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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


pubba said:
Kudos to you aechris for posting pics. Nobody seems to be reading the thread title..

You look great now. Well done on the weight loss!

Oh I read it, but there's not much point in me posting pics until I've actually lost the weight 0_o


pubba said:
Kudos to you aechris for posting pics. Nobody seems to be reading the thread title..

You look great now. Well done on the weight loss!

Maybe you should post some pics. This is more like the weight loss discussion thread now. Not everyone will have progress pictures every 2 days.


Shaneus said:
FYI, having been on Dukan attack for almost seven whole days, I've lost the vast majority of my Christmas holidays chub, going from 86.5 to 81.5. Not being able to do the 20-minute walk everyday due to the weather has impacted that a little... could've dropped maybe a little more. Still going to give it a shot for the other 3 days (as they suggest 10 as a maximum in a row) to see if I can hit 80, but I can definitely say that (at least the initial phase of) this diet is the shit.

Feeling far better about myself than at the start of the year when I felt like a complete lardo, too.

The other phases are a bit slower, but you'll still lose regularly !
Congrats for the attack phase, how are you feeling ? Not too tired by the sudden change of diet ?


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Just went to the doc, 8 kilos lost in the last two months, 74 kilos lost since May 09.

Now weight 109.4k total. now.

Under 100 before my birthday in March is my goal.


VOOK said:
Just went to the doc, 8 kilos lost in the last two months, 74 kilos lost since May 09.

Now weight 109.4k total. now.

Under 100 before my birthday in March is my goal.

Amazing. Go for it man !


Fox1304 said:
The other phases are a bit slower, but you'll still lose regularly !
Congrats for the attack phase, how are you feeling ? Not too tired by the sudden change of diet ?
Not too bad... I've been a little tired here and there but pretty much always been full thanks to the oats. In fact, I've been inadvertently (busy time at work, several servers were flooded at remote sites in Queensland :/ ) skipping lunches but not the slightest bit hungry or having cravings. Think I caved once when I had a Baskin Robbins Cookies n Cream lolly/candy (at 4g sugar) but that's it. Tomorrow will be my last day before I face the unavoidable at a family barbecue lunch. I'll stick with the meat and veggies though and consider it my introduction into the second phase :)

But to answer your question a little more clearly, was fucked for the first 3-4 days but now am doing pretty well. Think I'm well in ketosis now.


What I find interesting is that I transitioned extremely easily into this. I'm really surprised. I've had no cravings for any kind of sweets (cookies, candy, ice cream, etc.) since I started this. I find that having chocolate/caramel greek yogurts takes care of any sweet tooth I may have and is a lot better for me then a butterfinger (or a bag of reeses peanut butter cups... can't stop eating those things once I start).

I'm down about 7 pounds now. I absolutely love most forms of meat, so it's really a joy for me to primarily eat meat and vege's. Next time I go shopping I'm going to pick up some salad mix and such as well. I need some tomatoes and stuff. Definitely miss that side of things.


I think it'll be easier and easier with summer coming, and barbecues and salads.
It's pretty hard in winter with all the heavy dishes full of cheese and potatoes or else :D

Eteric Rice

Whats the Low Carb opinion on ham? I love ham, but its salty as fuck. And salt makes you bloat up. :(

Also, cheese. Can I has velveeta?
Eteric Rice said:
Whats the Low Carb opinion on ham? I love ham, but its salty as fuck. And salt makes you bloat up. :(

Also, cheese. Can I has velveeta?

Salt bloating isn't much of an issue. If you eat something salty and you bloat, it will come down after you drink some water and you pee it out.

I would be more worried about the quality of the ham itself, which is really poor, but if you are able to get your hand on some quality ham I don't see why not

1stStrike said:
I'm making some burgers up tonight (98% fat free grounded up meat) :D

Oh God, these diets have turn out really silly.

