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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

I assume both proper exercise and regulated diet are a part of the procedure.

I used to go gym till last year and while I did make progress, I hit the plateau rather really fast.

What is percentage of time spent between muscle and cardio related exercises?

Also, god luck to your mom.

I find doing both equally (cardio and resistance) is beneficial. Diet is the first thing you should pay attention to though.


I assume both proper exercise and regulated diet are a part of the procedure.

I used to go gym till last year and while I did make progress, I hit the plateau rather really fast.

What is percentage of time spent between muscle and cardio related exercises?

Also, good luck to your mom.

She doesn't work out, and is unable to. You can lose lots of weight without working out. Your body will just not look as good if you do (or be as fit obviously).

Lots of people lose all the weight they can possibly lose without working out. Then, once at their goal weight, begin a system like starting from strength. This allows them to make rapid gains. As they are eating an abundance (of healthy good), allowing them to build muscle you simply can't while on a deficit.

I would get your diet in order and worry about working out until you feel comfortable with it. No point in overwhelming yourself right off the bat.


She doesn't work out, and is unable to. You can lose lots of weight without working out. Your body will just not look as good if you do (or be as fit obviously).

Lots of people lose all the weight they can possibly lose without working out. Then, once at their goal weight, begin a system like starting from strength. This allows them to make rapid gains. As they are eating an abundance (of healthy good), allowing them to build muscle you simply can't while on a deficit.

I would get your diet in order and worry about working out until you feel comfortable with it. No point in overwhelming yourself right off the bat.



Full werewolf off the buckle
I would also suggest people in this thread look into picking up some digestive enzymes once you reach your goal weight. Being over-weight and obese can completely destroy many of the enzymes and other bacteria beneficial for digestion. Meaning it becomes harder to absorb your food, and takes longer to fully digest each meal. You only need to take them for 4-8 weeks and it should replenish and repair any damage that was done.

In terms of Fish oils, they are great, but don't do much unless you take a pretty good brand. Always look for high EPA and DHA levels in your fish oils. Those essential fatty acids are what makes taking Fish Oil good for you. Without them, or with low levels, it really doesn't do much at all. I personally take Now Super Omega EPA. it contains 750mg of EPA and 540 MG of DHA per two softgels, I take four per day, two in the morning, two in the afternoon.

A good multi-vitamin can also go a long way to helping your body during weight loss. Both in providing vitamins and minerals you need to keep bodily functions continuing, and helping to repair damage a neglectful diet can lead to.

Calcium - Don't forget calcium. Many people jump on Ketogenic or low-carb diets and eat only meat and eggs. Some eat cheese maybe once a day. Many people don't realize they are neglecting Calcium, which is extremely important. If you do buy a Calcium product, and are taking a multi-vitamin, make sure your calcium supplement does not continue huge amounts of Vitamin D3 or Zinc. Both can become problems in abundance. For example, my multi-vitamin provides 1,000 IU of Vitamin D3 per day, and 15 MG of Zinc. Both 100 or more percent of your daily intake. Most calcium products also include these in high amounts. Meaning I could potentially be getting to much. Zinc, for example, is fantastic for the male body, but in amounts of 100mg or more, could cause many health problems, and some studies even link it to prostate cancer. Be mindful of all these things.

There are a number of really good supplement companies on the market, providing top quality products. You need to buy supplements from good companies because they will make sure only the purest forms of what they are selling are used. I personally only use Optimum Nutrition, and Now products. Only will I stray from them if they do not produce what I am looking for, or if I am reaching for a certain goal and need something tailored to me (like Animal Pak's etc..).

Hey man, thanks for the head's up on this. I take calcium and a multivitamin and you can be sure I'll immediately go check out the labels!

Also, thanks to everyone for the support. Keep up the good work, all!


What's a good breakfast alternative other than bacon and eggs? Kinda grew out of it.

You don't need to have 'breakfast foods' for breakfast. But I've been making my own grain-free oatmeal the past few days and it's pretty damn good. 1 banana, 2-3 scoops of almond butter, coconut milk, cinnamon. All mixed/mashed, microwaved for 1 minute. You can add more to it if you like too. Or grain-free pancakes! 1 banana, 2 eggs, 1-2 TBPS of coconut flour, walnuts, cinnamon. Fried on high in coconut oil, 1 minute on each side. Butter and cinnamon on top.


