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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Had a Quest Bar for pre-run breakfast today. Strawberry Cheesecake. It was not offensive, but not very good either. Good energy from it though.
How do you guys like to have your chicken? I've been messing around with different ways to make chicken and just can't seem to get that right combination for what I like.

My preferred, end-all-be-all way is crispy chicken strips, but gluten-free breading tastes like horse shit and the calories add up too fast with that and having to dip it in egg whites or whatever (I always eat 1.5lbs of chicken when I have it).

What's your tastiest method of having chicken?
Eat fewer calories of breaded chicken?


Yeah, damn. That's about how much chicken I was eating on lifting days to get my protein for the day... but it was over the course of two meals.
Had a Quest Bar for pre-run breakfast today. Strawberry Cheesecake. It was not offensive, but not very good either. Good energy from it though.
Can't remember if I've ever had strawberry cheesecake. I think there's not much in-between when it comes to the quality of flavors; either they're really good or they're kinda eh and you don't wanna bother with them anymore. Price probably plays into that too. I've also had flavors that I didn't like at first but came around to after a few more tries.
I put a bit of weight back on, but y'know what, I think I suit it. I was looking a bit too thin at one point, it made me look...almost ill. So yeah, I think I've finally reached my ideal weight :) 180lbs at 6'4". BMI of 21.9.
I put a bit of weight back on, but y'know what, I think I suit it. I was looking a bit too thin at one point, it made me look...almost ill. So yeah, I think I've finally reached my ideal weight :) 180lbs at 6'4". BMI of 21.9.

Ooh. You are about my height.

You actually made it to 180? Impressive. How long did it take you? I am around 220 (started at 330), the last 40 is kind of intimidating.
I've been eating kind of a ridiculous amount of baby carrots over the last several months and now I have a noticeable orange complexion to the point that people think I'm tanning. Looking into it, it's Carotenosis and it's harmless but maybe a little embarrassing. I guess I'll have to find an alternative to baby carrots but they are such a perfect snack to fill myself up with.
I've been eating kind of a ridiculous amount of baby carrots over the last several months and now I have a noticeable orange complexion to the point that people think I'm tanning. Looking into it, it's Carotenosis and it's harmless but maybe a little embarrassing. I guess I'll have to find an alternative to baby carrots but they are such a perfect snack to fill myself up with.

eat celery sticks.


Full werewolf off the buckle
I've been eating kind of a ridiculous amount of baby carrots over the last several months and now I have a noticeable orange complexion to the point that people think I'm tanning. Looking into it, it's Carotenosis and it's harmless but maybe a little embarrassing. I guess I'll have to find an alternative to baby carrots but they are such a perfect snack to fill myself up with.

Lay off the carrots, and I REEEEEEALLY gotta recommend you stay the hell away from colloidal silver!



Lay off the carrots, and I REEEEEEALLY gotta recommend you stay the hell away from colloidal silver!


Anything particularly wrong with carrots? I eat them with my lunch during the week with some hummus mainly because I don't know what else to have, but I usually don't eat a whole lot of them, mainly because they take FOREVER to eat. I never feel like I'm done chewing a carrot even when I swallow it.


OK guys I need some help. I need to seriously lose a lot of weight. I take a lot of anti-depressants, anti-psychotics and anti-convulsants and over the years (and most recently) I've really packed on the lbs. None of my clothes fit me anymore and I'm afraid I'm going to hit 300lbs if I don't get it under control (besides the fact I already have hypertension, have high cholesterol and am pre-diabetic).

I have had back surgery so am limited on what I can do. I joined my local gym but must admit I am a bit embarrassed to go.

I'm thinking of having my meds reevaluated because I gained so much weight. But I really need to lose like 80lbs. Maybe seeing a nutritionist would be a good idea?

Ironic thing is I used to be really into weightlifting and quite fit. That's how I hurt my back to begin with (although that was 20yrs ago).

Any suggestions?


Losing weight is about eating better. As far as exercising with your back is concerned, I would look into yoga; lots of stories of people with injuries doing that.

