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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


NintendoGal said:
I'm curious how folks try to stop eating sweets. I notice I get cravings throughout the day for sugar, whether it be the fudge I just bought or my birthday ice cream cake. I've tried easing away from it (fruits only practically) and cold turkey approaches, but I cave eventually and give in to my sweet tooth.

Any advice?

1. Have no sweets at all in your house, and have plenty of healthy alternative snacks. Can't eat what you don't have.

2. If you find that you have cravings, total abstinence won't necessarily work. In a subset of the population, the pressure just builds up more and more until you snap. Instead, work with it and limit your sugars. That way it doesn't seem like denial so much as readjustment, and after a few weeks you won't get the cravings as much.

For example, if you are addicted to candy, then only eat one chocolate bar a day, and make it dark. If you love pop, then try some diet pop mixed in with regular pop. If you love pastries, slowly choose healthier and healthier pastries until you can start cutting them out.

the point is that if you are building off steam, then use a pressure release valve. This lets you make gradual adjustments to your eating habints and keeps your from snapping and binging.


NintendoGal said:
I'm curious how folks try to stop eating sweets. I notice I get cravings throughout the day for sugar, whether it be the fudge I just bought or my birthday ice cream cake. I've tried easing away from it (fruits only practically) and cold turkey approaches, but I cave eventually and give in to my sweet tooth.

Any advice?

1. Don't aim for perfection. Use the 90-10 rule. Aim to eat well 90% of the time and don't punish yourself for a treat here and there. This is better then going cold turkey and then caving in and binging.

2. Have a good variety of healthy food available to you at all times so that you don't get bored or get hungry. Try to eat a lot. The more healthy food you fill up on, the less you'll be hungry and have cravings for other food.

3. Keep bad stuff out of your house so that it is more work to acquire it.


Jokergrin said:
1. Don't aim for perfection. Use the 90-10 rule. Aim to eat well 90% of the time and don't punish yourself for a treat here and there. This is better then going cold turkey and then caving in and binging.

2. Have a good variety of healthy food available to you at all times so that you don't get bored or get hungry. Try to eat a lot. The more healthy food you fill up on, the less you'll be hungry and have cravings for other food.

3. Keep bad stuff out of your house so that it is more work to acquire it.

4. Watch the sugar creep. It's got me more than once - oh I'll just have one, then just one more, then 10 :lol
Blackface said:
It depends

if the Yogurt has no added Sugar, it's the same as eating a piece of fruit. People like to read and see "Sugar is poison for the body", but they don't really know what they are talking about. Mainly spewing off talking points from something they read or saw.

Sugar isn't great for the body, but it's also not poison. REFINED SUGAR is poison. Natural sugar found in fruit and vegetables is where a majority of the vitamins are found (particularly in fruit) and has many benefits. You obviously don't want to go overboard, but having some fruit or yogurt is perfectly fine.

The problem is most Yogurt has added refined sugar. When this is the case, it's just as bad as drinking Soda. Sure you get more vitamins, but that doesn't make up for the fact you are putting something into your body that does nothing but harm you.

Find a yogurt with no added Sugar. Meaning all the Sugar in the yogurt is natural.
The terms you are using do not have the definitions that you are ascribing to them. Refined sugar vs natural sugar, first you need to identify the type of sugar you are referring to. I assume fructose, in which case you are completely wrong, because it is metabolized by your liver in the exact same way whether it comes from HFCS, table sugar derived from beets, cane, or whether it comes from eating an apple.


just wanted to weigh in.

june 8, 2010 = 215lbs
july 22, 2010 = 200lbs

i usually weigh myself on friday, but i cheated today and was very happy with my results so far. bought a bike, trying to do at least 5 miles a day, 5-6 days a week, which is hard for me, completely out of shape. also picked up some 20lb dumbells to start lifting.
NintendoGal said:
I'm curious how folks try to stop eating sweets. I notice I get cravings throughout the day for sugar, whether it be the fudge I just bought or my birthday ice cream cake. I've tried easing away from it (fruits only practically) and cold turkey approaches, but I cave eventually and give in to my sweet tooth.

Any advice?

Try dark chocolate. Get some around 70%, mix it with some fruit. Once you get used to the taste increase the %. Fresh strawberries and a couple of squares of dark chocolate are better than any candy bar, imo.