I would also suggest people in this thread look into picking up some digestive enzymes once you reach your goal weight. Being over-weight and obese can completely destroy many of the enzymes and other bacteria beneficial for digestion. Meaning it becomes harder to absorb your food, and takes longer to fully digest each meal. You only need to take them for 4-8 weeks and it should replenish and repair any damage that was done.

Any recommendations?


Does anyone else have any experience with this?

I know I have to be careful when I talk about weight loss to others. To lose the weight, I've had to be come very focused on food. I wouldn't say obsessive but others might. I keep close tabs on my calorie count through out the day. I find myself planning ahead if I know that I'm going to go out to eat with family or friends to know what to order or stay away from. I realize that given the opportunity, I could probably ramble on and on about what I've found to work for me and what didn't. I definitely spend more time thinking about food now than before when I ate whatever I wanted. Because I don't want to appear to others as some crazed-diet fiend, I usually I response with something like "Just eat less".

So far I've lost 85 lbs and people are asking me more often how I lost the weight. If I try to take the time to explain what I've done instead of just responding with some short diet cliche, I've noticed that people don't really want to know. Before I'm a sentence or two into explaining how I lost the weight they are off onto something else. This has happened more than a couple of times. Usually, the people asking aren't people who look like they need to lose much weight, if any. However, in some cases I know the person is also trying to lose weight and I'd think they would want to hear about someone else's experiences with it. Maybe they notice by the look in my eyes that they aren't going to hear what they want to hear (that there is some miracle pill or fad diet) or maybe they get a glimpse of the obsessiveness that I've had to adopt with regards to food.

Has anyone else found that they need to temper how they talk about their weight loss with others?

Edit: And in case anyone noticed, I did post about hot dogs in the Texas Ranger thread. Not trying to be a hypocrite. I can appreciate food like that but know it's off limits (except for maybe a cheat meal). It kind of goes back to the food obsession. I find myself watching FoodTV and the Cooking channel. I wonder if that is an attempt to desensitize myself to the allure of all of the things I used to eat without thinking about it.


Does anyone else have any experience with this?

I know I have to be careful when I talk about weight loss to others. To lose the weight, I've had to be come very focused on food. I wouldn't say obsessive but others might. I keep close tabs on my calorie count through out the day. I find myself planning ahead if I know that I'm going to go out to eat with family or friends to know what to order or stay away from. I realize that given the opportunity, I could probably ramble on and on about what I've found to work for me and what didn't. I definitely spend more time thinking about food now than before when I ate whatever I wanted. Because I don't want to appear to others as some crazed-diet fiend, I usually I response with something like "Just eat less".

So far I've lost 85 lbs and people are asking me more often how I lost the weight. If I try to take the time to explain what I've done instead of just responding with some short diet cliche, I've noticed that people don't really want to know. Before I'm a sentence or tow into explaining how I lost the weight they are off onto something else. This has happened more than a couple of times. Usually, the people asking aren't people who look like they need to lose much weight, if any. However, in some cases I know the person is also trying to lose weight and I'd think they would want to hear about someone else's experiences with it. Maybe they notice by the look in my eyes that they aren't going to hear what they want to hear (that there is some miracle pill or fad diet) or maybe they get a glimpse of the obsessiveness that I've had to adopt with regards to food.

Has anyone else found that they need to temper how they talk about their weight loss with others?

They become disinterested once they find out the commitment, consistency, and hard work it takes to lose that weight and keep it off.

Seriously though, 85 pounds is damn impressive. Congrats.


Went from 352lbs/160kg to 262lbs/119kg starting from August 2012. That's about 90lbs.

All of this was achieved through eating less (about 1200 calories a day), cutting carbs and hitting the gym 3 times a week for about an hour.
I want to lose atleast 65lbs more.

I did eat a whole bag of Doritos last night, though. ._.
Eh, let's call it a cheat meal.
Went from 352lbs/160kg to 262lbs/119kg starting from August 2012. That's about 90lbs.

All of this was achieved through eating less (about 1200 calories a day), cutting carbs and hitting the gym 3 times a week for about an hour.
I want to lose atleast 65lbs more.