98% fat free meat? Do you realize meat is 50% protein and 50% fat? Eating pure protein is not going to help you lose weight
cryptic said:
... Still, I kept on, changing up my diet until I reached a very lean 127 lbs. at 5 ft. 6 and a 1/2. I was also still keeping up with my weights fine. Still curling the 25 lb. dumbbell, still doing the compound weightlifting all within an hour. I always had these lingering fears that maybe I wouldn't be able to do it this time and I sort of fought with that fear while doing anything.Anyway, so the holidays rolled around, I tried some richer foods that I used to love growing up. It spiraled from there and nowI'm gaining weight left and right. ...

WTF DUDE! 127 lbs at 5ft 6? You've got to be kidding me! That's WAY TO SKINNY! No wonder you are gaining weight! I reckon this is a thread about losing weight, but there should be a point when you are like "OK I am thin enough, I don't need to lose any more weight, maybe I should focus on something else"

Let me put it this way.

At 127 lbs and 5'6.5" you were malnourished. I don't know what your diet is but I know for a fact that it couldn't have possibly fueled your jogging + weight training. Hell I know that my 4000 calorie diet can barely keep with my jogging+weight training. That's why you have been gaining weight so easily, because your body NEEDS that energy.

At your weight, and doing a true free weight training (squatting, daedlifting, shoulder and bench pressing) you should be shooting to be at least a solid 160 lb.

Sometimes I wonder that the fixation on being AS THIN AS YOU CAN BE is just as bad as being super obese. You are feeling crappy for nothing.
aechris said:
I'm nervous as all hell of putting it back on. Any suggestions? I guess just keep doing what I've been doing, yeah?

As long as you keep that diet I don't think there will be a problem. I guess you have all the info about what actually happens in your body when you eat, right? That's what helps me keep eating healthy. Actually KNOWING how shit goes down there is extremely empowering.

Also, you've got to realize that you are going to gain some weight as you grow up, since the body's ability to effectively use carbs goes down with age, but as long as you keep eating healthy (A protein and fat rich diet, with a special watch on refined carbohydrate consumption), supplement right (omega 3, vitamin D and some multivitamin), do a little bit of exercise here and there, and keep your HDL:LDL ratios good (2:1, 3:1), nutrition related health issues should not concern you
cryptic said:
The problem I have is finding these low carb friendly foods. I would prefer to not have to buy food online but this sunday I have the opportunity to visit whole foods and I hope they have some low carb section.

Oddly enough I was doing fine when I first started dieting eating practically nothing but sweet potatoes, plaintains, peanut butter, and big bowls of shredded wheat with bananas and berries plus tons of nuts like flax and pistachios. I would hardly if ever eat meat back then.

I also keep on my hydration.

A little background...

I started running and free wight lifting over the past year with my fathe partially to improve his health but more-so mine. At first it was fine and the results were enough plus I felt very good about eating healthy while not worrying about carbs or the glycemic index.
After a while I started cpounting calories, limiting portions, and finding myself struggling to exercise;it became a chore. I no longer had fun jogging to the top of the mountain or running the six or seven miles around the block. Still, I kept on, changing up my diet until I reached a very lean 127 lbs. at 5 ft. 6 and a 1/2. I was also still keeping up with my weights fine. Still curling the 25 lb. dumbbell, still doing the compound weightlifting all within an hour. I always had these lingering fears that maybe I wouldn't be able to do it this time and I sort of fought with that fear while doing anything.Anyway, so the holidays rolled around, I tried some richer foods that I used to love growing up. It spiraled from there and nowI'm gaining weight left and right. I just ate a huge belgian waffle loaded with hot fudge and maple ice cream, walnuts, and some doughy clam friitters in addition to some trout, multiple bowls of cereal loaded with raisins and cranberries, spinach salad, and three whole wheat rolls loaded with maple butter. I just worked out for an hour with free weights doing no rest between exercises like usual and basically wracked my body. I usually would follow up with an hour of abs, followed by an hour of running but I'm just so discouraged knowing I'm not going to even make a dent in what I just ate. On top of that, I haven't been getting any sleep because I'll either a.)wake up thinking of food and binge after eating healthy or b.)sleep after a binge and then wake up hot and unable to sleep. Point is this seriously fucks with my work which is already something that pushes my limits as it is.