I bought some 99% the other day, it was pretty good, not much flavour though.
Well, I just started trying to lose weight in a more serious manner so I'll post my results as well.

July 12th, 2010: 209.2 lbs
July 22nd, 2010: 203.4 lbs

I've started the Paleo diet and so far so good. A lot I'm sure is water weight as I eat so little salt now. I dont' plan on being super gung ho about it for a long time, I know I'll crash hard (trying to learn from past diets and experiences and just knowing myself and how I fail much better). What I'm doing is being very strict the first 2 weeks, then I'm going to introduce dairy, and eventually beans, probably after 4 weeks. Then I may have some bad carbs occasionally but that all depends on how I'm doing after the 4 weeks. Doing my best to make eliminating simple carbs as much as possible. We'll see how it goes, I'm not one for a great amount of willpower.

I also do CrossFit twice a week, just about all I have time for right now. After crossfit is the only time I technically "cheat" as I have a recovery drink (chocolate milk).
Thanks for the advice guys, going to try to phase out most of the candy in the house, though that will be tough because I do keep baking goods around to make for the hubby and his work buddies.

Thinking about it though, we don't really keep all that much in the house at one time, I usually just ask him to bring me something home. Getting him to ignore me when I ask for it is hard too because he caves to my wants, no matter how bad they are for me.

Still, this is self-discipline I need for myself as well.

infiniteloop said:
Try dark chocolate. Get some around 70%, mix it with some fruit. Once you get used to the taste increase the %. Fresh strawberries and a couple of squares of dark chocolate are better than any candy bar, imo.

I bought some 99% the other day, it was pretty good, not much flavour though.

I'm probably one of the few women I know who absolutely hates dark chocolate. I've tried some real decent stuff too and just couldn't stand the bitterness. Suppose that's why I don't care for coffee too much (unless it has sugar/flavors) either.


Canadians burned my passport
Okay gaf, I need some help in finding a good diet for myself.

Background: I'm not overweight, though I used to be so I still have some fat leftover in my gut and some other areas that I'd like to get rid of. Though, the main issue is that my cholesterol is high and getting higher. I'm at 3.92 for LDL and 1.34 for HDL. Frankly, I've been eating relatively healthy for the past year, no soft drinks and only the occasional junk food so I'm pretty baffled as to why it's going up. But it's time to bite the bullet and just try something like a ketonic diet out.

I'm mostly confused by what is allowed and what isn't.

Are complex carbs allowed? Like starches in rice and potatoes?

How much fruit should I eat?

I like celery, should I just eat a lot of that as well?

Carrot's are like pure sugar aren't they?

I've been off and on p90x for the past few months because there have been a series of major things in life getting in the way of following the schedule. But I'm gonna give it another try.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Divvy said:
Okay gaf, I need some help in finding a good diet for myself.

Background: I'm not overweight, though I used to be so I still have some fat leftover in my gut and some other areas that I'd like to get rid of. Though, the main issue is that my cholesterol is high and getting higher. I'm at 3.92 for LDL and 1.34 for HDL. Frankly, I've been eating relatively healthy for the past year, no soft drinks and only the occasional junk food so I'm pretty baffled as to why it's going up. But it's time to bite the bullet and just try something like a ketonic diet out.

Cholesterol doesn't necessarily correlate with heart disease. If you have small, dense LDL and you have body wide inflammation, then you're at very high risk.

As far as heart disease goes, I would get blood work on:
-Triglycerides & fasting glucose (more correlates with small dense LDL, which is bad)
-Blood pressure (eliminate fructose to improve this)
-Inflammation (C-reactive protein and many others)
-Autoimmune antibody markers (tests for inflammation caused by food allergies, increased intestinal permeability)

As far as the elevated cholesterol goes, I'd be concerned about why your body thinks it needs to make more cholesterol. There's probably a cause. It could be damaged arteries, but it could be something else.


Are complex carbs allowed? Like starches in rice and potatoes?

If you're not carbohydrate restrictive, you want to eliminate these:
1. Fructose (sugar, sucrose, honey, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, juice, pure fructose)
2. Wheat & most grains. Generally the more gluten the worse they seem to be.
3. Mashed/Typical Baked potatoes. Sweet potatoes are probably fine.
4. White rice. Brown rice is probably good.

In addition to what not to eat, I would add fermented food and/or take probiotics. Eat plenty of vegetables. Here's why:


How much fruit should I eat?

