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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

metamonk said:
how many eggs can i eat a day? whole or whites. more than 3 too many?

3 eggs is a good amount. Eat the whole things, I don't see why you would cut the yolk, being the most nutritious part of the egg. Eat more if still hungry


cool, thanks. i love eggs. i could eat them all day long :lol

edit: and i ask about the yolk because of the cholesterol concern. wasn't sure if 3 (or more) eggs would be too much.


The oat bran pancakes are actually pretty tasty. I helped it out a little bit by directly applying yogurt to it too (surprisingly good).

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
metamonk said:
cool, thanks. i love eggs. i could eat them all day long :lol

edit: and i ask about the yolk because of the cholesterol concern. wasn't sure if 3 (or more) eggs would be too much.

Your liver makes 1,000mg of Cholesterol every day. You adding a couple hundred mgs to it won't do anything.

Also, I've been doing IF since Saturday and I'm loving it, but I just had one question: if there's a day where I eat a lot of calories/binge eat and then IF, is it pointless? Or is IF still effective even when you eat a lot during your eating window?


1stStrike said:
The oat bran pancakes are actually pretty tasty. I helped it out a little bit by directly applying yogurt to it too (surprisingly good).
That's what I do too ;)
Same with the waffles.



...hate me...
1stStrike said:
The oat bran pancakes are actually pretty tasty. I helped it out a little bit by directly applying yogurt to it too (surprisingly good).
recipe nao!!1

Meanwhile, I've ordered both Dukan books, diet and recipes. Can't wait damn it.


My recipe for Dukan Pancakes :
- 1 egg
- 2 oat bran soup spoon
- 1 coarn bran soup spoon
- 2 soup spoon of cottage cheese (0%)
- 1 soup spoon of liquid aspartam (holds better the sugar effect when heated than powder one)
- some liquid flavor if wanted (speculoos or hazelnuts make miracles)
- 1 soup spoon of liquid skimmed milk
- 1 soup spoon of powder skimmed milk

Sorry if the recipe ain't well written, but cooking-words are hard to find when you're french :lol

I eat them with some more cottage cheese and powder aspartam on it, and that's lovely.


jts said:
recipe nao!!1

Meanwhile, I've ordered both Dukan books, diet and recipes. Can't wait damn it.

Mine is a bit simpler. I essentially followed the recipe on the website with two small changes.

- 1 1/2 scoops of oat bran
- 1 egg
- 2 tbs of fat free feta cheese

(this is one pancake's worth)

Cooked it up in the pan and then put some caramel greek yogurt (0% fat and all natural ingredients) on top.

I had 2 chicken breasts for dinner, a yogurt later on for a snack (I bought a bunch of greek yogurts - even some chocolate all 0% fat), and then for dinner I had a cod fillet cooked in the pan with no oil and 2 eggs.


I prefere to do some small pancakes personnaly.
My recipe is worth for about 10 small pancakes.
It's easier to cook , since the pancake is pretty fragile when on the pan.


I'll probably mix it up down the road, but for now I'm just working on getting through the first 5 days. I miss oranges and stuff. And bread. I could go for a slice of bread.

I took all of my cereal and various other stuff sitting around the house that didn't fit in my diet and gave it to my grandmother. I'd rather not have anything tempting. If I get the munchies I'll either have a yogurt, cottage cheese or just eat a chicken breast or make some meatballs or something.


Yoghourts are the way to go when in need of a snack.
They taste sugar and have no restriction.
I used to take some cottage cheese with liquid flavors, works pretty well too.
The only difficult things for me were no fruits ( in full summer, what a torture ), and nothing "crunchy". That's the thing I missed the most. Still looking for a recipe to do something crunchy in this diet.


Low carb works!

I was 127kg halfway through 2010. Now I'm hovering at around 99-101 kg

Need to get back into some exercise. I've been lazy over the Christmas break and my weight has plateaued a little.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
metamonk said:
cool, thanks. i love eggs. i could eat them all day long :lol

edit: and i ask about the yolk because of the cholesterol concern. wasn't sure if 3 (or more) eggs would be too much.