I did eat a whole bag of Doritos last night, though. ._.
Eh, let's call it a cheat meal.

1200 calories seems low! I'm going from 170 to 150 (currently 158.5) and I've been eating 1800 calories.


Does anyone else have any experience with this?

I know I have to be careful when I talk about weight loss to others. To lose the weight, I've had to be come very focused on food. I wouldn't say obsessive but others might. I keep close tabs on my calorie count through out the day. I find myself planning ahead if I know that I'm going to go out to eat with family or friends to know what to order or stay away from. I realize that given the opportunity, I could probably ramble on and on about what I've found to work for me and what didn't. I definitely spend more time thinking about food now than before when I ate whatever I wanted. Because I don't want to appear to others as some crazed-diet fiend, I usually I response with something like "Just eat less".

So far I've lost 85 lbs and people are asking me more often how I lost the weight. If I try to take the time to explain what I've done instead of just responding with some short diet cliche, I've noticed that people don't really want to know. Before I'm a sentence or two into explaining how I lost the weight they are off onto something else. This has happened more than a couple of times. Usually, the people asking aren't people who look like they need to lose much weight, if any. However, in some cases I know the person is also trying to lose weight and I'd think they would want to hear about someone else's experiences with it. Maybe they notice by the look in my eyes that they aren't going to hear what they want to hear (that there is some miracle pill or fad diet) or maybe they get a glimpse of the obsessiveness that I've had to adopt with regards to food.

Has anyone else found that they need to temper how they talk about their weight loss with others?

Edit: And in case anyone noticed, I did post about hot dogs in the Texas Ranger thread. Not trying to be a hypocrite. I can appreciate food like that but know it's off limits (except for maybe a cheat meal). It kind of goes back to the food obsession. I find myself watching FoodTV and the Cooking channel. I wonder if that is an attempt to desensitize myself to the allure of all of the things I used to eat without thinking about it.
9/10 when someone asks you how you lost the weight all they want to know is the name of the fad diet. If you actually took time and educated yourself like you did and try to explain they tune out.

All I say is diet and exercise. If they want more then I'll give them more info.
9/10 when someone asks you how you lost the weight all they want to know is the name of the fad diet. If you actually took time and educated yourself like you did and try to explain they tune out.

All I say is diet and exercise. If they want more then I'll give them more info.

Pretty much. "Low carb" is like an off switch to some people. Once I mention that, they either don't pay attention or just completely disregard what I say.


I ballooned back up after a few injuries last year. I've replaced breakfast with a morning smoothie and it seems to turbo charge me. Last I weighed myself i was down 25. I think i'm at the 30 pound mark and I've been to lazy to get to the gym.

1x Heaping Scoop of Amazing Grass Green Superfood
1x Banana
2x Fresh Strawberries
1x Scoop of Nuts N More Almond Butter
1x tablespoon of Chia Seeds
A dash of assorted Blueberriers/blackberriers

Throw it in a Magic Bullet and enjoy the deliciousness!!


Full werewolf off the buckle
Whenever people ask me these days I just respond "Clean living!". They generally don't want a real answer, they want magic pills.
A lesson hard learned :-


Has anyone else found that they need to temper how they talk about their weight loss with others?
I started out trying to describe every last thing and people always took it as preaching. Now I just say cut out most sugar and breads, and work out a few times a week. Even then, people will still think it comes down to low-calorie, low-fat and 5-6 hours working out a day, Biggest Loser style.


I would also suggest people in this thread look into picking up some digestive enzymes once you reach your goal weight. Being over-weight and obese can completely destroy many of the enzymes and other bacteria beneficial for digestion. Meaning it becomes harder to absorb your food, and takes longer to fully digest each meal. You only need to take them for 4-8 weeks and it should replenish and repair any damage that was done.

In terms of Fish oils, they are great, but don't do much unless you take a pretty good brand. Always look for high EPA and DHA levels in your fish oils. Those essential fatty acids are what makes taking Fish Oil good for you. Without them, or with low levels, it really doesn't do much at all. I personally take Now Super Omega EPA. it contains 750mg of EPA and 540 MG of DHA per two softgels, I take four per day, two in the morning, two in the afternoon.