Generally any that are whole. The fiber & time it takes to eat them makes it harder to overdo it. You can gulp 4 apples worth of apple juice in 30 seconds, but who eats 4 apples in one sitting? But you may want to go easy on the sugary ones like oranges & bananas.

I like celery, should I just eat a lot of that as well?

Carrot's are like pure sugar aren't they?

Those should both be fine.


Canadians burned my passport
Thanks. What about whole wheats? Like whole grain pitas or pasta? The problem I have is that its hard to find a substitute for starches in a meal.

What exactly is chronic inflammation? I've looked it up and it's hard to get a straight answer about the indicators of chronic inflammation. I suppose I should go get a CRP test.


filipe said:

Dude, awesome job! You kind of look like a young Al Pacino now!


"hoo haa!!"


For those of you with Android phones, I posted this over in the Android Software thread. It's probably more suited for our little exercise community:

Fatalah said:

Oh my gosh, the best free app I've ever ever downloaded --- CardioTrainer.

So much win in one little app. It's essentially Nike+ but free!

Damn, it's impressive.

Using GPS, the app tracks your runs. The app notifies you of your progress as you run via British robot voice. If you reach a stoplight, or stop moving for whatever reason, the app stops counting until you start up again.

Music integration. Create playlists. Pedometer. You can race against yourself. It graphs your runs. It keeps detailed records of your runs. You can even upload your stats and rank them up against the World.



"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
What exactly is chronic inflammation? I've looked it up and it's hard to get a straight answer about the indicators of chronic inflammation. I suppose I should go get a CRP test.

Normal inflammation is just the body's attempt to speed up the healing process and attack any foreign invaders.

Chronic inflammation is a persistent state of inflammation. Typically this is due to an autoimmune disorder. In an autoimmune disorder, the body's immune system attacks the body. Because there is always damage, it's always in an inflammatory state in order to heal.

Lots of autoimmune disorders are thought to be originally caused by inflammation in the digestive system. This can be caused from toxic waste from bad intestinal bacteria:


And these bacteria tend to overgrown and dominate good bacteria when dietary fiber intake is low and sugar/flour is high.

Inflammation in the intestines can also be caused by food insensitivities. While celiac disease, which is caused by gluten insensitivity, isn't that common, about half of the population is suspected to be partially sensitive.

The girl on this blog just made some strong refutations of the China Study. She found that if anything the data in the China Study strongly associated wheat with heart disease, obesity, and cancer:

Stephan Guyenet's blog has talked about gluten a lot.

Here he talks about how much of the population is sensitive to gluten but not sensitive enough to be celiac. There are still ill effects on digestive health on these partially sensitive people:
Gluten Sensitivity: Celiac Disease is the Tip of the Iceberg
Wheat in China (talks about correlation of excess body weight & wheat consumption)

Here's an hour long discussion about gluten sensitivity:

The above talks about auto-immune & inflammation tests. I personally don't know what most general practitioner MDs look at, or much detail about what the radio broadcast talks about. But it's something I may look into in the coming months. I imagine these tests will become standard eventually, as they have the ability to diagnose many auto-immune disorders years before the problem causes the disorder.

One of the theories on the cause of obesity is inflammation of the hypothalamus. If leaky gut allows a bunch of undigested food and bacteria waste into the blood stream, and it directly causes inflammation in the brain or it causes an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks brain tissue, the hypothalamus gets inflamed. They hypothalamus regulates appetite. The more leptin it receives, the less hungry you are and the higher your metabolism is. If the hypothalamus is inflamed, it does not respond well to leptin. These parts of the theory are known, but a link between them while intuitive I don't think has been conclusively shown (yet).

Divvy said:
Thanks. What about whole wheats? Like whole grain pitas or pasta? The problem I have is that its hard to find a substitute for starches in a meal.

Whole wheat doesn't make any difference if you're sensitive to gluten. If you get a thorough test and you're not sensitive, whole wheat is probably fine. May want to take a couple of vitamins or eat extra green leaf vegetables to offset the mineral inhibiting effects of wheat's phytates.