Edit: To add to this, I will say that most people here will probably (and not incorrectly) steer you towards a low carb diet, which is about eating filling, fatty foods and letting your body burn your fat instead of having to work its way through carbs first.
Anything particularly wrong with carrots? I eat them with my lunch during the week with some hummus mainly because I don't know what else to have, but I usually don't eat a whole lot of them, mainly because they take FOREVER to eat. I never feel like I'm done chewing a carrot even when I swallow it.

There's nothing really wrong with them. I was eating a ton of them every day and a side effect of eating tons of carrots everyday is it tints your skin orange. It's harmless but noticeable. The only treatment seems to be stop eating carrots but I doubt you were eating as many as me.


OK guys I need some help. I need to seriously lose a lot of weight. I take a lot of anti-depressants, anti-psychotics and anti-convulsants and over the years (and most recently) I've really packed on the lbs. None of my clothes fit me anymore and I'm afraid I'm going to hit 300lbs if I don't get it under control (besides the fact I already have hypertension, have high cholesterol and am pre-diabetic).

I have had back surgery so am limited on what I can do. I joined my local gym but must admit I am a bit embarrassed to go.

I'm thinking of having my meds reevaluated because I gained so much weight. But I really need to lose like 80lbs. Maybe seeing a nutritionist would be a good idea?

Ironic thing is I used to be really into weightlifting and quite fit. That's how I hurt my back to begin with (although that was 20yrs ago).

Any suggestions?

Well, you need to do two things:

1. Modify your diet (permanently);
2. Modify your activity levels (as much as your back allows you to do).

For #1, here's what to do:

1. Track your current intake. Get an app like fitday, myfitnesspal, whatever and track everything you eat for a couple of weeks. Once you've added in what you've eaten for a couple of days (be accurate!), it'll save and you'll find when you eat it again updating is a snap. This will give you a good idea of where your current diet is at.

2. Make 'quick win' changes. This involves the stuff that's pretty straightforward and will allow you to ramp into a new dietary habit instead of hitting a wall of big changes. These are things like switching to diet soft drinks only, using sweetener instead of sugar in coffee, switching your milk from 2% to 1%, skipping desserts, eating a side salad (light dressing) instead of fries with the burger, chewing food thoroughly, trying to keep an eye on portions, feeling okay leaving food on the plate. This isn't to keep you from enjoying the stuff you love, but to eliminate a lot of the extra calories and sugar that can add up a lot and that cutting won't kill you.

3. Once comfortable with what you've been eating and you're okay with the quick wins you're plugged in and you feel like you can keep those up for good and it's routine, then start to drill down. Personally I like to slash carbs down moderately low by reducing intake of bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, breading, fruit juices, etc. Replace with protein sources to keep you full. You don't need to go very low carb, but it promotes a favourable hormonal environment for weight loss and cuts calories. Lots of whole foods, leafy veggies and meat. You might need to cook a little more often, though there are sometimes healthy options available to buy easily with a little compromise.

I can't speak as to the diabetes, but I'd assume that weight loss and carb restriction would probably not be a bad idea...

And now for #2:

I can't say what you should do because you're got a special condition. I can say that you should not be ashamed about going to the gym; you aren't looking to impress anyone, and frankly no one really gives a damn. I'd personally be impressed that someone heavy was going and making a positive life change and taking care of their body. Some bodyweight movements may be wise, considering your back, your lack of fitness and your excess weight. Bodyweight squats, pushups, planks, assisted pullups and chinups, inverted rows. That plus a little cardio would be all you needed to drop the pounds and reveal a body with a bit of muscle on it.

Remember that no one is perfect and everyone slips up once in a while. It's important to be consistent, but if you mess up just learn from it and get back on the wagon. A weekly meal where you eat smaller amounts of the foods you 'miss' may be good for you mentally.

Keep us posted on your progress!


Losing weight is about eating better. As far as exercising with your back is concerned, I would look into yoga; lots of stories of people with injuries doing that.

It might help, but since there's a pre-existing injury, don't pursue it without an instructor. A video won't be able to tell you what is safe.