A good multi-vitamin can also go a long way to helping your body during weight loss. Both in providing vitamins and minerals you need to keep bodily functions continuing, and helping to repair damage a neglectful diet can lead to.

Calcium - Don't forget calcium. Many people jump on Ketogenic or low-carb diets and eat only meat and eggs. Some eat cheese maybe once a day. Many people don't realize they are neglecting Calcium, which is extremely important. If you do buy a Calcium product, and are taking a multi-vitamin, make sure your calcium supplement does not continue huge amounts of Vitamin D3 or Zinc. Both can become problems in abundance. For example, my multi-vitamin provides 1,000 IU of Vitamin D3 per day, and 15 MG of Zinc. Both 100 or more percent of your daily intake. Most calcium products also include these in high amounts. Meaning I could potentially be getting to much. Zinc, for example, is fantastic for the male body, but in amounts of 100mg or more, could cause many health problems, and some studies even link it to prostate cancer. Be mindful of all these things.

There are a number of really good supplement companies on the market, providing top quality products. You need to buy supplements from good companies because they will make sure only the purest forms of what they are selling are used. I personally only use Optimum Nutrition, and Now products. Only will I stray from them if they do not produce what I am looking for, or if I am reaching for a certain goal and need something tailored to me (like Animal Pak's etc..).

Some commentary on Vitamin D supplements: the RDA for Vitamin D (and the RDA for most nutrients in general) is the minimum amount required to avoid deficiency symptoms. This is not the same as the maximum dose, nor is it the same as the amount required to live optimally. While Vitamin D can be created by exposing skin to UV radiation for ~15 minutes a day, supplementation is often required, especially if people never go outside, wear lots of clothing or live in places where there is weak sunlight part of the year.

Studies have shown safety in taking Vitamin D in levels in excess of 10,000IU/day (250 migrograms), and have shown improved athletic performance, better immune function, reduced cancer risk and a wide varety of other benefits linked to taking higher doses than the RDA. Most concerns when taking high levels of vitamin D is related to too much vitamin A, which can be present in fish oils. I personally recommend a daily dose of a few thousand IU/day, and if you're going out in the sun then expose your skin to ~10 minutes of sunlight before you slather on the sunscreen.

Oh, and I recommend the fish oil liquid, it's cheaper and easier to take than endless softgels. The digestive enzymes are a little shaky; the research on obesity and gut flora is still pretty new, and existing evidence thends to point towards gut flora naturally readjusting to a healthier balance as normal weight is maintained, no supplementation needed. An antibiotic course is a lot worse.


Full werewolf off the buckle
You do have to be careful about going too low. We've had some here break plateaus by increasing their calorie intake.
I was at 1500 for a long time and finally I lost enough to where I guess I got active enough that I needed more fuel because I was always miserable.

I plateaud for a long time until I increased to around 1720 calories a day.


Anybody know if there are any apps (either platform) that's good for tracking body fat % in addition to total weight? Or just for plotting data in general?

I know Myfitnesspal lets you do custom measurements, but you don't get to see them in relation to each other.


Gold Member
Anybody know if there are any apps (either platform) that's good for tracking body fat % in addition to total weight? Or just for plotting data in general?

I know Myfitnesspal lets you do custom measurements, but you don't get to see them in relation to each other.

Withings scale is amazing. It automatically recognizes you, measures your weight, lean mass and body fat and plots those onto a curve. It even syncs this data automatically with My Fitness Pal. Naturally body fat measurements are wildly inaccurate but the scale is accurate. The sheer convenience of consistently autologging my weight data by simoly stepping on it made it worth the admittedly steep price for me.


Withings scale is amazing. It automatically recognizes you, measures your weight, lean mass and body fat and plots those onto a curve. It even syncs this data automatically with My Fitness Pal. Naturally body fat measurements are wildly inaccurate but the scale is accurate. The sheer convenience of consistently autologging my weight data by simoly stepping on it made it worth the admittedly steep price for me.

Hmmm... It doesn't measure water percentage though. I really wanted to start tracking all three closely cause I suspect one of my meds is making me retain water :\
Anyone here drink green tea? I'm getting so sick of coffee and I want to lay off thermogenics for a while. But I still need my caffeine fill.