I'm hoping I have a deficiency in here somewhere that can be easily fixed and it's not some depression stemming from my dead end job and my family being all I have but still not enough to keep me happy plus piling household bills. Any help is appreciated because I have sought help and haven't found it, so I need a second opinion and some general support as life is hard to live sometimes.

As Bronzewolf said, you are very underweight. Depending on how you went about your diet(probably a serious caloric deficit), your body is fighting back to find its equilibrium. That's why you are having binging issues. Your ideal, normal weight should be 148 lbs. The lowest you can be is 133 lbs. You're 127 lbs, that is some major weight issues.

Also, why the fuck are you doing an hour of ab work? Do you understand how abs are formed? And with that much working out, your body needs even more calories to function correctly. Your seriously just starving yourself at this point. It seems that your so fixated on calories in/calories out that you've taken it too far. You really need to stop and reevaluate your whole regime.

BronzeWolf said:
Sometimes I wonder that the fixation on being AS THIN AS YOU CAN BE is just as bad as being super obese. You are feeling crappy for nothing.


Anyway, I'm nearing the end of week 2 on my cut. So far, I've lost about 5 lbs. Great thing is my lifts are still maintaining or improving. Gets me really psyched when I'm at the gym and my numbers are still holding. Had problems my last cut where I lost too much weight too fast and I ended becoming really weak. Gonna do this cut right this time, shooting for 160 lbs by March(currently at 177).


Rubenov said:
This is the way to live. I wish more people were open to this diet. Congrats.
Thanks!. Sorry was out a bit:)

But ya I just can't believe the turnaound in weight once I went to Keto, my numbers (blood tests), my general energy and health. It is funny when I was 18-20 I was doing it and not in anyway knowing and had lost a good amount of weight but broke from it randomly. I just happened to be eating a good deal of chicken and my super sweet tooth was gone.

But when I switched back to it. The change was frankly shocking. Everything from skin issues going away, weight coming off, energy that I frankly can't describe except to say that others around me (many are my martial arts students) comment on it at all times. It feels like I have some kind of battery that never runs out or even gets low. Ah. So happy. It has also helped me put on some weight in my lifting.

I currently got my lifting personal records:
Bench 410lbs
Leg Extension 300lbs (don't want to do more to damage my knees)
Single arm curl 100lbs
66 pullups

Ah its nice to be able to DO things like that and not feel like I am always fighting extra hanging weight for no reason.

I really do wish there wasn't so much negative press around this diet but for me the numbers both my doctor's tests and my own personal bests, speak to me as the truth.
Karak said:
Thanks!. Sorry was out a bit:)

But ya I just can't believe the turnaound in weight once I went to Keto, my numbers (blood tests), my general energy and health. It is funny when I was 18-20 I was doing it and not in anyway knowing and had lost a good amount of weight but broke from it randomly. I just happened to be eating a good deal of chicken and my super sweet tooth was gone.

But when I switched back to it. The change was frankly shocking. Everything from skin issues going away, weight coming off, energy that I frankly can't describe except to say that others around me (many are my martial arts students) comment on it at all times. It feels like I have some kind of battery that never runs out or even gets low. Ah. So happy. It has also helped me put on some weight in my lifting.

I currently got my lifting personal records:
Bench 410lbs
Leg Extension 300lbs (don't want to do more to damage my knees)
Single arm curl 100lbs
66 pullups

Ah its nice to be able to DO things like that and not feel like I am always fighting extra hanging weight for no reason.

I really do wish there wasn't so much negative press around this diet but for me the numbers both my doctor's tests and my own personal bests, speak to me as the truth.