Cholesterol is a vital resource to the body used to make hormones, nerves, tissue, and is used in healing.

To make a very long story short, what the media calls "bad cholesterol" - LDL is incorrect in multiple ways. For one, LDL is a lipoprotein - specifically Low Density Lipoprotein. It carries both cholesterol and triglycerides.

Anyway, the only correlation between LDL and heart disease is a specific type of LDL - small, dense. The liver makes lipoproteins, and it makes these abnormal small, dense patters of LDL when it's overloaded. Type 2 diabetics or people with insulin resistance tend to make these. And there's no definitive causation proved here, just correlation.

If you don't consume sugar and flour, chances are your LDL is the large, buoyant type that is perfectly healthy.


is there any truth to this at all or just a bunch of bs?

The cholesterol in the yolk of an egg is harmless unless the yolk is broken. When the yolk of an egg is broken the cholesterol gets oxidized and therefore enters your body as a harmful fat. You can eat eggs as long as they are boiled, poached and sunny side up or over easy, but, not scrambled. The yolk of an egg contains lecithin which helps to dissolve the fatty content of the egg. As long as you don't break the yolk you'll be fine.
Sorry, this is borderline irongaf, but since this is also weight related - I have a three cup Black & Decker rice cooker. What's the best method of preparing brown rice in a small portion?

I ask because I'm in fatty crisis mode. Basically I have a spinal injury from years back and recently it's been increasing in pain and I suspect it's the lethal combination of cold weather and extra pounds I've been packing on.

So I'm looking into healthier dietary habits.

Also need to get my house cleaned up so I can make use of my stationary trainer for exercise. IN the meantime I've been walking regularly during lunch breaks.
metamonk said:
is there any truth to this at all or just a bunch of bs?

Polyunsaturated fats and cholesterol are particularly vulnerable to oxidization, and it's oxidized cholesterol that seems most problematic in vivo, but I wouldn't worry about eating fresh eggs with broken yolks.

Just avoid overcooking or overscrambling your eggs, eat them immediately after cooking (don't let them sit out, and don't eat eggs that have been sitting under heat lamps) and stay away from eggs-in-a-carton or powdered eggs, which are almost certainly oxidized.

That said, I do prefer unbroken runny yolks and I eat my scrambled eggs a bit runny/wet, but that's just a taste thing.


Sarye said:
That sounds like a bunch of BS to me. What's the source?

i read it on yahoo answers. didn't know how reliable the answer was, thought i'd check with you guys.

thanks for all the input everyone. great stuff.


Can anyone give me some critique/advice on my diet/workout. I am 6'2, 210 pounds, ~25% body fat (very roughly calculated, could be more), and 23 years old. I am on a low carb diet.

Here is what I eat in a day, roughly:

2 eggs
2 pieces of bacon
1 low carb wrap
2 oz cheese
2 oz salami
8.5 oz chicken breast
1/2 cup of cottage cheese
1 carbmaster yogurt

Totals: ~1300 Calories, 40% Protein, 48 percent fat, 11% carbs (~20g of carbs)

I'm thinking that might be a bit too few calories, so I'm thinking of either adding a protein shake or 5 more oz of chicken. If I do have to increase my intake, any ideas on how to do it without adding carbs?

Workout: Monday - Friday 30 minutes on the elliptical or treadmill (depending on how my knees feel) at 160 - 170 HR

Mon - Weds - Fri: Modified SS
3x5 Squat
3x5 Overhead press or Dumbbell bench press
3x8 EZ curl
1x10 Calf Raise
3x5 bent over row or deadlift


...hate me...
It looks fine from here. Calories don't matter too much on a low carb diet.

However, 48% fat, really? I would never have guessed. Maybe you could cut down on that a bit?

I'm starting off my Dukan Diet today, 217lbs on the scale!

Now to the pancake :D

btw, are frozen burger patties from the supermarket acceptable?


...hate me...
Fox1304 said:
Go for it !

Go for it !