Any particular brands you'd recommend? Drinks, not pills.


Update again after Nekura graciously sent me a sampler pack with the cookie dough bar as well as the peanut butter cups. I had to revise my ranking system in order to properly rate it.

mkenyon's Quest Bar Ranking

Tier above Gods and Men, should not even exist:
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough​

God Tier:
Banana Nut Muffin
Peanut Butter Supreme​

I'd eat that again:
Cinnamon Roll
Coconut Cashew
Chocolate Brownie​

Would eat if it was the only one left:
Strawberry Cheesecake
Mixed Berry​

Get it the fuck away from me:
Lemon Cream Pie
Chocolate Peanut Butter​


They become disinterested once they find out the commitment, consistency, and hard work it takes to lose that weight and keep it off.

Seriously though, 85 pounds is damn impressive. Congrats.

Thank you. I've got some more to lose and have to be careful not to become complacent with the progress I've already made. Several friends and family are starting to tell me that I shouldn't lose any more. I've been going by the BMI chart to set my goal weight. I just want to get down to what is considered medically "Normal" with a little buffer so I'm not yo-yo-ing between Normal and Overweight. One of my biggest milestones was when I was no longer considered obese. (Such a horrible sounding word!) I never want to go back to that!

Anyone here drink green tea? I'm getting so sick of coffee and I want to lay off thermogenics for a while. But I still need my caffeine fill.

Any particular brands you'd recommend? Drinks, not pills.

I drink green tea quite often. I love Earl Grey but grew tired of it from drinking it all the time so I often change things up with a nice green tea.

I've been drinking several varieties of Bigelow tea lately.

Plain green tea

Peach green tea (Usually drink this hot but I think it makes a nice iced tea as well)

Constant Comment Spiced green tea (My current favorite to sip on in the evenings. Somewhat clovey. Reminds me of the Russian tea my Mom would make during the Holidays.)

Here is a link to the green tea section of their web site...

I see they have a Jasmine green tea as well. I'll probably look for that the next time I'm at the store. I live in N. Carolina and can get them at my local grocery stores but I don't know if they are regional or can be gotten elsewhere.


Thank you. I've got some more to lose and have to be careful not to become complacent with the progress I've already made. Several friends and family are starting to tell me that I shouldn't lose any more. I've been going by the BMI chart to set my goal weight. I just want to get down to what is considered medically "Normal" with a little buffer so I'm not yo-yo-ing between Normal and Overweight. One of my biggest milestones was when I was no longer considered obese. (Such a horrible sounding word!) I never want to go back to that!

I drink green tea quite often. I love Earl Grey but grew tired of it from drinking it all the time so I often change things up with a nice green tea.

I've been drinking several varieties of Bigelow tea lately.

Plain green tea

Peach green tea (Usually drink this hot but I think it makes a nice iced tea as well)

Constant Comment Spiced green tea (My current favorite to sip on in the evenings. Somewhat clovey. Reminds me of the Russian tea my Mom would make during the Holidays.)

Here is a link to the green tea section of their web site...

I see they have a Jasmine green tea as well. I'll probably look for that the next time I'm at the store. I live in N. Carolina and can get them at my local grocery stores but I don't know if they are regional or can be gotten elsewhere.

You should try loose leaf tea. It is SOOO much better. Check out the OT-Tea thread

I visit a local tea store quite close to me so I doubt its viable for anyone else. I do believe they deliver anywhere in the states, though you can find plenty of online tea stores like that.

I usually go with Gunpowder (green tea) and Clouds and Mist (green tea) because its cheap and tasty enough for me

OG Kush

I started out trying to describe every last thing and people always took it as preaching. Now I just say cut out most sugar and breads, and work out a few times a week. Even then, people will still think it comes down to low-calorie, low-fat and 5-6 hours working out a day, Biggest Loser style.