Jesus, you must be a beast! Grats though, that's some amazing strength. I tried keto but it caused too much issues with my stomach. It was probably because I switch diets too drastically. Right now, I'm on a high protein diet where I fill out the rest of my calories with a few carbs like sweet potatoes or a slice of bread. I want to do a keto diet eventually, probably once I get through boot camp in June and get stationed at a base.

The amazing transformations people go through from keto is just nuts. I see pics of them all the time on the bodybuilding forum and its just amazing how fast the fat flies off.


Masta_Killah said:
Jesus, you must be a beast! Grats though, that's some amazing strength. I tried keto but it caused too much issues with my stomach. It was probably because I switch diets too drastically. Right now, I'm on a high protein diet where I fill out the rest of my calories with a few carbs like sweet potatoes or a slice of bread. I want to do a keto diet eventually, probably once I get through boot camp in June and get stationed at a base.

The amazing transformations people go through from keto is just nuts. I see pics of them all the time on the bodybuilding forum and its just amazing how fast the fat flies off.

Actually funny enough I am not. Much of it was martial arts and a good deal of the muscle is less bulk and more lean. Except people do say I have a barrel chest. Legs for me was all from martial arts. 3000-4000 kicks will work that shit something fierce:)

Ya switching to any kind of diet can indeed cause issues with your digestion. I just memorized what I ate already that fit in the diet that didn't bother me. Then I switched to mostly that and vitamins to offset the week or 2 that I was then discovering foods that wouldn't bother me.

Ya the fat coming off is almost magic. Like people have actually accused me of possibly taking crank:) Or something like that. It's just insane. Try it out if you can. My issue was my belly for sure and just feeling like shit, generally being heavy. Weight Watchers(works very well) I did for some time but wanted to be able to branch out and once I really understood keto the switch as easy.

I am also very very strict with my keto diet. I don't play any games with fiber versus carbs or anything like that. I find that the more games played to "possibly" get away with stuff the more issues it created.

Keep it up!


BronzeWolf Oh God said:
Do you realize meat is 50% protein and 50% fat? Eating pure protein is not going to help you lose weight[/B]

Hmm, I haven't had any issues and I've lost 7 pounds so far. My coat even fit me better today when I went out and my face is a little thinner. I bought some meat from the butcher and got 90% lean ground this time (the 98% was mostly for the first week, but it was frozen and I didn't eat it right away). I also got some 93% lean ground turkey, some turkey bacon, and some fresh haddock fillets. To compliment it I got some salad, tomatoes, mushrooms and some fat free bleu cheese dressing.

I think I'm doing pretty good so far.


Junior Member
Eteric Rice said:
Whats the Low Carb opinion on ham? I love ham, but its salty as fuck. And salt makes you bloat up. :(

Any humane amount of salt is just fine a long as you drink enough water in the day. Keto makes some people actually crave water.


aechris said:
I'm nervous as all hell of putting it back on. Any suggestions? I guess just keep doing what I've been doing, yeah?

I keep a heavier pic up of what I looked like. I do everything I can to remind myself of the misery, either real or perceived of what it was like. I remind myself that yes the world is sometimes fair to those who are fat, it is stupid to assume the idiotic view that being unhealthy is anything more than...being unhealthy. People lie to themselves all the time, they get in ruts. But a good driver in life looks for the ruts and remembers past experiences so he doesn't drive into them again.

Sometimes people will see success and headbutt their way through life on that one success ignoring that the situation has changed. That's where a rut comes in. If you have lost weight, great. Now do something else AND continue what you were doing to lose the weight.

Also Pride and Competition. I compete against life itself. I see someone who looks good and say damn I want to look like that, I see that I can lose a bit more and I demand using my own personal pride that I DO lose a bit more. Pride is not a bad thing.

