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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


the piano man
cross-posting from the fitness thread, I think it also fits in here.

time elapsed is five and a half months, happy with the results and now looking to get strong.


I haven't been dieting at any point, just cardio (intense at the beginning) and some outdoor workout n the first 2 month. Later on I started working out a bit mor seriously, just 3 weeks ago I started at the gym but still not lifting weight, just bodyweight stuff.


relies on auto-aim
I'll check it out. I've never been a huge fan of dark chocolate and that is some dark damned chocolate but it would be nice to have something to satisfy the sweettooth cravings I get from time to time.
85% is chalk, don't listen to the crazy person.
65% is passable. *So is 72% and 75%

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I think 85% is pretty damn tasty. Depends on the maker, I suppose.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Well, starting my 2934934th attempt for a diet tomorrow, accompanied by p90x. Wanted to update with weight stats and pics as time progresses, if you guys don't mind. I hope this one sticks.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Well, starting my 2934934th attempt for a diet tomorrow, accompanied by p90x. Wanted to update with weight stats and pics as time progresses, if you guys don't mind. I hope this one sticks.

Best of luck, man. Just keep it up, even if you see no results. It may take months of seemingly worthless effort, but you have to crawl before you fly.

Keep heart, and good luck :)


85% is fine. The trick with dark chocolate is not to eat it as you would lesser candies; instead, break off a piece and let it sit in your mouth.
My local grocery store does have that particular 85% Dark Chocolate bar. I didn't realize how calorie dense they are. 625 calories for one of those bars. How much would be considered a normal snack? It says 2.5 servings per bar.


It's not really a "candy bar", it's more like a dessert/treat. I could eat a whole bar if I really wanted to, it's that good. But I usually eat 6 squares, which is half the serving size. The calories come from all the saturated fatty goodness!
Well, starting my 2934934th attempt for a diet tomorrow, accompanied by p90x. Wanted to update with weight stats and pics as time progresses, if you guys don't mind. I hope this one sticks.

Same here. Might look into p90x, but I lack the funds right now.

I just want some of my old clothes to fit :(
It's not really a "candy bar", it's more like a dessert/treat. I could eat a whole bar if I really wanted to, it's that good. But I usually eat 6 squares, which is half the serving size. The calories come from all the saturated fatty goodness!

I just tried one and it was a lot better than I was expecting. I ate it as suggested, by breaking off a square and just let it melt in my mouth. Not bad at all and definitely satisfies that sweettooth craving. Like with any rich chocolate, though heartburn is the only real issue for me.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Well, starting my 2934934th attempt for a diet tomorrow, accompanied by p90x. Wanted to update with weight stats and pics as time progresses, if you guys don't mind. I hope this one sticks.

Doing diet + exercise together like that coming from a world of nothing can be pretty damn hard. It's hard enough to do either correctly, let alone changing up everything so you can do both at the same time. Especially something as taxing as P90X which is going to require constant nutrition.

If you're insanely committed (and I mean "insanely" pretty literally here), then you'll make it work regardless...but if your willpower isn't 100% focused on making this work regardless, you're going to have a bad time. When I was trying to lose weight, I literally spent about 75% of my day thinking about, reading about, obsessing about nutrition and exercise. Understanding the ins and outs, learning what works and doesn't...learning how diet and exercise interplay...meticulously dissecting the macros of various foods to create ideal meals...establishing calorie counts for the days...tracking weight progress...tons and tons and tons of focus, constantly. I got the results I wanted, but it took insane dedication to push through.

Losing weight isn't about finding the right combination of things that work for you...it's about establishing and executing a plan as strictly as you possibly can and being insanely focused on succeeding. It's rejecting beer at parties. It's not eating shit out with friends. It's requesting your family makes certain kinds of meals or sides for you. It's about getting all the shit out of your house so you aren't tempted. It's about holding yourself accountable.

Diet and exercise together are great for anybody...but I'd argue that trying to do both at the same time without some experienced hand-holding or an extremely specific plan and commitment is going to very likely fail.

Best of luck, dude!

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I'm a little afraid of that. I'll give the 85% a try since it's just a couple dollars but I may have to work up a taste for extremely dark chocolate.