I've been eating kind of a ridiculous amount of baby carrots over the last several months and now I have a noticeable orange complexion to the point that people think I'm tanning. Looking into it, it's Carotenosis and it's harmless but maybe a little embarrassing. I guess I'll have to find an alternative to baby carrots but they are such a perfect snack to fill myself up with.

lol, welcome to the club, orange bro. If you wanna freak yourself out, take a picture of your hands with the flash on, it's quite disturbing. I was eating 1 pound bags in a day, could easily do more too. I also like butternut squash, so that too. It's hard to find a good replacement for carrots, they have that perfect combo of sweet and crunchy. I switched to frozen strawberries for the most part. And pistachios for that salt/crunch. Unfortunately it takes a long time for it to go away. I think the longest I've managed to go is 2 weeks or so, than I give in.


Had the PB&J Quest Bar for breakfast today. Warmed it up for 10 seconds in the microwave. Was really really good.

Had a bite of my wife's bar, which was Cinnamon Roll, and it was also good. So far:

mkenyon's Quest Bar Ranking

God Tier:

I'd eat that again:
Cinnamon Roll​

Would eat if was the only one left:
Strawberry Cheesecake​

Get it the fuck away from me:


Vanilla Almond Crunch
Chocolate Peanut Butter
Apple Pie
Chocolate Brownie
Mixed Berry Bliss
Coconut Cashew
Peanut Butter Supreme
Lemon Cream Pie
Banana Nut Muffin

Sadly, there was no Cookie Dough in the sampler pack.


That sucks. :( I love me some Banana Nut Muffin, though! Can't remember if I've ever had coconut cashew, might have to order a single and check it out.


Here's mine:

omgkitty's Quest Bar Ranking

God Tier:

I'd eat that again:
Cinnamon Roll
Chocolate Brownie
Apple Pie
Banana Nut Muffin

Would eat if was the only one left:
Strawberry Cheesecake
Lemon Pie
Chocolate Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter Pie​

Get it the fuck away from me:


Hah, your list looks exactly like my expectations. I'm thinking I might love Banana Nut Muffin and Coconut Cashew though. I'm a freak for Banana flavored stuff, these being my #1 ultimate snack/treat beyond even Brownie Brittle:



omgkitty's list looks like how mine would, with Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough being in god tier. It's weird that some of the flavors that I really liked at first kind of went downhill after eating them a few more times, like chocolate peanut butter.

Banana Chips sound yummy but whenever I see "50% less fat" I wonder how much of that is made up through carbs. :b


omgkitty's list looks like how mine would, with Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough being in god tier. It's weird that some of the flavors that I really liked at first kind of went downhill after eating them a few more times, like chocolate peanut butter.

Banana Chips sound yummy but whenever I see "50% less fat" I wonder how much of that is made up through carbs. :b

Yeah whenever I go to buy some, I pretty much just buy Apple Pie and Chocolate Brownie now.


omgkitty's list looks like how mine would, with Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough being in god tier. It's weird that some of the flavors that I really liked at first kind of went downhill after eating them a few more times, like chocolate peanut butter.

Banana Chips sound yummy but whenever I see "50% less fat" I wonder how much of that is made up through carbs. :b
50% less fat than regular banana chips because they are vacuum fried in palm oil as opposed to just plain deep fried.

Only ingredients are bananas and palm oil.

But, I'm not concerned about carbs. I've stuck to calories, and it has served me well.


Schlep's Quest Bar Ranking

God Tier:
Chocolate Peanut Butter
Chocolate Brownie

I'd eat that again:
Peanut Butter Supreme
Vanilla Almond​

Would eat if was the only one left:
Apple Pie​

Get it the fuck away from me:
Strawberry Cheesecake
Cinnamon Roll
Coconut Cashew (I hate coconut)​
Haven't tried mixed berry bliss, lemon cream pie, cookie dough, or banana nut muffin.


As expected, Banana Nut Muffin was so good. It tastes just like a banana nut muffin. This is clearly witchcraft.

mkenyon's Quest Bar Ranking

God Tier:
Banana Nut Muffin​

I'd eat that again:
Cinnamon Roll​

Would eat if it was the only one left:
Strawberry Cheesecake​

Get it the fuck away from me:


Had Coconut Cashew this morning and a bite of my wife's bar which was Peanut Butter Supreme. Peanut Butter Supreme was amazing, it almost tasted like peanut butter fudge.