People say that everyday is a battle and just waking up is a win. Blah blah blah fuck that. I want to win the war not the battle of getting my body out of bed. For myself.

I want to be healthy, I want to be "able". Able to run, to walk, to do a somersault in a movie theater aisle because it just randomly jumped into my head as a good idea.

People want to be ordinary. I want to be extraordinary.
Keep your chin up but only so you can see and destroy new challenges sir.
Good luck to you.


To anyone doing a no/low/slow carb thing...

Has it affected your general... bowel movement situation?

I used to go every day or every other day, and now I'm every 3-4 days. Not only does that make them enormous, they are... uncomfortable.

Wondering if anyone else has had this problem and has any solutions or ideas. I'm considering a glass of coarse psyllium husk to help out, but... man, I hate that shit.
Ravidrath said:
To anyone doing a no/low/slow carb thing...

Has it affected your general... bowel movement situation?

I used to go every day or every other day, and now I'm every 3-4 days. Not only does that make them enormous, they are... uncomfortable.

Wondering if anyone else has had this problem and has any solutions or ideas. I'm considering a glass of coarse psyllium husk to help out, but... man, I hate that shit.

I'm absolutely the same way, haven't found a solution yet.


Ravidrath said:
To anyone doing a no/low/slow carb thing...

Has it affected your general... bowel movement situation?

I used to go every day or every other day, and now I'm every 3-4 days. Not only does that make them enormous, they are... uncomfortable.

Wondering if anyone else has had this problem and has any solutions or ideas. I'm considering a glass of coarse psyllium husk to help out, but... man, I hate that shit.

Psyllium husk and I make sure to get liquids at all times. A good amount of it at all times. I am always drinking something and it totally worked.
I don't have as much of a change as I normally was about 1 time every 2 days. Now I am about the same but I did notice it got a little bit longer between times. So I went with husk and that stopped after about 5 days of using it and now I use it all the time.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Ravidrath said:
To anyone doing a no/low/slow carb thing...

Has it affected your general... bowel movement situation?

I used to go every day or every other day, and now I'm every 3-4 days. Not only does that make them enormous, they are... uncomfortable.

Wondering if anyone else has had this problem and has any solutions or ideas. I'm considering a glass of coarse psyllium husk to help out, but... man, I hate that shit.

lol yeah........ chew your nuts up real well if you are eating them or prepare to shit glass.

No so bad for me, mostly squirts. Im drinking about 1.5 litres of water at every meal so it kinda helps i think.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Ravidrath said:
To anyone doing a no/low/slow carb thing...

Has it affected your general... bowel movement situation?

I used to go every day or every other day, and now I'm every 3-4 days. Not only does that make them enormous, they are... uncomfortable.

Wondering if anyone else has had this problem and has any solutions or ideas. I'm considering a glass of coarse psyllium husk to help out, but... man, I hate that shit.

Decreased fiber intake.


Junior Member
Ravidrath said:
To anyone doing a no/low/slow carb thing...

Has it affected your general... bowel movement situation?

I used to go every day or every other day, and now I'm every 3-4 days. Not only does that make them enormous, they are... uncomfortable.

Wondering if anyone else has had this problem and has any solutions or ideas. I'm considering a glass of coarse psyllium husk to help out, but... man, I hate that shit.

Psyllium Husk.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Ravidrath said:
To anyone doing a no/low/slow carb thing...

Has it affected your general... bowel movement situation?

I used to go every day or every other day, and now I'm every 3-4 days. Not only does that make them enormous, they are... uncomfortable.

Wondering if anyone else has had this problem and has any solutions or ideas. I'm considering a glass of coarse psyllium husk to help out, but... man, I hate that shit.

I'm not very low carb, but I would recommend:

1. Get a massive spring mix salad supply at the grocery weekly. Make some dressing, or buy some good dressing (Really hard these days). Doesn't have to be fancy, just greens and dressing nearly every day.