Go f... only if it's 5% fat or less ... or it !
I did!

The pancake was great. To be honest, I didn't like how the batter was looking like, but I went through with it and it ended up awesome. And surprisingly very fulfilling.

Here it is:


Now, for the burger patties, that's a shame really, as on the box it only mentions that it has less than 20% fat :(
I think that I'm going with them anyway, even if only a patty every other day, I got this nice grill so I hope they sweat some their extra fat out :p

Thanks for the advice :D


I'm gonna try the pancakes tomorrow... but I couldn't find any fromage frais so I picked up some greek low fat, low sugar/carb yogurt. Hoping that'll do the trick. If not, at least my digestive system will get a good workout :lol


Shaneus said:
I'm gonna try the pancakes tomorrow... but I couldn't find any fromage frais so I picked up some greek low fat, low sugar/carb yogurt. Hoping that'll do the trick. If not, at least my digestive system will get a good workout :lol

The only problem might be the cooking, they don't hold very well when on the pan.
But taste-wise, it shouldn't be a problem ;)


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
So, due to ankle microfractures, I ballooned in weight over the last 3 or 4 months. Blah.

But now, since I can walk/run, support my morbid obesity of 260 lbs, I can go back to working out.

I have a month of rehab left, so I've been gymming it 6 days a week plus rehab. And when I am able too, I'll go back to boxing/muaythai/jiujitsu along with my gym trips.

I've reduced my caloric consumption to around 1000 calories a day or less.

My ultimate goal is to wear a greenman suit during the week of my cousin's wedding.


ChiTownBuffalo said:
So, due to ankle microfractures, I ballooned in weight over the last 3 or 4 months. Blah.

But now, since I can walk/run, support my morbid obesity of 260 lbs, I can go back to working out.

I have a month of rehab left, so I've been gymming it 6 days a week plus rehab. And when I am able too, I'll go back to boxing/muaythai/jiujitsu along with my gym trips.

I've reduced my caloric consumption to around 1000 calories a day or less.

My ultimate goal is to wear a greenman suit during the week of my cousin's wedding.

You're rehabbing at 260lb on less than 1k calories a day? WTF are you doinggg!


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Sent said:
You're rehabbing at 260lb on less than 1k calories a day? WTF are you doinggg!

Not enjoying mealtime.

And I forgot to include the calories from my shakes. So make that 1600 calories a day.


Buckethead said:
What's healthy-GAFs thought on caffeine free sodas?

Soda is generally bad for you. Even diet sodas. Anything with that fructose shit is not worth putting into your body.

I'm on day 3 of the diet. No issues so far as I love meat so I'm really not getting cravings for anything.


Man, I bought some unsweetened almond milk today. It literally tastes like water with the consistency of milk. Idk if I like this...maybe I should add some splenda or something ;x
Akim said:
Can anyone give me some critique/advice on my diet/workout. I am 6'2, 210 pounds, ~25% body fat (very roughly calculated, could be more), and 23 years old. I am on a low carb diet.

Here is what I eat in a day, roughly:

2 eggs
2 pieces of bacon
1 low carb wrap
2 oz cheese
2 oz salami
8.5 oz chicken breast
1/2 cup of cottage cheese
1 carbmaster yogurt

Totals: ~1300 Calories, 40% Protein, 48 percent fat, 11% carbs (~20g of carbs)

I'm thinking that might be a bit too few calories, so I'm thinking of either adding a protein shake or 5 more oz of chicken. If I do have to increase my intake, any ideas on how to do it without adding carbs?

Workout: Monday - Friday 30 minutes on the elliptical or treadmill (depending on how my knees feel) at 160 - 170 HR

Mon - Weds - Fri: Modified SS
3x5 Squat
3x5 Overhead press or Dumbbell bench press
3x8 EZ curl
1x10 Calf Raise
3x5 bent over row or deadlift

You're definitely too low on your calories. I'm 180 and trying to lose 2 lbs a week on my cut. My deficit should be around 1600 calories, not including my strength training and cardio. Remember that you can eat more if you're doing some kind of workout. If you want to add more calories, add more meat.

