Akim said:
Can anyone give me some critique/advice on my diet/workout. I am 6'2, 210 pounds, ~25% body fat (very roughly calculated, could be more), and 23 years old. I am on a low carb diet.
Here is what I eat in a day, roughly:
2 eggs
2 pieces of bacon
1 low carb wrap
2 oz cheese
2 oz salami
8.5 oz chicken breast
1/2 cup of cottage cheese
1 carbmaster yogurt
Totals: ~1300 Calories, 40% Protein, 48 percent fat, 11% carbs (~20g of carbs)
I'm thinking that might be a bit too few calories, so I'm thinking of either adding a protein shake or 5 more oz of chicken. If I do have to increase my intake, any ideas on how to do it without adding carbs?
Workout: Monday - Friday 30 minutes on the elliptical or treadmill (depending on how my knees feel) at 160 - 170 HR
Mon - Weds - Fri: Modified SS
3x5 Squat
3x5 Overhead press or Dumbbell bench press
3x8 EZ curl
1x10 Calf Raise
3x5 bent over row or deadlift
You're definitely too low on your calories. I'm 180 and trying to lose 2 lbs a week on my cut. My deficit should be around 1600 calories, not including my strength training and cardio. Remember that you can eat more if you're doing some kind of workout. If you want to add more calories, add more meat.
This is my diet while I'm cutting-
3x 6-8 oz of boneless chicken leg - 440-560 cal
3x 3-5 oz of yams - 100-200 cal
Workout days - protein drink - 220 cal
intra workout mix - 100 cal
If I have a surplus of ~600 calories, I'll get a burger or footlong subway like I did today.
As for your workout, take out the curls and calf raises. Instead of curls, try to do pull-ups/ assisted pull ups and dips/assisted dips instead. Take out calf raises because squats(and cardio) are going to be all you really need once you up the weight. You'll be glad you did when recovering from your previous session becomes harder. Also, you may end up cutting either your cardio days or your squat/dl days. I tried doing both and it is very hard on your body. If you want to do cardio, I suggest doing them on your off squat/dl days and going easy the day after your leg work. Finally, for your dl you should really only do a 1x5 workset. If I remember correctly from SS, dl's are done after squats. Really hard on your body if you do 3x5 squats and 3x5 dl back-to-back. Take 1-2 sets for a warm-up than do your workset. All other exercises should have a 1-3 warm-up set. So for example, your bench may look like this-
1x8 - 45
1x5 - 95
3x5 - 135 <- workset