Quality chocolate is very much like wine in that the flavor comes directly from the types of beans, which are in turn tied directly to the soil and the locales they're grown in; ideally, there should be nothing else in your chocolate but cocoa mass/liquor, sugar, cocoa butter, and lecithin. Even the very high percentages can vary wildly in taste and texture (that chalkiness you mention is not always an inherent quality) depending on which varieties are used.

In particular, chocolates made with Criollo beans, the absolute best type, are amazingly unique-tasting. You can find them ranging from nutty to fruity, floral to spicy, bitter, smokey, grassy... Makes it easier to think of chocolate as something to be savored instead of devoured when you're faced with some that's special.


Losing weight isn't about finding the right combination of things that work for you...it's about establishing and executing a plan as strictly as you possibly can and being insanely focused on succeeding. It's rejecting beer at parties. It's not eating shit out with friends. It's requesting your family makes certain kinds of meals or sides for you. It's about getting all the shit out of your house so you aren't tempted. It's about holding yourself accountable.

This needs to be my wallpaper on my computer.


I did low carb from June to September and went from 168 to 142. In October, between stress, the hurricane, halloween, and a bunch of other crap I didn't lose ANY weight and this trend has followed me into November. I've, infact, gained back a WHOLE POUND!!!!! (which isn't horrible because I've been doing 5/3/1 for strength and it's gone up so it's not the biggest deal but I was seeing how far low carb/high fat/high protein could get me in gains).

So, I've fallen off the wagon. Tomorrow will be no better, nor the rest of the weekend because my friends are home and I'll be eating half apps, McDonalds, turkey, pastries, etc.

How do I get back on the wagon? What are some delicious/cheap/fast to make low carb foods?

Typically I go this route...

Oatmeal - 24g Carb, 7g Pro
Cottage Cheese - 14g pro
2 Eggs - 12g pro

2 Scoop Protein - 14g carb, 42g pro

Chicken Avacado Spinach Salad Thing - A lot of fat, 20g pro

Nuts/Grapes - Whatever

Chicken Breast/Ground Turkey Meatloaf/Burger - 40g pro
String Beans

So generally I'm around 80g of carbs a day and 130g of protein.

I have not been hitting this exact diet recently though... a lot of these meals have been supplemented with burgers, burritos (with rice and BEANS), even PANCAKES or PIZZA.

Made it through the toughest part of the year/month, haha. Think I bloated up a little bit but that's to be expected... to be honest stress was super-high this month, too. I'll probably have minimal progress when I weigh myself on the 30th (if not a gain since last month's weigh-in).

Back with my eye on the goal, however. I've begun tailoring my diet to be more anti-inflammatory in nature as I've been having ridiculous hystamine fluctuations this month due to stress.

Congratulations to those posting progress in the past couple pages. Perhaps it's just my body type; perhaps it's lack of discipline relative to others; but I simply don't have radical results in such a short time. My progress is so subtle compared to everyone else's.


I'm going to be leaving soon to head to my parents house for thanksgiving. Going to try and stick to my diet through it, hopefully this will all work out.


Ate tons of good food today, but kept portions in check so I don't feel awful haha.

Just been making steady progress. Went to the doctor back in October and I weighed in at 200 even. I was about 215 when I started making a real effort in July.

Feeling good, and looking better. Makes it easy to continue forward!
Pretty much ate what i wanted today. Only one big meal today though so i hope it balances out. I haven't been great on my diet lately....my weight loss has slowed to a crawl.


relies on auto-aim
What apps are you folks using to track calories and weight loss over time?
Paid is fine by me.

Being able to input from a computer and see my status online a help as well.


Full werewolf off the buckle
What apps are you folks using to track calories and weight loss over time?
Paid is fine by me.

Being able to input from a computer and see my status online a help as well.
My fitness pal is like 90℅ to thank for my weight loss.
Accessible from Computer and mobile.

I simply cannot recommend it enough.


well, have not been good with my no grain, no sugar diet the past 3 months. hasnt been terrible, but definitely not good. Ive found out that I can't do cheat days. Once i give in, I have a hard time stopping myself from eating it somewhat regularly. Starting now, im going to try to go cold turkey again.

I might have some grains occasionaly if its apart of a dish, but definitely no more sugar. Bad sugar, bad!


relies on auto-aim
My fitness pal is like 90℅ to thank for my weight loss.
Accessible from Computer and mobile.