This is my diet while I'm cutting-
3x 6-8 oz of boneless chicken leg - 440-560 cal
3x 3-5 oz of yams - 100-200 cal

Workout days - protein drink - 220 cal
intra workout mix - 100 cal

If I have a surplus of ~600 calories, I'll get a burger or footlong subway like I did today.

As for your workout, take out the curls and calf raises. Instead of curls, try to do pull-ups/ assisted pull ups and dips/assisted dips instead. Take out calf raises because squats(and cardio) are going to be all you really need once you up the weight. You'll be glad you did when recovering from your previous session becomes harder. Also, you may end up cutting either your cardio days or your squat/dl days. I tried doing both and it is very hard on your body. If you want to do cardio, I suggest doing them on your off squat/dl days and going easy the day after your leg work. Finally, for your dl you should really only do a 1x5 workset. If I remember correctly from SS, dl's are done after squats. Really hard on your body if you do 3x5 squats and 3x5 dl back-to-back. Take 1-2 sets for a warm-up than do your workset. All other exercises should have a 1-3 warm-up set. So for example, your bench may look like this-

1x8 - 45
1x5 - 95
3x5 - 135 <- workset


ChiTownBuffalo said:
Not enjoying mealtime.

And I forgot to include the calories from my shakes. So make that 1600 calories a day.

260 lbs and 1600 calories is a little extreme don't you think?

Eat more.
Little OT, but was wondering if anyone here is able to maintain their diet while smoking pot?

It personally destroys any willpower I have and turns me into a gluttonous monster.


Dukan attack phase is kicking my arse. Basically it's just low-carbing it without the fat and I've dropped about 3kg in the past few days (Saturday-Tuesday). Couldn't get a nice flavour out of the pancakes (had to use non-fat greek yogurt, sour as fuck) but for breakfast I'm getting an awesome deal out of the same yogurt, a drop or two of some artificial sweetener, the oat bran and about a teaspoon or two of (already made, set) port wine-flavoured light jelly. It's surprisingly really nice!


I just finished my attack phase - had broccoli today with my fish for dinner. Yum!

Also, I found that putting a splash of skim milk in with the pancakes helps with the flavor. I haven't had any issues with them falling apart either - the feta cheese I put in holds them together quite well :)
betweenthewheels said:
Little OT, but was wondering if anyone here is able to maintain their diet while smoking pot?

It personally destroys any willpower I have and turns me into a gluttonous monster.

If you can control yourself, it's worth pursuing; cannabis actually improves insulin sensitivity and inhibits the creation of new fat cells.


Price Dalton said:
If you can control yourself, it's worth pursuing; cannabis actually improves insulin sensitivity and inhibits the creation of new fat cells.
Does it do anything to prevent the conversion of fat into energy? If not, I'll start a-smokin' every so often :lol


BronzeWolf said:
WTF GAF! I haven't been able to go to the gym since Christmas. I promise to go but I just...don't

Go tomorrow, and punish yourself with 5x5 heavy squats across. The DOMS you'll get the next day will be a reminder that you shouldn't take 2-3 week breaks without a good reason!
grumble said:
Go tomorrow, and punish yourself with 5x5 heavy squats across. The DOMS you'll get the next day will be a reminder that you shouldn't take 2-3 week breaks without a good reason!

Do 5x3 heavy sets of power cleans count?

I honestly think the lack of showers at my gym is the cultrip. I never failed to attempt my last gym, but this one, I don't attend as much


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Akim said:
Ahh yeah, new pickup


I got some of these yesterday. Gonna go hard, tuna for breakfast, tuna and jerky for lunch, chicken of dinner and some snacks in between.


BronzeWolf said:
WTF GAF! I haven't been able to go to the gym since Christmas. I promise to go but I just...don't

Sorta the same with me, i blame the dog for shitting everywhere in my gym room........ i cleaned it up now so i got no excuses, tonights gym and running. Went running last night and realised 12 days of nothing fucks me over hard core.
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