crisdecuba said:
So here's a question - when you lose weight, how difficult is it (or is it impossible) to eliminate the flabbiness of your stomach? I mean the loose-ish skin? I ask because I've begun losing weight and would like to have realistic expectations for what the end result should look like.
Some info:
- I'm in my late 20's
- I'm going from 242 lbs to what I believe my idea weight is, 185 lbs.
- I have experienced some (minor) stretch marks on my stomach area
- I've always had a little "pooch," even when I was skinny in high school, but I never built up muscle
So what should I expect? Does it get better with time? Anything I should do to help the process along?
Thanks in advance.
I know people who have gone through it and here is what the deal is.
When you are extremely obese and lose a lot of weight you get excess skin. inside the skin is water and fat that will never break down as it's part of the flab. What also happens is it completely spreads your abdominal muscles. Meaning even if you lose a metric tonne of weight, and bust your ass lifting 3 times a week and doing cardio 3 times a weak (6 days total) you will never have a proper stomach area.
What needs to be done is contacting your family doctor who will put you in contact with a plastic surgeon. Generally what they do is four operation. One for your mid-section, one for your arms, one for your chest and one for your legs.
The major operation is the one for the mid-section. In Canada it's about a 6 hour operation at $2500 an hour.
What they do is cut a ring right around your entire mid-section. Remove all the extra skin and fat all around your body, re-set and tighten all of your abdominal muscles that have been misplaced by the extra weight, then lift the skin that was under your gut all the way up to your chest. They then put drains into you to drain the excess fluids while you heal and sometimes give you a body suit. In about 6 weeks you should be on your feet again moving around as normal.
With the arms they cut along the lower part of your arm and right before the armpit they make a straight incision and branch it off into a V so you have enough skin to move your arm up and down. They cut all the extra off, suck away the fat and then pull the incision tightly together under your arm and sew it up.
On the chest it depends if the person has Gynecomastia or not. General they make small cuts under your man tits, suck all the fat away, remove excess skin then lift the nipple back to where it should normally be.
Arms, chest and legs are hour long operations each. The mid-section is a 6 hour operation.
There are other ways of doing the mid-section but they do NOT work as well and do nothing for your sides or back. It does work fine for people who were around 250, but anything more than that, especially 300+ you need the full 6 hour operation.
Now in your case you were about 250 pounds. So your arms and legs, perhaps even your chest may not need an operation. Which is fantastic. In some cases even the stomach may go back to normal and no surgery will be required.
Keep working out, keep losing weight and see how it goes. If you get to your goal weight and you still have a big flap of skin. Then you may need surgery to remove it. The surgery you will need however isn't the 6 hour operation. It would be more like a simple tummy lift which takes about an hour. Without a picture I can't tell you if you they will need to re-set your abdominal muscles though.