Also, I am microwaving all of these for 10 seconds. Makes them waaaaaaaaaay better as Nekura suggested.

mkenyon's Quest Bar Ranking

God Tier:
Banana Nut Muffin
Peanut Butter Supreme​

I'd eat that again:
Cinnamon Roll
Coconut Cashew​

Would eat if it was the only one left:
Strawberry Cheesecake​

Get it the fuck away from me:


Nah, I hate throwing out gifts. It doesn't really bother me to eat them, I know it'll spike my weight for a week or so and then I'll recover, I just want to focus for now.

I was thinking about ordering a single Coconut Cashew bar to try out but they actually included a free one with my order that came in today. I <3 Quest.


Nah, I hate throwing out gifts. It doesn't really bother me to eat them, I know it'll spike my weight for a week or so and then I'll recover, I just want to focus for now.

I was thinking about ordering a single Coconut Cashew bar to try out but they actually included a free one with my order that came in today. I <3 Quest.

You can give it to hungry people out there, you will feel better and you won't gain weight
Nah, I hate throwing out gifts. It doesn't really bother me to eat them, I know it'll spike my weight for a week or so and then I'll recover, I just want to focus for now.

I was thinking about ordering a single Coconut Cashew bar to try out but they actually included a free one with my order that came in today. I <3 Quest.

I am the same way. I never throw stuff out..... though part of that is how dirt poor I am as a college student and the idea of throwing out food isn't something I like. When I do cheat like that I am very careful to watch my calories though (when I am in full Keto I don't really watch calories at all).


GAF help me choose snacks, I get really hungry before my main meal but I think fruit is not a good option at all because of sugar, what do you recommend? And please, tell me about something cheap beacuse I'd eat lots of it :p



The weight loss started simply because I went crazy into T:A competition back in November 2011, lost about 50 lbs between then and March from just being so busy I didn't stuff my face with food anymore. April 1st my wife broke her back and was basically immobile for about a month. Since she wasn't taking our Border Collie out to the barn every night to get her "crazies" out, I decided to start running her at lunch. Then I pretty much stuck with that.

Wife, dog, and myself now run together. Total lifestyle change in both food and exercise. Feels like a new life.


Quest Bar ranking update. To be fair, I generally hate chocolate flavored nutrition bars. Kind bars are the only exception to this rule. The Lemon Cream Pie tasted like crunchy kitchen cleaner. Gross.

mkenyon's Quest Bar Ranking

God Tier:
Banana Nut Muffin
Peanut Butter Supreme​

I'd eat that again:
Cinnamon Roll
Coconut Cashew​

Would eat if it was the only one left:
Strawberry Cheesecake​

Get it the fuck away from me:
Lemon Cream Pie
Chocolate Peanut Butter​

Out of the "I'd eat that again" category, I think I'd order the PB&J one along with the two in God Tier. Gonna go do that now, actually.


GAF help me choose snacks, I get really hungry before my main meal but I think fruit is not a good option at all because of sugar, what do you recommend? And please, tell me about something cheap beacuse I'd eat lots of it :p
Seriously GAF, why do you ignore me?

i didn't want to read like an asshole :)

Btw, I tried carrots but I didn't like them and I almost threw up


Neo Member
Speaking of God-tier Quest bar flavors, the new chocolate chip cookie dough bars are flippin' amazing. They really do taste almost exactly like chocolate chip cookie dough. In fact, I think they might be a bit too good. I mean, I know they're fairly healthy as far as protein bars go, but I don't think I've ever ripped through a box of quest bars quite that fast before...


Seriously GAF, why do you ignore me?

i didn't want to read like an asshole :)

Btw, I tried carrots but I didn't like them and I almost threw up

Certain fruits are better than others in terms of sugar content and how they affect your appetite. I think berries are considered to be some of the best. Maybe try small amounts of nuts or natural peanut butter, or celery with some kind of dressing or hummus? That could provide a satisfying crunchy taste. I don't like peanut butter much, but there was a time where I regularly ate apples with natural peanut butter. Their contrasting tastes complement each other well.
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