2. Eat plenty of foods with good vegetables. Even some fruit (berries). Examples:

3. Supplement 400mg of Magnesium Citrate daily. Don't bother looking at the store, it's all oxide. Amazon has a few different brands of citrate. Why? Magnesium helps muscles relax/contract, soils on modern farms typically are deplete of magnesium. We get way too much calcium, and that can cause constipation. Realize that ~800 mg daily will have a laxative effect, so be careful.

4. Drink plenty of water. If you drink coffee, drink an additional amount of water for every cup of coffee. Caffeine is a diuretic, and water in the intestines is low priority.

5. Avoid those weird grain fibers that are sold as supplements. Different fibers feed different bacteria cultures. Humans didn't eat grains for 99.999% of human evolution, so it's extremely unlikely the types of bacteria cultures supported by grain fiber is going to support bacteria cultures that are symbiotic with humans.

It's not an exact science, but more guess work. More research is needed on fiber and probiotics...this sort of stuff is published all of the time, but we need controls as there are so many fibers and bacteria culutures:
teh_pwn said:
3. Supplement 400mg of Magnesium Citrate daily. Don't bother looking at the store, it's all oxide. Amazon has a few different brands of citrate. Why? Magnesium helps muscles relax/contract, soils on modern farms typically are deplete of magnesium. We get way too much calcium, and that can cause constipation. Realize that ~800 mg daily will have a laxative effect, so be careful.

Somebody recommended Natural Calm, is that the same thing?
I just had a coffee and I am hyper as shit!

I feel like running, jumping or what not! This is so obnoxious

Is there anyway to get this down?
So I'll have been working out MWF for two years come March. While I had some progress losing some chubbiness at first, I've pretty much been at a standstill for over a year now and it's really discouraging. I've been doing mostly strength training but I've thrown in some cardio with no results. I really just want to get rid of this gut but I can't seem to manage. Gaf, halp. My breakfast is usually a sandwich and some fruit, whatever we order for lunch at the office and my dinner immediately when I get home is a protein shake if I've worked out or something homemade on the days I haven't. I gave up pop almost three years ago with the exception of the occasional mixed drink and I drink shit tons of water. I'm getting really frustrated and questioning why I even bother.
grap3fruitman said:
So I'll have been working out MWF for two years come March. While I had some progress losing some chubbiness at first, I've pretty much been at a standstill for over a year now and it's really discouraging. I've been doing mostly strength training but I've thrown in some cardio with no results. I really just want to get rid of this gut but I can't seem to manage. Gaf, halp. My breakfast is usually a sandwich and some fruit, whatever we order for lunch at the office and my dinner immediately when I get home is a protein shake if I've worked out or something homemade on the days I haven't. I gave up pop almost three years ago with the exception of the occasional mixed drink and I drink shit tons of water. I'm getting really frustrated and questioning why I even bother.

What kind of work outs you do would be helpful to know.
Length, routine, do you mix it up, ect.
Also, have you tried getting a jogging routine? It's a great fat burner.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
grap3fruitman said:
Gaf, halp. My breakfast is usually a sandwich and some fruit, whatever we order for lunch at the office and my dinner immediately when I get home is either protein if I've worked out or something homemade. I gave up pop almost three years ago with the exception of the occasional mixed drink and I drink shit tons of water. I'm getting really frustrated and questioning why I even bother.

-Replace the sandwich with eggs
-if the fruit is liquid or large and juicy, replace it with berries or a small citris fruit. No bigger than a fist.

-Stop doing that
-Get something that is primarily meat and vegetables or take a protein bar to work

-Meat and vegetables
-No sugar
-If you need starches, get some potatoes, fruit, rice, but go light on these

How many hours of sleep per night do you get? Do you leave lights on just before you sleep or while you sleep?

When you attempt to portion control, do you have trouble reaching satiety? If so, recall any foods that caused excessive hunger/consumption and remove those from your diet entirely. Example: the guy that keeps thinking about the leftover pizza until it's gone. I used to be that guy.