I would recommend replacing starches with:
Dietary fat/protein
Brown rice
Sweet potatoes

These offer way better nutrition.
Started at 242.5 lbs, now at 227.5. :) Whoo hoo! Pics to come on October 1st (that's the target date for the conclusion of the weight loss competition I'm a part of). :)

My Goals:

1. Get to the weight I was at for my wedding: 212 lbs.
2. Get to the weight I was at the last time I went snowboarding: 196 lbs.
3. Get to the weight I was at in college, plus muscle: 180 lbs.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Yeah, I've been in this thread way too long. Partly because I'm only half way to my goal, but also I have been a bit obsessed with understanding obesity's etiology. I had to shed 20 lbs back in 2005, so this is the second time I've had to do it. It's harder this time, so I want to make sure I understand how it all works so I don't have to do this again.

I think I've caught up with the latest research. Had I made a thread a month ago, it would have been insulin centric only.


Domino Theory said:
How many carbs are in your typical flour-coated chicken tenders (I buy a few pieces once or twice a week from Safeway's Deli)?
If you can, shoot for marinated instead. I bought some marinated tenders from two different take-away fast food places here in Australia (Nando's and Oporto's fyi) and they both had a total of about 3% of carbs, 3g @ 100g for four tenders.


NintendoGal said:
I'm curious how folks try to stop eating sweets. I notice I get cravings throughout the day for sugar, whether it be the fudge I just bought or my birthday ice cream cake. I've tried easing away from it (fruits only practically) and cold turkey approaches, but I cave eventually and give in to my sweet tooth.

Any advice?
Seriously, just quit cold turkey.

The more you eat sweets, the more you'll crave sweets. If you force yourself to go even just 2-3 days without them, you'll suddenly stop craving them (or at least I do), and you'll be amazed at just how addicted to that sugar you really were.


Stopped my low carb diet for three or four weeks, but got back on a week ago and weighed for the first time this morning.

-8.5 lbs :D

I am now at 201. Holy shit, in a week I will be under 200 lbs FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SEVEN YEARS

So awesome


It never ceases to amaze me just how quickly one can lose weight when almost completely cutting out carbs. I just covered a week as well and lost about a kilo without any exercise as well.
Ok guys, So i have been dieting for over a month now. I've been eating low calorie and low fat foods. And I've only lost 2kg in about 4 weeks.. Which isn't a lot at all.
I've been eating cereal on weekdays for breakfast. Whole meal bread with ham and lettuce for sandwiches, and generally have either soup or tuna salad for dinner.
Unfortunately I don't get time to do any exercise at all, so right now I want to lose weight pretty much based on my diet. In fact, not even weight.. just fat.
Why isn't it going quicker :_;????
Chinner said:
cause you're still eatng foods high in carbs lol.

I'm looking through this thread atm, but this will speed things up..
List of low carb, low fat and low calorie foods plz. I keep eating the wrong foods :mad:


Dabookerman said:
I'm looking through this thread atm, but this will speed things up..
List of low carb, low fat and low calorie foods plz. I keep eating the wrong foods :mad:

fat is fine and isn't evil like everyone claims., and don't worry about calorie control. i eat about 3 times more than i ever have and i lose weight (although nowadays i'm not so fussed because im so skinny that its silly being on an exact diet)

carby food is:
SUGAR (avoid!)
starch (chips, potatos etc)
bread (whole grain isn't so bad, but still best avoided)
chocolate/sweets (or candy)
pizza (you can make your own so dont worry about it)

you're just gonna have to look at your diet and see the nutrients of it. as i said, don't worry about fats so you can eat as much meat as you want.

if you haven't switched to drinking water then do that as well, try your best to avoid drinking empty calories and carbs.
Chinner said:
fat is fine and isn't evil like everyone claims., and don't worry about calorie control. i eat about 3 times more than i ever have and i lose weight (although nowadays i'm not so fussed because im so skinny that its silly being on an exact diet)

carby food is:
SUGAR (avoid!)
starch (chips, potatos etc)
bread (whole grain isn't so bad, but still best avoided)
chocolate/sweets (or candy)
pizza (you can make your own so dont worry about it)

you're just gonna have to look at your diet and see the nutrients of it. as i said, don't worry about fats so you can eat as much meat as you want.

if you haven't switched to drinking water then do that as well, try your best to avoid drinking empty calories and carbs.

Thanks, that's awesome. I have been eating a bit too much sugar looking at it. So at work, instead of tea and the occasional coffee I'm gonna stick with water. I have been avoiding spuds. I do pretty much avoid the rest. Just I tend to eat a lot of bread, and the occasional chocolate at work. I'm gonna try to make a habit of buying carrots and celery for snacks.
The only other problem is the budget. Is it at all possible to be doing this on a low budget? I tend to spend no more than £60 a month on food.