Both ways work though so wahst the problem? "If it fits your macros" can definitely help some people keep their sanity while cutting.
January last year I lost my job. I am married and my caught then had just turned 2. In march of 2012 we were expecting our 2nd child (a boy). I was waiting for a job as a sales rep for coca cola through my brother. Anyway, the weeks went past and nothing was happening. We had our child and I was still unemployed. My wife (obviously) wasn't working and we had 2 kids, a mortgage and bills to pay with food and clothes and everything else associated with having your own house.
I started getting depression, slowly putting on weight and eventually got real sick in the stomach. It finally got to June of 2012 and I had an interview which went really well and I had finally found a job! Stress/worries over! Only problem was I was having some issues. Firstly when I was retrenched from my previous job I was around 85 Kgs. I'm 175 cms tall. I'm probably considered overweight but I looked ok and felt great.
Lost my job. Staying home. Not finding work I put on weight. Lots of it. Before I got my new job I had to go for a physical. My eye sight was unusually poor (everything looked blurry) and my blood pressure was high (all uncommon for me). My weight had ballooned out to 107.5 Kgs and I was disgusted.
Something else was wrong though- I'd noticed the water I was drinking tasted metallic. My stomach was very sore to touch. My vision was extremely blurred. I was drinking copious amounts of any fluids I could and urinating like crazy. One check online and I had symptoms of diabetes. I was 31 years of age and was shocked I may have diabetes. Went to my doctor to see what the hell was wrong. I told him of my symptoms. He grabbed his machine to test my blood sugar levels and was surprised to see my results. Normal blood sugar levels are to be between 4 and 8. I had a blood sugar reading of 25! He said I was lucky I didn't end up in a coma!
He gave me the talk about the dangers of being a type 2 diabetic, the reasons I got it (part hereditary and part weight problem) and what I can do to help myself.
Since that doctors visit in June last year to Xmas 2012 (6 months) I went from 107.5 Kgs to 77 Kgs! I was on tablets to drop my sugar levels. Once I dropped my weight I'm off all tablets and I control my diabetes with weight management. I'm now sitting at a healthy 75kgs. I've just gotten more blood test and urine test results and my dietician is ecstatic at the results. She said she has never seen such amazing results in all her 30 years of work!
Once I was told I could have a poor life by continuing down the path I was going, including an early death, it's all I needed to hear to change my life. I never wish diabetes on anyone but it changed my life and its one of the best things that's happened to me. I have a new lease on life. I sleep better at night and I'm just living life better in general.


Hey need some advice... I don't want to lose weight as much as just lean out. I've got a bit of a gut and I'd like to lose it, but stuff like lifting seems beyond me. Body weight exercises give me problems lol. I can do cardiovascular stuff it's more how do you lose without losing...
Lifting is what you're looking for. Running is awesome but that alone won't get you the body it sounds like you want. Unless you have some kind of physical limitation or injury, I'm not sure why its "beyond" you.

Check in with Fitness-age to get started

Edit: awesome story Macready!


Lifting is what you're looking for. Running is awesome but that alone won't get you the body it sounds like you want. Unless you have some kind of physical limitation or injury, I'm not sure why its "beyond" you.

Check in with Fitness-age to get started

God. I guess I'll have to. I'm about 135 yet have a gut so my body fat percentage is stupid high. I'm just not sure how my joints will handle lifting I have some hypermobile joints and have in the past dislocated randomly. Just worried that's all.

Honestly wouldn't even care about having a skinny fat look I just hate hate hate having a gut. Also my neck is a bit too puffy.


Hey need some advice... I don't want to lose weight as much as just lean out. I've got a bit of a gut and I'd like to lose it, but stuff like lifting seems beyond me. Body weight exercises give me problems lol. I can do cardiovascular stuff it's more how do you lose without losing...

You are not making much sense. To lean out you need to lose weight, more specifically you lose fat while maintaining as much muscle as you can. You can lose weight just by eating healthier if you want to go down that route. I'd recommend building muscle though. It'll make you look much better, you'll be able to eat more and if you do gain weight you'll be able to hide it much better.