How much food are you getting? Too much is bad for obvious reasons, but too little is bad too.
AceBandage said:
What kind of work outs you do would be helpful to know.
Length, routine, do you mix it up, ect.
Also, have you tried getting a jogging routine? It's a great fat burner.
-bicep curls
-kick backs
-benching free weights
-some crunches and dips on, uh, a dip bar
-chest press
-lat pulldown
-leg press
Repeat that once more and I'm usually at the hour ten to hour thirty mark here and if I'm still feeling good then I'll do half an hour on the elliptical with the resistance turned up a bit.

I tried not taking protein for a week but I didn't see any progress doing that.

I hate jogging, running, etc. I hate cardio sooo much and the elliptical for a little bit is the only thing I can stand to do and even then that's pushing it.
grap3fruitman said:
So I'll have been working out MWF for two years come March. While I had some progress losing some chubbiness at first, I've pretty much been at a standstill for over a year now and it's really discouraging. I've been doing mostly strength training but I've thrown in some cardio with no results. I really just want to get rid of this gut but I can't seem to manage. Gaf, halp. My breakfast is usually a sandwich and some fruit, whatever we order for lunch at the office and my dinner immediately when I get home is a protein shake if I've worked out or something homemade on the days I haven't. I gave up pop almost three years ago with the exception of the occasional mixed drink and I drink shit tons of water. I'm getting really frustrated and questioning why I even bother.

Are you varying your workouts? If you always do the same routine your body gets used to it. Change the sequence of exercises, slowly increase the weight you lift for a few weeks and then do something else. The key point is to keep your body from adapting to a routine. You have to "shock" it every time you workout.
grap3fruitman said:
-bicep curls
-kick backs
-benching free weights
-some crunches and dips on, uh, a dip bar
-chest press
-lat pulldown
-leg press
Repeat that once more and I'm usually at the hour ten to hour thirty mark here and if I'm still feeling good then I'll do half an hour on the elliptical with the resistance turned up a bit.

I tried not taking protein for a week but I didn't see any progress doing that.

I hate jogging, running, etc. I hate cardio sooo much and the elliptical for a little bit is the only thing I can stand to do and even then that's pushing it.

Is there a specific thing that prevents you from doing compound exercises such as squats, bench press, deadlifts, etc?
teh_pwn said:
Breakfast, I can't make eggs at the office and I'll usually do a banana and/or apple.
Lunch, I don't really have any options other than ordering out since I can't cook.
Dinner, that's generally what I'll have or some kind of soup.

Sleep: 6 but I've been trying to get that up to 7 with mild success and I'm generally falling asleep to the TV.

Portion control: I'm generally content when I've eaten but not full, I've learned that full means "too much."

I basically broke down how much I'm getting already. Today I had a sandwich, banana and apple for breakfast. For lunch I had a burrito from Chipotle and for dinner I had a protein shake. I didn't snack and the only other thing I took today was a multivitamin and a 5.6 calorie preworkout mix (1-MR).
Lasthope106 said:
Is there a specific thing that prevents you from doing compound exercises such as squats, bench press, deadlifts, etc?
I mentioned the bench but I don't know what those other things are.

Lasthope106 said:
Are you varying your workouts?
No, I've been trying to add some stuff though. Like today I tried some pull-ups and uh I don't even know what this one thing I'm doing is called. Ffff... Problem is I don't really know many other workouts I could do with the equipment at my small gym.
Akim said:
Don't be offended, but in my opinion, it doesn't sound like you are trying very hard......
I gave up a lot of foods and drinks I like, cut back on portions, have gone to the gym three days a week for almost two years for 1.5+ hours each time and I'm not trying?


grap3fruitman said:
I gave up a lot of foods and drinks I like, cut back on portions, have gone to the gym three days a week for almost two years for 1.5+ hours each time and I'm not trying?