I simply cannot recommend it enough.

Ditto, although after a while you won't need it as you'll be able to work out roughly what's good and bad and how much of it you should eat.
Done and done.

I don't see a NeoGAF group (And goodness knows I could use some reference and support). Anyone want to join in? Need 3 usernames.

Other groups good to join would be welcome as well.
well, have not been good with my no grain, no sugar diet the past 3 months. hasnt been terrible, but definitely not good. Ive found out that I can't do cheat days. Once i give in, I have a hard time stopping myself from eating it somewhat regularly. Starting now, im going to try to go cold turkey again.

I might have some grains occasionaly if its apart of a dish, but definitely no more sugar. Bad sugar, bad!
I've been very lucky that I dislike heavily processed foods and don't care for sugar that much.

What were you having trouble with?


Full werewolf off the buckle
Done and done.

I don't see a NeoGAF group (And goodness knows I could use some reference and support). Anyone want to join in? Need 3 usernames.

Other groups good to join would be welcome as well.

I've been very lucky that I dislike heavily processed foods and don't care for sugar that much.

What were you having trouble with?

Awesome idea! I've sent you my mfp name in a pm!
Somehow lost 3 lbs over Thanksgiving.....I always loose weight when I go home for holidays no matter how much I eat.

Its disturbing.

I am gonna lose so much weight over Christmas if this trend continues.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Somehow lost 3 lbs over Thanksgiving.....I always loose weight when I go home for holidays no matter how much I eat.

Its disturbing.

I am gonna lose so much weight over Christmas if this trend continues.

It's funny when our body decides to gain and lose. Two days ago I was disappointed that I'd gained .3 pounds over Thanksgiving, but it must have been water weight because now I'm down a pound and a half.

Hey, these are the good kind of problems to have I guess. Let's hope the rest of the holidays go as well for everyone :)


Most likely because you've been on a strict diet and the sudden feast with plenty of carbs triggered a "whoosh". It's been known to happen.

People diet strictly for weeks without any substancial fat loss, then binge on pizza and wake up 5lbs lighter the next day.


Past month I've fallen hard. Haven't been to the gym and haven't really watched what I've been eating. I wasn't eating like total junk, but was extremely lax with what I ate. Easily put on 5 pounds and lost strength. Pathetic, I know. I only have myself to blame, but a lot was happening in life.

Ready to get back on track. Yesterday I went to the gym and took it a little easy with a 3x5 of squatting, benching and rowing with some other stuff thrown in.

Today I started tracking on MyFitnessPal again.

My goal is to be back to where I was a month ago in, well, a month! If I can get back in shape by Christmas I'd be happy.

It's a strong message to myself that once you fall off, it is VERY easy to stay off and lose progress quickly.


The good news is that it is relatively easy to get back to the level of strength you were prior to falling off.

Thats what I figured. I did 135 on squat, bench and row and nothing felt impossible. If I add 10 pounds a workout I'll be back in no time :)

Hows your pup doing? Mine has finally calmed this past week.
Thats what I figured. I did 135 on squat, bench and row and nothing felt impossible. If I add 10 pounds a workout I'll be back in no time :)

Hows your pup doing? Mine has finally calmed this past week.

She's doing well. House training is going pretty solid but she still has accidents every now and then. The good news is that she is making an effort of trying to get out. I sometimes confuse that for whining/wanting attention. I ignore it, she pees. Oh well. She is very stubborn though. I'm trying to get her to come when I call but that can be a challenge. Just gotta keep working on it.

Glad your dog is doing better. Any stories to tell?


She's pretty much trained now. I hung a bell by the door and made her ring it before she goes out. Now she rings it independently and hasn't had an accident in 3 weeks. It was the sleep schedule that was messing me up. This past week was the first time she slept through the night the entire week. Feels good to finally get at least 7 hours of straight sleep. Lack of sleep definitely throws everything off.
Man. My Fitness Pal says I can only have 34g of sugar.

I had a Greek yogurt and Cup of 100% pure Orange Juice this morning and I have like 1 more gram to spend today? The hell? :(

How is this stuff possible?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Man. My Fitness Pal says I can only have 34g of sugar.

I had a Greek yogurt and Cup of 100% pure Orange Juice this morning and I have like 1 more gram to spend today? The hell? :(

How is this stuff possible?