Also, is fried food ok?


Quick update. I started a low carb weight loss plan after getting motivated by this thread.

Started on 11th June and weighed 124kgs (273lb)
Last Friday 23 July I weighed 117kg (257lb)

I've only just started doing cardio during the last week, and my weight went up almost 2kgs despite doing an hour of cardio for 5 days. Been doing Tae Bo and Zumba (I know..) which are both good cardio workouts for a guy my size.

I'll stick with the cardio and see what a difference it makes over the next month. My goal is 85-90 kgs before I head back overseas. Being 124kgs in the middle of a Thailand summer was not much fun..

I'm starting to get comments about the change in my body shape and face which have been very encouraging!

I've stuck to the low carb diet and only made a few tiny mistakes (1 rum and coke, and a few water crackers).


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Dabookerman said:
Thanks, that's awesome. I have been eating a bit too much sugar looking at it. So at work, instead of tea and the occasional coffee I'm gonna stick with water. I have been avoiding spuds. I do pretty much avoid the rest. Just I tend to eat a lot of bread, and the occasional chocolate at work. I'm gonna try to make a habit of buying carrots and celery for snacks.
The only other problem is the budget. Is it at all possible to be doing this on a low budget? I tend to spend no more than £60 a month on food.

Also, is fried food ok?

Fried food can be healthy. Not to get to complicated with fats, but most prepared food is cooked in soybean oil. It has a bad omega6:eek:mega3 ratio, and tends to be rancid because the oil just wasn't fresh to begin with (think about the process of getting oil out of soybeans, it's not pretty) and it doesn't hold up well in heat.

You want fried food cooked on lard & palm oil I believe.

Medium temps you want coconut oil.

Low heat butter (preferably from cows that ate fresh grass).

Low-no heat olive oil, fish oil.

To keep it simple:
I. Bad fats:
-Industrialized seed oils. Stuff that didn't exist before 1900.
-Trans fats

II. Good fats:
-Animal fats from animals that ate their evolutionary diet (cows eating grass, not grain).
-Olive oil
-Coconut oil
-Fish oil
-85+% Cocoa chocolate

III. Somewhere inbetween:
-Animal fats from grain diets.

teh_pwn, you need to make the low carb thread dude. it's time.

Maybe one day. I'd prefer to finish my goal first. Or maybe one day when I'm particularly ranty. Until then, people can reference my posts in this thread and say "but didn't teh_pwneth on page 237, line 2455 sayeth that thouest shall not eat pie?"

But seriously it's not as simple as low carb as I've learned in the last 2 months. There could be more that I don't know. But interestingly it seems that low carb addresses most causes of obesity to some extent.


NintendoGal said:
I'm curious how folks try to stop eating sweets. I notice I get cravings throughout the day for sugar, whether it be the fudge I just bought or my birthday ice cream cake. I've tried easing away from it (fruits only practically) and cold turkey approaches, but I cave eventually and give in to my sweet tooth.

Any advice?

Dunno if this will work for you but I was in the same boat I started chewing gum.I found that when I wanted sugar the little bit of sugar that was in gum was enough.


I started off at 335, and after close to four months of (mostly) following the basic rules of The Leptin Diet, I'm about 298. Yay, under 300. I'm 6'3" with a very large frame and targetting 200.

I'm diabetic. It took some time, but once I finally got my blood sugar levels under control (without drugs), weight loss started coming a lot easier...for some reason. Then a few weeks ago, I hit a plateau where my blood sugar rose for a couple weeks and weight loss became incredibly difficult again. Is there some correlation between uncontrolled blood sugar and weight loss difficulty that I'm unaware of?


Lost 18 kilos (from 93 to 75) in a little more than 2 months. I'm not tired and I don't have those "scars" that might appear after quick weight losses. Maybe thanks to creams and massages.

I've run a lot again (every day) and did the protein diet known as "Protal" or Dukan here (France).

Feels good.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
cress2000 said:
I started off at 335, and after close to four months of (mostly) following the basic rules of The Leptin Diet, I'm about 298. Yay, under 300. I'm 6'3" with a very large frame and targetting 200.

