogenic diet?


Dont know if phase 1 is any different, but with Atkins you can eat anything so long as its low or no calories

Keto/primal/paleo is all about real food. So if you go keto on a primal/paleo diet, youll be pretty much eating only meat and veggies. Personally, I like fruit and dairy too much to do full on keto, and havent noticed any issues with eating those foods


I have a question, probably a silly one but here it is: how's a ketogenic diet different than Atkins phase one? Or is the first phase of the Atkins diet a type of ketogenic diet?


Keto diets are paleo style, meaning nothing processed, real food only. Eating atkins products like their fake candy bars will most likely keep you out because they're filled with fake sugars and such
I have a question, probably a silly one but here it is: how's a ketogenic diet different than Atkins phase one? Or is the first phase of the Atkins diet a type of ketogenic diet?


With Atkins, the induction is like 2 weeks and then you can start adding very little carbs back into your diet, mostly veggies. But you will still stay in keto until you break it. Atkins pioneered the low carb keto diet. I know its changed a lot though, but old school atkins was pretty strict low carb meat and veggies.
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