...no clue how My Fitness Pal works, haven't used it. Not sure what it's using to come up with it's dietary guidelines for you.

But that aside: if you're trying to be low carb (as 34g certainly is), you're going to need to cut out things like fruit juice to hit those numbers.

Meat + Veggies should make up like 75-90% of your diet...for pretty much any good diet. If you're just starting dieting and aren't sure on what you can and can't eat...basically inspect or question anything that isn't a meat or a vegetable.

- Fruit? Probably can get away with a handful of berries.
- Yogurt? Greek yogurt without any nonsense in it can be low carb somtimes
- Nuts? Fairly low carb, but easy to abuse the hell out of. 1 serving is less than a handful
- Oats/Bread? Very little if any. 1 slice of bread is typically 10g of carbs at best
- Protein Bars? Very few will fit the bill. Look into Quest Bars if you want/need these
- Cereal? Nope
- Rice? Hell no
- Potatoes? Nope...not even sweet potatoes (which are healthier alternatives, but still carb bombs)

...meat and veggies. Love 'em! Eat 'em! Learn how to prepare them in different ways and watch the fat fly off.

If you're doing a heavy lifting program or are generally incredibly active, you can ramp up the carbs a bit...but I'd only recommend eating these added carbs after your workout so they are used to replenish glycogen vs. just wasted during the day.
Why would I be low carbs? My question was about Sugars. I'm aware sugars lead to carbs but was just surprised how little sugar it tries to curb you on.

Carbs I still plan on having in a much more reduced amount to what I use to have. Also plan on doing whole wheats and grains in the few carbs I take in.

I'm doing P90X and it doesn't recommend I cut carbs drastically in this first stage. Later on I think it begins to reduce them but for now I'm not killing myself for having 2/3 cup of whole grain pasta or a cup of OJ a day.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Lol yeah I was blown away by the sugar limit at first too. I was hitting 75-80 grams a day every day.

You learn to live with it and pretty soon your hitting 34 pretty easily. Give it time.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Why would I be low carbs? My question was about Sugars. I'm aware sugars lead to carbs but was just surprised how little sugar it tries to curb you on.
Sorry about that...my brain was auto-translating sugar to carb. Didn't have the whole context when I was replying.

P90X will definitely have you eating "healthier" carbs like whole grains and fruit and what not.

I'd basically stick to getting your carbs from things like sweet potatoes or whole grains in the P90X program. The dietary guide has a bunch of daily diet plans spelled out that you could follow directly.

34g of sugar specifically will be reached quickly if you eat a lot of fruit or greek yogurt with fruit or honey in it.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
I decided to delay my diet once again, but RubxQub's post really made me determined to seriously keep it up now. I wanna keep updating this thread constantly if you guys don't mind, just so I know I have support. I'm starting tomorrow, with p90x, and a diet consisting of salads and try to eat more fruit. I'm also taking no days off and all that bullshit.

I'm doing it this time, no fucking around.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I decided to delay my diet once again, but RubxQub's post really made me determined to seriously keep it up now. I wanna keep updating this thread constantly if you guys don't mind, just so I know I have support. I'm starting tomorrow, with p90x, and a diet consisting of salads and try to eat more fruit. I'm also taking no days off and all that bullshit.

I'm doing it this time, no fucking around.

Fuck yeah, man. P90X is all about determination (have done the full 90 myself). Pressing play every day is rough, but it got me in great starting condition for further workouts from a limp fish. I went from being able to do 1 pull up and basically no real push-ups to being able to do 8 pullups and about 20 push-ups by the end of it.

If you can clean up your diet, keep your calories in check, and stick with the program...it's pretty much impossible to not see results.

All I can say is TAKE PICTURES. I didn't notice any changes at all in the mirror until I compared Day 1 and Day 30 pictures, and Day 30 to Day 90 pictures. Big differences.

Looking forward to your updates.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Yeah guys! 9 members on the group now and I'm really enjoying my fitness pal's social features now. It's cool to have a place to go where everyone is going through the same shit,
lol 90 lbs later I have yet to take any after pics.

I never took any "before" pics though I have some from around that time. I didn't want to have before pics around in case the whole thing blew up in my face (first time really dieting). Now regretting it.
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