I'm diabetic. It took some time, but once I finally got my blood sugar levels under control (without drugs), weight loss started coming a lot easier...for some reason. Then a few weeks ago, I hit a plateau where my blood sugar rose for a couple weeks and weight loss became incredibly difficult again. Is there some correlation between uncontrolled blood sugar and weight loss difficulty that I'm unaware of?

Yes if you're type 2 diabetic with insulin resistance as the cause. Insulin resistance means that lean tissue stops responding to insulin attempting to put blood glucose into them for fuel. So the body tries to compensate by increasing insulin production, and it lingers. Eventually insulin will convert excess blood glucose to fat and store it to body fat.

But what's most important is that insulin is the primary fat storage hormone. If insulin is high, it neutralizes most anabolic hormones that try to pull body fat to use as fuel. So in a type 2 diabetic with severe insulin resistance, your body has chronically high levels of insulin and there's very little time that you're burning body fat.

If that's your situation, you may want to seriously consider a ketogenic diet. At the very least eliminate fructose which induces insulin resistance on the liver itself, which adds a lot of fuel to the fire. You may also want to talk to a doctor about taking a insulin inhibiting drug.

But if you're a type 2 diabetic that is deficient in insulin, that's another story.

Watch this:
Kafel said:
Lost 18 kilos (from 93 to 75) in a little more than 2 months. I'm not tired and I don't have those "scars" that might appear after quick weight losses. Maybe thanks to creams and massages.

I've run a lot again (every day) and did the protein diet known as "Protal" or Dukan here (France).

Feels good.

How'd you do it? That's sort of my aim. I'm 6'1 and 92kg, and I'm aiming for 75kg. Especially in that time frame, nice one!

elrechazao said:
Depends on what you mean by fried. If you mean cooked in fat, yes. If you mean breaded and then cooked in fat, no. Eat eggs!

I've got loads of eggs. Which type of egg is more preferable? I usually make poached, fried or scrambled.


Weight loss is continuing to go good for me. 1~2 pounds per week, as it has been since the I entered the normal part of my diet instead of the near-starving-myself-in-Japan-while-walking-many-miles-per-day phase of the diet.

My appetite is just so much smaller and manageable, and even splurging at a buffets doesn't do anything to halt my weekly process. I've also had to sacrifice surprisingly little of the foods that I enjoy, aside from baking.
elrechazao said:
However you like them is preferable. I've been doing a lot of french style scrambles lately like these: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU_B3QNu_Ks. Just don't add carbs to them, and eat as many as you want.

Awesome awesome stuff. Right, now all of this is pretty achievable. My question is.. what do I eat at work?
I sit at a desk pretty much all day. I'm rubbish of thinking of foods that exclude bread.


Dabookerman said:
How'd you do it? That's sort of my aim. I'm 6'1 and 92kg, and I'm aiming for 75kg. Especially in that time frame, nice one!

I forgot to mention this but I'm 1m79 and I used to run a lot before gaining weight so it has been easy for me.

I run between 25 and 40 minutes every day.

You can learn more about the diet I've followed at the same time here : http://www.think-slim.com/tag/protal-diet/

I don't know how's the translation of this book but to give you an idea all people I know who have tried it have lost at least 10 kilos. The book is the second best-seller of the year here (first is Harry Potter).


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Another thing to keep in mind is that if you just gained the weight, it's easy to reverse it. But if you're 30+ lbs overweight, you've had it for years, and you're having trouble losing it no matter what you do, you probably have a damaged metabolism. It could be caused by poor leptin/insulin sensitivity. Even after you correct the cause, it could take months for appetite/satiety to accurately reflect what you need.

But if all of those mechanisms are intact, you can drop the weight in a matter of weeks.
Dabookerman said:
Awesome awesome stuff. Right, now all of this is pretty achievable. My question is.. what do I eat at work?
I sit at a desk pretty much all day. I'm rubbish of thinking of foods that exclude bread.
I eat a lot of nuts at work. Do you have access to a fridge? If so, hard boiled eggs, cheese, salad, cold cuts, etc. But yeah, I love a bag of almonds at work as a snack.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Huge salads are the way to go for lunch at work. If you have any leftover chicken don't forget to throw some of that in.


I was born skinny. 182cm 58kg

I can eat tons of sweets until my belly hurts (never doing that much though), get a little bit of fat on my stomach and its gone in a week. <33 my genes & fast metabolism :D
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