Breakfast, I can't make eggs at the office and I'll usually do a banana and/or apple.

There's microwavable eggs, you can boil eggs, etc.

Lunch, I don't really have any options other than ordering out since I can't cook.

You can't cook? Make a wrap, or a salad, or a protein shake, chicken, anything
grap3fruitman said:
I gave up a lot of foods and drinks I like, cut back on portions, have gone to the gym three days a week for almost two years for 1.5+ hours each time and I'm not trying?

Diet is an important factor in any exercise program. However, you don't need to be spending 1.5 hours at the gym every time doing the kind of exercises you are doing. If you don't know what bench press, squats, and deadlifts are, go to youtube and learn about these three exercises. Every gym in the world has the equipment necessary to perform those 3 exercises.

When you start your workout routine, you need to go from one exercise to another, without resting for more than 2 minutes. This keeps your heart rate up, and makes efficient use of your time at the gym. Like I said before, the key to making progress, and perhaps that the problem you are having of not seeing progress is that you aren't pushing your body hard enough. As an example, let's say you bench press 135 one day, the next time you try 140, and so on.
grap3fruitman said:
-bicep curls
-kick backs
-benching free weights
-some crunches and dips on, uh, a dip bar
-chest press
-lat pulldown
-leg press
Repeat that once more and I'm usually at the hour ten to hour thirty mark here and if I'm still feeling good then I'll do half an hour on the elliptical with the resistance turned up a bit.

I tried not taking protein for a week but I didn't see any progress doing that.

I hate jogging, running, etc. I hate cardio sooo much and the elliptical for a little bit is the only thing I can stand to do and even then that's pushing it.

This is a terrible routine. Go to the fitness thread and read the OP. Also, get a calorie counter app and start counting your calories. You may think you're not eating a lot, but in reality, you're probably eating too much. If you want to keep your strength but lose weight, you will need to be eating mostly meat and very few carbs.

Also, what's your current weight and height? As well as age and sex. You might be at your limit for weight loss and may just need to alter your diet to loss the fat.

Lunch, I don't really have any options other than ordering out since I can't cook.
Subway is your friend. Or anyplace that can provide some calorie information. Again, you need to find your caloric deficit and consistently meet the numbers.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
grap3fruitman said:
Breakfast, I can't make eggs at the office and I'll usually do a banana and/or apple.
Lunch, I don't really have any options other than ordering out since I can't cook.
Dinner, that's generally what I'll have or some kind of soup.

Sleep: 6 but I've been trying to get that up to 7 with mild success and I'm generally falling asleep to the TV.

Portion control: I'm generally content when I've eaten but not full, I've learned that full means "too much."

I basically broke down how much I'm getting already. Today I had a sandwich, banana and apple for breakfast. For lunch I had a burrito from Chipotle and for dinner I had a protein shake. I didn't snack and the only other thing I took today was a multivitamin and a 5.6 calorie preworkout mix (1-MR).

Fruit is fine, but a diet heavy in fruit isn't going to help you lose fat.

If you can't take eggs, bring protein bars for lunch:

Not exactly ideal food, but at least it has some protein it it to get your body functioning. Very portable, very cost effective ($2.30 a meal).

Or get some quality protein powder:

You don't need to cook these. Stop ordering food with people.

6 hours of sleep is a deal breaker. Literally. They recently had a controlled study on this. 5-6 hours versus 8-9. Same diet (caloric restricted), same exercise. Both lost about the same amount of weight. But the sleep deprived group primarily lost muscle, whereas the sleep heavy group lost mostly fat.

You may not be eating enough or heavy depending on what you're ordering at lunch.
Lasthope106 said:
When you start your workout routine, you need to go from one exercise to another, without resting for more than 2 minutes.

This is false, because it doesn't necessarily apply to strength training. If you are training for creating muscle and strength, and not doing metacon, rest as much as you need. More details at the fitness thread
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