January last year I lost my job. I am married and my caught then had just turned 2. In march of 2012 we were expecting our 2nd child (a boy). I was waiting for a job as a sales rep for coca cola through my brother. Anyway, the weeks went past and nothing was happening. We had our child and I was still unemployed. My wife (obviously) wasn't working and we had 2 kids, a mortgage and bills to pay with food and clothes and everything else associated with having your own house.
I started getting depression, slowly putting on weight and eventually got real sick in the stomach. It finally got to June of 2012 and I had an interview which went really well and I had finally found a job! Stress/worries over! Only problem was I was having some issues. Firstly when I was retrenched from my previous job I was around 85 Kgs. I'm 175 cms tall. I'm probably considered overweight but I looked ok and felt great.
Lost my job. Staying home. Not finding work I put on weight. Lots of it. Before I got my new job I had to go for a physical. My eye sight was unusually poor (everything looked blurry) and my blood pressure was high (all uncommon for me). My weight had ballooned out to 107.5 Kgs and I was disgusted.
Something else was wrong though- I'd noticed the water I was drinking tasted metallic. My stomach was very sore to touch. My vision was extremely blurred. I was drinking copious amounts of any fluids I could and urinating like crazy. One check online and I had symptoms of diabetes. I was 31 years of age and was shocked I may have diabetes. Went to my doctor to see what the hell was wrong. I told him of my symptoms. He grabbed his machine to test my blood sugar levels and was surprised to see my results. Normal blood sugar levels are to be between 4 and 8. I had a blood sugar reading of 25! He said I was lucky I didn't end up in a coma!
He gave me the talk about the dangers of being a type 2 diabetic, the reasons I got it (part hereditary and part weight problem) and what I can do to help myself.
Since that doctors visit in June last year to Xmas 2012 (6 months) I went from 107.5 Kgs to 77 Kgs! I was on tablets to drop my sugar levels. Once I dropped my weight I'm off all tablets and I control my diabetes with weight management. I'm now sitting at a healthy 75kgs. I've just gotten more blood test and urine test results and my dietician is ecstatic at the results. She said she has never seen such amazing results in all her 30 years of work!
Once I was told I could have a poor life by continuing down the path I was going, including an early death, it's all I needed to hear to change my life. I never wish diabetes on anyone but it changed my life and its one of the best things that's happened to me. I have a new lease on life. I sleep better at night and I'm just living life better in general.

Fantastic work! As someone that was overweight for the majority of my life it was only until I started being concerned about my health that I was motivated to lose weight. When people ask me how I did it I make sure to keep the emphasis on the desire to be healthy. There are different methods to lose weight and many of them are very effective, but the the real key is finding the proper motivation. Sounds like you found the right one and the results speak for themselves. Congrats!


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
How does plateau'ing work? Is it your body becoming more efficient with what it gets? Early january I was at 66 kg, currently at 60. Losing those 6 kgs wasn't hard at all. But losing 2 more (sorta my goal before focussing on gaining weight/muscle) is going at a snail's pace. Eventually I'll get there I guess, but I can see how people get demotivated when your weight loss progress stops to a crawl.


ahhw yeah. germany´s temperatures are on the rise.. it was time for my first 4 mile run this year... felt great. Was sick of th cardio machines at the gym. And no stomach to weigh one down feels new.
Been stalled out for about a month. Started working in addition to school which has led to a great deal of overeating/eating poorly. Probably the only thing keeping me from gaining weight is that my job has me moving 20 hours a week (standing/walking/lifting). previously I had been relatively sedentary.

My current plan is to do a diet reboot at the end of the semester in 2/3 weeks to try to get back in the swing of things before summer semester. I simply don't have the will to do much right now..... it is frustrating,


Just ate one of the Peanut Butter Supreme Quest Bars again. It tastes like Peanut Butter Fudge. So fucking good. How does this not have sugar and all sorts of bad stuff?


Just ate one of the Peanut Butter Supreme Quest Bars again. It tastes like Peanut Butter Fudge. So fucking good. How does this not have sugar and all sorts of bad stuff?
Polyols! Unfortunately some people do not react well to them so they're not suitable for everyone on low carb diets, but since you're more of a calorie counter you should be okay. :) Also, glad to hear you're digging the bars. I'm a huge fan of theirs so it makes me happy to see other people enjoying their products!


relies on auto-aim
I wish I could
I've seen these posts so often from you it is disgusting. Is it everyday that you're telling yourself you can't do it?

Just type in your next post that you can do it. Even if you believe 99.99 percent right now that you can't do it, type it anyway.
Because you can. You aren't even going past step 1. Are you afraid of failing? Because not even admitting you have a chance is way worse.

If you don't put any effort into your responses you won't get any worthwhile help either.
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